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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Telepatic whisper squiD
Come closer... So I can grab you with my tentacles!
~ The squid, talking to Will


The Telepathic Whisper Squid is one of the antagonists on Will Mcdaniel. They are aliens. Differently from most antagonists, this one wasn't able to kill Will.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 10-C, 10-A to 9-B at best

Name: Telepathic Whisper Squid

Origin: Will Mcdaniel

Gender: Varies (Is a species)

Age: Varies (Can have different ages)

Classification: Alien Sociopathic Squid

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1; They are aliens), Telepathy, Additional Limbs, Regeneration (Low-Mid; Should have the same regeneration as Earth cephalopods), Elasticity (Can greatly grow it's tentacles), Small Size (Type 1)

Attack Potency: At least Below Average Human Level (Is a small creature), Athlete Level to Wall Level at best (Overpowered Will at the end of the video. Fought him for months inside a grill, even though it probably lost)

Speed: Unknown (Never moved), with Subsonic Combat and Reaction speeds (Fought Will Mcdaniel)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Overpowered and effortlessly lifted Will)

Striking Strength: At least Below Average Human Level (Is a small creature), Athlete Level to Wall Level at best (Overpowered Will at the end of the video. Fought him for months inside a grill, even though it probably lost)

Durability: At least Below Average Human Level (Is a small creature), Athlete Level to Wall Level at best (Comparable to its AP. Fought Will Mcdaniel)

Stamina: Superhuman (Fought inside a grill for months)

Range: Below Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range via Elasticity

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Manipulation: Managed to get Will close enough to the grill to attack him. Could use this in combat.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
