Mario.exe is the main antagonist of the Friday Night Funkin' mod FNF: Mario's Madness.
He is a malevolent entity that resides within a haunted Super Mario Bros cartridge and traps those who are unfortunate enough to play the game inside of it. One day, his cartridge ends up in the hands of Boyfriend and Girlfriend, who he traps inside the game to force the midget to rap battle with him during the song "It's-A Me". After his song however, he would sent Boyfriend and Girlfriend to a more intense location where "Starman Slaughter" begins. After the song, they went into a warp star where they encounter the others. After that, Boyfriend and Girlfriend would encounter Mario.exe again where the song "All Stars" begins, he would eventually kill them but begins to regret what he has done.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 9-B physically, 7-B with powers | At least High 8-C physically, 7-B with powers
Key: Base | Ultra M
Name: M, Mario.exe, Mario (Self-Proclaimed)
Origin: Friday Night Funkin' (Mario's Madness)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Humanoid videogame-haunting entity
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Weapon Mastery (Wields a knife and uses it as his main means of self-defense)
- Weapon Creation (got a knife out of nowhere)
- Immersion, Body Control and Elasticity (Stretched his limbs to drag BF and GF into the game. Can cause his face to melt)
- Reality Warping and Data Manipulation (Can control the game he is in)
- Power Nullification (Girlfriend's powers weren't able to worked inside of M's game, in which he claimed is because it's "His World", and that all the other antagonists belonged to him because of this)
- Poison Manipulation (With his Poison Mushrooms)
- Creation (Created a microphone and a bunch of Poison Mushrooms)
- Telekinesis
- BFR (Can transport Boyfriend and Girlfriend to a more intense location)
- Summoning (can summon minions)
- Fire Manipulation (He can created fire in the background of "Starman Slaughter")
- Immortality (Type 2; Can survived getting burned alive by fire)
- Regeneration (Low-Mid; can grow back his missing arm)
- Fusionism (Can fused himself with the other antagonists)
All previous abilities, now including:
- Multiple Selves
- (Type 1; (Uses "we" to describe himself which shows that he shares the minds of the other antagonists he fused with)
- (Type 2; (Claimed that they were "one soul stronger" than Boyfriend)
- (Type 3; Ultra M is the fusion of Mario.Exe and the other antagonists fused together)
- Greater Immortality
- Type 1 (Comparable to Chris Pratt (Mario's Madness) who does not age due to being a digital being)
- Greater Type 2 (Scales to The forest King who is alive despite lacking arms and legs)
- Type 7 (comprable to MR. L who is the spirit of Luigi)
- Portal Creation (Can use the green pipes a portals to travel through for himself and his minions)
- Stealth Mastery (Is able to silently kidnap Girlfriend without Boyfriend noticing)
- Greater Summoning (Can summon Omega, LG, W4R, and YOSH)
- Additional Limbs and Large Size (Type 1; He gains 2 extra arms, has tentacles on his back and his size is increased to a similar level of a skyscraper)
- Size Manipulation (Can make himself much larger)
- Body Puppetry (He can control Girlfriend's corpse)
- Telekinesis (Causes various objects to float in the background)
Attack Potency: At least Wall Level physically[Statistic Value 1] (Can easily kill Boyfriend, who survived falling from the sky into GB's world, with his knife. Overpowered Girlfriend with one hand and claimed that he was far more powerful than her and her father. The other antagonists of the mod are nothing but mere-slaves to M, including MX and Mr. L). City Level with powers (Seems to possess complete control over the game world, which, as a replica of the world of SMB1, should be big enough to contain entire kingdoms) | At least Large Building level physically[Statistic Value 2] (Ultra M is a complete fusion of all of the characters from the mod itself, He reaches the same size of a skyscraper, City Level with powers
Speed: Transonic (Can attack Boyfriend before he can react, Boyfriend was later shown to be fast enough to dodge MX's shockwaves) | Transonic
Lifting Strength: Class K (Effortlessly dragged Boyfriend and Girlfriend into the game with his bare hands) | Higher (Is stronger than before)
Striking Strength: At least Wall Level | At least Large Building level
Durability: At least Wall Level (Superior to Boyfriend and Girlfriend, who both survived falling into GB's world without any harm. Claimed that Girlfriend couldn't defeat him with her powers. Should be superior to IHY Luigi, who fell into lava and lost his skin, yet still managed to survive) | At least Large Building (Ultra M should be comparable to a skyscraper due to his sheer size being comparable to one)
Stamina: Athletic (Should scale to Boyfriend, who could easily sprint at full speed while singing with the Wario Apparition for at least 2 minutes)
Range: Standard Melee Range. Extended Melee Range with Elasticity. Interdimensional with powers
Standard Equipment: His knife
Intelligence: Average, likely higher as Ultra M since he has a mind made out of multiple entities.
Weaknesses: His reality warping is only limited to the game
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Poison Mushroom notes: Mario.exe can summon barrages of Poison Mushrooms that upon being touched will poison his opponent and cause their life to be rapidly drained, with the effects increasing in speed upon consuming more mushrooms.
Note: Mario.exe and GB were formerly the same character, however, after GB's lore was updated, this is not the case anymore and the two of them are separate characters.
Notable Matchups[]