FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
I'll show Stickman Hero (Old Canon) just how weak they really are.
~ Terminator Stickman
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Articles about
Stickman Hero
Current Canon Early EraLate Era
Old Canon Main
Non-Canon Dark Timeline
Stickman Hero

Stop in the name of justice!
~ Stickman Hero to Eric

Hey! It's 2:30 PM! Some people are trying to sleep!
~ Stickman Hero being woken up by Super Worm

Let's go! We're on the same team!
~ Stickman Hero to Bug Stickman during the LTC Challenges

~ Stickman Hero to Dream, shortly before the latter is impaled by Bob

Alright, you're a danger to this land, so I have to get rid of you.
~ Stickman Hero to Bob

Really? THIS was your best idea?
~ Stickman Hero to Bug Stickman

You think I'd be scared of you? I'm stronger, faster, and smarter! Had enough yet?
~ Stickman Hero during his fight against Bob


Stickman Hero is a major recurring character in OLH's previous outdated Stick Gang canon.

Power and Stats[]

Tier: 9-A | At least 9-A | At least 9-A

Key: Base | Boosted | Nightmare

Name: Stickman Hero, S.H.

Origin: Stick Gang (Old Canon)

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Classification: Stickman, Gen 1 character

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

  • Soul Manipulation (Eric's attempt to steal Stickman Hero's soul with the LifeSteal forced him into his Nightmare form)
  • Extreme Heat (Was unfazed by his house being engulfed in flames.)

  • Statistics Amplification (With Sanic Vitamins. Allowed himself as well as Bug Stickman and Stick Teddy to complete the Seek chase in 3 seconds.)
  • Summoning (Of his Pokemon team)
    • Energy Projection (His Eevee could fire multiple star-shaped projectiles with Swift.)

  • All base abilities, plus:

    • Aura (Explosive)
    • Homing Attack and Summoning (Created 3 Netherite swords that float and homed in on Stickfriend.)
    • Limited Reality Warping (Warped the UI to the point where it was completely unrecognizable. This shouldn't apply to combat, however.)

    All base abilities to a far greater extent

    Attack Potency: Small Building Level (Defeated Super Worm, who was capable of smashing through his floor and tearing up an entire city within less than 30 minutes. Comparable to Mario.EXE who could vaporize Plumber with his fire.) | At least Small Building Level (Portrayed as far stronger than his base form.) | At least Small Building Level (One-shotted Eric and destroyed the LifeSteal in a single hit. Destroyed Bob's popup shield with a single punch. Launched Green Imposter with an energy ball. Should be far stronger than in base.)

    Speed: Relativistic (Dodged a knife thrown by Eric. Comparable to Sunky, who could build a large house and evolve his Diglett in a few seconds. Comparable to his Eevee who dodged a Thunder Shock from Tedichu. Comparable to Plumber, who could dodge a laser from himself. Comparable to Bug Stickman, who dodged multiple point-blank gunshots.), higher with Sanic Vitamins | Relativistic | At least Relativistic (Killed all three of Eric's minibosses while he was blinking.), higher with Sanic Vitamins

    Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Threw Bob into a basketball hoop.) | Superhuman | Superhuman (Ripped a large stalagmite out of the ground and effortlessly swung it around.)

    Striking Strength: Small Building Level| At least Small Building Level | At least Small Building Level

    Durability: Small Building Level (Survived a helicopter crashing into him. Should be superior to Ted who no-sold crashing through a glass window. No-sold Spamton NEO blowing up the roof of his house and incinerating the area. No-sold a spin-dash from Sonic.EXE that sent him flying. Survived a beating from Bob.) | At least Small Building Level | At least Small Building Level

    Stamina: Peak Human (Can fight for an extended period of time against Bob. Described as a Level 74 compared to Bug Stickman's level 59, who sang for 3 minutes straight while dodging point-blank gunshots.) | Peak Human (Comparable to before) | Peak Human (Comparable to base)

    Range: Tens of Meters (His fire blasts during his fight against Bob reach this distance.) | Tens of Meters | Tens of Meters

    Standard Equipment: None notable

    • Optional Equipment: Eevee, Fletchling, Automatic Canon, Cannoballs, Sanic Vitamins, Netherite swords

    Intelligence: Varies, usually Above Average (Can quickly solve puzzles in the Hotel and is overall a decently skilled fighter. Although, he has his moments of stupidity, as he was convinced by Matt to vote off Bob after the former told him the latter was suspicious with absolutely no supporting evidence.)

    Weaknesses: None notable

    Notable Matchups[]



    Inconclusive Matches:


    Discussion threads involving Stickman Hero (Old Canon)