“ | None of this is my fault, right? Yes. I was just trolling. Yes. Trolling. All of that is just... just Trollge. | „ |
~ Stairway |
Stairway is a Trollge, an the first known to have manifested. Inflicted by a condition unknown to all at that time, the one known as Troll isolated himself from society for an extended period of time. He begun thinking dark thoughts, thinking of ways to prove himself worthy to the world, in order to not be forgotten. What would spark him into action, and push him over the edge, was the visit of his old friend Derp. Derp was corrupted into an unknown, terrible monster before he could reach Troll, forcing him to defend himself against the threat and kill Derp.
Upon realizing what he had done, Troll tried to rationalize his actions as just "Trolling". This, however, would only push his transformation further, eventually transforming him into the being known as "Stairway". With his former personality completely gone, he would finally put his plan into action: make all of New York City fly. The "Stairway to Heaven" incident was the first case of Trollges being known to the public, and cost the city hundreds of thousands of lives. Since then, Stairway went into hiding, leaving much of the information about him unknown, even to the newly born Troll Containment Foundation.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 10-A, likely 9-A or higher
Name: Stairway to Heaven, Stairway, Just a Little Trolling, Troll
Origin: The Trollge Files (The Blueballs Incident)
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown (Is the first known Trollge, making him older than the entire Troll Containment Foundation)
Classification: Trollge
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Immortality (Type 1 and 7. Trollges are undead beings mostly composed of their own skeleton only), Multiple Selves (Type 1 and 3. Trollges are infected by TP Cells, which gives them voices in their head telling them to do certain actions and sometimes controlling them directly), Corruption (Type 1 and 2. Simply talking with a Trollge might quickly infect their victims with TP Cells, turning them into either Trollges or other kind of monstrosities. Those beings will either be left vulnerable to the Trollge's other abilities or be completely turned into beings with a mind ressembling their previous selves very little and generally following the will of the Trollge. Stairway's is potent enough to corrupt those around him without him even noticing), Creation (Can manifest an axe out of thin air. TP Cells once brought back someone from the dead by recreating them from scratch, but it's unknown if individual Trollges can do so), Resurrection, Necromancy (The TP Cells of Trollge can bring back dead beings as TP Cells-infected monsters), Body Control (Trollges can control their facial expression beyond what should be natural of them, as well as manifest their eyes at will), Transformation (Certain Trollge can transform between their regular self and Trollge self at will), Resistance to Sleep Manipulation (Trollges lack the ability to sleep)
Physics Manipulation (Stairway can apply Troll Physics to the real world. Humorously faulty logic is applied literally, allowing impossible things to happen), Reality Warping, Toon Force, Water Manipulation (Tampered with the water supply of all of New York, replacing it with a special kind of oil), Oil Manipulation (Can create and cover people with oil at a distance, causing them to float in all kinds of water, including rain), Flight (Can fly in the rain by covering himself in oil), Magnetism Manipulation (Can control how magnetism works in order to use magnets in various ways, such as using them for automated, energy-free movement), Darkness Manipulation (Plunged the area in darkness at the end of his fight with Boyfriend), Afterimage Creation (Created afterimages when flying against Boyfriend), Teleportation (Teleported Boyfriend across the sky of New York), possibly Death Manipulation (Can instantly kill enemies who are unable to defend themselves against its various powers)
Attack Potency: At least Athlete level (Appears significantly larger than most humans and should likely be above the average human through his mutation), likely Small Building level (As one of the most dangerous and feared Trollge, he should likely be superior to average Trollge like James Jacob, Corruptus or the Maestro. Ripped off the top of a skyscraper in his fight against Boyfriend) or higher (Stairway's power is based on the application of troll physics in the real world. An example of troll physics is shown in his room, showing a guide how to hold up the entire planet, but it is unclear if Stairway is capable of pulling this specific feat)
Speed: At least Athlethic Human (Is larger than most humans without being visibly slowed down) with Supersonic reaction and combat speed (Should be comparable to Boyfriend and can keep up with him in a rap battle to the death)
Lifting Strength: At least Above Avergae Human, likely higher
Striking Strength: At least Athlete Class, likely Small Building Class or higher
Durability: At least Athlete level, likely Small Building level or higher
Stamina: Unknown (Trollges are skeleton-like beings with seemingly no need for sustenance and without the ability to sleep, although itt is unknownn if they are able to get tired)
Range: Standard melee range, extended melee range with axe, kilometers through troll physics (Reached all of New York City)
Standard Equipment: None
- Can Create/Summon: Axe
Intelligence: Unknown (While he is still able to talk normally and formulate plans, he appears the most unhinged of all known Trollge)
Standard Tactics: He will cover the opponents in oil.
Weaknesses: Trollges are weak to Anti-Troll Proteins, which can nullify their powers and eventually kill them. Stairway's oil-based abilities do not work unless it is raining
-Put special oil in the water supply of New York, causing hundreds of thousands of people to fly into the sky to their doom
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- TP Cells: Trollges are composed out of TP Cells, a special kind of cells that can resurrect dead beings and grant them strange, dangerous powers. Those cells given the infected individuals "voices" in their heads, coercing them to troll others and act out the famous incidents Trollges are known for. This infection can be spread to other beings through contact with Trollges. The exact methods of transmission is unknown, but unprotected individuals have been shown quickly getting corrupted at the mere presence of one. If the infected person is a Troll, they will eventually become another Trollge. Otherwise, the cells will mutate them into other, more unstable forms with similar, yet distinct properties. The Cells can also resurrect dead beings, if they encounter a dead body. However, even the will of a large enough group of people can force TP Cells to create a new manifestation of a deceased individual as a Trollge. Stairway's application of the infection is particularly strong, passively corrupting those that get too close to him.
- Troll Physics: Troll physics are a version of the laws of physics that follow a broken "logic". They are composed out of blatant misinterpretation of logic and natural laws in an humorous ways. Stairway can weaponize this logic, forcing it to apply to reality in order to create various effects. His main use of it is through an oil-like substance he can produce and apply to others. This special oil causes anything covered in it to fly uncontrollably when touching water of any kind, including water. This is usually fatal once the target falls back down. He can use it on himself, allowing him to fly freely under rain. He has also shown the ability to use magnets in unnatural ways, greatly increasing their potency.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: