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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
The RIngleader
But the best act by far is our star attraction! Our Little Dancing Lumpy Boy!


The Ringleader is the ringleader of the Space Circus.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 9-B, 9-A via spaceship

Name: Space Circus Ringleader

Origin: Will Mcdaniel

Gender: Genderless

Age: Unknown

Classification: Amphibian-like circus leader

Powers and Abilities: Size Manipulation and Spatial manipulation (As shown via his circus tent during the beginning of the show), Power Bestowal and Biological Manipulation (Stated to be the creator of the other circus attractions), Reality Warping, Thread Manipulation (Has tendrils) and some form of Hammerspace or Pocket Reality Manipulation (Can drag people into his chest cavity via paper like tendrils, which is how he turns other entities into monsters), Body Control, Spaceflight and Flight via spaceship, Transmutation

Attack Potency: At least Wall Level (Considerably superior to Dancing Lumpy Boy, who hurt Will Mcdaniel), Small Building level with his spaceship. Can ignore conventional Durability via Biological Manipulation, Reality Warping, Transmutation and Spatial Manipulation

Speed: Subsonic (Comparable to Will Mcdaniel)

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Comparable to Will Mcdaniel, as he overpowered him)

Striking Strength: At least Wall Level (Considerably superior to Dancing Lumpy Boy, who hurt Will Mcdaniel). Can ignore conventional Durability via Biological Manipulation, Reality Warping, Transmutation and Spatial Manipulation

Durability: Wall Level (Comparable to their Attack Potency and Striking Strength)

Stamina: Athletic Human

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range via Tendrils

Standard Equipment: Spaceship

Intelligence: Gifted, likely Genius (Runs an entire circus, and every attraction was created by him. Able to manipulate people into killing attractions to get more attractions)

Standard Tactics:

  • Tendrils: After opening their shirt, he can eject tendrils, that will drag the victim into himself, which will later make him a new creature attraction

Weaknesses: None notable


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
