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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles About Sora
Main Series Hikari's Light Festival
Non-canon Abandoned Creations
Sora (bird)


Sora is one of the main characters within Hikari's Light Festival. Often butting heads with Kaldu due to their competitive nature, Sora is by far the most pompous of the Forest Children, often flaunting his flight expertise to his friends. Despite his slight overconfidence, Sora is both a humble winner, seen as he will always point out the skills of his adversaries and a humble loser, seen as he will always congratulate his adversaries on defeating him. Within sport events, Sora is the captain of the Skylords

Personal Statistics[]

Alignment: Neutral Good (Sora is but a regular child who enjoys spending his days playing with friends and despite his slight overconfidence, is both a humble winner and a humble loser)

Name: Sora

Origin: Hikari's Light Festival

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, but is rather young (Comprable in age to Hikari who is considered a wolf pup)

Classification: Bird, Captain of The Skylords

Weight: 6 kilograms

Height: 0.40 Meters

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Green and pale green

Status: Alive

Powers and Stats[]

Keys: By Himself | Amplified by the Game Planner

Tier: 10-A, 9-C with sport equipment, Unknown with the Game Planner | Varies from 10-C to High 8-C to 8-A, Unknown with the Game Planner

Powers and Abilities:

Social Influencing (Charisma: Dave was capable of convincing his boss to keep paying him even on days where he is sent to the forest's children's universe by simply showing a picture of them giving puppy eyes.), Flight, Acrobatics (Is fairly acrobatic, being capable of flips and complex skateboard tricks), Small Size (Small Animal Sized: is 40 centimeters tall), Enhanced Senses (As a bird his sense are naturally much sharper than that of a human) Weapon Mastery (Can skillfully use a range of weapons such as slingshots, bombs and wodden swords), Vehicular Mastery (Can operate go karts, planes and boats), Martial Arts (Can sumo wrestle and perform karate chops to destroy planks of wood), Limited Reality Warping (Comparable to Hikari who, by wishing upon a star, got his wish to be able to keep his friends entertained granted by receiving the Game Planner)

Same as before plus, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Toon Force and Elasticity (Can recover almost instantly from being flattened), Regeneration (Mid-Low: Can rapidly heal off being burned to a crisp), Immersion (Can enter dreams and video games), Self-Sustenance (Respiratory Self-Sustenance: Can breathe in space), Free Movement (Cloud Walking: Is able to walk on clouds) Statistics Amplification (With the Turbo Meter, Sora can momentarily increase his own speed), Air Manipulation (With his Special Kick, Hurrcaine Kick, which causes a large burst of wind that pushes adversaries back. With his Special Swing, Typhoon Swing, which covers the ball in a tornado that knocks back adversaries. With his Special Shot, Jetstream, which creates a powerful gust of wind that makes it harder for adversaries to move.), Energy Manipulation (With his Special Pitch, Falcon Dive, which lets Sora create a falcon-shaped energy around the ball), Resistance to Cosmic Radiation, Gravity Manipulation and Biological Manipulation (Hikari can survive in space without ill effects), Ice Manipulation (Can break out of being frozen solid), Explosion Manipulation (Is merely stunned by explosions), Electricity Manipulation (Has a minor reaction to being electrocuted), Petrification (Can break out of being petrified)

Same as before minus Superhuman Physical Characteristics plus, Small Size (Bug-Sized: Is so small that he can be trapped underneath coins)

Same as Regular plus, Enhanced Water Mobility, Non-Standard Breathing (Physiological: Can breath underwater), Sealing and Water Manipulation (Can fire bubbles which can trap treasure and others within them)

Same as Regular plus, Immortality and Intangibility (Undead: Is a ghost), Invisibility (Can turn invisible in order to escape the ghost hunter), Flight (Naturally floats above the ground)

Same as regular minus Small Size plus, Large Size (Building-sized: Easily dwarfs various building in size), Sound Manipulation and Air Manipulation (Can let out a large roar which can shatter glass and push back super children)

Same as Regular plus, Aura (Covers himself in a blueish aura as he flies)

Reality Warping (Is capable of altering reality in various ways in order to reshape it in the user's desired way), Creation (Is capable of creating a wide array of objects and areas, ranging from vehicles such as go-karts or biplanes to entire cities), Statistics Amplification and Power Bestowal (Is capable of amplifying others to levels far beyond their regular showing alongside being capable of granting supernatural abilities), Transmutation (Is capable of turning people into various things such as toys, aquatic creatures, humans and much more. The Game Planner was used in order to change Dave into a cat in order for him to join the Forest Children in their activities), Cloth Manipulation (Is capable of creating various outfits for the Forest Children to wear during their various games. Whenever Dave is brought into Little Grove, his usual business suit is changed into much comfier and colorful clothing), Size Manipulation (Is capable of altering the size of people to make small to the point of being crushed underneath coins or tall enough to dwarf various buildings), Dimensional Travel and BFR (Is capable of transporting Dave to Little Grove, which is in a completely separated universe where humans do not exist. Has the capability to send people to various other places such as space), Law Manipulation and Power Nullification (The user of the Game Planner is capable of creating the rules of each game and can remove one's abilities should it grant them an unfair advantage, even natural ones such as Sora and Buzzy's flight. Kage was capable of creating games in which he was given unfair advantages as he was the one enfocing the rules of the games), Time Manipulation (Is capable of changing the seson or time of day to best fit the theming of a game), Summoning (Has the ability to create various teammates for cooperative sports such as basketball or baseball), Life Manipulation (Can grant life to inanimated objects such as plushies as seen with Stuffies), Subjective Reality (Has the ability to make fictional characters enter the real world as seen with Pixies and Pengos)

Statistics Amplification (With the Jogger, the Runner and the Speedster, which increases the wearer's speed. The Crafty, the Slippery and the Trickiest which increases the wearer's technique. The Basher, the Bunny Bash and the Missle which increases the wearer's power. The Turbo Fueler which increases the Turbo Meter's recharge rate. The Specialist Shooter and the High Staker which increases the rate at which the Special Meter charges), Statistics Reduction (With the Challenger which reduces all of the wearer's statistics), Power Absorption (With the Speed Mugger which steals some Turbo Meter when tackling and the Power Hijacker which steals some Special Meter when tackling), Limited Instinctive Action (With the Berserker, which lets the wearer automatically tackle nearby players), Limited Resistance to Status Effect Inducement (With the problem Fixer which reduces the duration of effects affecting the wearer), Power Absorption (With Prideful Stance, which negates the effects of Speed Mugger and Power Hijacker should its wearer withstand a tackle.)

Statistics Amplification (With the Iron Mace, which increases the user's batting power. The Sharp Shooter increases the speed at which the wearer throws the ball. The Dashing Spikes which increases the wearer's running speed, The High Jumper, which increases the wearer's jumping ability), Statistics Reduction (With the Iron Mace which halves the user's batting speed. The Supra Glove decreases the user's speed.), Limited Probability Manipulation (With the Lucky Striker, which increases the chance of the user performing a homerun), Limited Instinctive Action (With the Saved Fail, which lets the user automatically hit the ball with the price of always hitting the sour spot), Limited Underground Mobility (With the Undergrounder, which allows the wearer to shoot the ball underground before popping back out before it reaches the batter), Limited Time Stop (With the Brief Stop, which allows the wearer to throw a ball that momentarily stop in its track right befoe the reaching the batter.), Power Bestowal (With the Underdog, which grants the user a full Special Meter if there is currently two outs)

Statistics Amplification (With the Fast Patch, the Faster Patch and the Fastest Patch, which increases the wearer's speed. The Crafty Patch, the Trciky Patch and the Mastermind Patch which increases the wearer's technique. The Pass Master Patch which increases the speed at which the wearer passes the ball. The Bullseye Patch which increases the wearer's accuracy.), Illusion Manipulation (With the False Patch, which lets the wearer briefly turn into one of their adversary when activated.), Power Absorption (With the Spotlight stealer patch, which lets the wearer steal some Special Meter when stealing the ball.)

Statistics Amplification (Has numerous ways to gain a boost of speed such as Drifting, Arial Tricks and Speedster Start), Non-Standard Breathing (Assisted: Has an underwater form meant for underwater racing)

Statistics Amplification (With the Speed Candy, which grantly increases the kart's speed for a short duration), Homing Attack (With the Tracking Punching Glove, which homes in on the closest adversary.), Teleportation (with the Wishing Star, which teleports the user next to the racer in first place), Organic Manipulation (With Oil Slick, which drops a slick of oil on the ground.), Technology Manipulation (With Out of Order, which temporarily shuts down the racer in first place's kart.)

Flight and Energy Projection (Has access to a biplane which can fire energy based projectile), limited Water Manipulation (Has access to a pressurized water gun), Sealing and Soul Manipulation (Has access to a ghost catching machine which can seal ghost within itself), Extrasensory Perception (Has access to special googles made specifically to see ghosts), Ice Manipulation (Has access to snowballs which can fully freeze people), Explosion Manipulation (Has access to bombs)

Attack Potency: Athlete level (Sora is an active bird who regularly participate in sport events with his friends ranging from Soccer to Football. Dave often comment on their uncommon strength for young and frail looking animals), Street level with sport equipment (Sora has access to items such baseball bats, hockey sticks and her wooden sword with which he can shatter other wodden sword if one were to misparry his attack and harm those who can harm him), Unknown with the Game Planner (The Game Planner's powers allows its user to reshape reality as it desires) | Varies from Below Average Human level (Mini Sora is so small that he can be trap underneath coins) to Large Building level (Can create a tornado with his special swing and is comparbale to Oris who can create Magnitude 3 earthquakes with his) to Multi-City Block level (Monster Sora can throw skyscrapers with Super Sora being comparable to him), Unknown with the Game Planner

Durability: Athlete level | Varies from Below Average Human level to Large Building level to Multi-City Block level

Striking Strength: Athlete level | Varies from Below Average Human level to Large Building level to Multi-City Block level

Lifting Strength: Athletic Human (Despite his small size, Sora is capable of easily carrying Dave on his back and multiple rocks larger than himslef) | Varies from Below Average Human (Unable to lift coins he is trapped under) to Class 5 (Sora can fish Great white sharks) to Class G (Monster Sora can throw skyscrapers with Super Sora being comparable to him)

Travel Speed: Athletic Human (Is highly athletic and regularly pertake in sports even without boost from the Game Planner), Subsonic with vehicles (Sora can fly a biplane which can reach speed of 290-300km/h and his other vehicles should be on part with it) | Varies from Below Average Human (Due to his size, Kage should be much slower than a human) to Peak Human, Higher with Turbo Meter, Subsonic with vehicles, High Hypersonic flight speed as Super Sora (Super Sora can fly fast enough to escape Earth's atmosphere)

Combat Speed: Athletic Human | Varies from Athletic Human to High Hypersonic

Reaction Speed: Athletic Human | Varies from Athletic Human to High Hypersonic

Stamina: Athletic (Sora is talented in multiple sport and can play a large amount of game within a day)

Range: Below Standard Melee, Extended Melee with various sport equipment and wodden sword, Several Meters with bombs and water gun, Tens of meters with a slingshot and Biplane, Higher as Monster Sora, High Universal (The user is capable of reshaping reality has it desires), Low Multiversal with Dimensional Travel (The Game Planner can transport Dave to Little Grove, which is in a completely separated universe)

Intelligence: Below Average for knowledge on humans (Sora posses little knowledge of humans due to them not existing within his universe, as such, he believes them to be mythical and mysterious creatures), Above Average in combat (Despite his young age, Sora has a surprising amount of experience in combat due to the variety of games offered by the game planner. He is talented with a wooden sword being capable of performing arial acrobatics in order to perform a stronger attack. Is knowledgeable in sumo wrestling which focuses on graples and pushes. While in super form, by working together with other children he can handily take down a large monster who attacks with powerful swipes alongside using buildings as projectiles. Sora is also knowledgeable of vehicle based combat, being capable of shooting down opposing biplanes with his own using energy based projectiles.) Gifted otherwise (Despite his young age, Sora is highly adapted in numerous sports including but not limited to soccer, football, basketball, baseball, skateboarding, among others. He also possesses surprising driving experience, being capable of utilizing vehicles such as a go-kart, a race boat and even a biplane. Alongside his friends, Sora built their tree house which includes a pulley operated lift, a furnished room for each of them and a play room where their numerous shared toys can be kept.)

Standard Equipment[]

Nothing Notable

Optional Equipment[]

This drop down contains Kage's Optional Equipment

  • Good Ol Reliable: The standard soccer shoes that every forest children wears. It grants no additional bonus or ability
  • Challenger: An incredibly rundown pair of soccer shoes filled with holes. It decreases every stats of the wearer but should they miraculously score, their goal will be worth two points.
  • Jogger: A comfy and breezy pair of soccer shoes which makes you wanna go for a jog. It slightly increases the speed stat of the wearer.
  • Runner: A pair of black soccer shoes decorated will little flames. wearing these makes you feel faster! It moderatly increases the speed stat of the wearer.
  • Speedster: Become the fastest kid on the plaground with these golden colored soccer shoes! It drastically increases the speed stat of the wearer.
  • Crafty: A pair of soccer shoes decorated with postive messages. It encourages you to pass better! It slightly increases the technique stat of the wearer.
  • Slippery: A pair of soccer shoes that were washed until they were squeaky clean. They're sill a little slippery making it harder to predict you. It moderatly increases the technique stat of the wearer.
  • Trickiest: Soccer shoes that are rumored to once have belonged to the greatest theif in the world! you still can feel their trickness within them. It drastically increases the technique stat of the wearer.
  • Basher: Soccer shoes that are heavier than the standard ones, it gives you a bit more weight to make those tackles count. It slightly increases the power stat of the wearer.
  • Bunny Bash: Oris's hop training shoes! They aren't very comfortable as they are always filled with sand to make them heavier for Oris's training, but they sure bring out your determination! It moderatly increases the power stat of the wearer.
  • Missle: these stylish soccer shoes decorated with various colourful missles make you a little machine of pure destruction! It drastically increases the power stat of the wearer.
  • Speed Mugger: A red pair of soccer shoes that are decorated with little lightning bolts. They have a magical feel to them. It allows the wearer to steal some Turbo Meter whenever tackling an adversary.
  • Power Hijacker: A pair of soccer shoes that are decorated with little burglar masks. They have a magical feel to them. It allows the wearer to steal some Special Meter when tackling an adversary.
  • Berserker: A pair of soccer shoes decorated with various spikes giving them a bad boy look. Wearing them feel you with a strange desire to tackle all your opponents. It automatically makes the wearer tackle nearby adversaries, however they are more likely to earn a penalty.
  • Promble Fixer: Shoes that belong to Dave. While they aren't meant for soccer, wearing them feel like any promble you'll encounter will be quickly resolved. It reduces the duration of effects affecting the wearer
  • Turbo Fueler: Wearing these professional soccer shoes fill you with stamina you've never felt beforehand! It increases the rate at which the Turbo Meter recharges.
  • Specialist Shooter: A pair of soccer shoes that are a perfect replica of the ones worn by the bright-eyed kid in the forest children's favourite show! Wearing them make you feel as though you can reach your full potential faster! It increases the rate at which the Special Meter Charges.
  • High Staker: Soccer shoes worn by those who wanna risk it all to win big time! It greatly increases the rate at which the Special Meter charges. However should the wearer ever be tackled, The Special Meter will return to zero.
  • Prideful Stance: Remarkably fancy soccer shoes decorated with shinning crowns. They fill you with pride that make you feel invincible! It grants a chance for the wearer to withstand a tackle. Withstanding a tackle negates the effects of Speed Mugger and Power Hijacker.

  • Good Ol Reliable: The standard set of bat, glove and shoes that every forest children wears. It grants no additional bonus or ability
  • Lucky Striker: A small white baseball bat decorated with four-leaf clovers. Wielding it really makes you think you'll luck out. It increases the chances of performing a home run but has smaller hitting area.
  • Slippery Slip: A wooden baseball bat which was left under the rain. The wood suffered some damage and is still soaking wet to this day. It lowers the batting power of the user but increases the chances of a field player dropping the ball.
  • Saved Fail: A baseball bat that is rumored to have never missed a ball!...it however does not strike them very good. It automatically makes ther user hit the ball, even against Special Shots. However it will always hit the sour spot resulting in poor distance.
  • Iron Mace: A metal baseball bat shaped like a mace, it's a lot heavier than it looks but it's sure to pack a punch. It drastically increases the user's batting power but their swinging speed is halved.
  • Grounder: A green coloured baseball bat which reminds you of grass. For some reason when wielding it, you can't help but focus on the ground. Hitting the baseball will always results in a grounded ball, avoiding potential catch.
  • High Flyer: A sky blue coloured baseball bat decorated with little clouds. or some reason when wielding it, you can't help but focus on the sky. Hitting the baseball will always result in a Fly Ball.
  • Underdog: A baseball bat that is decorated with the Forest Children's favourite superhero. Wielding it reminds you to never give up even in desperate situations. It grants the user a full Special Meter bar if there is currently two outs.
  • Sharp Shooter: A glove with a laser pointer attached to it. It makes you a better shooter and inspires you to throw faster! It increases the speed at which the wearer throws the ball.
  • Supra Glove: A glove that is much larger than the standard one. It makes it easier to catch a ball...but it sure is heavy! It increases the wearer can catch the ball. However it decreases their speed.
  • Dashing Spikes: A pair of shoes with high quality spikes underneath them. It increases the wearer's running speed.
  • High Jumper: A pair of shoes with actionable springs within them. It lets you realise you dream of becoming a kangaroo! It increases the wearer's jumping ability.
  • Brief Pause: A glove that is decorated with little clocks. When worn by a pitcher, it allows them to throw balls that momentarily stop in its track right befoe the reaching the batter leaving them to swing early.
  • Undergrounder: A glove that is decorated with adorable little moles. When worn by a pitcher, it allows them to throw the ball underground, popping up right before it reaches the batter, giving them less time to react.

  • Good Ol Reliable: The standard jersey that every forest children wears. It grants no additional bonus or ability
  • Fast Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a running shoe patch on it. It makes you feel as though you can run faster. It slightly increases the speed stat of the wearer.
  • Faster Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a car patch on it. Maybe it'll make you as fast as a car! It moderatly increases the speed stat of the wearer.
  • Fastest Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a lightning bolt patch on it. wearing it makes you feel as fast as thunder. wear it in order to run circles around your adversaries! It drastically increases the speed stat of the wearer.
  • Crafty Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a gear patch on it. though it's only a patch, it makes you wanna work those brain gear of yours better! It slightly increases the technique stat of the wearer.
  • Tricky Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a light bulb patch on it. Light bulbs have always been related with good ideas, perhaps it'll give you some! It moderatly increases the technique stat of the wearer.
  • Mastermind Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a patch that once belonged to the greatest theif in the world on it. you still can feel their trickness within it. It drastically increases the technique stat of the wearer.
  • Pass Master Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a basketball patch on it. Wearing it makes you feel as though your passes will be faster! It increases the speed at which the wearer passes the ball.
  • Bullseye Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a bullseye patch on it. why is it even called a bull's eye? you aren't very sure but it sure helps your accuracy! It increases the wearer's accuracy for three pointers.
  • False Patch: A jersey that is embroidered with a cute little bean shaped astronaut patch on it. You aren't quite sure why an astronaut let you disguise but it's helpful to trick your adversaries. It lets the wearer briefly turn into one of their adversary when activated.
  • Spotlight Stealer Patch: A hersy that is embroidered with a spotlight patch on it. wearing it makes you feel like the star of the show! It allows the wearer to steal some Special Meter when stealing the ball from an adversary.

  • Soaring Wings: Sora's standard kart. It is a nice shade of teal and is decorated with decorative wings. It has the highest speed of any kart allowing it to easily leave others in its dust. However it has the weakest turbo, making it slightly less reliable at accumulating boosts.
  • Tenebrous Buggy: Kage's standard Kart. It is a dark purple and is decorated with little shadowy figures. The kart is by far the most unique, as it does not have concrete stats, instead they are randomly selected before a race, making it potentially the best or worst kart depending on the selected stats.
  • Shooting Star: Hikari's standard Kart. It is a lively yellow color and decorated with blue spirals just like his fur. It has moderate stats across the board making it a perfect beginner vehicle.
  • Icy Wind: Boreas's standard Kart. It is a light shade of blue and decorated with snow flakes. It execles in acceleration and off-road racing but is naturally lacking in terms of speed making it preferable to use its high acceleration and off-road to cut corners.
  • Shattering Hop: Oris's standard Kart. It is a brown color and decorated with prints of fissures. It has the heaviest weight making it an hassle for others to attempt to push it off the track and has moderate speed. However it lacks in the acceleration department making it capital for it to drift as much as possible for turbos.
  • Buzzing Cruiser: Buzzy's standard Kart. It is shaped in a way that makes it resemble a beetle. It has a great emphasis on drifting in order to accumulate boosts alongside above average acceleration. However it has the lowest weight and thus is easily pushable by others.
  • Blazing Trail: Surya's standard kart. It is a lovely shade of crimson and is decorated with fire prints. It has the most powerful turbo allowing it to take the advantage when building them by drifting a lot. However, It also has the poorest handling, making it a high risk high reward kart.
  • Static Shock: Kaldu's standard kart. It is blue and is decorated with yellow lightning bolts. It is second highest speed and above average turbo making it a good choice for speed lover. However it has the poorest drifting make it hard to cut corners.
  • Floral Carrier: Mira's standard Kart. It is a brown and decorated with various colorful flowers. It has the highest handling and above average drifting making it a perfect kart for those pesky quick turns. However it has the poorest off road making it diffcult for it to take off road shortcuts.

  • Puching Glove: A standard punching glove that can thrown at an adversary's kart to make them spin out.
  • Tracking Punching Glove: A tracking version of the standard punching glove, it will lock in onto the nearest adversary.
  • Speed Candy: A candy that will give your kart a boost to keep up or keep your lead going.
  • Oil Slick: Throw some oil onto the field to make an adversary spin out should they roll on it.
  • Wishing Star: Wish upon a star to be in the lead! It make you teleport next to the racer in first place, can only be obtain in last place.
  • Out of Order: A remonte control which lets you shut down the racer in first place's kart for a few moments.

  • Game Planner: A magical journal that was granted to Hikari upon wishing on a star. It has various powerful magical abilities that can be used to make up incredible games.
  • Biplane: A Biplane used for various arial mini-games. It has the ability to fire energy based projectiles.
  • Ghost Catching Machine: A Ray Gun like device used within the 1 vs 3 mini-game "Haunting Hunters". It is used by the solo player in order to catch the pair of three.
  • Special Googgles: Googgles that are used within the 1 vs 3 mini-game "Haunting Hunters". They allow the solo player to see the ghosts should they turn invisble, they however have a limited battery life.
  • Snowballs: Snowballs used within the mini-game "Frigorific Duel". They have the ability to completely freeze those hit by them.
  • Lantern: A lantern used within the mini-game "Haunting Hunters". It is used in order to capture the various ghosts attempting to scare away the Forest Children.
  • Pressurized Water Gun: A water gun that is used within the mini-game "Soak Tussle". It is powerful enough to blow other children away with.
  • Bombs: Bombs that are used within the mini-game "Bombs Away!".
  • Wodden Sword: A wooden sword that is used within the mini-game "Pirate Duel".
  • Fishing Rod: A regular fishing rod used within various mini-games. It's sturdy enough to rill in a great white shark.
  • Skateboard: A skateboard used within the mini-game "Stylish Skating".


Standard Tactics:

Sora will attempt to use anything he has on hand to battle his foe through physical combat.

Same as before but with the added usage of his water bubbles.

Monster Sora will use swipes coupled with throwning heavy items around himself at his opponent. If his opponent gets too close to him, Sora can push them away with a loud roar.

Super Sora flies and tackles his opponent at high speed. If needed, he will utilize his environment to outdo his opponent.

Weaknesses: Sora is unable to use his special if he lacks Special Meter and he has a tendency to be overconfident.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Turbo Meter: A special meter which allows Sora to momentarily increase his own speed.
  • Special Kick: Hurricane Kick: Sora engulfs the soccer ball in a powerful gust of wind before kicking it with all his might. The ball pushes away anyone it encouters during its travel.
  • Special Pitch: Falcon Dive: As Sora pitches the ball, he covers it in a falcon-Shaped energy before throwing it in the air. the ball slowly travels before it comes diving down at high speed.
  • Special Swing: Typhoon Swing: Sora creates a tornado that engulfs the ball as he swings. The tornado will knock away anyone that attempts to catch the ball before disping momentarily after.
  • Special Shot: Jetstream: As Sora charges his shot, he calls forth a powful gust of wind which blows in the opposite direction of his adversaries's hoop. Making it much harder for them to block the incoming shot.

  • Aqua Bubble: Sora shoots a bubble underwater. It can trap adversaries inside in order to stop them from reaching the old pirate treasure before him.

  • Monster Roar: A loud and powerful roar that Sora can perform. It shatter nearby glass alongside with pushing away any nearby adversaries.

  • Flight Aura: A bluish aura that covers Super Sora as he flies, allowing him to block small projectiles that could get in his way.

  • Drift: The Drift is a move that is performed which allows a kart to keep speed around corners. By continuously drifting, the kart will earn a speed boost which will automatically propel the kart forward upon ending the drifting maneuver.
  • Underwater Form: When drivers enter underwater, their kart will automatically change for underwater travel in order to keep them safe. A propeller will pop out from the back and a small glass cover will close itself to shield the driver from the element.
  • Arial Trick: The Arial Trick refers to a form of acrobatic maneuvers that the user performs with a kart. When performing an Arial Trick, the driver uses their kart to execute a form of aerial movement while in midair. By executing an Arial Trick, the kart builds up a speed boost.
  • Speedster Start: The Speedster Start is a move used by reving up the kart just before a race starts. If done correctly, It will result in the kart taking off at high speed at the beginning of the race. If done incorrectly however, the kart will stall for a few seconds resulting in a disadvantage.

Battle Records[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
