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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Sonsaku Chahan (孫策炒飯) is the protege of his mother. He is a shinobi with abilities not too often seen in other nen users.

Affiliation: Hanzō National Academy

Strengths: Classically trained swordsman, rigorous discipline, master transmuter, master kusari gama user

Notes: Despite seeming alleged to Hanzō, can he be suaded to switching sides?

Current Shinobi Rank: technically Chuunin, but is applying to Jōnin rank

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-A , up to Low 7-C with Ryu and Ko, higher when enraged or with Shinen Kekken, at least 7-C when sufficiently enraged, at least High 7-C, possibly higher when going Berserk | at least 8-A, up to Low 7-C with Ryu and Ko, higher with Shinen Kekken, far higher with Mushin no Shin’en Shinkai

Key: Pre-Daidoji fight | Post-Daidoji fight

Name: Sonsaku Chahan, Sonsaku Hōōzan Jūbei

Origin: Kagura X Kagura

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Classification: Shinobi, Nen Practicer, Assassin

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Afterimage Creation, Nen Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation (Can create sparks of electricity, launch massive thunderbolts, can augment his physical prowess by sending electric signals directly through his body, bypassing his nerves, and can send electric signals to other bodies causing internal damage or paralysis), Supernatural Willpower (Has the willpower to read Super Secret Ninja Scrolls which can make people lose their minds. Can still fight even with broken bones or a dislocated shoulder) , Regeneration (Low, can heal from broken bones or dislocated joints in a matter of days to weeks, able to recover from internal damage), Skilled Hand-to-Hand Combatant (Trained in the styles of Muay Thai, Hakkyuken, and Taekwondou), Immense Pain Tolerance (Can keep fighting even with broken bones or a dislocated shoulder), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Can create Shinobi Barriers, pocket realms to fight in that hide shinobi from regular civilians and minimizes collateral damage), Can Paralyze his opponents, Chain Manipulation, Master kusari gama and sword user, Transformation, Resistance to Electricity Manipulation (Practically immune to electricity and overs himself in an electric aura without any harm to himself), Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation (Honou no Kokyuujutsu provides immunity to heat along with heat to combat against cold temperatures), Poison Manipulation (Trained to be able to have immunity to many poisons), Madness Manipulation (Able to read parts of Super Secret Ninja Scrolls, which turned multiple teams of lesser shinobi completely insane), and Soul Manipulation (Able to read parts of Super Secret Ninja Scrolls, which kills the user by breaking their body and soul)

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level (Ikaruga's trainer described him as pathetic but did manage to crush Murasame's wrist via squeezing with little effort. Claims to have 2431.593 amperes coursing through his nerves, in One Piece Isekai he managed to reduce Arlong Park to ashes and barbecue Arlong with little effort. Able to take on Haruka's A+ puppets and spars with strong shinobi like Ikaruga and Katsuragi, with Ikaruga feeling confident enough to to have him fight along side her.), up to Small Town level with Ryu and Ko, higher when enraged (Managed to knock over and pin down Ikaruga while sparring, managed terrify Yomi and defeat Homura despite acknowledging they both were stronger than him, and was able to one-shot Hikage in her Frenzy Mode after taking enough damage. Haruka upon Homura's defeat noted that the power of his Ken was fluctuating wildly, with its highest surpassing her own ken) or with Shinen Kekken (base multiplier of Shinen Kekken double the base power as he is able to start harming Haruka with a x10 multiplier, although he could only manage to stumble Daidoji with a x20 multiplier), at least Town Level when sufficiently enraged (Daidōji compared his power to when he used Shinen Kekken x20 and was able to make her put more effort), at least Town level, possibly higher when going Berserk (Stalemated and and matched an unsupressed Daidōji's Tenchi Senran Mokō Ken, Daidōji herself compared his power to being greater than 5 times that of the Super Secret Ninja Scroll and was still increasing in power to the point she questioned if he might surpass his Mother) | at least Multi-City Block level, up to Small Town level with Ryu and Ko (Haruka noted that Chahan had become over twice as strong since they long fought as he only needed Shinen Kekken x5, even suggesting that he surpassed his cousin at the time since he could one-shot her A+ puppets like her), higher with Shinen Kekken, far higher with Mushin no Shin’en Shinkai (Forced Haruka to take her limiter off in order to defeat him)

Speed: at least Hypersonic (Faster than other shinobi who can move at such speeds, managed to tag Yomi multiple time while playing around, can keep up Ikaruga who could perceive events at around half a millisecond), up to Hypersonic+ with electric attacks (Electricity can move at about such speeds.), higher with Mushin no Shin and Shinen Kekken (was able to react to Haruka's strikes), far higher when going Berserk | at least Hypersonic (Faster than before), up to Hypersonic+ with electric attacks, higher with Mushin no Shin and Shinen Kekken, possibly far higher with Mushin no Shin’en Shinkai

Lifting Strength: at least Class K (Ikaruga hypothosized that if she were a normal person, than he would have ripped her head and spine out which requires 101971.62 kilograms of force)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block Class, up to Town class with Ryu and Ko, (Made Ikaruga bleed when he kicked her in the face, she estimated his kicks to be equal if not stronger than her Phoenix kick), higher when enraged or with Shinen Kekken, at least Town Class+ when sufficiently enraged, at least Large Town Class possibly higher when going Berserk | at least Multi-City Block class, up to Town level with Ryu and Ko, higher with Shinen Kekken, far higher with Mushin no Shin’en Shinkai

Durability: Wall level naturally (Took a slap across the face from a non-amplified Ikaruga, shinobi with their natural strength are able to snap thick branches, crush wrists, shake items out of vending machines, and break bokken), up to Multi-City Block level with Nen amplification (Able to take attacks from Katsuragi and Yomi.), up to Town level with Ryu and Ko (Was able to barely walk off an explosion from one of Haruka's vials which was meant to react to his electricity by converting the electrical energy in his body into an explosion), higher when enraged or with Shinen Kekken, at least Town Level+ when sufficiently enraged (Daidōji compared his power to when he used Shinen Kekken x20), at least Large Town level possibly higher when going Berserk (took multiple brutal beatdowns from Daidoji) | Wall level naturally, Multi-City Block level with Nen amplification, up to Town level with Ryu and Ko, higher with Shinen Kekken, far lower with Mushin no Shinen Shinkai (Continued use of Mushin no Shinen leads to body deterioration)

Stamina: Superhuman (Chahan has incredible pain tolerance and can fight and train for hours if not days without issue due to his upbringing, electric torture is meaningless to him, still made a valiant attempt at fighting Haruka after overexerting himself with Shinen Kekken x10 and tried to continue fighting after she dislocated his shoulder)

Range: Extended melee range normally, hundreds of meters with Nen techniques and kusari-gama.

Standard Equipment: His Kusari-gama which can be used in conjunction with Chahan's Hatsu as well, his kodachi, Ragnarok, Hien

Intelligence: At least Genius (Despite seeming quirky, dorky, and socially awkward, he has skills that would make him at least Jōnin at his age. He managed to get up the kill screen of Pac-Man when he was only 3 years old. Practices and trains in the arts of Hōōzan-ryuu, some of these arts include Koudou, Chadou, Kadou, Choukin, Kenjutsu, Battojutsu, Naginata-jutsu, Kyuujutsu, Ninjutsu, Bujutsu, Shodou, Honou no Kokyuujutsu, Muay Thai, Hakkyuken, Taekwondou, and Boujutsu, with three of them involving herbology and medicine studies. Hōōzan-ryuu also focuses on teaching students a collective of different topics such as calculus, anatomy, physics, chemistry, language, and history. Ikaruga considers him to be her equal if not smarter than her. Master of lightning based nenjutsu. Was able to put up a good challenge for Ikaruga at Gungi. Chifusa considers him to be her best student. Derived the “Mushin no Shin’en Shinkai” technique from Blood Riot to reduce latter technique’s effects on him. Despite having all of the skills that he has, he tries to find other solutions besides violence, like when he offered to Homura his father’s scroll over Hanzō's Super Secret Ninpō Scroll. Has read practically all of his father’s library of Ninpō and Ansatsupō scrolls, and Hanzō's Super Secret Yang Scroll. Haruka acknowledged his intelligence and wanted him as her pet. His skill with the Kusari-gama makes Murasame look like a total joke. Has finished difficult video games like Castlevania, and Ninja Gaiden when he was eight.)

Weaknesess: Chahan needs to charge himself by absorbing electricity from an outside source to use his Nen abilities and he can run out of coulumbs if he overuses his Nen abilities, forcing him to take additional time to charge up. He will slow down if uncharged. Chahan himself can be volatile, and emotionally unstable, at times can be rather immature as seen with his love of touching and being touched by girls. His spike can't go through the head, his barrier requires a lot of focus to control. Sayuri worried that his body would meltdown Shinen Kekken strains his body, causing him intense pain and exhaustion if he overuses it. Mushin no Shin’en Shinkai is a last ditch resort attack, he loses all faculty to his body leaving it to attack with the power of blood riot, it also takes an even heavier toll an the body as continued use can lead to deterioration.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Notable Attacks/Techniques:
    • Nen: Chahan is a Transmuter, a Nen user that can change the properties of their aura to mimic something else according to their imagination. Chahan is also proficient in all the other branches on Nen, suited for combat, such as Shu and Ken, stealth, such as In, and analysis, such as Gyo.
  • Honō no Kokyūjutsu: The ancient martial art of the Hōōzan clan that can only be passed down by blood members of the clan, involves training with several fire jutsu along with temperature resistance
    • Gōkakyū no Jutsu: the most basic technique of Honō no Kokyūjutsu where the user transmutes or conjures aura from their lungs to plasma which they then expel from their mouth; the more aura they use, the more flames that are produced. Sometimes the flames lack a distinct shape, being only a stream, but more often than not they take the form of a giant orb that maintains its shape until hitting a target. Upon impact, the fireball is powerful enough to vaporize even steel, and should be used with caution.
  • Lockdown: The weapon that he uses is a unique one — a kusari gama with the weight replaced by a heavy spike. With this weapon alone he can run current through it to discourage opponents from touching it and the spike alone can piece through any part of the body besides the head.
    • Lockdown A:
    • Lockdown B (鎖結界ロックダウンビーChain Barrier): With is aura Chahan can manipulate his chains to create a web network shinobi barrier. Unlike normal shinobi barrier, which can be taken down by multiple specialized methods, his barrier doesn't have the regular weaknesses of a barrier as shown by how Hien could not break through. He even claimed that fox fire couldn't destroy it. Consisting of chains running in and around the barrier anyone who tries touching the chain will be caught in it, anyone who tries breaking out of the barrier will receive an immense shock. Supposedly, Chahan alone manipulate the barrier and what happens in it, as he was able to make a hail of electric senbon fall upon Ikaruga.
  • Mushin no Shin (無心の心): The mental
  • Shinen Kekken (深淵血拳): A technique derived from Blood Riot by his father and Chahan learned from reading the Super Secret Ansatsupō Scroll. It greatly increases Chahan's aura for just a moment, boosting his strength and speed significantly for that time. However, this heavily strains his body, and if he overuses it, it will leave him in intense pain all over his body, leaving him incapable of moving without causing himself further pain. Initially, the strongest Shinen Kekken Chahan could utilize was x10, but upon his seond fight with, he was able to push it to x20