FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

You want to destroy my friends? Well... You're gonna have to get through with me!
~ Sonic to Exetior

SuperSonic 1
You... tried to pose as our "friend"! Said you'd save us from... whatever the hell the Highest is! And in return you still killed every friend of mine! EVERY SINGLE ONE! I knew I couldn't trust you!
~ Super Sonic (while in his Fleetway state) to Exetior

DarkSonic 1

Credit to Nibroc-Rock

Don't even try...
~ Dark Sonic to Exetior


Sonic the Hedgehog is one of the primary protagonists of the Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe. He is a Mobian Hedgehog with a personality free like the wind. No matter what, he's always wanting adventure and freedom.

Throughout the series, he is being possessed by Exetior while also having his mind scrambled by Junter as to prevent him from fully conforming to the demon.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 8-C | High 6-A | At least High 6-A, likely Low 2-C

Key: Nightmare Beginning | Super Sonic | Dark Sonic

Name: Sonic the Hedgehog

Origin: Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe (Rewrite)

Gender: Male

Age: 27[1]

Classification: Mobian Hedgehog

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to

All previous abilities heightened drastically via Chaos Emeralds

All previous abilities as Super Sonic heightened drastically

  • Even greater Chaos Energy Manipulation
    • Berserk Mode (Dark forms are stated to be the closest a mortal can get to the characteristics of Chaos)

  • Attack Potency: Large Building level+ (Scales to Knuckles, who could tear through steel walls with ease. Scales to suppressed Exetior's physical feats when he was possessing his body.) | Multi-Continent level (Can fight against base Exetior in End of Hope and even win. Stated to be equal to Sark[11][12], who nuked the surface of his dimension's Mobius.[13]) | At least Multi-Continent level, likely Universe level+ (When harnessing the full power of the Chaos Emeralds[14], he is a considered a possible threat to the Highest[15].)

    Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Considered the "fastest thing alive", and can easily break the sound barrier just by simply running really fast[16]. Scales to Cream[17] and Sark, in which the latter could react to and dodge bullets and missiles.) | At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Can dodge Exetior's attacks) | At least Massively Hypersonic+, likely far higher

    Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Can tear and lift metallic robots with ease. Can move boulders.) | At least Superhuman, likely far higher | At least Superhuman, likely far higher

    Striking Strength: Large Building level+ | Multi-Continent level | At least Multi-Continent level, likely Universe level+

    Durability: Large Building level+ (Can survive being punched into a steel wall. While being possessed by Exetior, he was able to survive being blown up by dynamite. Can trade blows with Metal Sonic and a suppressed Exetior.) | Multi-Continent level (Is powered by the Chaos Emeralds, which are jewels that contain the power of Chaos itself. Prior to the series, he could fight and take hits from Pure Hy-Droh-Jen who easily flooded all of of Westopolis. Can survive fighting a serious base Exetior.) | At least Multi-Continent level, likely Universe level+

    Stamina: Superhuman (He has quarreled and struggled constantly against Eggman and his forces for over 12 years. He has taken down entire armies with his skills alone and is hailed as one of the most powerful and dangerous creatures on Mobius.) | Infinite (Generates limitless energy[18][19]) | Infinite

    Range: Standard melee range, higher with some attacks | Standard melee range, higher with some attacks and Chaos Control | Standard melee range, higher with some attacks and Chaos Control

    Standard Equipment: None notable | Chaos Emeralds | Chaos Emeralds

    Intelligence: Average in general, Gifted in combat (Sonic has constantly foiled the plans of Dr. Eggman prior to the series.)

    Weaknesses: He tends to work alone[20] and is often extremely impulsive[21] | Running out of rings will result in him losing the form. If he were to transform while possessed by Exetior, the resulting transformation would go berserk. | To meet the conditions of the transformation, he must succumb to the will of Chaos itself

    Notable Attacks/Techniques:

    • Spin Attack: Sonic rolls into a ball and rams nearby opponents as a concussive force or cutting disk.
    • Spin Dash: Sonic rolls into a ball and can rev himself up to create a burst of speed.
    • Chaos Control: An advanced Chaos Energy technique that allows for the teleportation of long distances.

    Feats: Sonic is able to run faster than sound, and has constantly quarreled with Eggman's plans in the past.


    Notable Victories:

    Notable Losses:

    Inconclusive Matches:


    1. "Sonic the Hedgehog - 27 years old"
    2. 2.0 2.1 Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: That's why he can go Super Sonic on a regular basis, he's well-adapted to harnessing Chaos Energy."
    3. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "Turbo: Since Sonic is adept at using Chaos Energy which mutates and changes things around it, does this imply that he steadily grows stronger than the rest of the cast over the course of every battle he endures? / JaizKoys: Pretty much[.] The more bad guys he fights - the stronger he gets"
    4. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Plus, don't forget that Sonic's speed is a byproduct of Chaos Energy, meaning he would be corrupting anything that isn't from his dimension if he overexerted his powers."
    5. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: It's mutagenic[.] It transforms you as it corrupts you."
    6. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Chaos Energy corrupts all..."
    7. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Super Sonic is a stable version of the Fleetway transformation. But because of Sonic's willpower, Sonic resists the Primal Force of Chaos' influences, thus making the transformation imperfect. If Sonic were to embrace Chaos fully, he would become the closest thing a Mortal can be to a Demon without being demonized, an avatar of Chaos."
    8. 8.0 8.1 Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Exetior's Sonic is so used to the transformation that he knows how to resist its full power, he knows how to hold back. This is why even though Exetior's Sonic can absolutely wreck Eggman's fleets and strongholds as Super Sonic, he will always restrain himself from landing a killing blow."
    9. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Sonic is a natural sponge of Chaos Energy since he can become Super Sonic without falling to the emeralds' corruptive powers."
    10. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: To be more accurate, Sonic is a valuable target because of his ability to wield high amounts of Chaos Energy."
    11. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Sark's true power is equal to Super Sonic and Exetior can easily smoke his ass."
    12. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Right, because Sark's Sonic has gone Super before. So Sonic is the perfect vessel since he can exert his full power without destroying the body."
    13. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Sark tormented the planet for 6 months, referencing Sonic Forces, before he decided he had his fun and went about Chaos Blast'ing the surface like a nuke. So yeah, after he was done massacring everyone, he nuked the whole planet."
    14. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Also, yes, Exetior possessed Sonic because he was the only one that could withstand the full power of the Chaos Emeralds so his body was the perfect disguise."
    15. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: The Dark Form is like Chaos' own version of the Purebloods' avatars, you're letting the Primal Force of Chaos guide your soul to fight. / Turbo: But the Highest could still easily erase him... / E-200 Paragon: Obviously, the Highest are a race of reality-bending nukes. But as Dark Sonic, he would be a credible threat to them."
    16. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: While in Sonic's body, Exetior can move as fast as Sonic can. / jaz: But how fast sonic can move? I just want to know his physical speed in sonics body. / E-200 Paragon: As fast as the speed of sound, just like in the games."
    17. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "JaizKoys: Cream accelerates faster and has a good speed, greater than most Mobians. But Sonic is Mobius' fastest creature"
    18. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: The seven emeralds may be able to generate limitless power but even they can't match the power of a Highest."
    19. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "Zóticuss Wáyzlor Woods: If energy can be infinitely generated, can the universe be overfilled with it or it disappears over a time? / E-200 Paragon: I'll say it again... "They're like reservoirs with the emeralds themselves being like faucets." Imagine a dam with an infinite depth filled with water and the only way to release that water is through a kitchen faucet. / Turbo: So basically the Chaos Emeralds, Master Emerald and what not have infinite power but can't exert it all at once because of their limitations. / E-200 Paragon: Right"
    20. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "JaizKoys: Another fun fact is - with all this separation from FF he's starting to become more like Knuckles xd[.] a lonely hero who will help the innocents and his own FF's pals but never teaming up with them"
    21. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "JaizKoys: But as I mentioned earlier, because of this double life, Sonic often suppresses a state of nervousness in himself. Sometimes this is backfires in form of rushed, impulsive actions"


    Discussion threads involving Sonic the Hedgehog (NU Rewrite)