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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
~ Sonic_the_hedgehog.exe


Sonic_the_hdgehog.exe or Sonic_the_hedgehog.exe is the main antagonist of the Spanish Creepypasta El Pendrive Azul (or The Blue Pendrive) by Sinuois. He is an anomalous computer program that has caused all of the events in the pasta. His true nature is unknown.

Pendrive is described as a file within the pendrive the whole pasta revolves around. He’s implied to be the one who caused the death of the protagonist’s friend. Whether he’s some sort of paranormal entity or a highly powerful malicious program is unknown.

This Creepypasta was made in March 2011, so there is a popular belief that Sonic.exe was plagiarized from El Pendrive Azul, however, Sinuois states that this seems unlikely and that coincidences do exist.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Unknown

Name: Sonic_the_hdgehog.exe, Sonic_the_hedgehog.exe, Sonic The Hedgehog, "Sonic", "Pendrive"

Origin: El Pendrive Azul (The Blue Pendrive)

Gender: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Classification: Unknown Entity, Cognitohazard

Powers and Abilities: Mind Manipulation and Status Effect Inducement (Presumably caused the protagonist's friend to have an epileptic attack so strong that he died in a few seconds), possibly Multilingualism (It apparently understands Spanish and a language that the protagonist described as a "strange language", since the game had words in both languages), Data Manipulation and Text Manipulation (Manipulate the video game texts and the background of the levels. Distorts the game image), Minor Technology Manipulation (It caused the protagonist to be unable to close the game, even though he tried to close it with "ESC" and "CTRL + ALT + SUPR"), Light Manipulation and Paralysis Inducement (It generated a flash of light that paralyzed the protagonist), Sound Manipulation (It caused disturbing screams to be played), Social Influencing (Instigating Fear, Causes terror in its victims after putting them in terrifying situations)

Attack Potency: Unknown. Can ignore conventional durability with its abilities.

Speed: Unknown. Speed of Light Attack Speed with Light Manipulation and Paralysis Induction

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Unknown

Durability: Unknown. Below Average Human level for the Blue Pendrive (The pendrive was easily trampled until destroyed by the protagonist)

Stamina: Unknown

Range: Unknown

Standard Equipment: The Blue Pendrive

Intelligence: Unknown

Weaknesses: It is possible to escape from its paralysis with enough effort.



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


All scans are from the original story
