FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles About Sonic.exe (Verse)
Canon X-Verse (Sonic Legacy)Creepypasta
Fanon Nightmare UniverseThe Spirits of HellBlood SagaThe DisasterVs. Rainbow FriendsVs. Sonic.exe
Let's start the execution.
~ Executor.


Sonic.exe: Blood Saga is a series of Sonic the Hedgehog fangames that focus on reimagining the Creepypasta story of Sonic.exe to fit within the world of Sonic the Hedgehog.

The series was originally created by Rexer061 who, after getting bored of creating games, gave the rights to BonesWR who is remaking the original series with NotEyG8MR.

The story revolves around Executor Vermillion, a genocidal demon (former Mobian) from 5 million years in the past prior to the events of the Blood Saga. He was sealed and eventually released in the present day by Doctor Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik. He possesses Sonic for a majority of the series' runtime and uses his body in order to resume his mission on enslaving the world, as well as targeting the main cast.


  • Sonic.exe Blood Scream
    • This game features an extra episode called "Shadow Episode" that can be downloaded on the same page.
  • Sonic.exe Blood Tears
    • This game has a DLC called "Fall of the Angels" that can be downloaded on the same page.

Power of the Verse[]


The Mobians within the verse are 8-C, having the ability to destroy large steel structures with their fists. Mobians possess Super Forms that make them more powerful by an unknown amount.

Above the mortals are the demons, who reach 7-A / High 7-A considering that Executor, who was not at his peak power, was going to blow up South Island until nothing was left. The angels have a comparable power level, as they have fought with Executor and other demons.

Above them are the gods capable of creating the universe and the Uroboros ring, who has the power to destroy it. At the end of the series, Akrasiel and Executor absorbed the power of the ring.

Explanations (Optional)[]



Knowledgeable Members[]








Notes on the Verse[]

  • The "Sonic.exe: Blood Saga" wiki is canon, as it was made by the game's developer, NotEyG8MR.
  • If in the future the new version turns out to be exactly the same as the original version in terms of story, the old version will probably be deleted.


Discussion threads involving Sonic.exe: Blood Saga