FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
You're going to kill me. However, the fight was fun.
~ Goku to Yukari Yakumo


Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. A Saiyan, sent to Earth as a baby with the mission to destroy it, Goku became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head and was adopted by Grandpa Gohan.

In the Broly Saga, Goku was teleport into the Tournament of Death. He is a major protagonist the Tournament of Death.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least Low 2-C, likely 2-B

Name: Goku, Son Goku

Origin: Tournament of Death

Age: 44 (physically 40)

Gender: Male

Classification: Saiyan

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Master Martial Artist, Acrobatics, Reactive Evolution (With each blow, he continually hits harder, sharper and faster), Light Manipulation (Can create flashes of light to blind opponents and Super Saiyan forms can generate light in pitch-black condition), Telepathy, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Force-Field Generation, Afterimage Creation, Enhanced Senses, Ki Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3; Like Goku Black, who harms/interacts with Junko), Energy Projection, Energy Manipulation, Flight, Statistics Amplification w/ Kaioken, Shockwaves Generation, Pressure Point Strikes, Acrobatics, Dimensional Travel, BFR, Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki, detect malicious intent, difference in power levels, and beings in different dimensions), High Pain Tolerance, Portal Creation & Sound Manipulation (Anyone equal to or above the likes of Buu and/or Gotenks should be capable of performing the Vice Shout with sheer power), Enhanced Senses (Even without ki training, Goku has exceptional senses that allow him to locate small, distant objects by tracking their smell, see clearly over long distances, and track the movements of others even in pitch black conditions by feeling vibrations in the air), Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats, Abilities), Reactive Power Level (As a Saiyan, Goku grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Rage Power, Energy Absorption as Super Saiyan God and Blue, Limited Electricity Manipulation as Super Saiyan 3 (As a super saiyan 3, he constantly releases electric bolts in all directions) and Regeneration (Low-Mid) as Super Saiyan God, Adaptation, Danmaku, Fusionism (Via Fusion Dance), Resistance to Heat, Poison (Survived after drinking the Water of the Gods), Paralysis Inducement, Cold, Heat, Radiations (Fought in the upper atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high), Electricity Manipulation, Extrasensory Perception (Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a God as Super Saiyan God and Blue), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 3), Existence Erasure (Resisted Sidra's "Energy of Destruction, which should be a form of his destruction abilities), Sleep Manipulation (During the Saiyan Saga, he resisted the sleep inducing foods from the Princess Snake, but was put to sleep by a magic potion), Acids (Wasn't harmed much by Buu's enzymes, though it did pain him), Time Stop (Repeatedly resisted Hit's attempts to freeze him in time until Hit powered up further, as a Super Saiyan Blue with Kaio-ken x10 and retains this resistance in stronger forms) and Emotional Manipulation, Sealing w/ Mafuba, Paralysis Inducement with God Bind and Non-Physical Interaction (Could destroy Infinite Zamasu), Instinctive Reaction, Heat Generation (Likely not combat applicable) and Limited Power Nullification (Nullified Jiren's ki blast) with Ultra Instinct

Attack Potency: At least Universe level+ (Stated by Remilia Scarlet was much stronger than a random shrine maiden even in his base form), likely Multiverse level (Should be comparable, if not far superior to Goku Black)

Speed: Infinite Speed (Stated to have an infinite speed by Naruto)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: At least Universal+, likely Multiversal

Durability: At least Universe level+, likely Multiverse level

Stamina: Extremely high (Fought with Kaguya Shinomiya for hours)

Range: Standard melee range. Low Multiversal with Instant Transmission and Ki Attacks

Standard Equipment: N/A

Intelligence: Genius in combat (Although he lacks knowledge when it comes to things that aren't related to fighting, Goku is a master of prodigal skill when it comes to martial arts, with years of experience fighting against powerful opponents with a plethora of abilities. His skill when it comes to combat and the usage of ki allows him to replicate other ki-based techniques after seeing them once, and he was the first to realize how much energy the Super Saiyan transformations unnecessarily drained. Despite this drawback, he was the first to master the Super Saiyan state, making it highly efficient. He is a genius in combat and is capable of devising new applications of his techniques on the fly, such as using Kamehameha with his feet. Before adapting to Hit's time stop, he was able to predict the movements he'd make in the 0.1 seconds of frozen time and react properly. Additionally, Goku has become the first mortal to master Ultra Instinct, a technique that even the Gods find difficult to learn, relying purely on his muscle memory and something "beyond" instinct to fight, no longer needing to consciously think to do so)

Weaknesses: Goku seeks strong opponents and will, therefore, allow his opponents to reach their full power for the sake of a good fight. Kaio-ken strains his body, causing him intense pain and exhaustion if he overuses it. He often drops his guard and leaves openings for his opponents whenever he gets distracted, lowering his durability. His Spirit Bomb requires a long charge up period, during which time he is vulnerable. He cannot survive in the vacuum of space and needs to locate a ki signature to teleport using Instant Transmission. The Mafuba requires a suitable container to seal the target into | Ultra Instinct -Sign- is initially only temporary, and he cannot willingly enter the state, only entering it in response to being pushed to his limits. Once Goku exits the form, he is left exhausted. Goku's Ultra Instinct was initially imperfect, so it was harder for him to use it offensively, as he still held himself back by thinking out the best method of attack instead of intuiting what to do. In prolonged encounters, Goku's mastered Ultra Instinct form can spontaneously deactivate, draining Goku of most of his power


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
