Son Goku is the protagonist of the Goku Versus series by TheReadHeadHenry. His life is almost identical to his GT counterpart. Goku met an evil counterpart of himself sometime during the preparation to fight against Cell.
In Goku Versus Z, he is known as Goku (Prime).
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 4-C, High 4-C as Super Saiyan | At least High 4-C, far higher as Super Saiyan, 4-B as SSJ2 and SSJ3 | 3-C, 3-B in SSJ, SSJ2 and SSJ3, higher as SSJ4 | At least 2-C, higher in SSJ1, SSJ2 and SSJ3, far higher in SSJ4
Name: Son Goku, Goku (Prime), Prime Goku, Goku
Origin: Goku Versus
Age: 30 (GvEG I), 37 (GvEG II/III and Goku Versus), 53 (GvEG IV), 153 (Goku Versus Z)
Gender: Male
Classification: Saiyan
Powers and Abilities:
Master Martial Artist, Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Analytical Prediction (Predicted where an enemy would teleport), Ki Manipulation (Can be used defensively and offensively, to strengthen his skin or to fire ki blasts, which he can control telekinetically to home in on targets, and form defensive barriers that render absorption ineffective and keep out poison, can also suppress others' ki blasts), Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki, detect malicious intent, difference in power levels, and beings in different dimensions), Damage Boost (can increase the power of his attacks by concentrating his ki into a single point to do more damage), Supernatural Willpower (able to endure poison that takes immense will and spirit to survive), Enhanced Senses (Even without ki training, Goku has exceptional senses that allow him to locate small, distant objects by tracking their smell, see clearly over long distances, and track the movements of others even in pitch black conditions by feeling vibrations in the air), Acrobatics, Pressure Point Strikes, Flight, Spaceflight, Self-Sustenance (Type 1), Accelerated Development (Training, Battle; Physical Stats, Abilities. As a Saiyan, Goku grows stronger every time he fights and can become stronger in the midst of combat, vastly increasing in strength whenever he is mortally injured), Shockwaves Generation (Can create powerful shockwaves via Kiai), Afterimage Creation, Power Mimicry (Can easily replicate other Ki-based techniques after seeing them once), Energy / Ki Absorption as a Super Saiyan 4, Light Manipulation (Can create flashes of light via Solar flare to blind opponents and Super Saiyan forms can generate light in pitch-black condition), Limited Space-Time Manipulation (Stronger than Gotenks and Super Buu, who can create dimensional rifts, destroy space-time and pocket dimension with a powerful Kiai Shout), Heat Generation, Reactive Evolution (As a Super Saiyan 4 his body was able to memorize and defend against Eis Shenron's ice), Regeneration (Low, over time. Regained his sight after he was blinded by Eis Shenron), Telekinesis, Telepathy (Can telepathically communicate with others and read minds), Teleportation, BFR, Dimensional Travel, Statistics Amplification (Goku can greatly enhance his capabilities with Kaio-ken, by potentially up to one hundred times), Rage Power, Non-Physical Interaction (Can harm the ghost warriors), Self-Destruction, Transformation (Can transform into a Super Saiyan, increasing his capabilities drastically, and by transforming into a Super Saiyan 4, return himself to his prime even when in his child form), Electricity Manipulation (As a super saiyan 3, he constantly releases electric bolts in all directions), Danmaku, Healing, Fusionism (With the Fusion Dance), Adapted to Gravity, Longevity.
Resistance to Poison (Survived after drinking the Water of the Gods), Sleep Manipulation (During the Anime Saiyan Saga, he resisted the sleep inducing foods from the Princess Snake, but was put to sleep by a magic potion), Cosmic Radiations, Extreme Cold, Heat Manipulation, Acids (Wasn't harmed much by Buu's enzymes, though it did pain him), Absorption & Paralysis, Matter Manipulation (Atomic; Withstood Baby Vegeta's Revenge Death Ball which can scatter individual atoms). Breath Attack, Fire Breath, Large Size (Type 1). Resistance to Electricity as an Oozaru and Super Saiyan 4. Limited Resistance to Age Manipulation (Super Saiyan 4 grants someone their peak physical condition while it lasts, changing their physical age)
Attack Potency: At least Small Star level, At least Large Star level as a Super Saiyan (He was the second strongest fighter at the time[1] even at only 50% of his power[1], fought against Perfect Cell and nearly killed him with his Instant Kamehameha, though Cell wasn't fighting at full power) | At least Large Star level, far higher as a Super Saiyan (Stronger than Shin and Yakon in base form, even stronger than Vegeta and Gohan), Solar System level as a Super Saiyan 2 and 3 (Superior to Cell Saga Gohan as a Super Saiyan 2, matched Majin Vegeta, and easily overpowered IMajin Buu as a Super Saiyan 3. He said that he could have defeated Kid Buu if he finished the fight quickly) | At least Galaxy level (Even in base, was superior to Super Saiyan Baby Gohan, who in Base was superior to Super Saiyan Goten, who in base was superior to Baby, who was heavily implied to be superior to General Rilldo, who is superior to Kid Buu, who [destroyed a galaxy] in the anime. Also performed a similar feat to his Fusion Reborn incarnation with 1/4 of the Fusion Reborn calc's power [1.181 yottafoe] when he shook Hell while powering up from a heavily restrained state), Multi-Galaxy level with Super Saiyan transformations (After the Baby Saga, he became so much stronger that he surpassed Uub as a Super Saiyan and fought evenly with Super 17. Is 50x above his base with Super Saiyan 1 and is even stronger than that with higher transformations), higher with Super Saiyan 4 (Easily stomped Super Baby Vegeta 2 with just a fraction of his power, and later kept up with him after he transformed into a Golden Oozaru.) or Dragon Fist (Punched through Super 17 and dealt serious damage to him) | At least Low Multiverse level, higher in SSJ, SSJ2 and SSJ3 (Can match Evil Goku's power, who was easily able to defeat Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black in only SSJ.), far higher with SSJ4
Speed: At least Hypersonic+ flight speed, At least FTL+ combat speed, Massively FTL+ as a Super Saiyan (Faster than all the other Z fighters, can fight toe to toe with Perfect Cell) | At least Hypersonic+ flight speed, Massively FTL+ combat speed, far higher in SSJ forms | Massively FTL+ (Much faster than before), far higher with Super Saiyan transformations, even higher with SSJ4 | Massively FTL+
Lifting Strength: At least Class 50, likely far higher
Striking Strength: Star level, At least Large Star level as Super Saiyan | At least Large Star level, far higher as Super Saiyan, Solar System level as SSJ2 and SSJ3 | At least Galaxy level, Galactic+ with Super Saiyan 1, Multi-Galaxy level with Super Saiyan 2 or 3, higher with Golden Oozaru, far higher with Super Saiyan 4 | At least Galaxy level, Multi-Galaxy level with Super Saiyan transformations, higher with Super Saiyan 4 or Dragon Fist | At least Low Multiversal, higher in SSJ, SSJ2 and SSJ3, far higher in SSJ4
Durability: Star level, At least Large Star level as Super Saiyan | At least Large Star level, far higher as Super Saiyan, Solar System level as SSJ2 and SSJ3 | At least Galaxy level, Multi-Galaxy level in SSJ forms | At least Low Multiverse level
Stamina: Superhuman (Goku can train for days with minimal rest, and can fight through his long, arduous fights with the likes of Vegeta and Frieza, continuing to fight against Vegeta even after overexerting himself with Kaioken x4, and ultimately outlasting the latter even after being effortlessly beaten around, pushing himself to his limits with Kaioken, and exhausting himself with his Spirit Bomb. When he was younger, he managed to pull through and defeat Piccolo even after all of his limbs were broken and he was mortally injured. However, his stamina drops greatly as a Super Saiyan 3, and due to being stuck in his child body, it has suffered even more, making it impossible to use for more than only a few seconds. The return of his tail minimized this, though. Super Saiyan 4 has no such weakness, and is the most efficient of his transformations)
Range: Standard melee range, At least Planetary to Stellar with ki blasts and attacks, Low Multiversal with Instant Transmission, Interdimensional range with telepathy | Standard melee range, At least Planetary to Stellar with ki blasts and attacks (Comparable to Vegeta, whose Final Flash can easily extend into outer space), Low Multiversal with Instant Transmission (Traveled to the Other World and to King Kai's Planet from Earth), Interdimensional range with telepathy | Standard melee range, Stellar to Interplanetary with ki blasts and attacks, Low Multiversal with Instant Transmission, Interdimensional range with telepathy | Standard melee range. At least Intergalactic with ki blasts and attacks, Low Multiversal with Instant Transmission
Standard Equipment: None notable
- Optional Equipment: Senzu Beans, Dragon Radar
Intelligence: Average in general, Genius in combat (While he lacks knowledge when it comes to things that aren't related to fighting, Goku is a master of prodigal skill when it comes to martial arts, with years of experience fighting against powerful opponents with a plethora of abilities. His skill when it comes to combat and the usage of ki allows him to replicate other ki-based techniques after seeing them once, and he was the first to realize how much energy the Super Saiyan transformations unnecessarily drained. Despite this drawback, he was the first to master the Super Saiyan state, making it highly efficient. He is capable of devising new applications of his techniques on the fly, such as using Kamehameha with his feet.)
Weaknesses: Goku seeks strong opponents and therefore will allow his opponents to reach their full power for the sake of a good fight. Kaio-ken strains his body, causing him intense pain and exhaustion if he overuses it. He often drops his guard and leaves openings for his opponents whenever he gets distracted, lowering his durability. His Spirit Bomb requires a long charge-up period, during which time he is vulnerable. He needs to locate a ki signature to teleport using Instant Transmission. Super Saiyan 3 drains his ki rapidly, and his weaker, child body makes it even more difficult to use, limiting its use to only a few seconds at a time, though the return of his tail made it more efficient
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Ki: The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in a number of ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts of energy or used to create defensive barriers. Along with his Saiyan blood, Ki acts as the source of Goku's incredible power and abilities. Goku's prodigal skill in combat and the use of ki allows him to replicate the ki techniques of others after seeing them only once.
- Kamehameha: Goku's famous signature technique, which he learned after witnessing Master Roshi use it to extinguish the flames on Fire Mountain, successfully replicating it not long later on his first try. As his signature technique, it is something that Goku has used on many occasions, and he has created a number of variations over the course of his fighting experience, such as firing it from his feet, using it to propel himself into the air, and bending it mid-flight to catch opponents by surprise. Perhaps the most useful variation is the Instant Kamehameha, in which Goku uses Instant Transmission to teleport just before firing the attack, appearing right in front of his opponents and giving them no time to dodge. As a Super Saiyan 4, Goku can use the 10x Kamehameha, a much more powerful variant, tinged crimson by the power of Super Saiyan 4.
- Dragon Fist: One of Goku's most powerful techniques, used to destroy opponents much more powerful than himself. To use it, Goku charges at his opponent, rearing his fist back for a powerful punch, and then rips through them with it, manifesting his ki in the form of a massive golden dragon, and causing an explosion of force. He can combine this with the 10x Kamehameha to first blast his opponent before lunging straight through his own attack to punch through his target.
- Instant Transmission: A teleportation technique that Goku learned between the Frieza and Cell Sagas on the planet Yardrat, which allows him to lock onto the ki signatures of others and teleport to their locations. Its use takes some concentration, which is aided by Goku putting his index and middle fingers to his forehead (He has also shown to teleport without placing his fingers), and he needs a ki signature to teleport to, otherwise, he cannot perform the technique. It can be used to teleport others as well, as long as they are in physical contact with Goku.
- Kaio-ken: A technique developed by King Kai and taught to Goku during his time training on his planet. It greatly increases Goku's ki for just a moment, boosting his strength and speed significantly for that time. However, this heavily strains his body, and if he overuses it, it will leave him in intense pain all over his body, leaving him incapable of moving without causing himself further pain. Initially, the strongest Kaio-ken Goku can utilize is x4, but by the time of the Frieza Saga, he has mastered its use, allowing him to push it to his maximum of x20. Goku is able to combine this with his Super Saiyan transformations to boost his power even further, though it puts him under considerable strain.
- Spirit Bomb: Goku's ultimate attack, taught to him by King Kai, performed by gathering a vast amount of energy from all the lifeforms in his surroundings to create a massive, incredibly destructive sphere of ki. To use it, one must have a pure heart, and so Goku is a perfect user of the technique due to his obliviously innocent nature. While it is incredibly powerful and can prove capable of completely destroying an opponent when used with sufficient power, it takes a very long time to charge and is therefore very difficult to use, though the charge time can be sped up by gathering energy from those who willingly and knowingly provide it.
- Kiai: The ability to project an invisible burst of force with ki, which Goku can perform with his hands and even with a glare.
- Kienzan: Krillin's signature technique, which Goku presumably copied from him. Raising his hand above his head, Goku creates a razor-sharp disc of ki with incredible cutting power, and then throws it at his opponent. It should be noted that the Kienzan can cut through opponents that are several times stronger and more durable.
- Solar Flare: One of Tien Shinhan's signature techniques, which Goku copied from him during their match in the World Tournament. Bringing his hands up to his face, Goku can create a bright flash of light that can blind opponents.
- Telepathy: Goku has the ability to telepathically communicate with others, presumably learned from King Kai during his time in the afterlife, and during the Frieza Saga, he shows the ability to read Krillin's mind by putting his hand to his forehead.
Goku is a master martial artist who has learned from many of his universe's greatest teachers, from his adoptive grandfather, Grandpa Gohan, Master Roshi, Korin, Kami, and even King Kai.
The physiology of a Saiyan, an aggressive warrior race of conquerors. Saiyans have the natural ability to control ki and to fly, likely the origin of Goku's own incredible skill when it comes to the usage and control of ki. In addition, while his lifespan is comparable to that of a human, Goku will remain at his peak strength for much longer. One of the most powerful abilities of a Saiyan is their ability to grow stronger and stronger through combat, allowing Goku to constantly push his own limits during a fight and rise to higher and higher peaks in power. This ability grants a substantial boost in power when Goku is badly injured, allowing him to reach a whole new level of power once he recovers.
Key: Goku vs Evil Goku | Post-Goku vs Evil Goku II | Goku vs Evil Goku IV | Goku Versus Z
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: