One of the capes present in the Detroit incident, Snowglobe fought against the Slaughterhouse 666. He was one of the sole survivors of the fight, being arrested due to both sides of the conflict causing many deathes. He himself however killed no one in this scuffle, and surrendered right away when authorities came.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 10-B physically, High 8-C via power
Name: Stockholm Rush, Snowglobe
Origin: Can't Have Shit In Detroit
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Parahuman, Shaker/Mover
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Gravity Manipulation (Controls two orbs of gravity, one of propulsion and one of repulsion. This allows him to freely grab and toss objects, with him having fine enough control to only effect specific objects within his orbs), Flight (Uses his orbs to carry himself around in the air), Acrobatics (With his power Snowglobe can maneuver his body far better than any real world acrobat), Vehicular Mastery (Was a submarine operator)
Attack Potency: Human level physically, Large Building level via power (Can harm enemies who can take laser blasts that demolish entire buildings)
Speed: Subsonic+ (Was the fastest cape on his team, with the likes of Huntmaster's summons outrunning cars. Can dodge close range electricity)
Lifting Strength: Average Human physically, Class M via power (Relative to Huntmaster's summon)
Striking Strength: Human level
Durability: Athlete level (Is above average in terms of his resilience)
Stamina: Above Average (Can endure more hits than an average person, and with his power he does not need to expend physical stamina often)
Range: Tens of Meters (Can extend his bubbles up to 60 meters)
Standard Equipment: Xbox controller
Intelligence: Above Average (A generally skilled cape, he is highly proficient with his power. He was also a submarine operator before getting his powers)
Weaknesses: Using his strongest attack leaves him defenseless. Destroying his xbox controllor makes his power weaker.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: