General Rules
- Refrain from harassing or trolling other users. Don't spam either.
- Leave other communities and users outside of our community out of this, too. Harassment of other people will not be tolerated, and if you end up harassing a member of the community offsite, you're likely to get yourself banned.
- No derogatory comments of any form - racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and etcetera will not be tolerated here, nor by Fandom staff.
- Accounts with inappropriate usernames are likely to be indefinitely banned.
- Do not use sockpuppets. Sockpuppets will immediately be banned upon identification, and if used to circumvent a block, the original account's block will be extended.
- On a somewhat related note, do not impersonate anyone else, such as other members of the wiki. Don't share accounts with anyone either.
- Do not share inappropriate materials. This wiki is meant to be for all-ages, and though mature topics can be broached in profiles and stories, there's a limit to what we'll allow there.
- If you do feel as if your story does so, mark it with this template.
- This goes for general behavior in the community - let's keep sexual materials and behavior out of it.
- Do not promote any illegal activity. Portraying it in your works is not promoting it, this means outside of fiction.
- Notably, Fandom does not tolerate the use of links to unofficial manga or anime hosting websites.
- When you do violate these rules, you are likely to get an official staff warning - do not just ignore these. You'll only get so many before you get yourself blocked.
Page Rules
Please review our Getting Started on FC/OC page if you are new here—especially if this is the first time you've ever contributed to a Fandom community. It explains all of the fundamentals for creating your first page.
- All forms of plagiarism on this site are completely forbidden. If you are found to have plagiarized from off-site works without crediting or sourcing them, your pages will be deleted and you may be blocked for an extended period of time. If you plagiarize any of our users or pages on this site without explicit permission, you will be immediately and permanently blocked.
- Vandalism and disruptive editing of any sort is absolutely unacceptable.
- Make sure all profiles you make abide by proper formatting and grammar, only deviating from such in a purposefully stylish way rather than blatantly incorrect formatting, such as bolding the wrong things or failing to properly break up your paragraphs and page statistics.**Pages should be presentable when published. If a page is far from done, edit it in your sandbox instead of posting it in a clearly incomplete state.
- Try to stick to source mode editing rather than the visual editor. Doing so makes things easier for other users and prevents the distortion of your page. You can change this in your preferences.
- Preferably avoid adding redundant categories or ones that require extremely subjective interpretation. It is usually better to stick to the already available options.
- Don't replace images you didn't upload for your own use, as they are likely to be used elsewhere.
- Unused images are likely to get deleted, though.
- Don't use photographs of real people, particularly children, on your pages.
- When uploading an image that you do not own, such as a piece of art you found online, whether it be fanart or original materials, be sure to properly attribute it when you do so. You can do this on the upload form for the page.
- If you can't find the source, try reverse searching the image on google or saucenao.
- If an artist asks for their art to be taken down, that will be done without question or complaint. If you're an artist that does not want their artwork to be featured on site, please feel free to say so. Furthermore, please respect the artist's wishes prior to using their art in the first place. Many artists will have guidelines for how they'd like their posted artworks to be used. If they do not allow reposting, then do not repost their art.
- The FC/OC VS Battles Wiki is a community primarily centered around individual projects, so it goes without saying that you should not edit another user's original content without their permission. Minor edits, such as typo or formatting corrections, are acceptable, but changes to anything significant are not.
- There is an exception to this, however, and that is in the realm of fanfiction not made by the page's creator. Anyone can edit these pages, so long as their edits are within reason. Revisions for these pages should be handled through community discussions and proper revision threads, however.
- Properly credit the creators of these fanworks on the verse page, however. If the creator of these derivative works asks for them to be taken off the wiki, they will be taken off the wiki, and will not be reposted.
- If fan content consistently demonstrates and maintains a different level of power from the original work, it should be judged and tiered based on its own feats, not on scaling to canon, even if the original is stronger. If the fanwork is meant to fit within the official timeline, failing to duplicate feats of the same level is fine, but actively contradicting the canon power level is not. As a general rule, fanfiction should not be automatically scaled to canon without an argument in its favor.
- Naturally, this applies doubly to alternate universe and crossover fanfics, which can easily and often inherently contradict not just the statistics but also powers of the original canon materials.
- Extremely explicit profiles and creations that cannot be debated without heavily addressing lewd and sexual content are not permitted, and characters with high amounts of sex-based content should have such information kept brief and off the page where possible.
- Character pages should not be missing vital information. If you can't post a complete page right off the bat, try using a sandbox instead. Pages that are left incomplete will be deleted.
Breaking these rules will result in a warning to the rulebreaker, and if a warning to a page creator is ignored, their page may be deleted. They may even get banned if they continue to ignore warnings and break rules.
Discussion Rules
- As we share our forums with VS Battles Wiki, all of their Discussion Rules should be followed, though not all of them are relevant to FC/OC specifically. Those that are will be respected.
- You can only create one active match with your own characters at a time; any further matches must be created by an outside party, or you must close your other thread to make another.
- You must use content and knowledge of your character and stories that can either be certified and fact checked by other people, or has been written down in an accessible place for others to fact check.
- Word of God has more leeway here than it would on VSB, but it can only go so far, and should not be abused.
- Respectfully ask an individual before making a match with their character, and notify them when made. If a profile has an inactive creator, unless the profile is incredibly detailed as it is and can be debated regardless, it is recommended that you do not use them in a match.
- If you suspect someone is making up new information or buffing their character for winning a match, direct your complaints and evidence to a staff member rather than attacking the person directly.
Content Guidelines
FC/OC is a wiki for the indexing, powerscaling, and development of Fan Characters and Original Characters reigning from various works of Fan and Original Content. Below, we will define these terms for our purposes and go over our guidelines for what forms of such content are acceptable to be placed on this wiki. Content that does not meet these guidelines will not be included on our site.
Original Content
- Original Content refers to characters and worlds that are entirely of the author’s creation, are not based on existing works, and that do not use the intellectual property (IP) of others. Characters that fit this definition of original content are known as Original Characters (OCs).
- While there are slight exceptions, such as small or short-lived references to other series—if a series uses IP as an integral or sufficiently meaningful part of its universe, it will be considered fan content for the purposes of this wiki.
- All original content indexed on FC/OC must be created by the author themselves or someone heavily involved in the creation of the verse/and or character(s).
- There will be no exceptions to this rule. It doesn't matter where they came from—please keep all official and original works that weren't created by our users off of the site. Any such content will be marked for deletion.
- If you want to index an original verse or character that already has a lot of notability, you can do so on the VS Battle Wiki.
- If you want to index an original verse or character, which for whatever reason has been removed from or isn't allowed on the VS Battle Wiki (Whether that be due to their notability standards or some other miscellaneous reason), you can instead place them on the Alt Battles Wiki, which was created specifically to index such verses and characters.
Fan Content
- Fan Content is a broad term that refers to any of the following:
- Content based on/in existing works: This should be self-explanatory. If the setting exists within the world of an existing work or is significantly based on one, it will be considered fan content. Similarly, if the setting is original but all the characters are based on existing works, it will also be categorized as fan content. This includes all modded video game content. Examples:
- Fallout Equestria: A fan-fiction novel fusing the worlds of My Little Pony and Fallout.
- Glitchtale: A fan-fiction YouTube animated series set in an alternate Undertale universe.
- Calamity Mod: A Terraria mod extension that adds hundreds of hours of new and unique content to the base game.
- Content that uses a significant amount of intellectual property (IP): Even if a verse features an original setting and characters, if it is significantly oriented around IPs from established settings, it will still be considered fan content on this wiki. IPs can include characters, objects, music, etc. Examples:
- Everybody Wants to Rule the World: A VSBW-RP setting where many characters take abilities and techniques from official characters and verses, often featuring appearances of characters from official works.
- Content based on other fan content: If the setting or characters in a verse are based on a verse already considered fan content, everything in that verse will also be categorized as fan content. Examples:
- Fallout Equestria Project Horizons: A series of non canon fan-fiction novels that expands on the lore of Fallout Equestria.
- Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes: A short story fan-fiction that uses the settings provided by Fallout Equestria and Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons, but tells its own self contained story.
- Fallout Equestria: Remains: A fan-fiction video game that takes key elements from Fallout Equestria’s premise but tells its own original story.
- Content based on/in existing works: This should be self-explanatory. If the setting exists within the world of an existing work or is significantly based on one, it will be considered fan content. Similarly, if the setting is original but all the characters are based on existing works, it will also be categorized as fan content. This includes all modded video game content. Examples:
- Fan content will be held to a higher standard for inclusion on this site. All fan-fiction and fan-character pages must focus on highlighting the intricacies and complexities of these spin-offs, demonstrating what makes them genuinely unique, interesting, and creative compared to their canon counterparts and inspirations. Pages must clearly explain how the history and/or universe of the fan content differs from the official works—not simply in ways that make them weaker or stronger.
- Fan content that fails to distinguish itself in this manner will no longer be permitted on this site. Additionally, if a lack of content prevents the characters and world from establishing themselves as distinct entities, they will also be denied inclusion on this wiki.
- Fan content that functions as fan-fiction of fan-fiction or spin-offs of fan-fiction will be heavily scrutinized, as such works are even more likely to be uninspired, unoriginal, and lacking in distinguishing features.
- Additionally, any content that is sourced from the original fan-fiction must be significantly altered in plot, personality, and other substantial information from the original in order to be allowed on the wiki as its own page. As an example, a page based on Littlepip as she appears in Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons would not be allowed, but a page for Littlepip, as she appears in Fallout Equestria Remains, would.
- Characters and verses that are predominantly comedic or palpably unserious in nature are better suited for indexing on the Joke Battles Wiki. Such content will not be allowed on this site. What exactly entails a joke profile is debatable, and the minute specifics will ultimately be left up to staff. With this said, try not to make pages for completely parodic, comedic works or YouTube personalities.
- Composite pages do not belong here, either.
Quality Standards
Below is a list of our quality standards for all pages. This goes for both fan and original content on the wiki.
- All character pages must be developed with the character in mind.
- Whether through elaborate summaries who they are, outlines of their personalities and appearances, or descriptions of their history and abilities, all character pages must include sufficient content that makes them stand out as characters. The exact qualifications will vary on a case-by-case basis, with some degree of flexibility. However, pages that neglect to explain who a character is beyond just a few short sentences and instead focus solely on indexing statistics will no longer be permitted. Above all, we want this site to showcase unique and inspiring characters.
- If you are unable to think of how to develop your character's page, try following the outline on our Standard Format and adding some of the recommended and/or optional sections.
- For good examples of what to strive for on your pages, look no further than our Featured Articles section on the main wiki page. Do bear in mind that these are by no means the minimal standard, but rather, pages we believe go above and beyond to showcase character.
- While it isn't obligatory that characters have anything beyond a summary, if you aren't going to add other character-oriented sections, it is still expected that the page make up for that in some way. This could be through extending the summary to include more information, stylizing the page in a way that makes it stand out, or simply having more elaboration in other areas of the page (such as notable techniques, additional information, trivia, etc).
- There will be some exceptions to this rule, such as if there are characters within a verse who are simply not characterized enough to have enough information to index. We understand that outside of the main casts of characters, there could be some one-off antagonists, monsters, or side-characters that aren't nearly as developed as the rest. You're fine to make more simply pages for those types. However, if these kinds of profiles make up the vast majority of pages in the verse, it may be evaluated whether or not they should remain on the wiki.
- Well-formatted pages are mandatory.
- While FC/OC allows a variety of methodologies for indexing content, this does not excuse visually unappealing or grossly inconsistent formatting. Profiles must feature proper grammar, clear structure, and internal consistency. If you choose to deviate from the standard format, ensure that the changes enhance the viewer’s visual experience rather than detract from it. Please bear in mind the dramatic visual changes between mobile and desktop view, and light and mode when designing your profiles.
- If you are unsure how to properly format and create an article on the wiki, please refer to our Getting Started page. It is also completely fine and acceptable to simply follow the outline in our Standard Format.
- Scans and references for non-user creations will be the standard.
- If you are not the original creator of the work you are indexing, and said work is publicly available, it is expected that you provide scans and references as evidence for the feats and abilities indexed on the page. Since word of god does not apply as readily to these works, this allows other users to readily verify the validity of what is presented on these pages. They will be treated more like VSBW pages, having the ability to be edited by anyone in the community given that others can logically prove and agree on changes to the profiles.
- All verse pages must act as an explanation for the universe. Verse pages should give a brief overview of what the world is, what it's about, and any other integral information that could inform the reader.
- Verse pages should contain a list of the characters present in the setting. Preferably, do not link to any characters that do not have pages yet to avoid spamming red/broken links. Furthermore, try not to spam pages with galleries of images for characters that do not have profiles.
- Verse pages must be created with the intention of expanding the world's indexation on the wiki. If a verse page is created without any other pages being connected to it and stays that way for a significant period of time, it will be deleted.
- Tier 0, 1, or 2 profiles and characters of similar, godly strength should have proper, established, and unique stories making them such. If evidence is found of an individual constantly adjusting their pages with presumed intent to increase power and win Versus Matches, the page will be deleted and the individual will be given a warning.
- All previous rules apply doubly to pages of these high tiers. They should be properly formatted and explained, and should be bigger than just a couple thousand bytes. There's no limit to how many pages of these tiers you can have, but if you just churn out low-quality pages of these tiers you may net yourself a ban from making more said pages.
- Tier 1 and 0 pages must follow our Tier 1 Page Rules and be accepted on our evaluation thread prior to their inclusion on the site. They will be deleted otherwise.
While these standards will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with a degree of subjectivity, staff ultimately reserve the right to determine what does and does not qualify for inclusion on the site. We will explain our reasons and do our best to help you create a site-worthy page.
Content that does not meet these standards will be marked with a marked for deletion template explaining that the page is not acceptable. In such cases, users will have a grace period of 5 days to make the necessary changes to align with the new quality standards, copy the source code, or move the page off-site. After this time, staff will review the marked pages and either remove the template or delete the page from the site. This template is not to be used by regular users, if you have content you would like to have removed please message a staff member about it.
Tampering with the marked for deletion templates will result in penalties:
- First offense: 1-week ban.
- Second offense: 1-month ban.
- Third offense: Permanent ban.
Do not remove these templates.