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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Shevatas is a thief from Zamora who went to steal from Thugra Khotan's temple but was killed when he reached his goal. He was then later revived by Thugra Khotan and now serves him with the promise of even more treasure. He uses his skills as a master thief to help Thugra Khotan further his goal and is one of his main enforcers.

Abilities and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Tat Shevatas

Origin: The Stranded Barbarian

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Master Thief

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Enhanced Senses, Stealth Mastery

Attack Potency: Wall Level (Can contend with Goblin Slayer)

Speed: Subsonic+ (could keep up with Goblin Slayer)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman (Physically comparable to Goblin Slayer, was able to carry Cow Girl a long distance)

Striking Strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall Level

Stamina: At least Peak Human (was able to run a long distance with Cow Girl's weight without tiring)

Range: Standard melee range, extended melee range with weapons

Standard Equipment: One-handed sword

Intelligence: Gifted (a good fighter and thief)

Weaknesses: None notable


  • Defeated a tired Goblin Slayer
  • Infiltrated a dangerous temple
  • Took Goblin Slayer's daggers without him noticing
  • Was able to fight Female Knight
  • Could contend with Goblin Slayer
  • Snuck passed an entire camp of enemy troops with help of an invisibility spell


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
