FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

What can I do for ya?
~ Shady Guy.

Oh these? GREAT memories! Wish I was as lucky as they are, heh heh.
~ Shady Guy pointing out the portraiture on his wall.


Shady Guy is the shopkeeper seen after defeating X in a rap battle. He invites the player in, where you can explore his room which contains information regarding Sonic Legacy's creation.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-B

Name: Shady Guy

Origin: Sonic Legacy

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities:

Social Influencing, Breaking the Fourth Wall (Talks to the player directly whilst looking at them, the TV he has contains information about Sonic Legacy's creation)

Attack Potency: Human Level (Is a average human)

Speed: Average Human by being human

Lifting Strength: Average Human (Likely able to lift the items in his room)

Striking Strength: Human Level

Durability: Human Level (Can slam his fist on his table without getting hurt)

Stamina: Unknown (We never see him doing any physically demanding tasks)

Range: Standard Melee Range (is a human)

Standard Equipment: Items in his room (TV with information about Sonic Legacy's creation, Energy Drink, Books documenting 2011 X and others, self-recorded cassettes, cassette player, candle, Portraiture of others)

Intelligence: Above Average (Has books that are likely made by him due to the low quality paper matching his shady aesthetic, containing information about the world around him)

Weaknesses: Impatient.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
