Shadic is a powerful fusion between Sonic and Shadow as a result of fusion with the Kronokai Emeralds. He's from a version of Archie Sonic combined w/ DBZ . He's appeared in Season 1 of Dark Forces, and then reappears in Season 3 of Dark Forces.
Tier: At least 2-A , l At least 2-A l At least 2-A
Name: Shadic
Origin: Sonic:Dark Forces
Gender: Male
Age: 15 (Same age as Sonic)
Classification: Kronokai Fusion
Powers and Abilities: Has the same powers as Sonic and Shadow's Super Forms. Can use Chaos Control perfectly to warp to his opponents much faster than he can regularly move
Attack Potency: At least Multiverse Level+(Stated to be equal to DC Sonic, who thrashed Super Form 3 Sonic w/ a mere fingertap who is immensely superior to Max Potential Super Forms, which are far above their supressed Super Forms who were stated by Sonic to be the strongest Chaos Energy, making him stronger than Pre-Dark Forces , Sonic the Hedgehog Post-Genesis Wave Ultra Sonic State ) l At least Multiverse Level+ (Immensely superior to his previous state) l At least Multiverse Level+ (Immensely superior to Super Form 3 Shadic)
Speed: Immeasurable (Fought on par with DC Sonic who speedblitzed Super Form 3 Sonic). Far Higher with Chaos Control
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Unknown
Durability: At least Multiverse Level+ : ( Managed to fight DC Sonic on equal terms ) , possibly Higher | Possibly Higher (Far Stronger than Before) l At least Multiverse Level+ (Fought competitive to Potential Unleashed Dark Sonic)
Stamina: Immense
Range: Multiverse Level with Chaos Control / Reality Warping
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Unknown (Comparable to Shadow at least)
Weaknesses: Tends to be arrogant.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches