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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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You see, I believe there are two matters in which modesty exists. The first is when one experiences embarrassment, notably nudity, or whenever it involves social activity. Neurodegeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes can lead to less awareness of oneself. It's a sign of a socially adept and normally functioning brain. [...] There was once a famous experiment where participants are tasked with watching an actor receive praise for achieving a very high score on an exam. In some cases, the actor was told to feign pride in the achievement. And in others, they acted embarrassed to have attention put on themselves. Soon, this actor was tasked to play games along with the participants, with the latter being cooperative and friendly towards the former. This is probably the reason why evoking such an emotion, may give a sign that one may like the other. However, the second one, being shame, is another topic on its own. This comes back to the one I mentioned earlier, nudity- the feeling of embarrassment when someone is naked. This phenomenon predates back in the past, something that is not unique to you humans. One of the reasons is "refusal"- a kind of test, with the one playing 'hard to get and the latter chasing after them to prove that they are a worthy mate. In a way, clothing is, paradoxically, both a means of drawing attention to one's body and simultaneously a way to cover the body modestly, making one less available to every and any potential mate, rendering, breeding more selective. This could be the reason why humans quickly invented clothing to cover private parts when it was discovered. However, not everything has a silver lining, sometimes it has a fly in the ointment. Clothing, taken at face value is simple. It's a piece of equipment used for protection and to "cover" certain body parts. But clothing does not only cover one's own body but also acts as a mask to hide one's identity under a veil, opposite to what one truly is. If they are sad, then their mask represents happiness and vice versa... And throughout the years, humanity has finally shown itself as to what they truly are behind those innocent clothes, to me, at least.
~ Scandaloso's ideology

The power to expose the inner devil of the masses... And a fitting way to end them. Irony at it's best.
Knowing the truth is both a beauty and a curse. Having the knowledge to foresee it, but having no power to stop it. The truth can be a sad thing, knowing that all your efforts would be in vain. Realize that every mistake you have made cannot be undone. It's reasonable why humans desire to "escape" their reality. The truth will, however, remain. Reality cannot be changed.
~ Scandaloso's grief

Scandaloso Inhabit
The mask of human beings begins to become hollower when a person's identity is compromised. Once provoked, that is when their inner selves emerge. To protect themselves from harm and gain some control over the world around them, they create clothes to hide all the dirtiness beneath. Yet, when exposed, their real feelings will surface. This is a mask that, when stripped of its protection, is exposed to the elements of life and its harshness of it. A mask is used to veil their emotions. But, when uncovered, we can see them for what they are. People wear them to hide their past, to hide their grief, to hide their power, and most importantly, to hide their inner desire. They wear them to make other people look the way they want them to. They wear them to ensure that others think the way they want them to. But, as you have already seen, beneath that mask is someone who just wants to be heard. When exposed, all that is shown is the true person. They are given a wake-up call, and thus, are not immune to the world around them. It is this person that does not want the world to see them for who they are. At some point, it must be removed.
~ Scandaloso


Scandaloso (スキャンダラス Sukyandarasu) is a tertiary character featured in C∅ntext by Backbackback. It is a sentient inanimate given life after gaining a Milieu out of the people's emotion of "embarrassment", "modesty", and "shame". It is a Wielder whose Slothscape allows it to manipulate maps and create signs.


Scandaloso are two white flags stuck together, with one of its pole slightly bent. It all of its appearances, it is shown holding a small plate that has four cups stacked upon one another. It is inspired by the creatures used in "Found Footage" videos.

After inhabiting an amalgamated body, their appearance is that of a scrawny build, bright skin, maroon hair, and a blood-red tattoo on their right hand. Their outfit consists of a black shirt and pants, a yellow jacket with black and white motifs, blue sneakers with a black outline on the right, and a white outline on the left, each labeled with "Throbbing" on the straps. Their face is covered with a black mask, with two grilled eye lenses, and multiple tubes connected to the filter.



Not much is known about Scandaloso's origin, but it is heavily implied to be formed by the people's emotions of embarrassment and modesty. At some point, the creature gained sentience and awakened a Milieu, having been awoken to the truth, which is implied to be the reason why it's fixated on "uncovering" the people's secret.


Scandaloso is introduced in the story as an enigmatic creature who lures people, telling them about their secrets, especially ones who have a criminal record.

After an unspecified amount of time doing the same thing, it soon moved to Venezuela, a place with a crime index of 83.76, the highest of any country in the world. Sometime later, Scandaloso convinced the Venezuela National Police to ally with him, all in exchange for a map. Asking what the inanimate's goal is, it replies and explains how modesty affects the clothing of humans. It also states that this modesty represents how one "covers" a lot of their secrets under their clothing, not just their private parts.

Months after their alliance, they discovered an instance of a dangerous terrorist group. Scandaloso tells the police that the terrorist is planning to plant bombs all around the capital, causing them to investigate any nearby campsites. Scandaloso then reveals to the police that the inanimate appears to be a sentient moving flag pole that carries teacups for a hobby. Although the police were surprised and almost terrified by this revelation, it once stated its goal to them and tells them that its agenda has never changed, having no intention to hurt them. Shortly after, the terrorist has begun their raid on the capital, with mass shootings occurring. However, before any of them engage, Scandaloso warns them not to, stating that the terrorist is to likely trick them into bribing, which would possibly work out on the enemies' favor. It then tells them to search the streets and keep a low profile as to not be noticed.

Searching the streets for potentially dangerous people, the terrorist group eventually ran into the police, suspicious for their weird activity. One of them sneaks up behind the police to restrain them, pointing their silenced pistols hidden in their jackets. They then shot them and considers their target dead, moving on to find any threat they could find. To the surprise of the terrorist, a few of its members were saved by some unknown force which seemingly made the bullets disappear before it kill the others, with the street sign name being changed. Revealing Scandaloso's power Slothscrape and telling the police to rescue citizens, the inanimate engages in combat with the terrorist who shifts their attention to it.

One of them starts fleeing but is blocked by a golden wall, with the others starting to fire their guns toward the sentient flag. A young woman then threw a sticky grenade from her pockets whilst continuing their assault towards Scandaloso, who uses Slothscrape to propel several rocks at the other terrorist. It uses this distraction to flee from the barrage of bullets and sneaks behind one of them, attempting to take them out one by one. Scandaloso easily dominates the terrorist in close-quarters combat, managing to pierce several organs while augmenting its attacks via Slothscrape's falling rocks, but the other members manage to notice the distraction and continued their attack. Most of them suddenly disappeared, realizing they are now on top of him, firing a rocket launcher. The resulting explosion causes nearby large buildings to be destroyed which Scandaloso brushed off and instead attempted to fling more rocks towards them. Yet the debris is about to fall on the citizens but was more fixated on exposing the terrorist's intentions. As the enemy group call for reinforcements, they begin to surround the inanimate.

The group restrains Scandaloso from all directions while some begin plating bombs around it. One of them pulls out a detonator and glares at the flag pole with killing intent, but warns them not to press the button, telling them its beliefs about the concept of embarrassment and how people tend to hide their true colors behind some sort of veil or mask. The terrorist does it anyway and the explosives instead disappear from the inanimates body, as Scandaloso changed the street name once more; they all get transported to a whole new street and the same golden walls surround them. Before the group can react, bombs that have previously disappeared now appear within the walls, with multiple building-sized rocks appearing above them. The others panic and scream, which is when the bombs explode and kills all of them.

Following their defeat, Scandaloso returns to the "original" street and scavenges the dead bodies left there. The inanimate then inhabits an amalgamation of bodies formed into one, each of which appear to have a very athletic physique, wearing a mask and tubes to further 'prolong' the body. After some time, the police managed to rescue all civilians and evacuate the area, with Scandaloso signaling to them that the fight is over, going from Caracas to Centro de Coordinación Policial San José in under a blink of an eye (which was 4.9km). Looking at the amalgamated body, the department decided to give them an identity, which is where they got the name "Scandaloso", a fitting name for someone who's fixated on exposing one's inner evil, soon discovering their Milieu consciously shortly after.

After an unprecedented amount of time, Scandaloso took over the police department and became its head, solving crimes around the world. The general public then addresses the inanimate as "Scan" or "S" for short, having stopped major crimes and is revered by most criminals. However, its pursuit towards exposing the deep secrets of humanity is growing ever so faster thanks to their career as a detective, which questions whether their intentions are for the betterment of the world or for the worse.


Not much is known about Scandaloso, aside from their fixation on exposing corrupt people's inner selves. In general, they give the impression of a philosophical and enigmatic creature.

The inanimate has a degree of quick-sightedness, using their Milieu's power and knowledge to concoct a plan that allowed them to dominate the fight against the terrorist. Furthermore, Scandaloso is exceptionally brutal during a fight. When the terrorists turned their attention to them, Scandaloso violently kills them one by one, inflicting countless fatal injuries such as piercing several organs or flinging several rocks to crush them, before inflicting a ruthless attack with Slothscrape, trapping them with golden walls and causing a massive explosion via dropping rocks and making contact with the bombs transported inside the walls. Furthermore, Scandaloso is extremely calm and collected, having no qualms about tanking a rocket launcher being directed towards them. This is more shown when they inhabited a body, as they are never shown to scream or rage at something they cannot comprehend. Instead, they lean more to their logical side and analyzes, keeping their composure at all times. Their precautious nature helps compliment this, as they once told the police to be careful when dealing with the terrorist and to not expose themselves to them.

When asked about their goals by the police, Scandaloso's motive surfaces, saying that they believe in the concept of embarrassment. They notably have a fixation on "modesty" and how it is the defining factor as to what humans are, believing that people wear clothing not just to hide their private parts but to hide the inner secrets of their being. Additionally, Scandaloso holds a sense of justice in terms of exposing these secrets "behind the clothing", looking down at the criminals with killing intent and mercilessly killing them after telling them about their beliefs. However, despite all this, Scandaloso is a relatively kind creature towards people, not exposing everyone's secrets when they find it to be completely unnecessary. They convey interest in food, literature, and so on, showing that the inanimate isn't some sadistic and merciless monster, but a kind and caring one at that, yet is in no way of stopping their goal for anyone, not even their friends.

This is what defines Scandaloso as a character, believing that every human has a deep and dark hidden past that they hide inside a mask; that, and their overly observant trait which they gained from this philosophy makes everyone question whether they are good or evil. They are also rather devious and isn't above using dirty tactics, as they are "provoking" their enemies to "unleash the inner evil within."

After gaining a body, Scandaloso is seen to have a near-expressionless face, but will often smirk or let out a chuckle whenever they get under their opponent's skin, allowing the enemy to be predictable, which works in the inanimates' favor. In contrast, however, Scandaloso is extremely mature and approaches things methodically, asking things in a calm manner and analyzes the best outcome, but would nonetheless take matters into their own hands if necessary.


Scandaloso's Insignia

As the detective S, Scandaloso is quite secretive, and only communicates with their associates through a personally-chosen proxy. They never shows their face in person, instead representing themselves with a capital letter S drawn in "Wedding Text BT" typeface.

They also have developed several quirks, such as preferring to sit on the floor than anything else, eating only food that have a wrapper (like burrito, food wraps and shawarmas) and tic to point their index and middle finger down. They also have an unusual way of sitting, with both of their legs crossed on the chair. Interestingly, Scandaloso can be seen doing an "air sit" whenever there is no chairs in sight or when the floor is very dirty. They are often seen tapping and fidgeting objects and very intently stacking their food wraps.

With current their status as of late, Scandaloso is often questioned by many about their prowess, mainly due to their bedraggled and stony appearance. Although they are often seen to be inactive and scrawny, Scandaloso's body still retains it's athletic physique, with its amalgamated nature making it superhuman, which is why they ironically wear a mask to make sure that it remains preserved.

However, despite their appearance, Scandaloso is extremely powerful and confident in their abilities, albeit humble. It isn't too farfetched to believe that they are incredibly strong, to which they technically are. Nevertheless, the inanimate shows little to no interest in gaining more power and states many a time that their only goal is to expose the deep secrets of the human world. Indeed, their power and tactical prowess is marvelous, terrifying even, but isn't arrogant about it, stating that even a strong will could falter in the face of defeat, including their powers.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C, Varies with Slothscrape

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Information Analysis (Has great observation skills and is extremely intelligent), Supernatural Luck , Supernatural Willpower (All Wielders are very much lucky to have a Milieu and awaken them. This also grants them more power the more courage that they have), Non-Physical Interaction, Selective Intangibility and Invulnerability (See Milieu Wielder Abilities; Only Milieu Wielders and can affect the other), Abstract Existence (Type 1 and 2; Formless, Evolves and Reoccurrence Types are described to be "eldritch-like" or "beyond-otherworldly"), Immortality (Type 3, 5, 7 and 9; As an "Anomaly", they serve a purpose of crossing over different fictional stories and travels outside them, making them exist above the very concepts of life and death, independent on their dimension where they could only be killed. Scandaloso is unbound by life and death, being an inanimate, and is no longer alive due to the body they are inhabiting), Passive Resistance Negation and Power Nullification, Accelerated Development (As time passes by, a Wielder will get stronger and stronger either through mental, physical, spiritual, or any means of training so long as it involves the use of their Milieu), Slothscrape grants Map Manipulation, Golden Walls, Target Tracking, Street Name Manipulation, Street Sign Manipulation, Falling Rock Creation (See Notable Abilities), Teleportation, BFR, Dimensional Travel, Multilocation, Higher-Dimensional Existence, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation, Subjective Reality (By changing the street names, it allows Scandaloso to teleport and travel through dimensions, seal someone inside overlapping portals, exist in multiple spots at once, and be used offensively to cut "space-time" by scattering someone's body into different locations in space time, with the user being the only one immune to it), Empowerment (Depending on the size of the map and the amount of signs it has, the Milieu can be faster, stronger, and more durable), Flight (By constantly teleporting themselves at the same position over and over), Law Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Reality Warping, Telekinesis, Statistics Reduction, Status Effect Inducement, Causality Manipulation (By creating signs like "stop", "turn left/right", "no entry", etc., it allows Scandaloso to create concepts and laws, affect reality itself, telekinetically manipulate anyone within the map, slow opponents down, and so much more with the only limit being their imagination), Immortality Negation and Regeneration Negation (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and High Godly; via using the "Stop" sign, which prevents anyone from regenerating and stops any kind of immortality, hence the name), Mimicry Negation, Durability Negation, Invulnerability Negation, and Resurrection Negation (via "Prohibition" signs, commonly indicated by a "no" symbol, which prohibits anything, similar to the "stop" sign), likely many more (Due to the near-endless variety of Slothscrape, there are many more abilities that aren't listed above)

Attack Potency: Building level (Dropped multiple building-sized rocks at the terrorist), Varies with Slothscrape (Depending on the size of the map held, Slothscrape can be even stronger or weaker), can negate resistances, bypass durability, and nullify abilities with Slothscrape

Speed: High Hypersonic+ (Travelled from Caracas to Centro de Coordinación Policial San José in just a blink of an eye), Varies with Slothscrape (Depending on the size of the map held, he can be faster or slower), Varies with Photo Enforced (Copies the speed of the opponent)

Lifting Strength: Unknown (The amalgamated body consist of multiple terrorists, each of which have athletic build, but the extent of this remains unknown)

Striking Strength: Unknown (The amalgamated body consist of multiple terrorists, each of which have athletic build, but the extent of this remains unknown)

Durability: Large Building level (Tanked a rocket that destroyed large buildings), likely far higher (Brushed off the attack and was more fixated in exposing the enemies' secrets), Varies with Slothscrape (Depending on the size of the map, the golden walls can be more durable. The golden wall's effects make it very difficult to harm or hit them at all, as it simply teleports all attacks elsewhere), Passive Negation, Mimicry Negation, Power Nullification, Resistance Negation, Immortality Negation, Invulnerability Negation, Resurrection Negation, and Regeneration Negation makes them nigh-impossible to kill.

Stamina: Limitless (As an inanimate, Scandaloso has no need for sleep or rest)

Range: Varies (Depending on the size of the map, the range could increase or decrease)

Standard Equipment: Their Milieu, Slothscrape

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius. Scandaloso is a talented and cunning being with an extreme fixation towards exposing one's secrets. Their intellect makes them an extremely lethal foe and a virtuoso to the Venezuela National Police, with them even forming an alliance with the inanimate, despite their initial suspicion. Its plans are ingenious, exploiting their innate talent of observation and creatively using their Milieu. One of Scandaloso's greatest skills, however, is their fondness towards observation and their cool-headedness, keeping up their composure even in the tensest of situations and is smart enough to not drop it even after said scenario. What's more is their precautious way of doing things, such as ordering the police to not engage with the terrorist, knowing that they'd bribe with and them, eventually tricking into killing them. Has an IQ of 400.

Weakness: Slothscrape has several restrictions, most notably that Scandaloso needs to have a map; that, and its size, which contributes depending on how big it is, making them either stronger or weaker than their opponent. They also have a fondness towards the concept of "embarrassment" and may prolong the fight by exposing them to their deepest secrets.

Note: The sign ability may be misunderstood as NLF, to which it isn't. The main reason why I didn't list all of it is due to the fact that new signs could be added over the time, so instead, I listed it as "likely many more", but shouldn't be taken literally at face value, due to the fact that we didn't get to see Scandaloso's full potential.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Mandatory Movements: At face value, it allows Scandaloso to create laws that control a certain movement of anything. This comes in multiple applications that which could be combined with another, multiplying its effects instead of adding them.

  • Left/Right: Scandaloso's default attack; Left/Right is the byproduct of forcefully applying the law of "left/right" within Slothscrape's map. Through these, Scandaloso creates a law where reality itself is forced to turn said direction, causing everything to be pulled towards that direction, allowing for telekinesis.
    • Curve: An amplified version of Left/Right unleashed to its absolute state. The law is so powerful that it instead acts as a slashing attack, which bypasses through defenses and/or resistances as they are "forced" to follow said direction.
      • Sharp Curve Creates a law that swirls everything around it, ripping anything it comes in contact with to be torn to shreds.
    • Winding Road: Creates a law that twists a target's body apart, instantly killing them.
    • Intersection: Creates a law that separates a target apart, which allows Scandaloso to kill enemies of higher dimensions directly.
      • Circular Intersection: Separates the target in a circular direction.
    • Roadway Merge: Creates a law that forces everything to converge, either in left or right position.
      • Lane Add: Creates a law that instead forces everything to diverse, either in left or right position.
      • Lane Reduction: Reduces the size of space a target is inhabiting in, forcing them to move in certain directions. If minimized to the absolute point, then the target is rendered immobile and cannot move.
    • Hill: Creates a slope that launches anything upwards.
      • Rollover Causes the target on a hill to rollover, which slowly crushes them due to momentum.
    • Two Way Traffic: A technique that brings the laws of forward and backward, producing a force that crushes and implodes anything in its path.
    • Divided Highway: Divides the enemy into infinite chunks of themselves.
  • Straight Line Only: Creates a law where everything has to move a straight line, with the resulting attack causing anyone within to experience a piercing and direct instantaneous attack, bypassing durability and destroying the enemy without any resistance.

Regulatory Signs: Signs that focuses more on fighting opponents who are more powerful than him, serving as his main arsenal in fighting.

  • Clearance: Can increase or decrease the size of anything, allowing for wider area-of-effect types of attacks or smaller, more precise types of attack.
  • Photo Enforced: Creates a law which summons cameras and copies an opponent's speed, allowing Scandaloso to catch up to them.
    • Advisory Speed: Limits the speed of a target, slowing them down according to Scandaloso's will.
  • Slippery When Wet: Creates a law that causes enemies to stumble over, which multiplies collision damage.
  • No Passing Zone: Creates a law, emitting a reason-breaking barrier that prevents anyone from ever reaching Scandaloso, either through causality, concepts, or any other means the opponents futilely attempts to break through this wall.
  • Crossing: Summons a crossing road for anything: such as "Railroads" which can summon trains, "Truck" which summons trucks, "Deer" which summons deers, "Cattle" which summons cattles, and so on.
  • Train Horn: Creates a sign that disables sounds.
  • "No Signal": Interferes with any communication-type abilities, and any signal emitting abilities like light, radiation, etc.
  • "Exit Closed": Creates a law that seals anything, closing the "exit" to any possible route which also prevents any interferences by probability.
  • Detour: Creates a pathway road that allows Scandaloso to see every possible action, but would require the map their wielding to be precise enough to reach a certain threshold of accuracy.
  • "Stop": Creates a law that "stops" everything, not just in time but removes the very concept of movement. This could also apply to abilities, resistances, and passives as it "stops" them from ever activating, rendering them powerless.
  • "Yield": Creates a law that "slows down" everything: from the opponent's speed to the rate at which abilities activate, from instantaneous into a speed of a snail.
  • Prohibition: Signs that starts with "Do Not", following the thing that the user wants to prohibit. These could be stacked with other signs, which nullifies the enemy from copying the nullification, should they ever adapt to it. These could also be used to "nullify" the nullification, negate the resistance negation, cancel the cancellation, and so on.

Motorist Services and Recreation Signs: These are signs that are more for utility, which is more used by Scandaloso than their other array of offensive attacks:

  • Tent Camping: Creates a law that materializes a tent, which is useful for rests if they're ever in a party.
    • "Food": Summon any kind of food that Scandaloso wants, so long as they know the ingridient.
      • "Lodgining": Creates a hotel with all of the necessary equipment, such as ready-to-eat food, some beverages, a fridge, a bathroom, and some clothes. Said structure would collapse once Scandaloso deactivates it.
  • Telephone: Creates a red telephone box, which allows Scandaloso to communicate with anyone.
  • Hospital: Creates a hospital that puts any target the user chooses to in a surgical bed, which heals all wounds and injuries near-instantenously.
  • "Information": Creates a law which places crosshairs on a target and analyzes everything about them, showing every single weakness and how to exploit them. This also shows information about object and anything that the user wants.
  • Fuel: Creates a law that allows Scandaloso to manipulate gasoline and electricity, which, when combined, allows them to create powerful combustions.
  • Winter Recreational Area: As the name suggests, it creates a law that allows Scandaloso to manipulate the concept of winter, which can freeze the enemy to the absolute zero, affecting not only their physical body, but their conceptual, spiritual and mental one as well.
  • Drinking Water: Creates a law that allows the user to control the water.
  • All-Terrain Vehicle Service: Summons a vehicle that allows the user to traverse any land, including dimensions.
  • Parking: Temporarily stop anything and place them into a halt, a technique similarly used to "Stop". It lasts for about an hour before the effect dissipates.
  • Guide Sign: Signs, that when activated, allows the user to create guide signs which can help support their allies. It shows all the details and specificities about everything they currently need to know, such as the distance it would take, how it is, what is require thing to do, and warning for them to be aware of.

Arbitrary Signs: A technique discovered after altering previous signs and fusing them to make a singular, more powerful sign than its predecessors. Most of the techniques shown here are just a few of what it could fully do, as there are endless varieties. These examples are as follows:

  • Prohibition Terminate- Cease: By combining the signs "Stop", "Yield", "Do Not Enter", "No Passing Zone", "Exit Closed", and activating "Passive Negation", it essentially nullifies nullification, but done so infinite times, which causes a contradiction since nullifying a nullification essentially neutralizes it. When this happens, both the enemy and the one who nullified it, would be on equal grounds. However, this logic does not apply to Scandaloso as they also nullify the contradiction, allowing them to negate resistance negation, nullify power nullification, nullify copying nullification, and so on. This could prevent a person to prevent them from equalizing their strength, or bringing their level equal to the opponent's power, as it nullifies that notion, nullifying probability as it nullifies the nullification of the probability of it not working, thus allowing Scandaloso to freely bypass the ability.
  • Narrow Highway: By combining the signs "Two Way Traffic", "Divided Highway", "Lane Reduction", and "Clearance", it creates an attack that would "always hit" it's target and "never misses", as every possible concept, chance, cause, and effect all lead into a singular outcome. This attack would be considered "Omnipresent" as it comes from every direction.
  • Roundabout: By combining the signs "Straight Line Only", "Circular Intersection", "Winding Road", and "Advisory Speed", it creates an inescapable swirling attack that crushes the enemy, killing them conceptually.
  • Reaction Combust: By combining the signs "Photo Enforced", "Fuel", "Drinking Water", "Winter Recreation Area", and "Parking", it produces a powerful explosion; the resulting attack caused by gas and electricity, with the enemy imploding due to the ice sealing them in place, the impact caused by being submerged in water, and them being temporarily immobilized by Parking.
  • Awning Sanatorium: By combining the signs "Lodging", "Hospital", "Off-site", and "All-Terrain Vehicle Service", it creates multiple structures like tents, rooms, bathrooms, etc. that instantaneously heal anyone within its range. This not only regenerate one's body, but one's own body, mind, and soul, along with their aspect of existence.

Notable Abilities:

Slothscrape: A Formless Milieu that appears to be a bunch of floating eyes as its avatar, with its multitude of esoteric and eccentric abilities, allowing Scandaloso to expose anyone they want.

  • Highway Billow: To use the ability of Slothscrape to its fullest there must find a map of an area. From there, it can manifests signs in the area the map depicts. Signs are now shown on the map as green dots. The Milieu can report its findings back to the user with ease. The more accurate a map, the more accurate the placement of signs are, and the more it can get stronger, faster, and more durable. It could also wield multiple maps, even ones that are worlds apart, allowing for instantaneous travel no matter the distance.
    • Tripos: Slothscrape can target and/or "prioritize" specific people/s to be put under the effect of its abilities. To do so, they must pass a street sign occupied by the Milieu.
    • Off-site: If someone attempts to leaves the area depicted in the map that Slothscrape affects, they are met by a golden wall. They will be unable to pass this wall, trying to move through it will result in them being teleported to any location within the map that Scandaloso wants. It could also be used as a form of shield or a trap, as shown when the terrorist are trapped inside 4 of the walls, which prevented them from leaving as they would be teleported to the same spot they're previously on.
    • Eyes Wide Open: Once used, a golden circle appears on top of the people affected/within the map/prioritized by Slothscrape, which is seen on the map as a golden dot, with stars indicating if they are a priority target or not, and a normal yellow dot for the people simply within the area. This allows Scandaloso's attacks to always hit when it is activated, but would the utmost priority target first.
    • Bison Sprauchle: Slothscrape can affect the area the map/s it is inhabiting (depicted through signs) by altering the existing signs or creating new ones:
      • Street Sign Manipulation: Creating crossing signs will "compel" people from one to another. If it is a specific animal crossing sign, any animal of that kind in the area will be teleported to a crossing the user chose and cross it before being warped to another location. If there is no nearby animals of the kind that Scandaloso chose, then Slothscrape would manifest instances of said animal, and assuming a railroad sign would summon train tracks with the train included. Scandaloso could use these things as a form of distraction or to straight-up kill their opponents via the horde of animals crossing, being crushed by a train, or even another person entirely. However, said person would still retain their consciousness but are unable to make proper words, disabling any kind of communication. Additionally, there's no limit as to what kind of Street Sign Scandaloso can make, it could perhaps be arbitrary so long as the conditions and the context for a street sign remains. For example, if they were to assume a "stop" sign, then anything would be placed in stasis, as the law and concept of "stop" is brought upon the map and "prevents" things like immortality, powers, laws, regeneration, etc.; if they were to assume a "no entry" sign, then nothing can ever touch or perceive them, as the law dictates them not to. This essentially makes anyone within the influence of Slothscrape's ability to be powerless, as they can create laws and concepts entirely on their own: such as using "turn left/right" to telekinetically manipulate things, create a "speed limit/yield" sign to slow down faster enemies or to speed themselves up, use a "telephone" sign to communicate with anyone, make a "hospital" sign to heal any injury, assume a "exit" expressway sign to escape any form of sealing, and so much more with the only limitation being Scandaloso's own imagination.
      • Falling Rock Creation: Depending on the material of the environment (which, in this case, is rocks since Scandaloso is currently on Earth), it allows Slothscrape to cause said materials to fall from the area. Since, Scandaloso is currently on Earth, the material used are rocks, but could be changed depending on where they are. For example, if they are in outer space, then the materials used is the fabric of space formed into objects, and if they are in a dimension of time, then materials used are temporal, which would have the same quality as the place they are in. The size of these objects/materials can increase, as shown when Scandaloso dropped building-sized rocks on top of the terrorist.
      • Street Name Manipulation: Slothscrape can store the names of streets in itself and change what streets are named on cross-section street name signs. From there, the cross-section of the streets will look normal, but will transport targets to the streets named by the cross-section signs when they pass from the cross-section onto the new street. If there are two or more maps involved, the names could overlap one another, effectively sealing a target in a never-ending teleportation and could even erase one's existence by scattering their bodies in multiple places all at once, with Scandaloso being the only immune to it and allows him to teleport to multiple places at the same time. This could also be used offensively, as Scandaloso redirected the bombs planted on them towards the terrorists, killing them in the process.
    • Passive Negation: Scandaloso's Milieu, when activated, removes all resistances and nullifies abilities. This could be a result of an inanimate gaining control over itself and have awakened a Formless type Milieu, all without the influence of another Wielder, making them an anomaly just like the others (which can also negate resistances and nullify powers). It could also be combined with signs that negate resistances/nullify abilities, stacking them endlessly, which can easily overpower someone who has a resistance to Resistance Negation.


  • If they were to take a IQ test, the resulting score would be 400.
  • Scandaloso could be referred as "he/him", as they appear to have a male body.
  • They have no genitalia and have no interest in sexual reproduction and love, seeing it as unnecessary and finds the subject to be disgusting, immediately changing the topic if it were to be mentioned.
  • Scandaloso has a hobby of collecting tea pots all around the world, which hinted as to why they became known all around the globe.
  • Scandaloso has a habit of quoting philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche.


Good and evil are the same, had you accounted for before the present, then I have committed several crimes. Yes, my decisions may have caused an impact on society, but that does not make me a good person. Human beings tend to bemoan their actions as just, and I suppose you'd assume that I would say the same thing, to which you are correct. Yet if we look beyond the romanticized vision of a good person made of wholesome goodness, then we find a person with whom we can be closer. I am not a human, rather, I'm the byproduct of it. Yet, I do not view myself through the prism of altruism; I view myself as an aberration. What I am doing is not at the behest of the stars, gods, or man. I am acting in accordance with my will, my own choice. If I happen to affect the actions of the people around me, then that is simply an incidental result, as though a specific fire touched the otherwise neutral air. The act that I have carried was not the action of a Good or Bad Person, but merely that of a being. A being who seeks to uncover the deepest, darkest secrets that man conceals underneath a veil.
~ Scandaloso telling the Police about his ideologies
The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.
~ Scandaloso quoting J. Krishnamurti
A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions--as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.
~ Scandaloso quoting Friedrich Nietzsche
Assumptions aren't dangerous, it just depends on whether you'll benefit from them.
~ Scandaloso
The common thing about humanity is their desire for power, money, and status. In this world, intelligence and talent are not enough to guarantee a person's ability to climb the ladder and reach the top. Most of it is through sheer hard work, but oftentimes, one may be subjugated to committing crimes, those of which are now locked up behind bars. Admit it or not, there must be one of those days where you wish you had this or wanted that. Although these items can't exactly provide a pleasurable feeling to the imagination, the experience may make it seem like you are getting one. That, and humanity's curiosity for anything strange, is what jumpstarted most wars, yet is the driving force to evolve and propagate. It is ironic to think that one of the biggest threats to the survival of the human race may be finding a sense of fulfillment and not being so reliant on external sources. Yet, with all of the things that they are capable of doing, with all of the advancements they've made, they're still limited to living as they were, a few thousand years ago, without a sense of independence and freedom; all of them imprisoned by their carnal desires.
~ Scandaloso's view on humanity