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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Satanael DEG
Is it not obvious? I want to free you all from your chains. You are born on this planet only to live a life of hardship and die. The agents of your mortal churches spread lies, false promises of heaven and threats of hell, but the only thing that awaits you all at the end is the infinite stillness of eternity. I am doing this because I love humanity. I love beastmen, elves, monsters, animals. i love even my brothers in heaven despite the hatred they hold for me. If I bring the hold of Makai to this world, all may experience that love, that freedom from the cycle of death.


Standing as one of the seven demon lords of Makai, representing Wrath demons, Satan is one of the most powerful demons shown in the series thus far. Holding a terrifying presence and reputation even among the other demon lords and standing second only to Lucifer in power, he is responsible for the Mu Impact that wiped out 90% of all elves, destroying almost a fifth of Algo's population in one fell swoop and reshaping the continent into the twisted hellscape of Naraka. Erithaea Archibald and Alciela Belnades were forced to confront him during their infiltration into the Tower of Tartarus, where he quickly re-asserted his power.

However, when Erithaea maneuvered him into a large pillar of holy energy that destroyed his cursed armor, the seal on his power was released, and he revealed his true form to them. In reality, Satan's true identity is Satanael, the son of Graham and fallen angel, as well as Erithaea's half-sister due to her divine parentage.


Satan's disposition is that of a misguided, fractured individual who believes he can save all of Algo from Graham's cruel doctrines by turning them into demons and converting the world into part of Makai. Despite his fearsome reputation and actions that resulted in the deaths of millions, he does not hold malice towards anyone who wishes to stop him, simply viewing them as needing to have somebody make a difficult choice for them. Satan claims to love humanity despite their flaws, a love that extends even to other angels despite their hatred for him. When meeting Erithaea for the first time, he initially appeared as an emotionless demon without mercy, fighting her and Alciela simply due to wanting to satisfy his curiosity for why she was fighting him with such anger and ferocity, though this is implied to have been due to his cursed armor suppressing his emotions. During their fight, once his true form was revealed, Satanael revealed that he cared for his sister despite having never met her until now, wishing to bring her and Alciela to Makai as well, so that they would be converted to his ideology, further expressing that he wanted to have a 'proper family'.

Personal Statistics[]

Name: Satan, Satanael

Origin: Deus Ex Gyrus

Gender: Genderless (Hermaphroditic body, uses male pronouns)

Age: At least 5400 years (Older than Erithaea's oldest life)

Height: 6'0"

Birthday: Unknown

Species: Wrath Demon, Fallen Angel

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: At least 6-C, likely far higher | High 6-A

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Aetheric Physiology, Maou Physiology, Martial Arts, Analytical Prediction (Predicted the path of hundreds of Erithaea's projectiles, despite their erratic paths, homing nature, and ability to duplicate and spawn more of themselves, only being hit due to being slowed by his lack of wings and cursed armor), Soul Manipulation, BFR, limited Resurrection (Those killed by his curse blasts are not sent to the afterlife; rather, their souls are sent to Makai and reborn as demons), Forcefield Creation, Sealing, Empathic Manipulation (can create a shroud of cursed energy across his body that acts as armor, and seals away his emotions and angelic aspects), Passive Weather Manipulation (His presence at the top of Tartarus created a storm across all of Naraka), Portal Creation (Is capable of creating Demon Gates, personalized portals between Makai and other dimensions, both as a method of traveling between worlds and banishing victims to Makai), Telekinesis (Satanael is an exceptionally accomplished telekinetic, able to reshape entire continents into demonic havens and create towers that reach up past the clouds), Resistance to Holy Manipulation and its variations (All angels are naturally immune to holy attacks unless the foe is able to overpower them, although this immunity is somewhat lessened to a mere resistance as a demon), Purification, Power Modification (Due to being an angel at his core, Erithaea is unable to control him or sieze his powers), Empathic Manipulation (As a primal angel created without emotion, Satanael is naturally immune to having his lack of emotions manipulated)

Same as before, but enhanced. Gains True Flight (Having both demonic levitation and six wings for flight, Satanael's aerial maneuverability is supreme among the seven demon lords), Holy Manipulation (Despite being a demon, Satanael's status as a fallen angel allows him to utilize Holy Magic, and even fuse it with Curses by forcibly molding the Aether together), Energy Projection, Energy Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Danmaku, Homing Attack, Resistance Negation (The mixture of Holy and Cursed energy is capable of bypassing demons' natural curse resistance, and bypassing angels' natural holy resistance)

Attack Potency: At least Island Level, likely far higher (Even with his powers sealed, he viewed Erithaea as a curiosity to be studied rather than an actual threat, and Erithaea admitted she couldn't survive a hit from him) | Multi-Continent Level (Destroyed the continent of Mu, sending out tidal waves across the entire planet and flooding multiple coastlines across Algo. He easily dominated Erithaea and Alciela while being casual)

Speed: At least Relativistic+, likely far higher (He was able to avoid hundreds of beams of light from Erithaea, and was casually comparable to her even when slowed down by his cursed armor)

Lifting Strength: Class Z via Telekinesis (Lifted and manipulated the entirety of Mu via Telekinesis, reshaping it into Naraka, which required lifting roughly 1.6e21 kilograms of rock)

Durability: Country Level for his Cursed Armor (It is able to survive multiple strikes from Erithaea before breaking, and required a full-power blast from her made up of hundreds of smaller attacks to finally break), Multi-Continent Level for his true body (He stated outright that Erithaea and Alciela were unable to harm him, something he proved multiple times across their fight) | Multi-Continent Level (As tough as he was before. Survived Alciela's Lunar Drop)

Stamina: High (He should be vastly superior to Erithaea, who admitted to being unable to overcome him in a war of attrition)

Range: Thousands of Kilometers (Created a curse orb large enough to engulf much of Mu in a singular blast, and later reshaped the entire continent into Naraka with his telekinesis)

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Genius. As a fallen angel with thousands of years of experience, knowing fighting styles of angels, mortals, and demons alike across all ages of man, Satanael is one of the most skilled combatants on the planet. While not trying at all and slowed down by his cursed armor, he was able to evade hundreds of attacks from Erithaea, all of which possessed extremely erratic patterns, homing properties, and other various shapes that were attacking him from all angels simply by predicting their paths and moving accordingly. He is a skilled military commander, and devised a plan with Lucifer that all seven demon lords, despite how rare it is for them to ever agree on things, unanimously voted to go forward with.

Weaknesses: His cursed armor seals his emotions and slows him down by sealing his wings and power.

Key: Curse Armor | True Form

Notable Attacks and Techniques:

  • Demon Physiology: Separate from humans and angels, Demons are one of the strangest species in the Samsara cosmology. Existing within the demon layer of Makai, Demons possess a myriad of abilities unique to their biology and mind that sets them apart from other beings.
    • Chaotic Nature: As beings of chaos, Demons exist outside the standard laws of reality that govern humans, being unaffected by standard physics and forces such as Gravity, Electromagnetism, and similar. They are even unaffected by the existence of cause and effect, being creatures of chaotic energy that are continuously creating and destroying possible futures, realizing impossible events and destroying probability with their very presence. Through this nature, Demons passively undermine precognitive abilities such as Astraea's future sight, can fly simply by changing their own personal sense of gravity to "Fall" in whatever direction they want, and can perform other similarly-impossible feats.
    • Immortality: Demons do not age, and their bodies are homogenous masses of curse cells, meaning that damage that would be lethal to humans such as decapitation won't actually kill them. Demons can also use their souls to possess other bodies if their main one is destroyed beyond its regeneration. Demons can regenerate from being cut into pieces, melted into sludge, and shattered into bits, and within Makai, they can regenerate their body from their soul alone.
    • Demon Essence: As creatures of darkness, Demons are naturally in tune with the curse element. All demons possess a Maki affinity, governing cursed energy with their thoughts and having unique curses to their biology in the same way that humans have crests. Moreover, their bodies are entirely made up of a material called Demon Essence, cells infused with so much cursed power that they are more akin to mud than anything else. This gives Demons unparalleled shapeshifting abilities, and demon essence is also highly corrosive, breaking down and absorbing any matter that demons wish, converting it into sheer magical energy.
    • Soul Manipulation: A demon can inscribe its name onto the souls of others, allowing them to "take ownership" of the affected person. This allows them to summon that person to their side at any time, serving as a link that works anywhere within the localized set of dimensions (That being, the main universe and directly-connected pocket realities). Through mutual consent, the demon that did the inscription can force the affected to follow their commands, though those with strong enough abilities can bypass the requirement of mutual agreement. On a more basic level, demons can also see, grasp, and devour souls whole, swallowing them up and absorbing the energy from them.
  • Wrath: All demons possess one of seven inherent "Sins" to them, as Humanity has ascribed. These attributes guide the demon's actions and thought processes, and results in the formation of factions made up of similarly-minded demons. Furthermore, each Sin bestows a small set of traits onto the demons that hold them that are shared across all of that type, including eye color and abilities. Wrath demons, in particular, possess red eyes, and their unique trait allows them to draw power from their rage. This power can manifest in the form of increased armor and natural weaponry, greater magical power, and an outright berserk state.
  • Cursed Armor: A technique in which Satan creates a shroud of curse magic around his body, that seals away his angelic features, emotions, and a large amount of his power. In this form, he primarily relies on martial arts and claw attacks to fight in melee range, and large blasts of curse magic to fight from long range. He has a large supply of energy in this state, and can also form it into forcefields to block Erithaea's Annihilate by constantly feeding more cursed energy to the shield in question. The armor, however, can be overloaded and destroyed, resulting in his true form being revealed.
  • Love: Satanael's curse, The manifestation of his psychopathic love for life on Algo, and desire to "save" it. Merging his demon and angel sides, Satanael is capable of fusing holy and curse energy together despite such a thing being considered impossible even by Erithaea and her countless lives of experience. Doing this creates a blueish sphere of almighty energy that allows him to pierce the resistances and defensive abilities of whatever he touches. This ability has a similar source to Erithaea, refined over a single life rather than multiple, and it is capable of overcoming and absorbing Erithaea's crest energy, adding it to his own. Much like Erithaea, Satanael can manipulate it through single-word incantations.
    • Bloom: Satanael turns his orb into a flower that blooms out thousands of sharp, bladed petals. Controlled through telekinesis, they swirl around him, cutting and striking everything around him.
    • Shower: Once he is surrounded by petals, Satanael manipulates their structure, turning them into a rain of droplets that explode on impact, turning things to dust when they strike them from hundreds of tiny, but potent blows.
    • Breeze: Satanael compresses his orb into a point and then releases it in an extremely wide-angled ray that burns away all it touches, almost able to hit Erithaea despite her teleportation.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
