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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Of course! What was I thinking? The trajectory of Sahir's progress is not necessarily a smooth and gradual incline, so moments like this are a normal part of what it means to be Sahir. After all, it is worthless... The path to progress is worthless without dread. Dread is the ravenous beast of memory and sensation that makes one remember, feel, and ponder. One CANNOT gain anything of substance without dread! I shall... consume the sour and corrosive dread and merge with it, and shall forge a true pathway for true progress born from the very depths of true despair!
~ An excited Sapresha upon realizing the true nature of her Inborn Style and finding a way to use it more efficiently, thinking the near-death situation she experienced and its dread is what made it possible


Sapresha Ryngelet is one of the characters from Sahirs Showdown, serving as one of the central characters of the setting. She is a young and ambitious Sahir who aims to both grow strong as a Sahir and take over the Ryngelet Clan.


Sapresha was born on January 25, 1994, in Karasia, a small country located on the western coast of the Baland continent. Her family is part of the broader Ryngelet Clan, a small Sahir Clan with high ambitions. She is the only surviving child of Foghlar Ryngelet.

The Ryngelet Clan she was born into valued talents for Affray and Styles above anything else. As a child and during her teenage years, she was intensely trained within the family, particularly by her father, Foghlar, who aspired to succeed his own father as the next Clan Head. However, Foghlar's lack of other children and the perceived weakness and lack of skill of his only surviving child, Sapresha, made it unlikely that he would be elected. Due to this, Sapresha was trained rigorously by her father and was abused and insulted for lacking capability in Affray.

Despite this intense training, she seemed to lack skill in Affray and was only able to manifest her Inborn Style when she was 15. Her Inborn Style was named Construction and it allowed her to construct any material she's familiar with from her Affray, and these materials are permanent and will not disappear, unlike other Affray-generated materials. Although theoretically powerful, the materials being permanent made the utilization of This Style consume an enormous amount of Affray, and initially all she could manifest was a small scalpel a day. Although this later improved to several scalpels and other similar-sized materials, the high Affray usage of This Style made it very ineffective. She and the other family members considered Construction to be useless. Foghlar was both furious and hopeless, feeling that his dreams of becoming the next Clan Head grew increasingly unlikely. He took his frustration out on Sapresha, constantly training her and insulting her perceived lack of talent.

Although she was physically capable, her lack of talent in Affray and her weak Inborn Style not only undermined her standing within the family but also hindered her father's goal of becoming the Clan Head. As a result, Raegasthir succeeded Reskurr Ryngelet as the new Clan Head on March 8, 2011, following Reskurr's death. Reskurr was the father of both Foghlar and Raegasthir and the third Clan Head.

Foghlar was devastated, and Sapresha felt increasingly alienated from the family. The only person who sided with her and cared for her was her mother, Rinalaff, who was a big reason why she endured her obsessive and abusive father, even after he failed to be the Clan Head. Eventually, on April 7, 2012. she decided to leave and informed the Clan Head, Raegasthir, of her decision. Raegasthir didn’t even question her departure, but Sapresha declared that one day she would return and become the Clan Head. Raegasthir responded with hysterical laughter. Her mother Rinalaff also left the Clan and moved with her.

It has been several weeks since Sapresha left, and she started working on a temporary job alongside her mother until she applied to the Academy.

On June 2, While she was returning from her job at night along with her mother, they were attacked by four Blights. Rinalaff didn't even have time to retaliate; she was severely almost immediately. Sapresha picked her mother up and attempted to run away, knowing it was impossible to cleanse four powerful Blights at once. But Blights were faster and they were closing in, and Sapresha was attempting to fight them off while also carrying and protecting Rinalaff, who told her to leave her and just run away, but Sapresha refused. Ignoring all her mother's calls to leave her and flee, Sapresha fought, but she was getting overwhelmed and was eventually kicked through a building, losing three of her limbs.

Rinalaff was devastated at the sight of her badly wounded daughter. She used her Inborn Style, Sacrificial Link, which allowed her to form a connection with others and heal them in exchange for her own lifespan, to heal Sapresha. She was injured so severely and was on the verge of death, and to heal her Rinalaff, she would need to use an enormous amount of her lifespan, but the life of her daughter was more valuable than her own, so she did. This connection caused a mutual resonance, Rinalaff's desire to protect her daughter merged with Sapresha's desire to continue fighting, and both of them briefly became one, gaining access to each other's Inborn Styles for a time. Rinalaff did something purely out of instinct, her desire to protect her daughter caused her to use Construction and create an Affrayed Weapon for Sapresha in exchange for her remaining life. She created a spear for her daughter.

As she was passing away, she linked within Sapresha's Mind Zone and the two talked, Rinalaff said that the life of Sapresha is the most important thing for her, and she needs to free herself and do as she wishes, and said this was a farewell.

Rinalaff vanished before Sapresha woke up. Sapresha was different than before. She accepted this new reality and was not only healed physically, but also mentally. She picked up the Spear and left to fight.

Her newborn self and its resolve made itself clear during her fight with the four Blights. These were already weaker than her individually, as she could fight them somewhat while also protecting her mother. She was better than before, she understood the nature of her Inborn Style and also had a weapon, which allowed her to compress and shoot beams of air.

With her Inborn Style, she created what she called Kasarian Hornet Coating and coated herself with it. This coating grants Sapresha energy efficiency of Kasarian Hornets, allowing Sapresha to use Construction with far less Affray usage. Her fight against Blights was almost entirely one-sided, they completely relied on getting close to her, which she prevented by firing scalpels and air beams at them. She was able to cleanse them in a few minutes.

After the fight, she looked at the spear, closed her eyes, and entered her Mind Zone. There, she saw her mother and was told it was done. Her mother's mind survived within the spear itself, and was in a way still alive, having turned into a material, all she could do was talk to Sapresha when she entered in her Mind Zone. Sapresha was glad that her mother was still alive in a way. After this, she promptly named her staff Rinalaffstaff.

She decided to pursue her ambitions, and become a Sahir, and to eventually take over the Ryngelet Clan.

Confident, the time has come for her to enroll in an Academy. Because she was trained rigorously since childhood in both Affray and physical matters, she believed there was no need for her to spend time in the Academy and only applied on August 1, about two weeks before the Academy Tournament, to capture a Medal and skip the Academy training. She wished to keep her Zone secret.

She entered in and was able to qualify for the Tournament in less than 10 days. During the Tournament, she moved to the finals without much difficulty even though she was not using her Style. But her opponent at the finals, Olcay Bonchoix, was a tough opponent she could not defeat easily, at least not going all out and displaying her Style. She decided not to do it, and forfeited, gaining the Silver medal.


Harrowing Duty Arc[]

After the Medal ceremony on September 1, Sapresha is assigned to the GLS in Eirenia, a country in Baland, which is on the same continent but quite distant. Sapresha wonders how her Unit is going to be. She learns that all other Adherents will be medal winners like she was, so she is confident that they will be strong.

Sapresha never loses sight of her ultimate goal, which is to return and become the next Clan Head, proving her worth and defying those relatives who have always belittled her talent. Sapresha arrives in Eirenia on September 10. Upon her arrival, she is given the rank of Caliber 4, directly skipping Caliber 5 due to her performance in the Academy Tournament. Soon after her arrival, Sapresha is informed that she will be assigned to a Sahir Unit once her unitmates and supervisor are selected. She also learns that this process can take up to a month, so she dedicates most of her time to training and meditation.

Time flies by as she trains and improves herself, and her unitmates and supervisor are determined on October 8, 2012. Sapresha meets her unitmates Rassel Rougezypher and Elkrith Kleflar, as well as the supervisor Aeyintal Matelvanel. Rassel offers to show them around the area. Sapresha, who has never traveled through Eirenia before, is thrilled at the prospect. However, Elkrith mentions to Rassel that he has been in the region for a month and has spent most of that time traveling. Rassel is taken aback, as he has never crossed paths with Elkrith. The Unit starts operating on October 10, 2012, with the name Unit Aeyintal.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-B, higher with Constructed weapons, even higher with Raptor Armor

Name: Sapresha Ryngelet

Origin: Sahirs Showdown

Gender: Female

Age: 20-21 years old

Classification: Human, Sahir, Caliber 4 Sahir

Powers and Abilities:

  • Affray Manipulation (Standard[1] Sahir)
  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Martial Arts (All Sahirs are extensively trained in several martial arts disciplines that involve both striking and grappling[2], making them more skilled martial artists than any non-Sahir on the planet)
  • Weapon Mastery (All Sahirs are extensively trained in and are very capable users of weapons such as swords, bows, spears, pikes, axes, and nunchakus, far above any ordinary human[3], as these are frequently used as Affrayed weapons)
  • Acrobatics (Enhanced Condition, Self-Momentum; Can jump dozens of meters in the air and rapidly perform dozens of flips and spins without ill effects to herself
  • Accelerated Development (Training, Meditating; Physical Stats; After discovering the full potential of her Inborn Style, Sapresha's growth rate increased immensely. Able to consistently keep up with Elkrith and Rassel without falling behind)
  • Creation (Sapresha's Inborn Style, Construction, allows her to create permanent materials from her Affray)
  • Air Manipulation with Rinalaffstaff (Sapresha's Affrayed Weapon, Rinalaffstaff, can compress air and shoot beams of air)

Attack Potency: At least City Block level (Sapresha is the physically strongest unitmate within the Unit Aeyintal, being considerably superior to both Rassel and Elkrith), higher with Constructed weapons (Weapons allow her to strike harder than she does on her own), even higher with Raptor Armor (Raptor Armor massively increases her strength and while in it she is able to quickly subdue Rassel or Elkrith in a few strikes in sparring matches)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Comparable to her unitmates Rassel and Elkrith), higher with Affray reinforcement (Sahirs can increase their battle pace threefold for a duration of their three heartbeats by reinforcing Affray)

Lifting Strength: Class T (Can grapple with both Rassel and Elkrith simultaneously for some time, and individually stronger than both of them)

Striking Strength: At least City Block level, higher with Constructed weapons, even higher with Raptor Armor

Durability: At least City Block level, higher with Constructed weapons, even higher with Raptor Armor

Stamina: Superhuman Sahirs even disciples can continue to move and combat for days without rest and sustenance

Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with constructed weapons, Tens of Meters with Rinalaffstaff, scalpels, and blades

Standard Equipment:

  • Rinalaffstaff: Rinalaffstaff is the weapon formed by Rinalaff during the resonance between her and Sapresha. This weapon still carries the mind of Rinalaff, and it can only be used by those Rinalaff allows, otherwise they are attacked with spikes upon picking up the weapon.
    • Compressed Air Projectiles: Rinalaffstaff eats up its user's Affray to compress the air around it, producing small air beams which then can be launched at the opponent.
  • Scalpel Pack: A pack full of pre-constructed scalpels Sapresha carries with her to use if she's low on Affray to the point constructing them is not viable.

Can Create/Summon: Sapresha can construct a wide array of equipment in battle via her Inborn Style, Construction.

  • Kasarian Hornet Coating: Kasarian Hornet Coating is a construction Sapresha invented. It is a thin layer of coating that carries the energy efficiency of Kasarian Hornets, a species of Hornet native to Kasaria known for their extreme energy efficiency. She coats herself with this and reduces the Affray usage of Construction by 90%. This effectively makes her able to use Construction properly in combat.
  • Raptor Armor: Raptor Armor is a rough armor, with a bird-like helmet and wings in the back. Wearing it provides her with increased strength and durability as well as the ability to fly.
  • Tool Constructing: Sapresha can construct a diverse array of tools and weapons. Like other constructed materials, she's able to remotely control them by controlling the Affray she used to make them.
    • Scalpels: Scalpels are a ubiquitous tool Sapresha uses due to their small size and sharpness. She generally makes them out of ivory and they are around 5 centimeters in length, and she can also make bladed scalpels that focus more on slashing than piercing.
    • Blades: Sapresha can construct blades of varying sizes and shapes for direct combat.

Intelligence: Gifted in combat (Sahirs in general are capable, efficient, and resourceful combatants trained in wide arrays of combat arts. This extends to Disciples, many of whom just passed Aspersion and entered training within an Academy. Within their training at the Academy, which typically lasts between six months and two years, they are capable of picking up and mastering several different martial arts that involve both grappling and striking in a few months. Upon completing their training, Sahirs become far greater martial artists than any ordinary human, even when intentionally limiting their strength. Similarly, they master the usage of various melee weapons including but not limited to swords, spears, pikes, and Spears, in a few months and utilizing them better than any ordinary human by six months to two years. All Sahirs are capable of this upon graduation and are given the Caliber 5 rank. Sapresha is a Caliber 4 Sahir, making her considerably superior to these newly graduated Sahirs in terms of combat prowess. Additionally, she can keep up with both her unitmates Rassel and Elkrith)

Standard Tactics:

Sapresha starts with constructing Kasarian Hornet Coating and then scalpels which she then launches at her opponent while also compressing air to launch them. She's generally a long-ranged combatant, preferring to stay at a distance and use her Constructions and launching them at her target. She initially pretends to not be able to control her constructions, only to control them later on when he finds an opening to catch the enemy off guard. Accompanied by her constructing and wearing Raptor Armor against enemies she deems more powerful

Weaknesses: Although Kasarian Hornet Coating mitigates it considerably, her Inborn Style, Construction, still uses a considerably high amount of Affray, she cannot keep constructing new materials for too long. If she runs out of Affray she not only cannot construct new materials but cannot control those she already constructed, reducing her to a plain staff user.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:[]

  • Affray: Sapresha is a Sahir, thus she uses a highly refined version of Affray to fuel her abilities.
    • Construction: Sapresha's Inborn Style in Construction. This Style allows the user to construct any material they are familiar with and understand the mechanics of. Unlike other material-generating Styles whose generated material exists temporarily, anything constructed via This Style is permanent and never disappears on its own, unless destroyed. The user can also control their constructions remotely by controlling the Affray used to construct them. Because it constructs real and permanent material, This Style has a very high Affray usage.

Note: Because Sapresha's Inborn Style, Construction, is her being able to construct material, I listed the materials she can construct under Standard Equipment section as "Can Create/Summon", as they are not attacks/techniques but equipment she can gain access to. I will be listing her Derivation Styles that can be used as an ability in the "Notable Attacks/Techniques" section.

Notable Matchups[]




  1. Sapresha is a Standard Sahir
  2. Default Academy Training
  3. Default Academy Training