FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Sans, even demented and twisted almost beyond recognition, still has a way about him.

He was once renowned across the Underground as a friendly, chatty fellow, making friends everywhere he went. He had a charm in his voice, the twinkle of his gaze, and there was never a monster that did not feel welcome in his presence, even with his occasional, good-hearted pranks.

His welcomes these days were less anticipated.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B, Higher with axe, Higher with Gaster Blasters

Name: Sans the Skeleton

Origin: Axetale

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Older than his canon counterpart)

Classification: Skeleton, Monster

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Limited Magic, Inorganic Physiology (Every monster in the game is stated to be made of magic), Corruption (Type 1; The Glitch can spread through being near others, making them lose any magic abilities, and begin to feel unnatural hunger), Regeneration (Low-Mid; All monsters in the underground should be able to regenerate entire limbs back, like nice cream guy), Limited Non-Physical Interaction (Due to The Glitch, most of sans' magic is gone, only retaining a few tricks), Immortality (type 2; had his head smashed open by undyne, only having minor side effects from the damage), Weapon Mastery, Weapon Creation (can summon his axe at will), Energy Projection (Via Gaster Blasters), SOUL Manipulation and SOUL Absorption (If a monster defeats a human, they can take its SOUL), Limited Bone Manipulation, Limited Intangible Attacks, Telekinesis, Gravity Manipulation, Clairvoyance (While he hasn't shown to do it, he should still be able to sense LOVE), Information Analysis (Should still be able to do this), Resistance to SOUL Manipulation (Like all monsters, he can defend against and take hits to his SOUL as if they were normal attacks), Heat Manipulation (Can survive in Hotland, which can reach temperatures high enough to vaporize a styrofoam cup and water instantly), and Radiation Manipulation (Gamerblood Energy Drink, an energy drink containing radioactive waste, is considered a normal product in the Underground)

Attack Potency: Wall level, higher with weaponry and Gaster Blasters

Speed: Supersonic (should be the same as his canon counterpart)

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Wall level

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: Above Average, possibly higher (goes out every day hunting, making traps, and other things)

Range: Standard Melee Range, At least dozens of meters via Gaster Blasters

Standard Equipment: Axe, Gaster Blasters

Intelligence: Genius, dispite the glitch destroying his mind, he's still able to create traps, and outsmart royal guards in combat

Weaknesses: Sans is reluctant to use his gaster blasters, and is mentally unstable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • SOUL Manipulation: Blue Mode: Similar to his brother, Sans turns his opponent's SOUL blue, giving it "gravity" and allowing him to more easily hit his foes. However, Sans appears to have a far greater mastery of this ability than Papyrus, allowing him to effortlessly fling his foe around by manipulating their SOUL, or effectively 'changing gravity' and forcing them to move along the walls or ceiling.
  • Gaster Blasters: Sans hasn’t had the need to summon his weapons in a long while, and tries not to think about what he brought out of the Void the one time he did. The beasts are twisted horrors now, missing jaws and horns and sometimes melting together, and are in constant pain, howling in unearthly screeches when brought into reality. His own broken, twisted magic and soul corrupted them, and he hates what they have become, reminders of his own corruption.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
