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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

If I want to stay first for my Sarky, I have to keep everything under my supervision and control.
~ Sally to Sark in NU: Outcast Massacre


Sally Urtica[1] is a recurring antagonist in the Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe. She is a counterpart to Sally from an alternate dimension.

Formerly the leader of a group of freedom fighters, she betrayed her allies and joined Sark's army for her own self-preservation. After Sark crushed her with a wall, he demonized her with enhanced strength. Her cruel nature as a result of her demonization made Sark extremely fond of her, even going as far as to consider her his right-hand woman in almost everything, including love. She absolutely despises those beneath her, especially Pearl and Rosy.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 8-C, higher with Elemental Shields

Name: Sally Urtica, Sark's Sally

Origin: Sonic.exe: Nightmare Universe (Rewrite)

Gender: Female

Age: Ageless (23 visually)[1]

Classification: Demonized Squirrel

Powers and Abilities:

Attack Potency: Large Building level+ (Scales to Knuckles, in which the latter is able to tear apart steel walls with ease), higher with Elemental Shields (She can utilize shields just like her main counterpart as well)

Speed: Superhuman, Massively Hypersonic+ reactions (Scales to Pearl and can stop her in her tracks)

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Her super strength should be comparable to Knuckles)

Striking Strength: Large Building level+, higher with Elemental Shields

Durability: Large Building level+ (Has constantly quarreled with Pearl and taken hits from her)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard melee range, Extended melee range with Elemental Shields

Standard Equipment: Elemental Shields

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (She has been Sark's right hand woman for thousands of years, and even before that was the leader of her own group[5]. Stated to be as smart as both Tails and Eggman.[6])

Weaknesses: She is extremely arrogant due to her status in Sark's pyramid.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • Elemental Shields: Given to her by Tails, Sally can utilize shields that each have different properties based on which is used.
    • Fire Shield: Gives Sally the properties of fire, and can allow her to use a midair dash.
    • Lightning Shield: Gives Sally the properties of electricity, and can allow her to utilize a double jump.
    • Aqua Shield: Gives Sally the properties of water, and can allow her to breathe underwater and do a bounce jump.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Nightmare Universe Characters - "Sally Urtica - Ageless (23 years old visually)"
  2. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: All Highest and Demons are telepathic due to them just being creatures of pure energy."
  3. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: It's mutagenic[.] It transforms you as it corrupts you."
  4. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "E-200 Paragon: Chaos Energy corrupts all..."
  5. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "JaizKoys: The original was smart. And the demonized one just removed any of her past restrictions and sanity"
  6. Exe Empire, #nu-discussion, "JaizKoys: She is smart as Tails/Eggman. She was taught to rule other people. She has great strategy thinking and cold blood. And she has no self-confidence issue. Try to guess why she is so OP"


Discussion threads involving Sally Urtica (NU Rewrite)