Dragon Ball RWBY • Dragon Ball Z • Dragon Ball Super |
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“ | Never doubt a Silver-Eyed Warriors combat prowess. We're destined to lead the life of a warrior to protect! | „ |
~ Ruby explaining how she can grow without limit in Ultra Synergy |
“ | "You took my body. you took my life! You killed my friends too! Then you even killed innocent people in this timeline with MY BODY AND FACE! You're gonna regret telling me that, Zamasu! 'Cuz now I'm mad... I'm really, REALLY mad! And now it's time... TO PAAAAAAY!!!" | „ |
~ Ruby to Ruby Black, Bann Black, and Zamasu |
Ruby Rose is the leader of Team RWBY, Ruby was trained by her Uncle Qrow in combat since she was little. At Signal Academy, where she built her own weapon, a large Scythe/High-Caliber Sniper Rifle hybrid, Crescent Rose, but at Signal Academy, as a pre-teen, Ruby was too focused on training and tinkering, then interacting with her friends. When Ruby was 15, she stopped a crime scene caused by Roman Torchwick, although Roman got away with this showcase of her abilities and Ozpin, seeing she has silver eyes, let her join Beacon academy two years earlier alongside her Older Half Sister who helped raise her after Summer left on a secret mission to try to stop Salem with Raven and never came back. At Beacon Academy, she meets Bann Belladonna, Blake's Adopted Brother, and Jaune Arc. During her time at Beacon she learned how to use Ki from Blake in the semester break. Ruby even made friends with Team JNPR and Piccolo, but The Fall of Beacon happened and Ruby lost Penny and Pyrrha, Yang lost an arm, Weiss' dad took her back to Atlas and Blake ran away. Ruby set off alongside Jaune, Nora, Ren as Team RNJR alongside Bann and Piccio, the only two of their team to stick with Ruby to help. Eventually, Ruby and her friends learned of Salem and her forces, and the maidens, the Brother Gods, Relics, Dragon Balls and the world ending stakes they were in. Ruby even found out Bann was an Alien after Bann, Blake and Yang's fight with Adam. In Atlas, Ruby took a large risk that paid off in the long run, broadcasting her message to the world and telling the world of the threat of Salem, telling the world about Magic, Maidens, Relics and how to use Ki and United Remment together. This broadcast and defeat of Salem put Ruby in the history books as a living legend, and helped her charge up a spirit bomb to kill Kid Buu when she was 35 years old. Ruby's broadcast that united Remment together even increased Universe 7's mortal ranking.
After hanging around Bann Belladonna for years and her warrior blood, some of Bann's personality traits rubbed off on her. Such as his love of fighting strong opponents to test his limits, and wanting to keep climbing higher to reach new heights of power. However, unlike Bann, Ruby's main priority is still to protect those who can't protect themselves and her secondary goal is to test her limits by fighting strong opponents.
Ruby is more sassy as an adult, mockingly calling Vegeta prince and sarcastically telling Vegeta he's the one to talk to after calling Bann a bad dad. And while Ruby is more mature than her teenage self and cannon counterpart, she's still optimistic as ever, and is now a living legend, that's in history books, after her and her friends stopped Salem, and many more times she saved Remnant and the universe, making her one of the most famous person, on Remnant as she made the world a safer place by not only helping in defeating Salem but also taught the whole world how to use Ki when she was 17
After Ruby died to Frieza, she trained in another world. After keeping her body, training under King Kai for months, learning the spirit bomb and Kaio-ken. And then he went to heaven to meet Pyrrha, who helped Ruby learn the fusion dance. But strangely enough, when Ruby tried to look for her mom, she couldn't find Summer at all and this to this day confuses Ruby, as Summer should've died and went to heaven, but King Yamma said she never arrived in the Afterlife.
After Ruby and her friends adventure in the Demon Realm, Ruby had learned of the fact all Afteran Magic breaks the natural laws of her dimension and universe, let's her do whatever she imagines she can do, and chose alongside Penny to never use their magic to manipulate reality in their favor unless absolutely necessary and to only use their magic for simple things, as freely manipulating reality for your own gain is selfish and selfish actions get punished, so Ruby, knowing that chose to only use her magic with pure intent and only fully use the maximum potential of her magic if absolutely necessary
After defeating Kid Buu, the God of Destruction, Beerus woke up from his nap and was told he'd meet two of his greatest rivals, the Super Saiyan God and the Silver-Eyed Warrior. Due to this, Ruby is introduced to a whole new realm of power and to worlds outside of her Universe. Ruby came up with a team name for her, Bann, Vegeta, and Raditz, team RRBS, as they're all training on Beerus' Planet together, although Vegeta never admits they're a team. After the Super Hero arc, Ruby now has a teenage son who was made from her and Vegeta's DNA and combat data without either of their knowledge in a lab by the remaining Atlas Army to make a Superhero and now she has to look after Light Rose
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 4-B, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, far higher with Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, far higher with Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, Far Higher with Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, Far Higher with Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, Far Higher with Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, higher with Gravity Dust
Keys: Battle of Gods Saga | Universe 6 Saga - Future Trunks Saga (First Future Trip) | Future Trunks Saga (Final Future Trip) | Future Trunks Saga (Post-Rugeta Diffusion) - Universe Survival Saga (Pre-Second UIS) | Universe Survival Saga (Post-second UIS) | Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga | Granolah the Survivor Saga (pre-breaking limits) | Granolah the Survivor Saga (post-breaking limits) | Super Hero Saga
Name: Ruby Rose, Little Red (by Roman Torchwick and Cinder Fall), Pipsqueak (by Qrow Branwen and Robyn Hill), Kiddo (by Qrow), Miss Hero (by Emerald Sustrai), Rubes (by Yang), The girl who brought the world together, The mortal who increased Universe 7's mortal ranking (by Grand Priest)
Origin: RWBY, Dragon Ball
Gender: Female
Age: 39[Ages 1] | 40 (physically 43 due to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber)[Ages 2] | 41 (physically 45)[Ages 3] | 42 (physically 46)[Ages 4] | 44 (physically 48)[Ages 5]
Classification: Human (Silver-Eyed Warrior), Leader of Team RWBY, Informal Leader of Team RRBS, Professional Huntress, Martial Artist | Deputized Galactic Patrolwoman
Powers and Abilities:
- Superhuman Physical Characteristics
- Acrobatics (Enhanced Condition & Hypermobility: Ruby constantly jumps dozens of meters in the air unassisted and spins around so quickly and frequently that she is just a red spinning blur whenever she fights. Same with falling, every student at Beacon is taught to have a proper landing strategy in their first active field training mission[1][2]. All-Terrain Mobility: As shown in the fight against the Nevermore[3]. Also the ice fights against Team ABRN[4] and the Colossus[5][6]. Self-Momentum/Inertia Manipulation: With Crescent Rose. Surface Running: Same reason as All Terrain Mobility. Plus she has a few instances of running on walls[7]. Mid-Air Jump: With Crescent Rose)
- Weapon Mastery (Expert Scythe wielder and marksman)
- Skilled Martial Artist
- Ki Manipulation (Master Level; Dragon Ball & Dragon Ball Z)
- Ki Sensing (Can locate others by reading their ki, detect malicious intent, difference in power levels, and beings in different dimensions)
- Damage Boost (Can increase the power of her attacks by concentrating her Ki into a single point to do more damage)
- Shockwaves Generation (Can create powerful shockwaves via Kiai and caused a Earthquake by slamming into a mech[5])
- Limited Air Manipulation (Slammed Crescent Rose down hard enough to blow away and kill some Sybers[8])
- Afterimage Creation
- Flight (can fly via ki)
- Accelerated Development (Training; Physical Stats, Abilities)
- Limited Longevity (Is a member of a warrior lineage, Silver Eyed Warriors remain in their physical prime for a long period of time just like Saiyans. they remain young and battle-ready for decades; after reaching a certain age, however, they rapidly grow frail)
- Supernatural Willpower (able to endure poison that takes immense will and spirit to survive. Being able to use Kaioken far beyond King Kai's capability which can heavily damage and destroy the user's body)
- Power Mimicry (Can easily replicate other Ki-based techniques after seeing them once)
- Transformation (Can transform into Ultimite, increasing her capabilities astronomically)
- Aura (Able to use her Aura for numerous purposes)
- Non-Physical Interaction (Intangibility - Aura users are capable of harming intangible beings, such as Geists.[9] Fought a Geist alongside Team RNJR, dealing damage to it. In the Universe 6 arc, she interacted with intangible ki blasts[10])
- Enhanced Senses (Enhanced Vision: Soul Vision; Though disguised as a green doll, she was able to sense Penny’s blade and was drawn to it[11])
- Social Influencing (Social Position and Reputation, Leadership, and Charisma; Ozpin says she possesses something unquantifiable: a spark, that can inspire others even in the darkest of times and this lets her inspire others[12]. Despite being annoyed when Ruby only summoned Jinn to stop time without asking any question, she found some humor in Ruby's ingenuity, although Jinn forbaded Ruby from doing it again, but allowed Ruby to take a break that one time[13]. Her speech to the world united all the kingdoms to fight against Salem[14][15][16][17]. When Team RWBY and Bann explained to Ambrosius their plan on saving Penny Polendina, he was so impressed that he allowed them to "cheat" a bit regarding his rules in order to achieve it[18]. Her influence unintentionally was one of the reasons why Vegeta changed into a good person[19]. When charging a spirit bomb to beat kid Buu everyone on remnant gave her energy to help beat Buu. Shenron favors Ruby's group when granting wishes due to their repeated encounters, as he mentioned to Gomah that only regulars get three wishes, while he only grants Gomah one[20]. She made the reserved assassin Hit smile in genuine happiness, viewing Ruby as an equal and actually using his deadly moves on her when she asked him to stop holding back, as she has a aura and can take it. She made the immensely independent Jiren acknowledge Ruby's view of companionship and sought to learn from Ruby's example. Her passion to help those who can't protect themselves even inspired Merus, a Guide Angel, to willingly violate Angel Law and directly engage against evil with his true divine powers, knowing the penalty of it)
- Pseudo-Flight (Can propel herself using Crescent Rose)
- Stealth Mastery & Limited Perception Manipulation (Like Goku With his sharpened spirit,[21] Ruby mastered the ability of "[crouching] as quiet as the sky and [striking] quick than lightning",[22] dampening her presence completely[22] including scant air movements[23] and her footsteps[24] and erasing her own Ki; thus, allowing her to optimize her movements and elude the senses of opponents completely[25])
- Holy Manipulation with Silver Eyes (Uses the same energy as the God of Light that is latter revealed to be Preservation Energy, which petrifies, paralyzes, or disintegrates the God of Darkness' creations, such as the Grimm)
- Power Nullification of Existence Erasure, Soul Destruction, Void Manipulation, Limited Spatial Manipulation, Matter Destruction and Deconstruction (History - Because her Silver Eyes have Preservation Energy it can nullify Destruction Energy as Whis explained, Which could erase everything, from living beings, physical objects, energy attacks, and even souls from existence. Energy of Destruction warped the environment of the World of Void. Can erase beings like Dr. Mashirito, and likely even Arale Norimaki, both of whom resisted narrative existence erasure. Power of Destruction also capable of destroying universes along with their individual history, including multiple space-time continuums. Capable of erasing existence across space-time, without splitting the timeline)
- Flight, Heat Manipulation, Duplication, Intangibility, and Matter Manipulation (Molecular), Teleportation, Dimensional Travel, BFR (Via Semblance)
- Elemental Manipulation (Can load various Dust-charged clips that enhance her shots with elemental properties - these include Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Gravity)
- Paralysis Inducement (Via Lightning Dust)
- Flash-Freezing (Via Ice Dust)
- Pressure Point Strikes
- Limited Instinctive Reaction (Instinctively avoided Beerus who was about to attack, surprising Beerus. When duplicating herself, she states there is no thought to that action [26])
- Adapted up to over 100° times Remnant's gravity via the Gravity Machine
- Dimensional Travel, Sound Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation & Portal Creation (At this level of power she can create dimensional rifts and destroy space-time and pocket dimensions with her energy)
- Telepathy (By sharpening her mind[27], Ruby gained the supernatural ability of telepathy — psychic communications ignoring all distances[27] — enabling her to speak to others without her voice[28], even intercepting conversations between the Living Universe and the Other World[29], despite her body being beaten and battered. Additionally, just like Goku she possesses a mysterious technique[27] that allows her to project herself onto others from beyond the grave[30], albeit through the assistance of King Kai[31]; she can scour the minds of others[32] by projecting her consciousness into their hearts through contact[33]; and her telepathic abilities can even be utilized while unconscious[27], just like Goku)
- Statistics Amplification (Ruby can greatly enhance her capabilities with Kaio-ken, by up to 100 times)
- High Pain Tolerance
- Fusionism (Via Potara Earrings and fusion dance)
Resistance to:
- Extreme Heat and Cold (-90° C to 30,000° C; Aura protects the user from sub-zero temperatures, allowing them to be encased in ice without being cold, walk through a blizzard in casual clothing[34], and traverse the kingdom of Atlas, which resides in Remnant's North Pole,[35] without wearing any protective gear, as well as extreme heat up to and including the heat of flames,[36], being blasted with steam[37] being struck by lighting for an extended period of time,[38][39][40] and being submerged in lava without being burned[41]. In the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga she fought Moro close to a Star's surface in Ultra Synergy and her Aura protected her from the heat. -40° C to 120° C with out Aura; Survived and trained extensively for at least one month within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Bann, which has temperatures that range from -40° F to 248° F)
- Ice Manipulation (Used Ki to break free after being frozen in ice by Cinder)
- Poison Manipulation (Survived after drinking the Water of the Gods, a potent and deadly poison that requires tremendous stamina, will, and spirit to live[42][43])
- Transmutation (aura has been shown multiple times to save others from getting turned into candy by Buu)
- Empathic Manipulation (Her friends were feeling the affects of The Apathy's willpower draining aura at night and in the morning Ruby still wasn't affected until a brief moment where she was briefly affected. Despite being affected by the Grimm's willpower draining being amped by being close to them and there being multiple, she could still crawl while everyone else couldn’t even move and she even Instinctively used her silver eyes on the Grimm and then willingly used her silver eyes after and even sat up to use them while all friends struggled to even move)
- Possession (a trained Aura can protect someone from a Nightmare grimm taking over their body more easier than a weak, untrained one)
- Power Absorption (For Cinder to absorb a Maiden's power using the Beetle, she had to break their Aura shield, meaning Aura protects from baseline power absorption)
- Electricity Manipulation (Aura can protect from getting struck by lightning from lightning dust attacks and magic attacks, although it still makes them feel the pain of it)
Limited Resistance to:
- Soul Manipulation (People with Aura can survive with chunks of their souls missing, abilet it weakens them[44]. Additionally, attempting to transfer Aura to the Grimm instead causes them to attempt to drain it from the user. Someone had a good chunk of his soul absorbed by a grimm and lived[45]. Her, Bann, Raditz, and Vegeta survived a while after Moro absorbed their souls and life energy[46])
Due to her pure heart, Ruby Rose is Immune to the effects of the Devilmite Beam[47] from Spike that kills the person who has evil in their heart.[48]
All previous abilities from base, plus:
- Magic (After unlocking her potential she gained magic, as such she has same magic as Ozma, which he bestowed[49] to the Maidens),
- Statistics Amplification (Magic is able to amplify the strength of a user's abilities)
- Subjective Reality, possibly Law Manipulation and Physics Manipulation (Magic from the Ever After "breaks the natural laws of our dimension and universe" - despite/due to being a UES and not existing in Universe 7 or the Demon Realm - thus allowing characters to maximise its utility and versatility by wielding their imagination, such as Penny using "Cold Fire" that is capable of neutralizing heat/fire or Ruby using magic to shrink down Crescent Rose when she was turned into a kid. Ruby even says she just thinks about what she wants to do and it happens with her magic)
- Energy Manipulation (Able to conjure and fire blasts of energy like Salem and Ozma[50])
- Telekinesis (Should scale to Salem, who easily crushed a giant Nevermore[51]. Was able to lift and keep both Moro[52] and Granolah in the air without touching them[53])
- Flight (All of the Maidens demonstrated the ability to fly, as did Ozma in his previous incarnations[54])
- Attack Reflection (Winter reflected a laser beam with her ice constructs)
- Elemental Manipulation (The Wizard granted the four Maidens elemental magic and mastery over the forces of nature[55] and thus Ruby should have it)
- Forcefield Creation (Both Cinder and Raven have demonstrated the ability to create elemental barriers[56])
- Ice Manipulation (All Magic users have shown the ability to manipulate ice, including projecting blasts of ice, launching bolts of ice capable of freezing people solid, freezing leaves to use as a barrage of blades, creating ice constructs, and directly freezing opponents solid and can seal someone in Ice)
- Fire Manipulation (Cinder is able to launch jets of fire as well as fireballs. Her flames were strong enough to melt through eight layers of Amity Colosseum, which Ruby should at least be superior to)
- Air Manipulation (Both Amber and Penny showed the ability to create offensive blasts of wind, while Cinder created a vortex around her)
- Electricity Manipulation (Raven is able to channel electricity into her strikes, and Amber launched bolts of lightning)
- Earth Manipulation (Cinder combined chunks of rock with fire to create a flaming rock sword)
- Plant Manipulation (The original Spring Maiden demonstrated the ability to create plants[57])
- Temperature Manipulation (Fria was able to lower the temperature in her surroundings to the point that the air and surroundings were being encased in ice and the air physically burned those around her[58])
- Weapon Creation (Penny, Raven, and Cinder have all demonstrated the ability to conjure various elemental weapons)
- Weapon Control (Both Penny and Cinder are able to freely control the weapons they create independent of themselves)
- Explosion Manipulation (Cinder can cause her weapons to explode after launching them as projectiles)
- Breath Attack (Cinder demonstrated the ability to breathe fire)
- Absorption (Penny is able to absorb electricity, which she used to supercharge her lasers[59])
- Crystal Manipulation (Can make weapons out of Crystal's or seal someone in crystals)
- Sealing (Can seal someone in ice or crystals)
- Age Manipulation (Turned herself back into a adult using her magic in Ultimite)
- Size Manipulation (Shrunk down her weapon after being turned into a kid and could return her weapon back to it's normal size. Could shrink down and restore to normal other objects too)
- Large Size (Up to Type 3; Ruby made herself as tall as a Adult Megath, making humans look like ants to her meaning she made herself 1,000 times bigger, making her 5583 feet & 4 inches tall)
All previous abilities from base, now with
- Ki Manipulation (Master; Dragon Ball Super - Anime & Manga)
- Enhanced Ki Sensing (After her training with Whis, she can now sense God Ki in her base form)
- More Transformation (Can transform into Ultra Synergy, increasing her capabilities astronomically)
- Energy/Ki Absorption (Can absorb Ki through Spirit Bomb,[60] absorbed God Ki into her base,[61][62] and then during the Tournament of Power saga, she absorbed the energy of the Spirit Bomb and used it as a temporary energy battery to fight like Goku did[63])
- Information Analysis (Capable of analyzing her opponent's fighting styles, habits and techniques - allowing her to adapt, predict and react accordingly)
- Analytical Prediction ((Like Goku, during her fight against Hit, she managed to predict his movements after he skipped time by 0.5 seconds, allowing Ruby to counter Hit's Time-Skip ability[64])
All previous abilities
All previous abilities, plus:
- Regeneration (Low-Mid; Ruby's limitless growing power makes her Aura regenerate at a rapid rate, similar to Hazel. Her regeneration scales to Super Saiyan God Bann, who was stabbed through the stomach and left on the verge of bleeding out, before healing the wound over once revivified)
- Enhanced Holy Manipulation (Can now fire preservation energy not just from her eyes anymore, but through her body like ki)
- Empowerment and Reactive Power Level (Battle and Passive [Physical Statistics and Abilities; Ultra Synergy fuels itself with Ruby's strong desire to preserve life, becoming stronger as she fights to protect as long as she focuses on this mindset without limit. Her power is based on confidence, and drive to do her perception of good. Although not as fast as Ultra Instinct or Ultra Ego but has a greater control of movements and power distribution/control)
- Limited Light Manipulation (Ultra Synergy can generate light in pitch-black condition)
- Acausality (Type 4; Super Saiyan God is stated to be an actual God and Ultra Synergy makes Ruby a actual God too.[65][66][67][68][69] Beings at the level of a God work with a different logic of causality,[70] despite Dragon Ball's cosmology solving time paradoxes by branching timeline into a new one to accommodate any changes in the past while still keeping the future unchanged[71])
- Limited Causality Manipulation (Beings at the level of a God do not follow the typical logic of causality, these characters have the capability to alter history in ways mortals can't.[70] Effectively alter history despite Dragon Ball's cosmology solving time paradoxes by branching timeline into a new one to accommodate any changes in the past while still keeping the future unchanged[71])
- Limited Space-Time Manipulation (Was able to destroy Hit's pocket dimension)
- Reactive Evolution (When fighting Hit, Ruby lacked a resistance to Time-Skip ability and required analytical prediction to contend against Hit’s abilities. Eventually, Hit improved his Time-Skip and Ruby's analytical prediction didn’t work. In the middle of the fight, Ruby gained resistance by intercepting Hit's Time-Skip. Ruby was affected by Hit's time stop, however the second time she broke through it. In their second fight, Ruby tells Hit that his Time-Skip will no longer work on her, despite the fact that she knows that Hit can improve his Time-Skip)
- Enhanced Extrasensory Perception (One Layer; Preservation Energy is harder to sense than standard God Ki).
Resistance to
- Extrasensory Perception (One Layer; Cannot be sensed by beings lesser than a God. Preservation Energy is harder to sense than standard God Ki)
- Time Manipulation (Was able to resist Hit's Time Skip with Ultra Synergy[Note 1], and more importantly, later it is claimed that Time Skip would not work on her at all)
- Time Stop (Despite Hit stopping Ruby in time like he did to Goku and others she broke through it. Then, Ruby during meeting hit again in the ToP, Hit stated that his Time-Skip abilities wouldn't work on her anymore)
All previous abilities from base
- Purification (Type 2; Energy balls created from a small amount of energy from all surrounding life, including plants, animals, humans, and even the air itself can purify a sky filled with storm clouds and dark energy)
- Healing and Limited Resurrection (Low-Mid; Can revive herself[72] or others[73] shortly after death from injuries as severe as a crushed heart,[74] even if their soul has left the body)
All previous abilities
All previous abilities, plus:
- Rage Power (Can permanently boost her power when angry, overwhelming both Ruby Black and Future Zamasu for a while)
- Immortality Negation [Type 3] & Regeneration Negation [High-Godly; History] (Ruby using her magic was ignoring Fusion Zamasu's regeneration, who possibly possesses the immortality as Future Zamasu. Beerus states that Hakai wouldn't kill him, which has been stated to destroy one's body, soul, and even entire universe completely along with their individual histories,[75] including multiple space-time continuums, so they cannot resurrect)
Resistance to
- Electricity Manipulation (Unaffected by Fusion Zamasu's Lightning of Absolution after she powered up further in Ultra Synergy)
All previous abilities, plus:
- Heat Generation (Generated an intense heat while using Ultra Instinct -Sign-, but this is likely not combat applicable)
- Instinctive Action (Ultra Instinct -Sign- represents the initial stage of this transformation, where Ruby's body can autonomously dodge attacks without conscious thought. Despite this, she struggles with offensive capabilities because she still needs to deliberate on attack strategies. This state is temporary and physically taxing[76])
- Enhanced Extrasensory Perception (One Layer - Can sense Angel Ki, which is even harder to sense than standard God Ki[77][78][79][80][81][82][83][52][84]).
Resistance to
All previous abilities from Base
- Water Walking
- Forcefield Creation (Can create barriers that can keep out poisons)
- Enhached Non-Physical Interaction ( Abstractions & Void - Like Goku she should be able to interact with abstract beings made of will, thoughts[85] and she interacted with the void[86][87])
- Enhanced Extrasensory Perception (One Layer - Can sense God of Destruction's Ki, which is even harder to sense than standard God Ki[77][78][79][80][81][82][83][52][84])
Resistance to
- Existence Erasure (History), Soul Destruction, Void Manipulation, Limited Spatial Manipulation, Matter Destruction and Deconstruction (History - Withstood the Destruction Energy Ball of a God of Destruction.[88] Which could erase everything, from living beings, physical objects, energy[89] attacks, and even souls from existence. Energy of Destruction warped the environment of the World of Void.[89] Can erase beings like Dr. Mashirito,[90] and likely even Arale Norimaki, both of whom resisted narrative existence erasure.[91][92] Power of Destruction also capable of destroying universes[93] along with their individual history, including multiple space-time continuums.[75] Capable of erasing existence across space-time, without splitting the timeline[70])
- Empathic Manipulation (Was unaffected by Ribrianne's Light of Love, which causes anyone who smells the aroma released by the attack to become infatuated with her and the other Kamikaze Fireballs)
All previous abilities
All previous abilities
All previous abilities, plus:
- Danmaku
- Accelerated Development (Constantly evolved while fighting. Piccolo stated that with every strike Ruby became stronger and faster)
- Greater Instinctive Action (Ultra Instinct -Sign- is the first stage of Ultra Instinct that Ruby has reached. Which allows her body to act autonomously, dodging attacks and fighting automatically without the need for thought. However, this is harder for her to use offensively because she still has to think about the best method of attack instead of simply acting intuitively. This transformation is only temporary, cannot be entered willingly, and puts great strain on Ruby's body)
All previous abilities, plus:
- Greater Instinctive Action (Perfected Ultra Instinct is an advanced and refined stage of Ultra Instinct that Ruby attains after surpassing her previous limits. This form allows Ruby to move and fight automatically, without conscious thought or delays, effectively mastering both instinctual attack and defense. Achieving this state enables her to avoid crises and fight with exceptional efficiency[94])
- Limited Power Nullification (Nullified Jiren's ki blast)
All previous abilities in base
Resistance to
- Radiation (Fought near the edge of the atmosphere where radiation levels are exceedingly high and in Ultra Synergy fought near a Star's surface near Namek)
All previous abilities, plus:
- Limited Space Survival (Can make herself a artificial atmosphere by using magic that lets her fight out in the vacuum of space)
All previous abilities massively enhanced
All previous abilities greatly enhanced, plus:
- Greater Instinctive Reaction (Perfected Ultra Instinct can now automatically strengthen Ruby's body in response to sneak and surprise attacks)
- Limited Air Manipulation (Ruby can punch the air rapidly at incredible speed to launch a barrage of air attacks)
- Large Size (Type 1 & 2 & 5; Can create large Ki Constructs[95] that vary in size[96] up to the size of the moon)
- Deconstruction (Deconstructed a boulder in her and Bann's fight against Moro[97])
Resistance to
All previous abilities in base
- Greater Instinctive Action (Can now use Ultra Instinct technique in conjunction with her base and various transformations. Her Ultra Instinct forms are also better than before[99][100][53][101])
- Healing (Can heal herself when injured[102])
- Telekinesis (Can telekinetically move others in base)
- Enhanced Forcefield Creation (Can create barriers that protect her against attacks much stronger than her, and use it to protect others[101])
Resistance to
- Gravity Manipulation and Possibly Magic (Broke free[103] from Gas's gravity spell[103])
All previous abilities
All previous abilities massively enhanced
All previous abilities greatly enhanced, plus:
Resistance to
All previous abilities in base
All previous abilities
All previous abilities massively enhanced
All previous abilities greatly enhanced
- Greater Instinctive Reaction (Following LIght's defeat in the Super Hero Saga, it was indicated that Ruby's usage of the Perfected Ultra Instinct state had progressed to the point where it was once again considered a superior form to her True Ultra Instinct)
Attack Potency: At least Solar System level (Should be stronger then her Buu saga self[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Gravity Dust (Attacks enhanced by Gravity Dust are significantly stronger than the user's normal attacks and are capable of shattering Ice Dust constructs), her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Far faster than before[Statistics Values 2]), higher with her Semblance (Her semblance lets her speed blitz those who are comparable to her)
Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Upscales from both Salem and Ambrosius, and scales above this feat[Statistics Values 3]), likely far higher
Striking Strength: At least Solar System level
Durability: At least Solar System Level, Varies from higher up to Far higher at peak with Aura (Aura functions as a forcefield with a cumulative durability, depicted as a 'health bar', and allows her to take dozens of hits from opponents as strong as herself without any significant injury. Aura's damage cap is 70 times, due to character's aura protecting them from 70 attacks, surviving multiple attacks from characters 4 to 10 times stronger than them, and even 50 times stronger than them[Statistics Values 4]) and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Grew significantly in after several years of training and obtained god ki. Fought and easily defeated Hit after he fought Perfected Super Saiyan Blue Bann[Statistics Values 5][Note 2][Note 3][Statistics Values 6]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Speed blitzed Hit[Statistics Values 7][Statistics Values 8]), higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Stronger than before)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Became much stronger than before and completely overpowered Ultra Synergy Ruby Black after training in the Room of Spirit and Time. Was stated by Fusion Zamasu that she is stronger then the saiyans with SSBE[Statistics Values 9]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Is faster then the Saiyans in SSBE[Statistics Values 10]), higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level[Statistics Values 11], Far Higher with Ultra Synergy, Ultra Instinct (After defusing from Rugeta Ruby kept the power growth Rugeta gained for 40 minutes, and in Ultra Synergy, she grew strong enough to contend with Fusion Zamasu who previously need Rugeta to deal with. In Ultra Instinct Omen, she was able to cut Fused Zamasu in half. Was stated by Vegeta before the Tournament of power that She is on par with Himself, Bann and Raditz with Super Saiyan Blue Evolved, and she actually impressed a Suppressed Jiren with Ultra Synergy. In Ultra Instinct Omen she traded blows with a suppressed Jiren, and her Ki alone was able to shake the entire World of Void, which was completely unaffected by the fight between three Gods of Destruction,[105] with a fight between two Gods of Destruction being taboo[106] since it will result in the destruction of two universes, each of which consists of 3 space-time continuums[107][Statistics Values 12]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Kept up with Fused Zamasu[Statistics Values 13]) higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level, Far Higher with Ultra Synergy, Ultra Instinct
Durability: Low Multiverse level, Far Higher with Ultra Synergy, Ultra Instinct, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level[Statistics Values 14], far higher with Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct (After breaking her limits by achieving Ultra Instinct -Sign- a second time, and after defeating Anilaza, she managed to fight against Jiren, who was finally showing a hint of his full power. Her Ultra Synergy grew in power to be equal to Vegeta, Raditz and Bann's Super Saiyan Blue Evolved. Was stronger then a fully-powered Jiren in Ultra Instinct -Sign-. who was stated by Vegeta to “step over the state of the Gods”. After transforming into Perfected Ultra instinct, she easily nullified a compressed ball of ki from Jiren. The force of this ki alone was going to crush all members of Universe 11 (including Belmod), as stated by Universe 11's Kaioshin. Belmod seemingly acknowledged this by saying that he did not care, so long as Universe 11 ended up winning the Tournament of Power. Later dominated Jiren in this state and still dominated Jiren even after Jiren broke his limits, and managed to easily defeat him even after this power up[Statistics Values 15]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (With Ultra Instinct sign and Ultra Instinct she is far faster than before, kept pace with full power Jiren. After achieving the true Ultra Instinct, she was shown to be able to blitz a Limits Broken Jiren[Statistics Values 16]), higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level, far higher with Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct
Durability: Low Multiverse level, far higher with Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (After training with Merus, she became far stronger than before and easily beat a fusion of three prisoners, who each should be stronger then the powered up prisoners on Namek, who were beating a weakened Bann, Vegeta and Raditz in Super Saiyan 2 months ago[Statistics Values 17]), Far Higher with Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct (was stronger than Saganbo with Moro's power who fought on par with PSSB Quart. With UIS she is far stronger than her previous Sign and is able to tap into it at will. Matched Ultra Synergy 73 Moro before losing due to her stamina/aura drain. With PUI she completely stomped US + UE 73 Moro who casually stomped her and bann's Sign form as well as SSBE Raditz and UE Vegeta. Matched Ultra Moro after absorbing Merus' power and defeated his moon form after restoring her energy with the help of Uub[Statistics Values 18][Note 4]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Much faster than before. In UIS, she moved so fast nobody could follow her movements or sense her ki including Piccolo, Lime, PSSB Quart and Saganbo except for Moro and Jaco. She blitzed US + UE 73 Moro when using Ultra Instinct[Statistics Values 19]), higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T[Statistics Values 20], likely far higher, Class Z with Perfected Ultra Instinct (Giant Form) (The Giant Form of Perfected Ultra Instinct manifests from Ruby's bluish, flaming ki, forming around her and growing enormous in size to act as a form of protection. Additionally, Ruby can use it for devastating offense, such as grappling with equally giant opposition. It appears to be a method of Perfected Ultra Instinct's instantaneous defensive traits, as it manifests only when Ruby is in absolute grave danger. She can make her Ki avtar grow to the size of the moon)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level, far higher with Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct
Durability: Low Multiverse level, far higher with Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level[Statistics Values 21], Far Higher Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct (Whis said there isn't anyone in the universe as strong as Ruby, Bann, Vegeta, Raditz, and Quart.She kept up with a casual Granolah clone in PU and stalemated Granolah with US while using ultra instinct. Effortlessly stomped Granolah's clone with PUI and is much stronger than her previous PUI state[Statistics Values 22]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Kept up with Granolah's clone in PU using Ultra Instinct and stalemated him with US. Blitzed Granolah's clone with Ultra Instinct[Statistics Values 23]), higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Stronger than before)
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level, Far Higher with Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct
Durability: Low Multiverse level, Far Higher Potential Unleashed, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Is stronger then before due to breaking her limits using UI.[Statistics Values 24]), Far Higher with Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct (In US she could somewhat keep up with 2 red eyes Granolah who stopped Ultra Ego Vegeta's strongest attack, fought with a casual Gas and held her own for a while. However, Ruby was pressured too much, forcing her to lure Gas away from the planet to regroup. In PUI she could pressure full power Gas alongside PUI Bann. In True Ultra Instinct Bann said Ruby and Him were barely stronger then Gas. Grew stronger through getting healed[Statistics Values 25]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (with US she Could keep up and dodge attacks from 2 red eyes Granolah however she could not dodge his attacks completely and only minimize the damage. Could somewhat keep up full power Gas in PUI. was faster than Gas in TUI[Statistics Values 26]), higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level, Far Higher with Ultimate, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct
Durability: Low Multiverse level, Far Higher Potential Unleashed, Ultra Synergy and Ultra Instinct, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust
Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Stronger than before, as she has been training with Vegeta, Bann, Raditz and Quart for a while, and most recently with Broly. Scales to Base Bann and Vegeta who can fight Wrath State Broly, who is stronger then he was in the past. Ruby used Perfected Ultra Instinct to test Light's power in his own Ultra Synergy form. The two go on to have an even battle with one another. Ruby also spared against Ultra Ego Vegeta in Ultra Synergy and Perfected Ultra Instinct, and she was on par with him in both Ultra forms, Ruby with US Kaio-ken time 20 matched Full Power Beerus[Statistics Values 27]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm
Speed: Massively FTL+ (Scales to Wrath State Broly in base and is even faster with her transformations[Statistics Values 28]), higher with her Semblance
Lifting Strength: At least Class T
Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level
Durability: Low Multiverse level, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice DustStamina: Superhuman (Ruby can mutilate hordes of monsters by herself and can train for days with minimal rest and can fight through her long, arduous fights with the likes of Vegeta and Majin Buu, continuing to fight against Vegeta even after her aura broke. Endured the water of the gods for 6 hours straight, a poison described as causing unbearable pain to the consumer and even death and being stated to require immense will power to survive. When she was younger, she can fight hordes of Grimm for a day straight before tiring and she and her team fought on and off for three days straight with minimal rest[108], with Ruby herself staying awake in the ever after for a extra day[109] and could endure getting beat down by Neo's clones without a Aura[110], as well as being comparable to the likes of Clover, Winter, Yang, Weiss, Blake, and Adam, who can continue fighting even after their Aura reserve has been drained. In the Tournament of Power Ruby was able to fight through nearly the entire duration of the tournament despite repeatedly breaking through her limits and nearly dying multiple times, ultimately pushing herself to fight and eliminate Jiren alongside Vegeta even though she could barely move moments before. Got hit by multiple Pressure Points Strikes from Granolah and got up each time and continued to fight. Can engage in combat in low oxygen environments. Ultra Instinct Only lasts a few moments before regressing back to her base form. Although in the Moro arc, she can use Ultra Instinct -Sign- at will and it lasts longer and After training a lot, the form lasted far longer against Granolah as Ruby only dropped out of the form because of a vital strike when she was off guard)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Crescent Rose, at least Hundreds of Meters with sniper rifle, Low Multiversal and Interdimensional with Ki Blasts (Affected Hit's pocket dimension, destroying it), Teleportation (Can teleport across the universe, or to other dimension such as the Kai Realm and the Afterlife), and Telepathy
Standard Equipment: |
Gifted generally, Extraordinary Genius combatant (Ruby is extremely knowledgeable regarding weapons, having designed and built Crescent Rose from scratch during her time at Signal Academy when she was a preteen, and being able to name every individual part of her weapon. When she was a teen she was capable of analyzing a weapon she's never seen before down to the function and the material it's made of just by looking at it once, even when suffering from severe stage fright. She also possesses superb combat prowess, having received training from her uncle Qrow. She is capable of taking on entire hordes of Grimm on her own and walking away without a scratch and utilizing the different functionalities of the Crescent Rose, such as the massive recoil from the rifle aspect of the weapon and the weapon's transformative capabilities, in tandem with each other and her Semblance in order to maintain an edge over her opponent. Ozpin himself has stated that it would take someone with skill comparable to that of Qrow in order to wield Crescent Rose to its fullest efficiency. Ruby is a master of prodigal skill when it comes to martial arts, with years of experience fighting against powerful opponents with a plethora of abilities. As a sixteen year old, she was able to beat martial artists on such a level as Bann Belladonna post-beacon, who was an unparalleled master in all martial arts like Grampa Gohan.
At her time at beacon she was able to not only learn how to use Ki during a short semester break, but becoming skilled enough with it to mimic the attacks of others using Ki after seeing them only once, such as Penny's sword beams and Jaune's ki disks, and her skill with Ki is such that it even impressed the likes of Pyrrha during their fights.
In Mistral Ruby also received additional hand to hand combat training from Bann and Ozpin, enough that she and her team defeated the likes of the Ace Ops with ease in atlas, with the Ace Ops begrudgingly admitting that they had been going all out during their fight. She learnt to tap into the state of mind to use her Silver Eyes, that Miria called a "Trial by fire" due to needing to focusing on what you wish to protect in a stressful situation near Grimm[111] and she did this within a few months, later in life this Silver Eye training to stay calm and focused on a state of mind is one of the reasons she gained Ultra Instinct. She came up with a loophole to get Penny a new permanent body to save her from the virus that would destroy her, Given her knowing that Penny has a soul, and how the staff can only make one thing at a time but can't destroy anything she made sure to ask "make a exact copy of Penny only using her robot part" given all that'd be left is Penny's soul, but he can't destroy anything so he'd need to be forced to get creative and basically make Penny a human body to house her soul for free without her human body vanishing when he made something new while Penny's duplicated robot body vanished[112]
In the 5 years between the fall of Atlas and Z, Ruby has trained with Korin, Mr. Popo, Kami, and Bann to further hone her Ki and martial skill, and after an additional year of training she helped Bann and Penny fight off Vegeta despite him being stronger than them separately, even devising a plan to counteract Vegeta's Great Ape forms utilizing everyone's semblances to their advantage in order to cut off their tails.
She and her teamwork was seen as enough of a threat by Frieza that he was forced to go 100% despite only at max having a power level of 3,000,000, and after getting killed by Frieza in his final form she ran snake way with Piccolo and trained under King Kai, learning the Kaioken, Spirit Bomb, and Fusion Dance in just 2 months, as well as sparring with Pyrrha, who had been training with the best fighters of the afterlife.
After 4 years passed Ruby then faced off and held her own fighting Holly, a half-Saiyan hybrid cyborg made from Bann and Weiss' DNA by Watts and has both of their combat skill combined, with her only losing when she went super saiyan.
Ruby continued training in the 7 years after the Android Saga, becoming powerful enough and skilled enough that Shin saw Ruby as a strong ally to help stop Buu's revival, as well as matching Dabora in combat and completely out matching him immediately upon getting serious. Vegeta thought to himself that Ruby is even tougher to fight then Bann even disarmed due to her combat style relying more on speed and momentum and giving her foe no time to breath. She then trained with the Z-Sword for a day under the Kais, with Elder Kai then unlocking her potential to give her the power to beat Buu, who had already absorbed Quart and Piccolo with both Elder Kai and Shin agreeing that her skill and power post-potential unlocking would be sufficient to defeat Buu until Buu absorbed Raditz and Piccolo, but despite her being weaker than Buu with them absorbed, she still held her own.
She was praised by Beerus as a genius for being so experienced so as to make her own Ultra Form based around her Silver Eye's Preservation Energy. Later in Super, before adapting to Hit's Time-Skip, she was able to predict the movements he'd make in the 0.5 seconds of skipped time and react properly, beating a technique that for over 1000 years was completely unstoppable, even as Hit was constantly improving said technique in battle. Ruby mastered Ultra Instinct, a technique even the gods of destruction have deemed a difficult task, with none of them stating to have mastered it, including Beerus, despite being hundreds of millions of years older with experience as a God of Destruction. She also had performed such a feat in less than 48 minutes and is the only mortal other then Bann, Quart and Light (who was made from her and Vegeta's DNA, abilities, techniques, their mannerisms, and their skills) in all 12 universes to have mastered the technique. She can rely purely on her muscle memory and something "beyond" instinct to fight, no longer needing to consciously think to do so while being more serious in this form. In all of Universe 7, she is among the most skilled warriors to exist, superior to master martial artists such as Ozpin, Piccolo, the Kais, and only rivaled by Vegeta, Raditz, Bann, Quart, and Light, being labeled as one of the only few who can entertain Beerus, the God of Destruction of Universe 7. Among all 12 universes, she is one of if not the most skilled fighter, superior to many other master-level warriors and beings thousands up to millions of years older than her, being stated to have surpassed the gods. Was able to go toe to toe with Moro, a being who absorbed seven-three and copied her abilities, techniques, their mannerisms, and their skills from two months ago alongside Vegeta's, and Merus'. She can fight opponents much faster and stronger than her such as Granolah and keep up with them, with him being able to one shot her, via sheer skill. She was able to create such minute movements so as to avoid Granolah's pressure point attacks from hitting her vitals which could defeat her in one attack since she couldn't dodge them completely. She fought against Light Rose, a being created by a genius scientist to be the ultimate warrior made from Ruby and Vegeta's DNA, using 27 years of footage of Ruby and Vegeta, copying their techniques, their mannerisms, and their skills to create him, also having knowledge on how she approaches battle as well
Continual damage to her Aura will cause it to decay to the point where she can be left open to more significant damage. Aura's durability is cumulative; it will deplete with each attack she takes and can be brought down by characters of similar strength. Semblances drain aura by a small amount and without aura they cannot be used until the user's aura is recharged. Constant exposure to extreme temperature can drain the user's aura.
Her Spirit Bomb requires a long charge-up period, during which time she is vulnerable.
She needs to locate a ki signature to teleport using her evolved semblance.
Just like Ultra Ego and Ultra Instinct, Ultra Synergy's power does depend on the mindset of the user, as it's a state of mind just like the other Ultra Forms, meaning it needs Ruby to stay focused on what she wants to protect and think about what she wants to protect while in battle, she just trained over two decades to tap into thus mindset quicker and quicker in life or death moments with her silver eyes. so she had to learn how to stay in this focused mindset for longer, but by the time of the Universe Survival Saga she mastered it
Ultra instinct consumes a lot of stamina/aura and loses accuracy over time and she must have complete control of her emotions so that the balance of the Ultra Instinct is not disturbed. however in True Ultra Instinct she doesn't need to have complete control of her emotions, but it still drains her stamina and aura however she could use Perfected Ultra Instinct much better in the Super hero Arc while fighting Light
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Ki: The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in a number of ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts of energy or used to create defensive barriers. Learning how to use ki at an early age, Ruby is now very skilled in its use, and has been called the strongest human on Remment, something that doubtlessly stems from her training under many martial artists and the potential she had unlocked by elder kai.
- Masenko: Gohan's original signature technique from trunks timeline, which Ruby learned from Future Trunks. After placing both of her hands above his head with her palms facing towards her opponents, she fires a powerful blast of ki. By charging it longer, she can also throw it as an explosive sphere of energy.
- Rose Cannon: a move that is inspired by Penny's beam attack she used when she was a Android. Where ruby cups her hands just like the Kamehameha, but she fires it out with her hands more spread apart then a Kamehameha to fire out a massive green beam of ki. She can even fire it out in one hand
- Kienzan: Jaune's signature technique that he made, which Ruby copied from him. Raising her hand above her head, Ruby creates a razor-sharp disc of ki with incredible cutting power, and then throws it at her opponent. It should be noted that the Kienzan can cut through opponents that are several times stronger and more durable.
- Spirit Bomb: Ruby's ultimate attack, taught to her by King Kai, performed by gathering a vast amount of energy from all the lifeforms in her surroundings to create a massive, incredibly destructive sphere of ki. To use it, one must have a pure heart, and so Ruby is a perfect user of the technique due to her obliviously simple soul. While it is incredibly powerful and can prove capable of completely destroying an opponent when used with sufficient power, it takes a very long time to charge and is therefore very difficult to use, though the charge time can be sped up by gathering energy from those who willingly and knowingly provide it. It is noted that if Ruby makes even the smallest mistake using it, she could easily destroy Remnant.
- Kaio-ken: A technique developed by King Kai and taught to Ruby during her time training on his planet. It greatly increases Ruby's ki and Aura for just a moment, boosting Her strength and speed and auras durability significantly for that time. However, this heavily strains her body and aura, and if she overuses it, it will leave her in intense pain all over her body, leaving her incapable of moving without causing herself further pain. Currently, the strongest Kaio-ken Ruby can utilize is x100.
- Kiai: The ability to project an invisible burst of force with ki, which Ruby can perform with her hands and even with a glare.
Telepathy: Ruby has the ability to telepathically communicate with others, presumably learned from King Kai during her time in the afterlife, and she shows the ability to read Neo's mind by putting her hand to her forehead or talking in her head from a distance.
Fusion Dance: A special dance created on planet Metamor, learnt by Ruby from the inhabitants of said planet. This technique allows to beings to fuse and become a much more powerful entity. To ensure an optimal result, the two must perform all poses correctly, otherwise the fused being will be weak and goofy. The more similar are the height and personality of the two, the better the new being will be, but it will always last only for 30 minutes, with this time limit becoming shorter if the strength of the fusion increases too much.
Crescent Rose: Ruby's weapon, a large Scythe/High-Caliber Sniper Rifle hybrid that she wields with expert proficiency. The Crescent Rose possesses a converting frame, allowing Ruby to transform from a compact storage mode, a rifle mode, and an expanded scythe mode. The weapon's rifle mode takes the form of a medium-length, bolt-action rifle. In this form, the absence of the scythe makes for more effective use of the rifle component. In its fully expanded scythe mode, Crescent Rose makes for a deadly mid-to-close-range bladed melee weapon. This form also doubles as a long-barrel sniper rifle for long-range shots without giving up the melee capabilities of the scythe. The Crescent Rose's rifle has a massive recoil, but instead of compensating for it, Ruby harnesses it to enhance her mobility in combat, firing shots to propel herself short distances, simultaneously attacking and evading opponents, and using it to launch herself through the air. In melee combat, Ruby can fire a shot immediately before a swing, using the recoil to increase the force and speed of her attack. She can also embed the scythe's blade into the ground to prevent the weapon's recoil from throwing off her aim with the sniper rifle component, allowing for rapid, accurate shots. If needed, the bottom of the shaft can unfold to add more cutting power in a close-range fight while also rotating the barrel of the rifle, enabling the recoil to rotate Ruby instead of launching her forward, increasing the slicing power drastically. After arriving in Atlas, James Ironwood has Pietro Polendina upgrade Crescent Rose, giving Ruby the ability to activate a trigger on the upper handle that will then rotate the scythe's blade 180 degrees, giving her more control and ease of use of the weapon in cramped spaces.
- Dust Ammunition: Crescent Rose is able to use different kinds of Dust ammunition, as first seen in the "Red" Trailer when she used Gravity Dust after reloading it with the said magazine, and later demonstrated again in RWBY: Grimm Eclipse and Volume 4.
- Fire Dust: Shoots fire from the muzzle of Crescent Rose.
- Ice Dust: Allows Ruby to fire ice projectiles from Crescent Rose capable of encasing foes in ice.
- Gravity Dust: Increases the recoil effect when firing the Crescent Rose, propelling Ruby at increased speeds.
- Electric Dust: Fires an electric projectile that briefly paralyzes the target. The discharge from this type of round can also create chain lightning which spreads to surrounding targets.
- Crescendo: Ruby spins her scythe in a circle and damages enemies, pulling enemies closer with each hit and smashing enemies back with the final strike.
- Reap: Ruby jumps into the air and spins downwards with her scythe, damaging the ground and using the debris as projectiles to damage enemies.
- Dust Ammunition: Crescent Rose is able to use different kinds of Dust ammunition, as first seen in the "Red" Trailer when she used Gravity Dust after reloading it with the said magazine, and later demonstrated again in RWBY: Grimm Eclipse and Volume 4.
Semblance: Petal Burst: Ruby's Semblance, an ability which allows her to move at a much greater speed than what she is normally capable of, appearing as nothing but a red blur leaving rose petals in its wake. She is capable of using this ability in midair as a means of flight, using it to repeatedly change directions in mid-air and attack at high speeds, and to create powerful whirlwinds that can suck in and knock away objects and foes caught by it and envelop her enemy in a tornado-like rush of air. She also exhibited the ability to seemingly transform into three separate clusters of rose petals, allowing her to flow around an opponent and their attacks before reforming. It is later revealed by Penny that Ruby's Semblance allows her to disassemble herself at a molecular level and reassemble at a chosen location. With practice, she has proven able to do the same with anyone she is in contact with. This allows her to go around obstacles or through paths that she would not otherwise fit. after getting her potential unlocked it made her Semblance evolve again, she can now teleport herself or others like Instant Transmission.
- Petal Burst+: Thanks to her training under Harriet in Atlas, Ruby's Semblance evolved further, allowing her to move at even higher speeds, while also rendering her momentarily invulnerable while her Semblance is active.
Silver Eyes: A mysterious and powerful ability Ruby inherited from her mother, Summer. the Silver Eyes manifests as blindingly bright light emitted from Ruby's eyes. It was revealed that this energy originates from the God of Light, which is able to destroy the creations of the God of Darkness, such as the Grimm. Effects include petrifying them typically, but also sometimes disintegrates them or paralyzes them. as of the start of the saiyan saga she can use this at will even in stressful Situations. its latter revealed by Beerus and Whis that she has Preservation Energy because of this, that can nullify Destruction Energy.
Ultimate: The ultimate form that Ruby gains after having her potential unlocked by Old Kai's lengthy ritual, greatly increasing her power by unlocking her extremely high dormant strength. While this state must be maintained by steady, regular training, while Ruby has access to it, she can tap into its power by powering up, Its power eclipses that of her Kaio-ken multipliers by a significant margin, and in this state
Ultra Synergy: Ultra Synergy is a state which grants Ruby god-like traits, by mixing God Ki with Preservation Energy. By activating more of her godly ki, Ruby's power increases to a whole other level from what it was before. However it can let the user grow stronger with no limit so long as they think about protecting others, as the form is fueled by the desire to preserve life and lets the user use Preservation energy much better. Ultra Synergy fuels itself with Ruby's strong desire to preserve life, becoming stronger as she fights to protect as long as she focuses on this mindset without limit. Her power is based on confidence, and drive to do her perception of good. Although not as fast as Ultra Instinct or Ultra Ego but has a greater control of movements and power distribution/control
Ultra Instinct -Sign-: Also known as the Mastery of Self-Movement, Ultra Instinct -Sign- is a rare and fabled technique that Ruby initially learned of from Whis, revolving around subconsciously avoiding attacks and disregarding her normal capacity to react. This allows her to effectively multitask, thinking up strategies while her body fights for her, fully maximizing her offensive and defensive capabilities, and as she doesn't need to think to fight, it also makes illusory techniques useless. Much faster opponents would still be able to bypass these defenses. Ruby reaches this state in his Ultra Instinct -Sign- transformation, achieved after she recovered from shock. She hasn't mastered the state, however, and cannot enter it willingly - instead, it activates when Ruby recovers from shock and is calm. It is also harder for her to use this version of Ultra Instinct offensively, as she still has to think about the best method of attack, instead of simply intuiting it. This transformation is only temporary, and it has a great strain on Ruby's body. However after training with Merus and honing her body, Ruby has become able to enter and sustain the Ultra Instinct -Sign- with ease, allowing her to fight better and for an extended period of time.
- True Ultra Instinct: Ruby's True Ultra Instinct is an emotionally-driven form of Ultra Instinct as well as an enhanced version of Ultra Instinct Sign unique to Ruby. Allowing Ruby to fight as she likes and not have to focus on remaining calm and emotionless, this form surpasses Ruby's standard usage of Perfected Ultra Instinct. It allowed Ruby to slightly surpass Gas with his instincts unleashed, who could stand up to both Perfected Ultra Instinct Ruby, Bann and Ultra Ego Vegeta, Raditz and Summer Maiden Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Quart fighting together. During the Granolah the Survivor Saga, Ruby achieves this state in battle with Gas by opting for the Sign form over the Perfect Form to lessen the emotional compromise that comes with the Perfect form, allowing her to concentrate on besting Gas completely. Ruby looking back on her time in the Ever After made her realize her own nature is more suited to the Sign form which allowed her to wield Ultra Instinct to an even higher level than she had in the Perfect Form. Vegeta himself noted that Ruby's fighting in this form was different to the usual fighting style she used with Ultra Instinct and more like how she normality fights instead. While this state allows Ruby to fight more effectively and harness Ultra Instinct to a higher level, Ruby herself noted that she still did not have long in this form. This indicates, even with her new clarity and control, this form still drains a large amount of energy/aura and that she wouldn't be able to maintain it for long.
- Perfected Ultra Instinct: The problems exemplified with Ultra Instinct -Sign-, mainly that of not being able to fully utilize attack and defense, were a key factor in preventing Ruby from fighting on an equal playing field with Jiren. However, by giving into the pure impulse and the heat which previously was her limit, Ruby was able to fully break through her limits and reach past the state of the gods, something that not even Beerus has been able to do. In so doing, Ruby reached the true Ultra Instinct form, with her hair and eyebrows matching her intense silver stare, and a great stream of blue energy erupting from her body. In this form, where she has mastered both instinctual attack and defense, she was easily able to blitz and injure Jiren, as well as nullify a full-powered strike meant to incapacitate her. While in this form, Ruby's body automatically grows sturdier as necessary in response to enemy attacks. after training with Merus and honing her body, Ruby has become able to enter and sustain the Ultra Instinct with ease after recovering from the shock of merus dying, allowing her to fight better and for an extended period of time. During her training to hone Ultra Instinct even more, Whis revealed that Ruby must learn how to use it without having to rely on a transformation, which should be used only when she needs to surpass her limits. Mastering the Ultra Instinct in her normal form would allow her to be free from the stamina drain that creates a time limit. After further training, Ruby apparently managed to achieve her objective and demonstrated the ability to dodge instinctively even in her base form.
- Air Blasts: Ruby can fire a barrage of attacks by repeatedly punching the air at incredible speed.
- Telekinesis: Ruby can immobilize and lift in the air an opponent, leaving them vulnerable.
- Illusory Duplicates: Ruby acquired this technique after copying it from Whis. She can create at least seven copies of herself, each able to act independently from the real one. These clones are intangible and likely unable to hurt the opponent, but can serve as decoys.
- Ki Construct: When Ruby uses Ultra Instinct at full power, she can create an enormous avatar of herself made of Ki and restrain larger opponents.
Notable Victories:
Goku Black (Hyourinjutsu) (Hyourinjutsu) Goku Black's Profile (Universe Survival Saga (Pre-Second UIS) Ruby and What-If #9 Goku Black were used, fight took place on patch and Speed was equalized)
Danny Phantom (Danny Phantom) Danny's profile (Season 1/8-A Danny Phantom and Super Hero Saga Base Ruby were used and Ruby could transform, speed was equalized. Win via knock out or incapacitation)
Notable Losses:
Ben Tennyson (Ben 10) Ben's Profile ("Super Hero Saga" Ruby and Omniverse Ben were used. Ruby started in base and Ben had Master Control. Both had prior knowledge. Alien X was restricted and Speed was Equalized)
Zero (Mega Man Zero) Zero's Profile (BoG Saga Ruby and Z-Era Zero were used. Fight Takes place on Planet Cereal. Speed was Equalized)
Inconclusive Matches:
Discussion threads involving Ruby Rose (Dragon Ball Super) |
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- ↑ 5.0 5.1 RWBY Volume 6 Episode 11
- ↑ RWBY Volume 6 Episode 12
- ↑ RWBY Volume 2 Episode 3
- ↑ RWBY Volume 7 Episode 1
- ↑ The World of RWBY: The Official Companion
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 72
- ↑ RWBY Volume 9 Episode 2
- ↑ RWBY Volume 5 Episode 5
- ↑ RWBY Volume 6 episode 13
- ↑ RWBY Volume 8 Episode 5
- ↑ RWBY Volume 9 Episode 10
- ↑ Volume 9 Bonus Ending Animatic
- ↑ Boba
- ↑ RWBY Volume 8 Directors' and Writers' Commentary Chapter 12
- ↑ Vegeta: "I hated how you (Ruby) and Kakarot's influence was making me softer... less aggressive. I got myself a family... and it wasn't so awful... I even started to like the comfortable life on Remnant."
- ↑ Dragon Ball Daima - Glorio
- ↑ DB: 165 - "Shen Long Resurrected!"
- ↑ 22.0 22.1 DB: 164 - "Enter God"
- ↑ DB: 176 - "Goku vs. Tenshinhan"
- ↑ DB: 184 - "The Real Fight"
- ↑ Daizenshuu 7 – Dragon Ball Encyclopedia: Human Racial Dictionary
- ↑ Volume 7 Episode 6
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 Daizenshuu 4 – World Guide: Racial Groups
- ↑ DBZ 47 - "Goku's Request"
- ↑ DBZ 129 - "The Two Wishes"
- ↑ DBZ 222 - "Kamehameha vs. Kamehameha"
- ↑ DBZ 221 - "Father and Son"
- ↑ DBZ 85 - "Son Goku Has Landed!"
- ↑ Daizenshuu 7 – Dragon Ball Encyclopedia: Special Attack Dictionary
- ↑ RWBY Volume 6 Episode 5
- ↑ RWBY: World of Remnant, Episode 11: Atlas
- ↑ RWBY Volume 2 Episode 11
- ↑ RWBY Volume 3 Episode 4
- ↑ RWBY Volume 3 Episode 2
- ↑ RWBY Volume 5 Episode 13
- ↑ RWBY Volume 8 Episode 3
- ↑ RWBY Volume 3 Episode 5
- ↑ Daizenshuu 4 – World Guide: Technology
- ↑ Dragon Ball - Chapter 151
- ↑ RWBY Volume 7 Episode 7
- ↑ RWBY: Before the Dawn Chapter 21
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Chapter 46, Pages 18 - 34
- ↑ Dragon Ball - Chapter 104
- ↑ Daizenshuu 2 – Story Guide: Special Attacks
- ↑ RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant, The Story of the Seasons
- ↑ RWBY Volume 8 Episode 4
- ↑ RWBY Volume 6 Episode 3
- ↑ 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 64
- ↑ 53.0 53.1 53.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 73
- ↑ RWBY Volume 6 Episode 3
- ↑ RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant, The Four Maidens
- ↑ RWBY Volume 5 Episode 13
- ↑ RWBY: World of Remnant, Episode 8: The Four Maidens
- ↑ RWBY Volume 7 Episode 13
- ↑ RWBY Volume 8 Episode 5
- ↑ Dragon Ball: Chapter 212 - "The Saiyans Approach!!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 20 - "A Warning from Jaco! Frieza and 1,000 Soldiers Close In"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 22 - "Change! An Unexpected Return! His Name Is Ginyu!!"
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 110 - Goku Enkindled! The Awakened One's New Ultra Instinct!
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 39 - A Fully-Developed "Time-Leap" Counterattack?! Is It Coming?! Gokū's New Technique!
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 9
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Broly Novel
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 27
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 24
- ↑ 70.0 70.1 70.2 Dragon Ball Super - Episode 59
- ↑ 71.0 71.1 Dragon Ball Z - Chapter 357
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime - Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime - Episode 105
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Anime - Episode 71
- ↑ 75.0 75.1 V-Jump October 2022 Dragon Ball Super Interval Special
- ↑ Dragon Ball Cards Itajaga Vol. 4 Exclusive
- ↑ 77.0 77.1 77.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 49
- ↑ 78.0 78.1 78.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 58
- ↑ 79.0 79.1 79.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 47
- ↑ 80.0 80.1 80.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 46
- ↑ 81.0 81.1 81.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 60
- ↑ 82.0 82.1 82.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 62
- ↑ 83.0 83.1 83.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 63
- ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 74
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 109
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 110
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 95
- ↑ 89.0 89.1 Dragon Ball Super - Episode 125
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 69
- ↑ Dr. Slump Arale-chan - Episode 82
- ↑ Dr. Slump Arale-chan - Episode 240
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Episode 28
- ↑ Tokyo Skytree 2018
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 66
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 86
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 65
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 71
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 72
- ↑ 101.0 101.1 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 85
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 75
- ↑ 103.0 103.1 Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 81
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super - Chapter 68
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 96 - The Time Has Come! To the Null Realm with the Universes on the Line!
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 70 - A Challenge From Champa! This Time, a Baseball Game!
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super: Episode 28 - The 6th Universe's Destroyer! His Name Is Champa!
- ↑ RWBY Volume 8
- ↑ RWBY Volume 9 Episode 7
- ↑ RWBY Volume 9 Episode 8
- ↑ RWBY Volume 6 Episode 8
- ↑ RWBY Volume 8 Episode 12
- ↑ At least 21.06 MegaFoe
- ↑ >8.24 Quadrillion c
- ↑ 871,490,300,000,000 kg
- ↑ 1.4742 Gigafoe
- ↑ 1.6 million times 3 Universes with Ultra Synergy (U6 Saga)
- ↑ 320 billion times 3 Universes with Ultra Synergy (FTS First Trip)
- ↑ At least 189.2 Nonillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy (U6 Saga)
- ↑ At least 37.84 Decillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy (FTS First Trip)
- ↑ 512 quintillion times 3 Universes with Ultra Synergy
- ↑ At least 6.0544 Tredecillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy
- ↑ 25.6 sextillion times 3 Universes with Ultimate
- ↑ Upscaling from 6 Universes with Ultra Synergy, Ultra Instinct
- ↑ At least 6.0544 Quattuordecillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy
- ↑ 3 Universes
- ↑ 6 Universes
- ↑ At least 121.088 quindecillion c, likely far higher with Perfected Ultra Instinct and Ultra Synergy
- ↑ 3 Universes
- ↑ 6 Universes
- ↑ At least 677.6 Sexdecillion c, likely far higher with Perfected Ultra Instinct
- ↑ 871,490,300,000,000 kg
- ↑ 3 Universes
- ↑ 6 Universes
- ↑ At least 677.6 Sexdecillion c, likely far higher with Perfected Ultra Instinct
- ↑ 3 Universes
- ↑ 6 Universes
- ↑ At least 6.776 Octodecillion c, likely far higher with True Ultra Instinct and Perfected Ultra Instinct
- ↑ 6 Universes
- ↑ At least 6.776 Octodecillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy and Perfected Ultra Instinct
At least 135.52 Octodecillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy Kaio-Ken x20
- ↑ Note: Due to the vast amount of inconsistencies between various feats, statements, and information given about Time Skip, such as the mechanics explained by Vados and Whis, (that it is merely limited Time Travel that stores time) being directly contradicted on multiple occasions, including feats like freezing Goku in time (twice), Hit's own words, and Word of God, or what even qualifies as Time Skip, as Tides of Time (Hit's Dimension-Shift) was initially stated not to be, but this was contradicted later in the Tournament of Power, or regarding how Time Skip has a reliant Dimension connected to it for Time Storage contradicts Hit's testimony regarding how he never made Time Skip do more than its initial basic function before, (and the basic mechanics, as he needs to skip time first to then store it, contradicting even that description), etc. has created a patchwork of incoherence. Due to this, and how the Time Freezing and Travelling related parts of the ability must both be simultaneously true for the plot of the Dragon Ball Super Anime to make sense (as Vados/Whis explanation is the sole reason he has his greater Time Dimension abilities throughout the Assassination Arc and the Tournament of Power, and he needs the abilities to also specifically be Time Stop for certain major plot sequences, like Time Cage, {a Time Stop ability which is explicitly described as "Time Skip in Reverse"} to affect Jiren), as well as the fact they are used interchangeably at several points, our community has decided to index the ability as both Time Travel and Time Stop, and to simply reconcile the best we can by ignoring these glaring contradictions to get the most accurate listing of Hit's ability. As such, Ruby's ability to get around these abilities will be indexed as they would be if this inconsistency did not exist. This includes immeasurable speed, (as it is through raw speed that Ruby uses to meet Hit in his limited travel through time), which we accept as an Outlier. This is due to multiple reasons, such as how it contradicts elements in the series like travel time between points (as combat speed and travel speed are often directly connected in Dragon Ball) or Ruby's reliance on Petal Burst to teleport, (as if she was immeasurable, she could simply run to locations), or how it contradicts the most blatant set piece of all, the Tournament of Power (which occurs across 48 minutes. If everyone was fighting at immeasurable speeds, or even individual characters, this could not be possible).
- ↑ Note: Due to Ruby, Bann, Vegeta and Raditz all training together on Beerus' Planet with Whis they're all stronger than canon Goku and Vegeta as Whis said in Cannon that the more people that train together the stronger they grow. Bann, Vegeta and Raditz all gained Mastered Super Saiyan Blue during the Universe 6 tournament arc and Ruby has had Ultra Synergy sense when RoF takes place, thus another reason they're stronger than canon (Vegeta only lost to hit via not knowing about time stop, Bann willingly fortified and Ruby easily beat hit)
- ↑ Note: Ultra Synergy gives the same boost in power as Ultra Ego, and Ultra Instinct. it's power varies depending on Ruby's mindset like with the two other Ultra Forms, as such at its lowest it should grant a over 20 times boost above Super Saiyan Blue's via being stronger than Super Saiyan Blue Evolved at a bare minimum
- ↑ Note: Dragon Ball Super manga characters are being assumed to be essentially the same as their original selves when it comes to their scaling chain, only they scale to the anime versions of the cast instead mixed with some Manga Scaling too. For example, weakened Moro is scaling to the anime version of post-Broly saga Super Saiyan Vegeta rather than the manga version