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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Ruby Black

Art by @Apoc_Rex on Twitter/X

With the unlimited power of the Super Dragon Balls, I cast off my old skin. Here I stand, my mind in your stolen body, brimming with strength unimaginable!
~ Ruby Black to Ruby
I look down on existence from a much higher perspective than you do. I witness this world, this universe and the truth of all things. That yields deeper understanding. Wisdom. The realization that all mortals should be destroyed. The one and only mistake among all divine creations. That is what mortals are. And this mistake is egregious. To shape existence into the beautiful utopia it was always meant to be, the mistake must be corrected. I will purge all mortals from existence. In place of the gods who refuse to admit their failure!
~ Ruby Black


Zamasu was once the Supreme Kai apprentice under Gowasu of Universe 10, who developed a loathing for mortals as he witnessed their actions across the universe, leading him to embark on a crusade against mortals after stealing the body of Ruby Rose using the Super Dragon Balls, gaining the title of Ruby Black, or, as she is more commonly referred, simply Black.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 2-C, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, higher with Gravity Dust | 2-C, higher with Gravity Dust

Key: Before replicating Ruby's style | After replicating Ruby's style | Post-Vegeta Fight

Name: Zamasu, Ruby Black, Black

Origin: Dragon Ball RWBY

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, Ruby's body is 45 physically

Classification: Shinjin/Human

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

  • Ice Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation (Should have similar resistances due to having Ruby's body)
  • Extreme Heat and Cold and Cosmic Radiations (-90° C to 30,000° C; Aura protects the user from sub-zero temperatures, allowing them to be encased in ice without being cold, walk through a blizzard in casual clothing[15], and traverse the kingdom of Atlas, which resides in Remnant's North Pole,[16] without wearing any protective gear, as well as extreme heat up to and including the heat of flames,[17], being blasted with steam[18] being struck by lighting for an extended period of time,[19][20][21] and being submerged in lava without being burned[22]. In the Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga Ruby fought Moro close to a Star's surface in Ultra Synergy and her Aura protected her from the heat. −60° C to 120° C without Aura; Ruby survived and trained extensively for at least one month within the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Bann, which has temperatures that range from -40° F to 248° F. Able to survive and travel in outer space, which is extremely cold[23][24] and filled with cosmic radiation)
  • Transmutation (Aura has been shown multiple times to save others from getting turned into candy by Buu)
  • Possession (A trained Aura can protect someone from a Nightmare grimm taking over their body more easier than a weak, untrained one)
  • Power Absorption (For Cinder to absorb a Maiden's power using the Beetle, she had to break their Aura shield, meaning Aura protects from baseline power absorption)
  • Electricity Manipulation (Aura can protect from getting struck by lightning from lightning dust attacks and magic attacks, although it still makes them feel the pain of it)

Limited Resistance to:

  • Soul Manipulation (People with Aura can survive with chunks of their souls missing, abilet it weakens them[25]. Additionally, attempting to transfer Aura to the Grimm instead causes them to attempt to drain it from the user. Someone had a good chunk of his soul absorbed by a grimm and lived[26])

All previous abilities massively enhanced, plus:

Resistance to

Capable of creating clones from space-time rifts causes by the Sickle of Sorrow, these clones possesses all of her abilities:

Attack Potency: Low Multiverse level (Casually stomped Super Saiyan 2 Trunks[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Gravity Dust (Attacks enhanced by Gravity Dust are significantly stronger than the user's normal attacks and are capable of shattering Ice Dust constructs), her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm | Low Multiverse level (After finally getting used to Ruby's body in base she beat down SSB Raditz and is massively stronger in Ultra Synergy[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Gravity Dust, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm | Low Multiverse level (Grew even more powerful after being defeated by Vegeta, becoming comparable to Ultra Synergy Ruby[Statistics Values 1]), higher with Gravity Dust, can possibly ignore conventional durability with her Sickle of Sorrow, her Silver Eyes ignores the durability of Grimm

Speed: Massively FTL+ (Faster than Super Saiyan 2 Future Trunks[Statistics Values 2]) | Massively FTL+ (Can outpace Super Saiyan Blue Raditz without even trying in base[Statistics Values 3]) | Massively FTL+ (Much faster than before[Statistics Values 4])

Lifting Strength: At least Class T (Upscales from both Salem and Ambrosius, and Scales above this feat[Statistics Values 5]), likely far higher

Striking Strength: Low Multiverse level | Low Multiverse level | Low Multiverse level

Durability: Low Multiverse level, Varies from higher up to Far higher at peak with Aura (Aura functions as a forcefield with a cumulative durability, depicted as a 'health bar', and allows her to take dozens of hits from opponents as strong as herself without any significant injury. Aura's damage cap is 70 times, due to character's aura protecting them from 70 attacks, surviving multiple attacks from characters 4 to 10 times stronger than them, and even 50 times stronger than them) and Ice Dust | Low Multiverse level (Laughed off a massive barrage of hits from an enraged Super Saiyan Blue Raditz), Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust | Low Multiverse level, Varies from higher up to Far higher with Aura and Ice Dust

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range; Extended Melee Range with God Split Cut and Crescent Rose, at least Hundreds of Meters with sniper rifle, Low Multiversal with ki blasts and attacks, Low Multiversal with Kai Kai (She can teleport to other universes), Low Complex Multiversal & Interdimensional with the Time Ring (The Time Ring allows the user to travel across Hypertimelines)

Standard Equipment:

  • Crescent Rose: Ruby's weapon, a large Scythe/High-Caliber Sniper Rifle hybrid that she wields with expert proficiency. The Crescent Rose possesses a converting frame, allowing Ruby Black to transform from a compact storage mode, a rifle mode, and an expanded scythe mode. The weapon's rifle mode takes the form of a medium-length, bolt-action rifle. In this form, the absence of the scythe makes for more effective use of the rifle component. In its fully expanded scythe mode, Crescent Rose makes for a deadly mid-to-close-range bladed melee weapon. This form also doubles as a long-barrel sniper rifle for long-range shots without giving up the melee capabilities of the scythe. The Crescent Rose's rifle has a massive recoil, but instead of compensating for it, Ruby Black harnesses it to enhance her mobility in combat, firing shots to propel herself short distances, simultaneously attacking and evading opponents, and using it to launch herself through the air. In melee combat, Ruby Black can fire a shot immediately before a swing, using the recoil to increase the force and speed of her attack. She can also embed the scythe's blade into the ground to prevent the weapon's recoil from throwing off her aim with the sniper rifle component, allowing for rapid, accurate shots. If needed, the bottom of the shaft can unfold to add more cutting power in a close-range fight while also rotating the barrel of the rifle, enabling the recoil to rotate Ruby Black instead of launching her forward, increasing the slicing power drastically. After arriving in Atlas, James Ironwood has Pietro Polendina upgrade Crescent Rose, giving Ruby the ability to activate a trigger on the upper handle that will then rotate the scythe's blade 180 degrees, giving her more control and ease of use of the weapon in cramped spaces.
    • Dust Ammunition: Crescent Rose is able to use different kinds of Dust ammunition, as first seen in the "Red" Trailer when she used Gravity Dust after reloading it with the said magazine, and later demonstrated again in RWBY: Grimm Eclipse and Volume 4.
      • Fire Dust: Shoots fire from the muzzle of Crescent Rose.
      • Ice Dust: Allows Ruby to fire ice projectiles from Crescent Rose capable of encasing foes in ice.
      • Gravity Dust: Increases the recoil effect when firing the Crescent Rose, propelling Ruby at increased speeds.
      • Electric Dust: Fires an electric projectile that briefly paralyzes the target. The discharge from this type of round can also create chain lightning which spreads to surrounding targets.
  • Potara Earring: Allows her to fuse with another person, which Ruby used to fuse with Future Zamasu to become Fused Zamasu
  • Time Ring: The Time Rings are accessories of the Supreme Kai which enable them to travel through time. They are normally used to observe future events in their main timeline.

Intelligence: Even before he stole Ruby's body, the Kai known as Zamasu was an abnormally skilled and powerful fighting prodigy who could put up a fight against Goku in Cannon. After stealing her body and beginning his crusade against mortals, Zamasu, now known as Black, rapidly began to grow in skill. After watching Ruby fight, she was able to accurately replicate her style, and she is able to quickly adapt to new circumstances in combat, learning to even make use of the explosive power Ruby gained from her rage in Ultra Synergy

Weaknesses: Incredibly arrogant and overconfident in her own abilities, especially against opponents who are not divine (as she looks down on all mortals). Due to possessing Ruby's Silver-Eyed Warrior blood, Ruby Black yearns for battle and will drag out fights in order to fight longer, and will also let herself get injured in order to increase her power

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

The fighting power and life force of a martial artist, a tangible energy derived from the user's vigor, courage, and mind. It can be used in a number of ways, such as to surpass the limits of one's body to greatly increase in strength, and it can be fired as blasts of energy or used to create defensive barriers. A fighting prodigy, Black was once the strongest Kai to ever live, a race that already possessed immense power, and his power only grew once he stole Ruby's body and gained access to her Human Silver-Eyed Warrior physiology, turning her into an extremely dangerous opponent. Due to her divine nature, she has godly ki and cannot be sensed by mortal beings as a result.

  • Black Power Ballこくパワーだま, Koku Pawā-dama: One of Black's signature attacks, an energy sphere with a black core that detonates with devastating force upon coming into contact with an opponent. She can fire an overwhelming barrage of these spheres as opposed to just one, or convert the spheres into energy beams. In Ultra Synergy she can use the more powerful Divine Retribution variant, which can similarly be converted into an energy wave or be used as a slicing blade.
  • Holy Light Grenade神裂光弾しんれつこうだん, Shinretsu Kōdan: A more powerful energy sphere created by teaming up with Future Zamasu, with the two pooling their energy to create an immense sphere of ki.
  • God Split Cut神裂斬しんれつざん, Shinretsuzan: Zamasu's signature attack, and one of the techniques most used by Black, a blade of energy that she forms around her hand to use as a slicing weapon. In her ULtra Synergy form, Black can exercise such control over this blade as to shape it into various other weapons, essentially creating weapons from her own ki.
  • Sickle of Sorrowふん大鎌おうがま, Hifun no Ōgama: A scythe made from Black's own ki, her most powerful weapon, which she can use to slice through space and time to open a rift from which mysterious clones of Black flood, each capable of reforming after dissipating. The rift can inhibit attempts to teleport and can spawn more clones if Black wishes.
  • Rose Cannon: Ruby's famous signature technique, which is inspired by Penny's beam attack she used when she was a Android. Where ruby cups her hands just like the Kamehameha, but she fires it out with her hands more spread apart then a Kamehameha to fire out a massive green beam of ki. She can even fire it out in one hand. Naturally, Black has access to her own variant of the technique, the Black Rose Cannon, which, in her Ultra Synergy form, is colored pink by her immense power.
  • Kai Kaiカイカイ: As a Kai, Zamasu can teleport across universes to reach specific locations or people, superior to Instant Transmission in that she does not need a ki signature to lock onto to utilize this technique. As a result, Black can even teleport outside of the universe.
  • Kiai気合きあ: The ability to project an invisible burst of force with ki, which Black can perform with her hands and even with a glare.

As a Kai, Zamasu, and thus Ruby Black, should have some knowledge of magic.

  • Magic Materialization: Black can create objects, often out of thin air, and utilize these objects as weapons in combat.

Ultimate: The ultimate form that Ruby gains after having her potential unlocked by Old Kai's lengthy ritual, greatly increasing her power by unlocking her extremely high dormant strength. While this state must be maintained by steady, regular training, while Ruby has access to it, she can tap into its power by powering up, Its power eclipses that of her Kaio-ken multipliers by a significant margin, and in this state

Ultra Synergy: Ultra Synergy is a state which grants Ruby Black god-like traits, by mixing her natural God Ki with Preservation Energy. By activating more of her godly ki, Ruby Black's power increases to a whole other level from what it was before. However it can let the user grow stronger with no limit so long as they think about their perception of good and lets the user use Preservation energy much better. Ultra Synergy fuels itself with Ruby Black's strong Ideals, becoming stronger as she fights for the Zero Mortals Plan as long as she focuses on this mindset without limit. Her power is based on confidence, and drive to do her perception of good. Although not as fast as Ultra Instinct or Ultra Ego but has a greater control of movements and power distribution/control. Due to Ruby Black's corrupted sense of justice and natural God ki, her version of Ultra Synergy has red hair with black tips instead of golden hair with white tips like Ruby, Vegeta, and Light's version of Ultra Synergy


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


  1. The World of RWBY: The Official Companion
  2. Dragon Ball Super - Episode 72
  3. RWBY Volume 9 Episode 2
  4. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 61
  5. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 67
  6. Dragon Ball Super Anime Episode 59
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 Dragon Ball Super: Episode 64 - Worship Me! Give Praise Unto Me! The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!
  8. 8.0 8.1 Dragon Ball Super - Episode 125
  9. Dragon Ball Super - Episode 69
  10. Dr. Slump Arale-chan - Episode 82
  11. Dr. Slump Arale-chan - Episode 240
  12. Dragon Ball Super - Episode 28
  13. V-Jump October 2022 Dragon Ball Super Interval Special
  14. 14.0 14.1 Dragon Ball Super - Episode 59
  15. RWBY Volume 6 Episode 5
  16. RWBY: World of Remnant, Episode 11: Atlas
  17. RWBY Volume 2 Episode 11
  18. RWBY Volume 3 Episode 4
  19. RWBY Volume 3 Episode 2
  20. RWBY Volume 5 Episode 13
  21. RWBY Volume 8 Episode 3
  22. RWBY Volume 3 Episode 5
  23. Dragon Ball Super: Broly
  24. Dragon Ball Super: Broly (Light Novel)
  25. RWBY Volume 7 Episode 7
  26. RWBY: Before the Dawn Chapter 21
  27. Dragon Ball Z - Chapter 357
  28. RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant, The Story of the Seasons
  29. RWBY Volume 8 Episode 4
  30. RWBY Volume 6 Episode 3
  31. RWBY: Fairy Tales of Remnant, The Four Maidens
  32. RWBY Volume 5 Episode 13
  33. RWBY: World of Remnant, Episode 8: The Four Maidens
  34. RWBY Volume 7 Episode 13
  35. RWBY Volume 8 Episode 5


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 3 Universes
  2. At least 473 Septillion c, likely far higher
  3. At least 302.72 Duodecillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy
  4. At least 6.0544 Tredecillion c, likely far higher with Ultra Synergy
  5. 871,490,300,000,000 kg