“ | But that pain we feel... we should use that energy to fight, to make sure nobody else has to go through that. | „ |
~ Ronan, to Undyne |
Ronan Cass is one of the supporting characters in Glitchtale and one of the strongest and leading individuals in the HSO. He is a human that, since the appearance of monsters, has re-gained the usage of magic and a SOUL trait. His, respectively is Justice.
Ronan has brown hair and frequently carries in his head a grey-ish hat. He has a grey, long sleeved shirt that has yellow triangle-like figures that extend from the shoulders all way to the elbow part. He has white skin, and also has intense yellow eyes characteristic of the Justice trait.
Ronan, despite his few appearances, has demonstrated to be an easygoing individual, relaxed, and sometimes even caring for others. He also is a bit harsh, as shown with his son when he appeared on Game Over part 2, in which situation he ignored what he was doing and just got mad at him regardless of context.
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: At least 8-B
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Projection (Ronan is able to shoot sphere-like, yellow energy bullets as a main method of attacking), Aura (Protective. Ronan showed a forcefield-like aura surrounding him when he got slammed to a wall, which absorbed part of the impact), Magic, Soul Manipulation (Using SOUL magic, Ronan should be able to target the SOUL in a similar fashion to monster's), Hand to hand combat (Ronan shown to have boxing fighting style as he use it with his magic), Resistance to Soul Manipulation (Ronan should be able to take attacks and damage to his SOUL normally in a similar fashion to monster's).
Attack Potency: At least City Block level+ (Ronan, as a magic-trained human, should be well superior to weaker monsters such as Papyrus, who was capable of doing this. Able to take on groups of smaller pink blobs quite easily)
Speed: Subsonic+ (Should be not too behind to the likes of other humans or monsters, such as Gaster or Chara.)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: At least City Block level+
Durability: At least City Block level+ (Able to withstand attacks of pink blobs. Survived being thrown and slapped by the giant version of these)
Stamina: Fairly high. Ronan is able to fight several pink blobs and do his duty without noticeable tiredness for an extended period of time.
Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters with SOUL magic.
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Ronan is a tactical individual, and presumably one of the higher-ranked people of the HSO. He is able to think and create plans even in moments of stress.
Weaknesses: Humans, if not on sync with their emotions, make their SOUL magic progressively weaker and more fragile.
- Able to take on several groups of pink blobs.
- Survived being slammed by the giant pink blob.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: