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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles about
Ronald McDonald
FraymakersXmark12's Legacy MUGEN

I have to hurry to see the boys and girls at McDonalds!
~ Ronald McDonald.

Hey kids! It's me! Ronald McDonald!
~ Ronald McDonald.

What would you like?
~ Ronald McDonald.

~ Ronald McDonald's Intro.

He can do anything!
~ Gaming.


Ronald McDonald is a downable Fighter Character from Fraymakers developed by Gaming which uses his iconic M.U.G.E.N sprites. He has a variety of fast hitting flashy melee moves, projectiles using McDonald's Menu Items, or other McDonald's themed attacks alongside absurd Super Moves that he activates with his Super Meter that deal a large amount of damage. Ronald McDonald also has a great amount of costumes that alter his animations and statics, giving him higher damage and some forms of immortality.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Low 7-C, Higher with Super Meter, 3-A with Happy Set | Low 7-C, Higher with Super Meter, 3-A with Happy Set, Higher than before | Low 7-C, Low 7-C, Higher with Super Meter, 3-A with Happy Set | 7-B, Lower with Hamburgers and other McDonald items, 3-A with Happy Set, possibly about 2-C by being stronger than before

Key: Ronald McDonald | GOLDEN RONALD | COSMIC RONALD/PURPLE RONALD | The Weird Green One

Name: Ronald McDonald, Ronald, The crazy hamburger clown | Golden Ronald | Cosmic Ronald/Purple Ronald | The Weird Green One, Covid 19

Origin: Fraymakers Workshop, formally McDonald's

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Clown

Powers and Abilities:

With Increasing Super Meter:

  • Aura (As Ronald's Super Meter bar gets more filled, he gains a cosmetic aura around him to signify how much aura he has, with it getting more and more intense the more his Super Meter fills up)

Ronald will still retain his Base Moveset with a Full Super Meter.

Level 1 -

Level 2-

  • Magic and Transmutation with Donald Magic (Ronald will wave his wand before transforming his opponent into a McDonald's Hamburger for a few seconds by a large yellow laser, during this time he is able to attack the hamburger to rack up damage)
  • Creation by creating a Huge McDonald's Hamburger by using Hanva-Ga-Da.
  • Time Stop and Time Manipulation with Za Warudo (After screaming, he will pause time for about 10 seconds where he can attack the opponent until he willingly unpauses it)

Level 3-

Same Abilities as Base Ronald McDonald Including Super Meter.

  • Teleportation (Teleports onto the stage for his intro)
  • Superhuman Precision (Able to throw tens of Hamburgers at the exact same angle, all in under a second)
  • Danmaku (Able to spam projectiles as quickly as he wants to)
  • Aura (Golden Ronald has a similar Aura to his counterpart, however this time it has a more yellow colouring to it)
  • Regeneration (Recovers 1% every second)
  • Self-Charging Meter that does not require you to harm the opponent to gain Super Meter attacks
  • Greatly increased Speed and Damage

Same Abilities as Golden Ronald Including Super Meter.

  • Greatly increased Speed and Damage
  • Greatly increased Regeneration
  • Immortality (Type 2) and Teleportation (No matter how hard he is hit, when coming in contact with the death zones, he will simply teleport to the other side of the stage, unable to die. "Cosmic Ronald is like... unable to be ko'd at all")

Same Abilities as Base Ronald McDonald Including Super Meter.

  • Greatly increased Damage with all his attacks dealing 999%.
  • Upon hitting an opponent, he will instantly gain all his meter.

Attack Potency: Small Town Level (Able to take on Foes such as The Shotgun and Car, who can survive Fishbunjin's Nuke), Higher with Super Meter (Super Meter attacks are generally stronger than his Base Moveset), Universe Level with Happy Set (Can create a world with whatever he wants in it, before then destroying it in a large explosion) | Small Town Level, Higher with Super Attacks (Similar to before, his Super Meter Attacks are for the most part better than his Base Moveset), Higher (Although he deals less knockback, he is far superior to his base form), Universe Level with Happy Set (Same as before) | Small Town Level with Basic Moveset, Small Town Level with Super Meter Attacks (He can deal upwards of 300% with his Super Meter, which is twice as strong as Fishbunjin's Nuke), Universe Level, Higher with Happy Set (Same as before but greater by being far superior to Golden Ronald) | City Level (Can deal 999% with every physical attacks, making him six times superior to the Fishbunjin nuke which deals 150%), Lower with McDonald's Menu Items (Ironically, his McDonald's Menu Items deal far less damage, excluding the McDonald's French Fry, than his Physical body), Universe Level, possibly Low Multiverse Level with Happy Set (Much stronger than before, deals a larger amount of damage)

Speed: Subsonic (Will create afterimages when going fast enough), FTL (Able to make balls made of light, which he can outrun by a large amount, with his Side Special he can create light under his feat which he keeps up with, Able to fire out lasers), Higher (Able to increase his speed with Side Special and Up Special) | FTL, Higher (Same as before) | FTL, Far Higher (Far superior to lower forms) | FTL, Higher (Same speed as Base Ronald McDonald)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Can easily lift Car with even his normal moves), Higher with Super Moves (Lifts up Car easier) | Class 5, Higher (Strong than before) | Class 5, Far Higher (Far stronger than his base form) | Class 5, Far Higher (Far stronger than all his other forms)

Striking Strength: Small Town Level, Higher with Super Meter | Small Town Level, Higher, even Higher with Super Attacks | Small Town Level with Basic Moveset, Town Level with Super Meter Attacks | City Level, Lower with McDonald's Menu Items.

Durability: City Level (No matter what form he is in, he is able to block attacks from The Weird Green One's Physical Body), Universe Level, possibly Low Multiverse Level when in Cosmic Ronald form (Can survive The Weird Green One's Happy Set)

Stamina: Superhuman (Able to do incredibly demanding moves without showing any signs of exhaustion) | Infinite (Can jump an infinite amount of times) | Infinite (Same as before, likely longer due to better immortality) | Superhuman (Same as Base Ronald)

Range: Standard Melee Range by himself, Extended Melee Range with McDonald's French Fry, Several Meters by throwing other menu items, Tens of Meters by Donald Blast and McLaser.

Standard Equipment:

All Items gain lack recharge time in higher forms.

Normal Moveset-

  • Gigantic McDonald's French Fry (About 4/5 of Ronald's size)
  • McDonald's Menu


  • Hamburger(s).
  • Explosive McDonald's Shake's + Explosive Apple.


  • Floating Blue Fire, Ball of Light
  • Donalda/Donald Girl
  • Triforce barrier, a Rotating Triangular Shield

Level 1-

  • Explosive Apple (with freezing properties unlike it's normal counterpart)
  • Explosive McDonald's Shake (with increased explosive potential)

Level 2-

  • Magical Wand, and Table
  • Gigantic McDonald's Hamburger

Level 3-

  • Mini Explosive Ronald McDonald
  • McDonald's Drive Thru Sign

This is excluding The Weird Green One.

Same as before, but in Golden and Cosmic, the amount of the McDonald’s Menu Items (except McDonald’s French Fries) is increased.

Intelligence: Gifted with at least combat (Can use a variety of weapons with complete ease, competently uses magic with likely no background in it, knows a large amount of abilities and how to use them, can keep up with the aim of The Shotgun without issue)

Weaknesses: Lacks the ability to grab the opponent, lower knockback (Golden Only)

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

All Items gain lack recharge time in higher forms.

Normal Moveset- The average move consists of kicks and punches involving the movement of Ronald McDonald. He also preforms dramatic poses similar to JoJo.

  • Forward Strong - Ronald lunches his McDonald's French Fry in a arc whilst holding it.
  • Forward Air - Same as Forward Strong, but in the air and in a straight horizontal line.
  • Parry - Ronald pulls out a McDonald's Menu for a short amount of time. During this time if you hit him, he will teleport behind you, stopping you in time for about 1 second.
  • Air Dash - Ronald has a unique Air Dash unique to him where he will stop in place then dash forward with air bouncing behind him.
  • Mac Burst - Similar to Guilty Gear, after taking 80% and pressing a attack button, he will expulse a large amount of energy, hitting opponents from a decent distance.


  • Neutral Special - Hamburger(s), Ronald throws them at the opponent in a straight forward direction. In the air he throws them downwards in order to hit the opponent from down below.
  • Side Special - He will lunch forward and preform a upper cut sending opponents flying upwards
  • Down Special - Ronald McDonald throws a Explosive McDonald's Shake's or a Explosive Apple, where it explodes after a few seconds (with the McDonald's Shake creating a long vertical purple explosion)
  • Up Special - Ronald kicks upwards making him travel upwards, contact with the kick will cause damage to the character being hit. There is also the ability to kick twice, with light effects added on top.


  • Neutral Special - Floating Blue Fire and/or Ball of Light, these tracks the enemy player until they are hit
  • Down Special - Donalda/Donald Girl does a dive kick from the sky, hitting the opponent with her legs
  • Side Special - Same as Base Side Special, but instead before the opponent flies off he grabs them and throws them into the ground, creating cracks as they fly away
  • Up Special - Ronald creates a Rotating Triangular Shield. The shield is somewhat flat and can be jumped over, however it blocks all attacks from in front of him.

Level 1 -

  • Donald Blast : Ronald McDonald shoots a laser from his finger, which spans across the whole stage.
  • Atomic Apple : Ronald throws a apple, this apple causes a explosion that temporally freezes Fraymakers Characters solid before breaking out.
  • Shake Shockwave : This attack has Ronald McDonald throw McDonald's Shake, which causes several vertical explosions in the general area it was thrown at.

Level 2 -

  • Donald Magic : Ronald turns himself into a more realistic version of himself with a table and wand. The then waves that wand, creating a large laser that transforms whoever is hit by it into a McDonald's Hamburger that he can attack to rack up damage until they transform back into their normal self.
  • Hanva-Ga-Da : Ronald Throws a Huge McDonald's Hamburger on top of the opponent, where they then attacks the burger, making it collapse with it dealing damage to the foe.
  • Za Warudo : Ronald McDonald stops time with the world behind him turning grey. During this time all projectiles and enemy players are frozen, letting him attacks the opponent for a about 10 seconds until he unfreezes time.

Level 3 -

  • McLaser : Ronald fires out a massive laser from his finger, making him move back from the sheer force and magnitude it has.
  • The Living Doll : Ronald makes a miniature version of himself that runs up to and grabs the opponent. The miniature version then proceeds to create a massive explosion, which can also freeze the opponent for a little bit until they fly away.
  • Happy Set : A large McDonald's Drive Thru Sign comes from the ground (With 2 other one's coming from the ground if the first one does not hit). That sends the opponent flying upwards then downwards into a large McDonald's Hamburger, where Ronald McDonald then hits it with his McDonald's French Fry which then sends the opponent to another game (Rivals of Aether or M.U.G.E.N). This area then explodes and sends the opponent back to Fraymakers where they will most likely die from the damage they took.

This is excluding The Weird Green One.

  • Intro - Ronald will Teleport onto the stage, bursting out a large amount of darkness as he screams.

Note: Purple Ronald is just a differently coloured Cosmic Ronald, the reason it has an image on this page is due to it being pointed out as a unique form on the steam page. Additionally due to the nuke being slightly unclear, the page uses the low end of Small Town Level (Energy in Conventional Terms, 1 Kiloton) as the starting point for Small Town Level calcs with 150% being counted as the baseline for Small Town Level due to Fishbunjin’s “nuke” dealing as such.

Explanation of The Super Meter[]

The Super Meter is a bar that Ronald McDonald has access to throughout the match; The Super Meter has the ability to give him more moves depending on how filled it is. If it is filled to the first line, it gives him access to one Level 1 attack with it going back to the start, if it is filled to the first and second line, it gives him access to two Level 1 attacks or one Level 2 attack, and if it's filled to the first, second and third line, It will give him access to three level 1 attacks, one Level 1 attack with one Level 2 attack, or one Level 3 attack. Upon using your selected move(s), the meter will empty the amount of bars that align with the level of the move.

Higher Form's (Excluding The Weird Green One) of Ronald do not need to attack the opponent to recharge the meter, instead they have their meter charged automatic, with Cosmic Ronald having the highest recharging speed.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Ronald McDonald (Fraymakers)