FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
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~ Riley quoting Mario's famous catchphrase


Riley Lambert is the titular antagonist of the creepypasta, The Mario Murders. He is a socially awkward young adult with a tendency of stalking girls due to his inability to interact with them. He would later on take a particular interest in Mia due to her resemble with Princess Peach, and thus would constantly stalk her. However, one night while Riley was following Mia and her boyfriend around, she recognized Riley's car from earlier that day, prompting her boyfriend and his friends to give Riley the "beating of his life" resulting in him being put in the hospital and being permanently disfigured. Several years later, Riley would go on to take revenge on those who attacked him by crushing them to death using his hand made Mario kill suit.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C, Higher with his Mario Suit

Name: Riley Lambert

Origin: Freaky Attractions

Gender: Male

Age: In his late 20s

Classification: Human, Serial Killer

Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics, Preparation (Prepared himself intensely for his murders by working out, making his Mario suit and researching information on his victims)

Attack Potency: Street level (Implied to have intensely worked out and can bite through human flesh to feast on his victims), Higher with his Mario Suit (His Mario suit allows him to barg open locked doors which requires this much energy, break bones which requires this much energy and even crush skulls which requires this much energy)

Speed: Athletic Human (Can catch up with Mia despite wearing large steel boots)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Capable of jumping while wearing his large steel boots which are heavy enough to crush skulls)

Striking Strength: Street level, Higher with his Mario suit

Durability: Street level, Higher with his Mario suit (The shirt was unable to be stab through and it could handle several gun shots before being pierced)

Stamina: Peak Human (Implied to have intensely worked out and was able to handle the shock of numerous gun shots)

Range: Standard Melee

Standard Equipment: His Mario Suit which includes a shirt and pants lined with kevlar, steel gloves and large steel shoes

Intelligence: Above Average (Riley has shown himself as decently intelligent, being able to make his own kill suit which required the knowledge of sweing and steel molding to make alongside doing research on his victims to know their wereabouts)

Standard Tactics: Riley has shown to favor physically confronting his opponent, knocking them to the ground before crushing their legs with his steel boots in order to immobilize them before crushing their skull.

Weaknesses: Riley appears to be mentally unstable

Notable Matchups[]

Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
