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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

This new world is truly intriguing indeed. At first, I decided to explore solely to learn if it could drive someone to abandon their only child, but now I become distracted and not as interested in that. I am simply interested in what more this world hides.
~ Rassel

Who could have thought a Sahir could be reduced to such a pitiful state? There is a lot we don't know about Blights, it seems. Sinister forces at play.
~ Rassel's reaction to Charles being a Malison


Rassel Rougezypher is one of the central characters of Sahirs Showdown. He is an aspiring young man who entered the world of Sahirs with the hopes for eventually finding his mother, who is also a Sahir.


Rassel was born in Veenkuvan, Kiberia on January 7, 1997, as the son of Hanzal Rougezyper and Raodia Tadhori. His father died from a brain hemorrhage at the age of 28 just four months after his birth, and his mother, who previously was a Sahir, left the house and abandoned Rassel to return to the world of Sahirity. Raodia entrusted Rassel to his grandfather, Mikal Rougezypher.

Rassel was raised by Mikal, occasionally seeing relatives like cousins much older than Rassel. Growing up, Rassel frequently asked about his parents, and after considerable concealment, Mikal eventually told him the truth when Rassel was 12. To Mikal's surprise, Rassel was not angry at his mother for abandoning him. He was curious, he wondered what was so good about being a Sahir that one could leave their child for it.

Rassel inherited his mother's potential and as a child wished to become a Sahir to explore the world as well as the Sahirity and eventually to find his mother. Mikal opposed this, and Rassel did not pursue it out of respect for his beloved grandfather until Mikal's death on January 13, 2012. Shortly after this, Rassel decided to pursue his dreams and become a Sahir.


Academy Tournament Arc[]

Rassel applies to a GLS Headquarters. There he waits in the queue and eventually his turn comes. He passes Aspersion without any difficulty and becomes a Sahir disciple. He is sent to a GLS Academy in Eirenia, far from his homeland in Kibaria, arriving on March 14, 2012. His time in the Academy and his education are completely different experiences, unlike anything he has ever seen. Rassel watches dozens of people give up on their dreams of being Sahirs, but he manages to move forward and progress, even though it is grueling for him as well. He develops a heated rivalry with Dynill Quentvill, a Sahir disciple who is three months his senior. Rassel considers Dynill to be a particularly unpleasant young woman who lacks human decency and persistently insults and bullies anyone she can, making everyone's life in the Academy much worse.

Time flies during five months of intense training and education, and it is now time for the Tournament. Rassel knows these Academy Tournaments are organized every six months, and capturing a medal in one would elevate him, allowing him to graduate directly without wasting more time in the Academy. Rassel believes he has learned everything he needs over the past five months and thinks there isn’t much more the Academy can teach him. Rassel qualifies for the Tournament, and when Round 1 is announced, he notices that more than half the participants are his seniors—those with significantly more time in the Academy than him, over a year or nearly two years in some cases. Rassel finds this expected, as more experience increases the likelihood of qualifying. Though this unnerves him, he reminds himself that he already defeated seniors to qualify and doesn’t need to win the Tournament—reaching the Semifinals is enough.

Round 1 begins on August 15, and Rassel’s fight is first. Surprisingly, the fight lasts just over a minute, and he wins without using his Inborn Style. This boosts his confidence. Rounds 2 and 3 go similarly. In the Quarterfinals, he is forced to use his Inborn Style but still wins without much difficulty. Rassel starts to believe he might actually win the Tournament after all. Rassel qualifies for the Semifinals and feels fulfilled. Though he is determined to win the entire Tournament, he doesn’t need to, as reaching the Semifinals already guarantees him a medal.

Rassel faces none other than Dynill Quentvill herself. They have had brief fights before, but senior Sahirs broke them up. Rassel knows Dynill is strong, as she always comes close to gaining the upper hand anytime he fights her. He recalls that she previously shrugged off a punch to the face without flinching. Rassel prepares himself for the toughest battle of his life so far. The fight begins, and Dynill quickly gets the upper hand. Rassel is forced to use his Inborn Style, Eight Shades, and conjures Holy Hyenas to aid him in battle. Dynill struggles against the 3v1 battle but manages to find an opening, using her own Inborn Style to fire off lightning strikes, wounding one of the Hyenas. She later uses a Derivation Style to sever the bonds of objects with her lightning. Rassel acts quickly, recalling the Hyenas to save them. He now understands that Dynill is too powerful and decides not to risk his Shades, resolving to fight her on his own. For the rest of the fight, Rassel is at a severe disadvantage and unwilling to risk using his Inborn Style, he lands several blows, giving Dynill a nosebleed and possibly breaking her nose. However, she eventually gains an opening and lands several lightning strikes, and he passes out. Dynill emerges victorious. Rassel recovers several hours later. Though upset about losing, he receives a bronze medal, and his time in the Academy comes to an end. The Tournament concludes on August 28, with the medal ceremony held on September 1. Dynill wins the Gold medal. Rassel chooses Dynill as a tangible goal to surpass. He tells her he hopes they fight again, and Dynill, to his surprise, smirks and says she is looking forward to it, seeming impressed by his performance despite his defeat.

Rassel is sent to GLS in Eirenia, the same country as the Academy he attends. He is surprised but pleased to remain in Eirenia, as he likes it here. After two weeks, he is given the rank of Caliber 4, directly skipping Caliber 5 due to his performance in the Tournament. He learns that he will be part of a Sahir Unit once his teammates and supervisor are determined. He is told this process could take a month, so he spends his time training with other Sahir disciples. Time flies again, and on October 8, 2012, Rassel’s Unit teammates and supervisor are finalized. Aeyintal Matelvanel, a senior Caliber 2 Sahir, becomes the Unit supervisor. His Unitmates are Elkrith Kleflar and Sapresha Ryngelet, both of whom captured medals in Tournaments held in GLS Zelfilia and Patemia, respectively, before being sent to Eirenia. Rassel meets his new Unitmates with encouragement from Aeyintal. He offers to show them around, as he has been in Eirenia for months and is more accustomed to the region. However, Elkrith surprises him by mentioning that he traveled throughout Eirenia for a month, which puzzles Rassel, as he doesn’t recall seeing him in that time. The Unit begins operating on October 10, 2012, under the name Unit Aeyintal.

Harrowing Duty Arc[]

Over a year passes since the formation of the Unit and their work as a team. Both Rassel and his unitmates acquire more field experience than they ever did during their time in the Academy. They also train together, often under Aeyintal, who is quite rough in her methods. The trio also train in combat against one another, which Sapresha proves to be the most physically capable of the unit.

Unit Aeyintal receives many tasks that revolve around cleansing Blights and purifying Malisons, who are a rarity. Something slowly changes starting in June of 2014, when the Unit faces an increasing number of Malisons. Rassel and his unitmates are already aware that Malisons, who are supposed to be a rare phenomenon, have become much more common in the past months. Rassel wonders about this and is to ask Aeyintal about it, but Elkrith beats him to it and asks first. Aeyintal responds and explains that GLS is particularly alarmed and searching for a Blight whose Style they presume allows them to infect people and create Malisons. Aeyintal also informs the Unit that they are tasked to join in the search efforts.

Rassel alongside his unit is tasked to deal with Malisons as well as aid searching efforts. Around this time in September of 2014, they learn about Charles Byrne, a rogue Sahir who was once a well-respected figure. Rassel and his unitmates hear about it. Rassel particularly suspects that Charles might have something to do with the Blight they are searching for, so he informs Aeyintal. Aeyintal agrees that there might be a connection between the two, but tells them that they should focus on the task given to the Unit, informing Rassel that another unit is tasked to deal with Charles. Rassel agrees and focuses on the task at hand.

Rassel's stance changes after the remains of Mezrik Haztia, a close friend of Rassel, are discovered by GLS on December 13, 2014. The culprit is identified as Charles. This makes dealing with Charles personal for Rassel, who goes to crime scene for investigation and finds an interesting hint: traces of Charles's blood are found at the scene, indicating a brief struggle with Mezrik before her death. This puzzles Rassel, as Charles should not struggle against a Caliber 4 like Mezrik. Rassel deduces that Charles must be weaker than usual for some reason. Two more bodies are discovered in the following days, both linked to Charles. Rassel notices a pattern: Charles appears to be targeting weaker Sahirs. Rassel devises a plan to lure and defeat him and shares it with Aeyintal. Given Charles's apparent weakened state, Aeyintal approves the plan if Elkrith is to help him. Rassel talks to Elkrith, who accepts the plan.

Rassel hides Elkrith inside his shadows while setting up a trap to lure Charles. After nearly two months, on February 14, Charles ambushes Rassel. Rassel quickly releases Elkrith from his shadows, and the two engage Charles in a 2v1 fight. Both Rassel and Elkrith quickly realize that Charles is still significantly stronger and more skilled than either of them individually even though he is weakened. This is expected, and the reason they never planned to confront him alone.

As anticipated, the 2v1 strategy works in their favor. Charles struggles to keep up with their combined attacks, though his strikes cause significant damage when they land. The situation worsens further for Charles when Rassel conjures his Holy Hyenas. Now forced to dodge attacks more often, Charles has less opportunity to land hits. However, Charles activates an Style, Protector Micro Cube, which greatly increases his durability. Charles becomes nearly impervious to their attacks with this new defense and even withstands the Hyenas' strikes. He soon finds an opening and uses his Syle, Micro Cube Assault, to deliver a devastating blow to Elkrith, blasting off his arm and severely injuring his chest.

With Elkrith incapacitated, Rassel faces an even tougher challenge. Realizing how destructive Charles’s projectile attack is, Rassel deconjures his Hyenas to avoid their destruction. The battle continues with Rassel mostly evading Charles's attacks, unable to retaliate effectively. However, Charles eventually lands a powerful strike on Rassel as well, seemingly incapacitating him. Growing arrogant, Charles approaches slowly, preparing to finish Rassel off with a large Cube.

This gives Rassel enough time to activate a new application of Eight Shades, Blend. He merges two Hyenas into a single, much stronger entity named Werehyena. When Charles gets too close, Rassel conjures Werehyena behind him. Caught off guard, Charles is unable to react in time, and Werehyena pierces through his chest, defeating him.

Following Charles's defeat, Rassel and Elkrith aim to bring his body to GLS Headquarters for an autopsy but when they touch his corpse it collapses and the remains of a Blight emerge from within. Elkrith is surprised, while Rassel is excited and believes these remains have something to do with the Blight they are searching for. Rassel informs Aeyintal upon return, saying that he considers Charles's corpse as the key to finding the location of the Blight they are searching for. Aeyintal agrees and gives the body to Mikeh Sihset, her friend and a fellow Caliber 2 Sahir, for autopsy.

A few weeks later Rassel visits Mikeh alongside Aeyintal. Mikeh reveals to them that these remains most likely belong to the Blight itself. He says that other Malisons possessed no such remains or they crumbled alongside their body but Rassel is different, she thinks this may have something to do with him being a Sahir. Aeyintal later talks to Phaulo Thahynt, who is skilled in tracking and she believes he can locate the Blight using the remains. Phaulo says it might take some time to develop enough precision to locate the Blight.

Rassel continues to undertake missions alongside Sapresha and Elkrith. As time passes, the number of Malisons continues to increase, causing the Unit to receive more missions than usual. The influx of missions benefits Rassel and his unitmates and they get stronger, and on March 16, 2015, Rassel and his unitmates Elkrith and Sapresha receive the rank of Caliber 4.

On April 17, the Unit Aeyintal gathers once again as usual but this time Aeyintal tells the group that Phaulo has finished his research and asks Rassel to go to his place. Rassel visits Phaulo's place sometime later and Phaulo shows him an Affrayed tool resembling a remote and explains to him that this remote constantly tracks and updates the location of the Blight. He apologizes for taking too long and explains that making an Affrayed tool that can update in real-time is difficult. Rassel says there is no need for an apology and thanks him.

Unit Aeyinal and Unit Patians gather on April 18, officially receiving the task to cleanse the Blight responsible for the Malison outbreak and forming a fireteam. The new fireteam consists of all members of the two Units; Aeyintal Matelvanel, Elkrith Kleflar, Sapresha Ryngelet, Rassel Rougezypher, Patians Pyaright, Sabrival Voranuesy, Warham Coriyces, and Ephtind Donaryden.

The fireteam follows the trail of the Blight to a vast canyon in the desert. They enter the region. As soon as they enter, a large boundary envelops the entire canyon, trapping them inside. The fireteam continue and as they move forward, they encounter various Malisons who attack them on sight. These are weaker. Noticing this, Rassel suggests to Aeyintal that she and Patians should move forward while he and all remaining Caliber 3 Sahirs deal with Malisons. Aeyintal initially rejects but accepts eventually, and orders Rassel, Elkrith, and Sapresha to stand behind and deal with all Malisons. At the same time, she and Patians move on to cleanse the Blight causing all of this. The six Caliber 3 Sahirs stand behind and fight Malisons.

The remaining Sahirs form a circle and fight against the Malisons who surround them. These Malisons prove to be stronger than others encountered, but still much weaker than themselves. As they keep cleansing, more Malisons arrive and attack them. Warham remarks that there is no end to this and says they need to cleanse faster. Rassel smiles and agrees, before summoning his new Blend, Hyena Clan, manifesting a clan of 13 hyenas. Rassel also summons Roc to aid him.

Hyena Clan increases the team's efficiency, but the numbers game continues to be an issue for the group. The Malisons are weak, but they are too numerous. Warham and Ephtild get wounded by Malisons and are rescued by Sapresha and three hyenas.

As they keep fighting and cleansing, the number of Malisons constantly increases. Rassels says they need to up their game. Elkrith motivates the team by screaming that these Malisons are no match for them. Rassel smiles at Elkrith and summons Storm Simurgh, his newest blend. The massive bird shoots bolts of lightning and manifests small storms around the team and takes out a large number of Malisons at once. Elkrith is impressed by this display and calls Rassel sneaky for training to develop his Syle further without showing him. He says he will not be left alone and uses Scattering Basalt Burst to take out many Malisons. Other members of the group are inspired by this display and use their abilities and go all out to cleanse as many Malisons as possible.

The struggle against the Malison horde continues and turns into more than three days of constant conflict with no time to rest. Rassel and the rest of the group lose a lot of Affray, preventing them from using their Styles freely and forcing them to engage in direct combat to conserve Affray, which puts them at a disadvantage against overwhelming numbers of the enemy. To remedy this, Rassel uses his shadows to provide food for the group. On the fourth day, all Malisons suddenly fall.

Rassel sighs and says it is about time. All other members of the team feel relief and fall to the ground, relaxing. Patians and Aeyinal arrive shortly, alongside Lindsay Lileas, a senior Caliber 1 Sahir. The Caliber 3 Sahirs smile and welcome them all and ask them if it is over. Patians and Aeyintal say yes and explain that the Blight, who referred to itself as Tinnech, has been cleansed. They also explain that these Malisons in this place were modified and linked directly to Tinnech, and its demise was the cause of their fall and automatic cleansing as well.

Patians explains that if it wasn't for Lindsay the two would not be able to finish this mission, explaining Tinnech was stronger than anticipated, and praises Rassel for his decision to stay back which saved his life as well as the lives of other Caliber 3 Sahirs. The team regroups and heads back to the GLS.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-C. Varies with Eight Shades, at least 8-C with Holy Hyenas | 8-B. Varies with Eight Shades, at least 8-B with Holy Hyenas, Deluge Bison and Roc, higher with Werehyena | 8-A. Varies with Eight Shades, at least 8-A with Holy Hyenas, Deluge Bison, Roc, and Hyena Clan, higher with Werehyena and Storm Simurgh

Key: Academy Tournament Arc | Harrowing Duty Arc | Harrowing Duty Arc (Vs. Tinnech)

Name: Rassel Rougezypher

Origin: Sahirs Showdown

Gender: Male

Age: 15 years old | 17-18 years old | 19 years old

Classification: Human, Sahir, Sahir disciple | Caliber 4 Sahir | Caliber 3 Sahir

Powers and Abilities:

  • Affray Manipulation (Standard[1] Sahir)
  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics
  • Martial Arts (All Sahirs are extensively trained in several martial arts disciplines that involve both striking and grappling[2], making them more skilled martial artists than any ordinary human)
  • Weapon Mastery (All Sahirs are extensively trained in and are very capable users of weapons such as swords, bows, spears, pikes, axes, and nunchakus, far above any ordinary human[3], as these are frequently used as Affrayed weapons)
  • Acrobatics (Enhanced Condition, Self-Momentum; Can jump dozens of meters in the air and rapidly perform dozens of flips and spins without ill effects to himself)
  • Accelerated Development (Training, Meditating; Physical Stats; Learned both Affray and martial arts in a significantly shorter time than usual. Matched[4] and defeated[5] numerous opponents who had more than a year experience over him. He was described as possessing a much greater aptitude for growth and his talent was considered to be one in a million as early as his first month at the Academy)
  • Eight Shades: Darkness Manipulation and Summoning (Rassel's Inborn Style, Eight Shades, allows him to control his shadows, which allows him to conjure eight different beings known as Shades to aid him in combat. He can store objects and people in his shadow as well as hide in shadows)

Resistance to Electricity and Paralysis Inducement (Withstood Dynill's electric attacks that can stun her targets), Deconstruction (Withstood Dynill's Derivation Style that severs the bounds between objects)

All previous.

  • Eight Shades:
    • Genet Breach: Duplication (Genet Breach is a genet that can continuously duplicate itself)
    • Deluge Bison: Water Manipulation (Deluge Bison is a bison that can generate and control water)
    • Roc: Electricity Manipulation, Paralysis Inducement, Flight (Roc is a large bird that can fly and shoot electricity which briefly stuns its targets)
    • Blend: Fusionism (Blend is a Derivation Style which allows Rassel to conjure improved variants of Shades that possess abilities of other Shades through merging)
      • Werehyena: Greater Enhanced Senses, Damage Boost (Werehyena is the Blend formed by merging the pair of Holy Hyenas into one. Its power is vastly greater and senses are doubled in precision. It can amplify its damage output by striking with its left claw), improved Fire Manipulation (Can generate additional fire in his claws and throw)

Resistance to Perception Manipulation (Unaffected by effects of a Blight whose Style invoked a hypnic jerk, made those affected by it feel like they are falling from great high while on outside they look like they slipped)

All previous.

  • Blend
    • Storm Simurg: Flight and Weather Manipulation (Storm Simurg is an improved variant of Roc and is the Blend of Roc and Deluge Bison. It is immensely powerful, can fly, and creates storms, hurricanes, and lightning strikes)

Attack Potency: Building level (Won a bronze medal in Academy Tournament. His capabilities considerably surpass that of an average Sahir disciple, such as Edward). Varies with Eight Shades (The power of Shades can vary depending on which Shade is conjured and how much Affray is spent to conjure them. The higher Affray Rassel uses, the stronger they can be), at least Building level with Holy Hyenas (Holy Hyenas are individually slightly superior to Rassel himself when conjured, and can be amped further if Rassel uses more Affray while conjuring them) | City Block level (Far stronger than before[6]. Comparable to his teammate, Elkrith Kleflar, who destroyed Charles's iron Cube with a punch). Varies with Eight Shades, at least City Block level with Holy Hyenas, Deluge Bison and Roc (Deluge Bison is stronger than Holy Hyenas, Roc is relative to Holy Hyenas but considerably weaker overall), higher with Werehyena (Werehyena is vastly more powerful than Holy Hyenas) | Multi-City Block level (Far stronger than before[7]. Stronger than Warham Coriyces, who himself is stronger than Stephen). Varies with Eight Shades, at least Multi-City Block level with Holy Hyenas, Deluge Bison, Roc, and Hyena Clan (Hyena Clan are weaker than Holy Hyenas, stronger than Roc), higher with Werehyena and Storm Simurgh (Storm Simurgh is stronger than Werehyena)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic+ (Should be slightly faster than average Sahir disciples, who are capable of evading this attack of Patians Pyaright), higher with Affray reinforcement (Sahirs can increase their battle pace threefold for a duration of their three heartbeats by reinforcing Affray) | Massively Hypersonic+ (Should be somewhat faster than before[8]), higher with Affray reinforcement

Lifting Strength: Class T (His capabilities considerably surpass that of an average Sahir disciple, such as Edward) | Class T (Should be stronger than before. Was able to grapple Charles Byrne without getting overwhelmed immediately)

Striking Strength: Building level| City Block level | Multi-City Block level

Durability: Building level, higher with Aura (Sahirs have an Aura around themselves that blocks a portion of damage) | City Block level, higher with Aura | Multi-City Block level, higher with Aura

Stamina: Superhuman. Sahirs even disciples can continue to move and combat for days without rest and sustenance

Range: Standard Melee Range, Several Meters with Eight Shades conjuring (Rassel can conjure Shades 3 meters away from himself), Kilometers with Eight Shades (Shades can operate on their own 4-5 kilometers away from Rassel without any further input from him)

Standard Equipment: None


Gifted in combat (Has learned multiple disciples of martial arts at a faster pace than what is expected of an average Sahir disciple, who can on average learn and master them in six months to a year at a higher level than any ordinary human. He surpassed other Sahir disciples with significantly more experience than him and secured a Bronze medal in the Tournament with only six months of experience. He was the only person in his Academy to do so. His potential was considered to be one in a million as early as his first months at the Academy)

Gifted in combat (Sahirs in general are capable, efficient, and resourceful combatants trained in wide arrays of combat arts. This extends to Disciples, many of whom just passed Aspersion and entered training within an Academy. Within their training at the Academy, which typically lasts between six months and two years, they are capable of picking up and mastering several different martial arts that involve both grappling and striking in a few months. Upon completing their training, Sahirs become far greater martial artists than any ordinary human, even when intentionally limiting their strength. Similarly, they master the usage of various melee weapons including but not limited to swords, spears, pikes, and staffs, in a few months and utilizing them better than any ordinary human by six months to two years. All Sahirs are capable of this upon graduation and are given the Caliber 5 rank. Rassel is a Caliber 4 Sahir, making him considerably superior to these newly graduated Sahirs in terms of combat prowess. Additionally, his capabilities considerably surpass what is expected of a typical Caliber 4. Successfully found a way to lure Charles to ambush himself. Outsmarted and tricked Charles, who was weakened due to Tinnech possession but was still considerably above a Caliber 4, into approaching him with his guard down and successfully pierced him in the back with a new Shade he did not use prior)

Standard Tactics:

Rassel starts by rushing at his enemy and engaging in close-quarters combat. He is initially reluctant to conjure his Shades, which he only has Holy Hyenas, as their destruction would be permanent. If he believes the opponent is not strong enough to destroy then, he will conjure them and gain a numerical advantage.

Similar to before, but abuses Genet Breach to distract the target as it practically has no risk of being destroyed. He will look for a chance to conjure Roc and shoot electricity to stun his target, may also conjure Deluge Bison to aid him for this, though conjuring so many Shades is taxing for him currently. He purposely conjures Shades very close to him to trick the target into thinking he cannot conjure away from himself, with this strategy he tricked Charles into approaching close to him and conjured Werehyena behind him, who then pierced his chest


Only has access to one Shades, a pair of Hyenas. Causing significant damage to Shades will cause their permanent destruction.

He is still reluctant. Although now has more Shades in his arsenal, conjuring many of them is taxing for him, particularly Deluge Bison and Werehyena which require a lot of Affray to conjure. Rassel is reluctant to use his Shades against opponents he deems dangerous due to this

Notable Attacks/Techniques:[]

  • Affray: Rassel is a Sahir, thus he uses a highly refined version of Affray to fuel his abilities.
    • Eight Shades: Rassel's Inborn Style is Eight Shades. This Style allows him to control shadows, mainly his own shadows. He is able to store objects and people inside his shadow and hide inside his or other shadows. The main merit of This Style is that it provides him with interpretations to conjure eight different constructs with different abilities, which he named Shades, after defeating and taming them in combat within his Mind Zone. The size and power of the Shades can be adjusted greatly based on its interpretation and the amount of Affray used to conjure it. Shades cannot be summoned again if they are destroyed, but their interpretation remains and can be used for different purposes.
      • Holy Hyenas: A pair of hyenas with great agility and strength. They also have expanded senses allowing them to smell from kilometers away, and sight that allows them to see objects as small as cells. Hyenas also can exhale fire from their mouths and shoot out balls of fire

  • Eight Shades
    • Genet Breach: Genet Breach is a female genet. It can rapidly produce offspring to overwhelm, confuse, and distract. It can continuously produce as long as it is not destroyed. It already has a large number of offspring produced when it first conjured, unleashing a wave of genets.
    • Deluge Bison: Deluge Bison is a large bison with immense strength. It can create large quantities of water and control it, usually in the form of waves, to overwhelm enemies. Its water is capable of overwhelming and drowning Blights, who do not need to breathe
    • Roc: Roc is a large bird of prey. It can skillfully fly and shoot beams of electricity both from itself and through summoning from the sky, both of which can briefly stun the target.
    • Blend: Blend is a Derivation Style of Eight Shades that allows Rassel to conjure different/improved variants of Shades through merging interpretation of different Shades. Aside from Rassel's limitations in his interpretation and Affray, there is no limit to what can and can't be used for Blend.
      • Holy Hyena: Blend - Werehyena: A variation of the Holy Hyenas which combines powers of two Hyenas into one. Werehyena is large and bipedal. As a Blend of two Hyenas, its strength is considerably superior to them, and its senses are doubled in precision and range. It has enhanced fire control as it can manifest fire in its claws and throw them. Additionally, it can massively amplify its damage when striking with its left claw. This is a unique Blend as it is technically made using only one Shade which happens to summon a pair of Hyenas.

  • Eight Shades
    • Blend
      • Holy Hyenas: Blend - Hyena Clan: A variation of the Holy Hyenas that possesses the powers of Genet Breach. This is a clan of 13 hyenas. These Hyenas are individually weaker than the original pair, but more than make up by vastly expanded numbers. They have similar agility and senses.
      • Roc: Blend - Storm Simurgh: A variation Roc that possesses the powers of Deluge Bison. This is a large bird with immense strength and the ability to fly. It can create localized hurricanes as well as launch lightning bolts

  • Notable Matchups[]




    1. Rassel is a Standard Sahir
    2. Default Academy Training
    3. Default Academy Training
    4. Academy Tournament matches
    5. Rassel captures Bronze medal at the Tournament
    6. Rassel Growth Timemove
    7. Rassel Growth Timemove
    8. Grew in power speed increase