"Attacking a god of thunder with his own element? Very unwise, Sasuke Uchiha."
- Raiden to Sasuke
Raiden is a Thunder God and protector of Earthrealm. After a recent discovery of a new realm outside the sights of the Elder Gods, he is sent to deliver a message about the invading force of Shao Kahn and to test the fighters to see if they could fight in the next Mortal Kombat.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least Low 5-B, likely 5-B
Name: Raiden
Origin: Mortal Kombat: Elemental Realm
Gender: Male
Age: Thousands of years old
Classification: God
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Weather Manipulation (created a thunderstorm), Martial Arts, Electricity Manipulation, Physics Manipulation (generates more electricity than should be possible), Telekinesis (moved his staff), Aura (can encase himself with lightning), Teleportation (via lightning), Extrasensory Perception (can detect chakra), Resistance to Electricity Manipulation, Absorption (absorbed Kirin), Immortality (Types 1 and 2), Resistance to Illusion (resisted Sasuke's Genjutsu), Dimensional Travel, Healing (healed grievous wounds)
Attack Potency: At least Small Planet Level, likely Planet Level (As a young god he fought Shinnok, and their fight almost destroyed the planet Earth, was stated to have power greater than Madara's, fought both Sasuke and Naruto at the same time)
Speed: FTL (Matched Sasuke and Naruto in speed)
Lifting Strength: Class T (Was able to hold back Naruto and Sasuke)
Striking Strength: At least Small Planet Class, likely Planet Class
Durability: At least Small Planet Level, likely Planet Level (Most likely took hits from Shinnok, tanked many attacks from Sasuke and Naruto)
Stamina: Very high, presumably Godlike
Range: Standard Melee Range, at least Tens of Kilometers with powers (Created a huge thunderstorm)
Standard Equipment: His staff
Intelligence: Genius (As a millennia-old god he should presumably have gathered far more knowledge than any normal person can, an excellent martial artist)
Weaknesses: None notable
- Created a thunderstorm over the Leaf Village
- Karin sensed that his power was greater than Madara's
- Easily defeated Naruto and Sasuke in their base
- Was able to fight both full power Naruto and Sasuke at the same time, with the fight ending in a stalemate
- Almost destroyed the Earth in his fight with Shinnok
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: