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- Summary
The Pumpking Is a Recurring Antagonist In Poopet's Dumby Dumb Show. He Is a Supposed Parody Of Stereotypical Slasher Movie Villain That Tries To Kill The Protagonist.
- Personal Statistics
Alignment: Evil
Name: The Pumpking
Origin: Poopet's Dumby Dumb Show
Creator: NoodleMcDoodle
Age: Unknown
Classification: Pumpkin Monster
Gender: Unknown (Though Generally Refereed To As a Male)
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair Color: Green
Status: Alive
- Combat Statistics
Tier: At Least 9-C Physically. 9-B With Axe. At Least 9-A When a Flame.
Powers And Abilities: (DISCLAIMER THE PUMPKING IS STILL A DEVELOPING CHARACTER AND THESE STATS AND HAX MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE) Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fear Manipulation, Weapon Mastery, Shapeshifting (Can Turn Into a Flame), Reality Warping (Implied. It's Unknown If The Pumpking Spawned The Massive Ball Of Candy Or Just Made It Himself) Telekinesis (Can Grab His Axe Via Telekinesis). Fire Manipulation.
Attack Potency: At Least Superhuman Physically (Can Destroy a Henchmen's Head With Just One Hand). Wall Level With Axe (Could Tear a Door Down With It). Small Building Level As a Flame (Could Destroy a Cooking Place By Just Entering It)
Speed: At Least Superhuman (Can Scale To Poopet)
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: At Least Wall Level With Axe
Durability: At Least Wall Level (Can Scale To His Attack Potency). Unknown As a Flame
Stamina: Superhuman (Can Scale To His Speed)
Range: Standard Melee Range With Basic Attacks. Higher Via Telekinesis
Standard Equipment: Axe. Deadly Candy.
Intelligence: Above Average (Despite Being Quite Mentally Ill, The Pumpking Is Still a Ruthless And Cunning Serial Killer And Able To Manipulate People, Albeit As Easy To Manipulated People Like Poopet, And Was Able To Find Where Poopet Lived)
Weaknesses: Mentally Deranged. Weak Spot Is His Head. Cocky
- Other/Trivia
- Notable Victories:
- Notable Losses:
- Inconclusive Matches: