“ | I'm Pummel Pete, and this here's the shop, should you short me, boy, then this here's the hammer what earned me my name. | „ |
~ Pummel Pete |
Pummel Pete is the namesake of the otherwise nameless trader wandering Navezgane following the outbreak of a zombie apocalypse. He is most notable for seemingly unlimited access to powerful loot and his affection for using purely his hammer in combat.
Pummel Pete is the proprieter of the shop Pummel Pete's Particulars.
The appearance of Pummel Pete has changed as time has gone on, suggesting multiple iterations (and genders). The original Pete was an elderly survivor, bald and muscular who donned armor made from scrap metal and industrial material salvaged from the trapped factories of the wastelands.
Pummel Pete was welcoming and benevolent to other survivors, if slightly offputting due to his lopsided nature (regularly speaking of himself in the third person and mumbling to himself). This amicable nature would remain until he suspected a customer of his shop to be cheating him- a fight to the death would soon ensue.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Name: Pummel Pete
Origin: 7 Days to Die Fandom
Gender: Varies, the original was Male
Age: Varies, the original was likely upper fifties
Classification: Apocalypse Survivor, Traveling Merchant
Date of Birth: Unknown, likely several decades prior to the beginning of the zombie apocalypse
Birthplace: Navezgane
Weight: 79.38 kg
Height: 187.96 cm
Eye Color: Varies, the original had brown eyes
Hair Color: Varies, the original had grey hair
Hobbies: Traveling, combat, scavenging
Values: Coin, trust
Status: Deceased
Affiliation: Pummel Pete's Particulars, Diersville Settlement
Previous Affiliation: NA
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: 9-A
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Bludgeon Mastery, Fire Manipulation, Stealth Mastery, Explosion Manipulation, Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 3), Body Control (Could slow his metabolism), Statistics Amplification (Amplified his endurance and strength regularly), Stun Inducement, Accelerated Development, Immortality (Types 2, 3, and 4), Regeneration (Mid-Low), Dimensional Storage, Resurrection, Resistance to Heat Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, and Disease Manipulation
Attack Potency: Small Building level (Can casually shatter vast quantities of iron)
Speed: Superhuman with Subsonic reactions (Dodged arrows from some distance), Supersonic+ combat speed (Can fire high-powered sniper rifles and rocket launchers)
Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Can lift cubic meters of pure stainless steel, which weigh roughly 8 metric tons each)
Striking Strength: Small Building Class
Durability: Small Building level (Withstood a direct attack to the skull from a sledgehammer nearly equal to his own from Pummel Pete Jr.)
Stamina: Godly, crossed Navezgane with no need for sleep or rest despite massive wounds
Range: Extended Melee, up to thousands of meters with firearms
Standard Equipment: Sledgehammer, Augur, Chainsaw, Firearms, Armor, Rocket Launcher, Crossbow + Exploding/Fire Bolts, Landmines
Intelligence: Genius, was a gifted craftsman and participated in the creation (from scratch) of complex tools as well as vehicles, firearms, and heavy duty construction technology using extremely fundamental salvage
Weaknesses: Seemingly somewhat insane
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: