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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Aura is... quite great, is it not? It bridges the gap we've had with us since birth. Allows us to enact feats of great power... without the touch of any masters who deem fit to grant them. Every single effort we've undergone for tonight... would be absolutely impossible without the generosities of Aura. It proves us more than tools... more than what we ever could've been beforehand. For so long, so many sought the power of the Dark Lord's closest... scrambling up a hill to steep to climb. So many rituals and spells... sorcery of old and new left impossible without subjugating oneself to total control... not anymore.

Aura has granted us power... power to seize upon all that was left barren to us. Allows us a chance to truly wrestle control of a realm from all others in its entirety... to finally ascend our last rung of becoming true conquerors. It grants us the rituals the likes of which only the Nazgul could indulge in once before. Grants others powers we may take advantage of. Grants us strength to endure far beyond even the Uruks of old could lay claim to. Grants us knowledge, unity, and power that have been denied to us for eons!

And it WILL grant me a war worth fighting.

~ Pugrish


Pugrish Stormbringer, widely known for his moniker as The Grand Shaman, is the overarching antagonist of The Dreamer Gate by Malignent. He is an immensely powerful and infamous warlord, feared and respected within the Dark Lord's ranks for good reason. Pugrish is also a Mystic, dabbling with the art of sorcery and being capable of performing strange and frightening spells using rituals. Despite the Uruk's small stature, he holds tremendous strength and skill, and with it, he was able to curb stomp Hork and casually fight a Fall Maiden. After his arrival at Remnant, he became very infatuated with Aura, to the point of discovering its vast and arcane secrets. It was then he had achieved his greatest accomplishment: The Shackle.


A short and thin Uruk, clothed in dark tattered robes that conceals his body and face. He also dons the Mask of Memories, a mask constructed from the faces of foes that had nearly slain him. His eyes glow a pale white and blue.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least High 7-C, likely higher

Name: Pugrish Stormbringer, The Grand Shaman, The Stormbringer, Storm Ruler

Origin: The Dreamer Gate

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Uruk, Warlord,

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 2: The Uruk-Hai are notoriously known for their physical resilience, to the point of being able to casually live with grievous wounds done to their body. Comparable to Ashgarn, who survived having his eye and parts of his brain skewered out), Acrobatics, Weapon Mastery (Particularly skilled with swords and staves), Martial Arts, Can use his Aura for a variety of purposes; these include Forcefield Creation (Aura can be used as a full-body forcefield), Statistics Amplification (Can use his Aura to enhance striking power. Melded his Aura into his own body, effectively making him nigh-invincible to attacks in his tier range), Enhanced Senses (Can use his Aura to sharpen his senses, and they were increased to the point of being able to detect the Aura of everyone in Beacon while he was there), Regeneration (Mid-Low: Slowly regenerated his broken arm), Telekinesis (His Aura can lift Drumenvok without him touching it), Limited Memory Manipulation (Made Cinder and Emerald experience his own memories when he held them), Energy Projection, Magic, Portal Creation and BFR with Dreamer Gates, Weather Manipulation (Implied to have created thunderstorms with rituals. Had likely brought down a storm on Vale), Elemental Manipulation (Ice, Fire, Electricity, and among others with Dust), Soul Manipulation (With The Shackle), Resistance to Extreme Heat and Cold (Aura protects the user from sub-zero temperatures, allowing them to walk through a blizzard in casual clothing or be encased in ice without being cold, as well as extreme heat up to and including the heat of flames, being blasted with steam, and being submerged in lava without being burned)

Attack Potency: At least Large Town level, likely higher (Can harm himself. Far stronger than Cinder Fall with Fall Maiden powers. Effortlessly killed the Grimm Wyvern, and tore a massive hole through its neck)

Speed: At least Hypersonic+ (Kept up with Cinder)

Lifting Strength: At least Class K, likely Class M (Likely struggled with and restrained the Grimm Wyvern in its battle with it)

Striking Strength: At least Large Town Class, likely higher (Traded blows with the Fall Maiden)

Durability: At least Large Town level, far higher with Aura (Attacks from Cinder with Fall Maiden powers did nothing, with her swords and arrows shattering upon impact)

Stamina: High (Superior to Ratlug and Hork)

Range: Standard melee range, extended melee to tens of meters with Drumenvok and energy blasts, hundreds of meters with The Shackle

Standard Equipment: Drumenvok (An oversized pogo stick used as his main weapon), his Journal, Gauntlets,

  • Optional Equipment: Shackled Auras (Souls of former Huntsmen and Uruks that can fight on the Shaman's behalf. They are capable of appearing and disappearing at his will, thus cannot be conventionally harmed)

Intelligence: Pugrish possesses a cunning and near-genius intellect. He is responsible for unlocking the almost limitless potential of Aura as well as being a proficient practitioner of sorcery. An extremely skilled and seasoned combatant, being capable of going toe-to-toe with the likes of Cinder and can fight numerous opponents at once without difficulty.

Standard Tactics: The Shaman often mixes up his tactics, quickly switching over offense or defense. When in the offense, Pugrish would relentlessly attack and overwhelm his enemies and would fight in conjunction with Drumenvok by allowing it to float and attack his foes. When in defense, he would evade or block incoming attacks and may have Drumenvok intercept the blows. He also combines his strategies with the use of magic, creating a deadly combination. He will summon mobs of Shackled Auras as a means of distraction or to simply fight in tandem with them.

Weaknesses: He will prolong fights than it needs to be for the sake of a good battle, and even more so if he finds interest/entertainment towards his opponents.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

  • The Dreamer Gate: Pugrish utilizes Dreamer Gates as a means of transportation or BFR.
  • The Shackle: Individuals that die within the range of The Shackle have their soul/Aura subjugated and enslaved by The Shackle, effectively reducing them into mere minions of the Shaman's will.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
