Psycho (full name Psycho Castillo) was one of the initial 13 colonists of the Weebscaler Accord, and thanks to his generalist skillset found his place quickly in production roles. Psycho served as a jack of all trades, filling in whatever roles needed filled while others took more specialized positions- when the colony needed construction work done, Psycho would pivot to construction work, and when it needed a miner, Psycho was among the first to adopt the job. Ultimately, Psycho became one of the earliest adopters of psycasting in Molokar, and showed a strange propensity for necromantic psycasts.
Using his powers over life, death, and time to rapidly propel his psycasting ability, Psycho spent the better part of two years devouring corpses and ripping time from the souls of colony prisoners to become the colony's foremost psycaster, and one of the greatest in all the Imperium of God, despite his lack of a noble title. He was particularly proficient in dealing with targets too dangerous to fight with typical soldiers, as many of his abilities ignored the durability and abilities of his enemies. Ultimately, after the long development of Molokar as a colony, he assumed the role of vizier, and oversaw the prison contained within the caverns of Molokar.
Psycho has a single daughter named Gert, conceived with his ex-lover Raywolfen, a beast slayer recruited into the colony early into its developments as a knight. He is brothers with Bambu, and following the creation of the Molokarian Overcouncil, serves as one of the Lesser Thrones and chief mage of the Accord.
1,100 years after the establishment of Molokar, Psycho had long since disappeared from the Citadel, with most of the other Thrones having been absorbed into the Imperium's political structure centuries before. Instead, Psycho chose to adopt the moniker Balxidor, and travel abroad to study. Ultimately he discovered a collection of individuals, many of whom were direct descendants of the Molokarian elite, who sought to create a new kingdom on a distant planet several solar systems away. Intrigued, he joined them covertly and began to guide them towards the same greatness he had achieved at Molokar.
The new kingdom, dubbed "Wratholme", had little knowledge of their high origins, and was technologically regressed. As such, Psycho presented his abilities as magic, rather than psionics, and hid away from his old compatriots, enjoying the simplicity of this new life for a time.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 8-C, likely High 8-C, Varies from 9-A to at least 8-A via Psycasts, Low 7-C via Fire Beam, Low 7-B Environmental Damage | High 8-C, up to 8-A via magic, Low 7-C via Fire Beam, Low 7-B Environmental Damage
Key: Be My Rimworld Pawns | Be My Rimworld Pawns 2
Name: Psycho Castillo, The Lich of Thunder and Lightning, Eater of Souls, Balxidor, The Last Kingmaker
Origin: Be My Rimworld Pawns
Gender: Male
Age: Varies biologically (usually around 21), 34 chronologically | Varies biologically (usually around 21), 1116 chronologically
Classification: Lich, Yeoman of the Imperium, Lesser Throne of Molokar
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery, Martial Arts (As a generalist, Psycho is not as powerful with his weapons as his peers- however, he is adept at both martial and ranged combat, possessing professional levels in both), Immortality (Types 5 and 6, possesses the ability to Deathshield creatures and is implied to possess this ability himself, although the exact mechanics of the latter are unknown; possesses a cortical stack that stores his consciousness, and allows him to live again once his body is destroyed via inserting the stack into a new body, immediately taking over upon doing so), Time Manipulation, Age Manipulation (Psycho can fast forward himself through time to rapidly gain skills, however doing so places him in a very brief coma; he has a great number of abilities that alter his age and the age of others, potentially reducing enemies to toddlers or rapidly aging them to death- both place his foes into a coma from the shock; can stop the time for certain targets while allowing others in the exact same area to continue to act normally), Precognition (Can speak a word of foretelling, which tells him the future), Pain Manipulation (Timequake creates a rippling wave of rapidly-aging time that spreads for kilometers around and induces an incredible pain in those afflicted by it), Social Influencing (Psycho picked up a great number of social skills during his tenure as a school teacher and backup negotiator for the colony, making him a very capable professional in this field), Poison Manipulation (Psycho makes use of a tox pack that can cripple targets for the rest of their lives presuming they survive the initial exposure to the extreme gaseous poisons contained within), Mind Manipulation (Psycho is the colony's foremost psycaster by a decent margin over Comiphorous, and wears the garbs of a powerful psychic beneath his armor to further amplify his abilities- his staff, Blightbearer, similarly massively increases his psycasting abilities), Nanotechnology (Psycho's initial psycasting talent was supposedly granted by a neurolink former, which injects nanites into the eye of the target to give them the ability to psycast), Fire Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation (Psycho can fire explosive beams of flame from his eyes at a rapid pace, which he can use to quickly neutralize large groups of enemies), Necromancy, Fear Manipulation (By speaking a single word, Psycho overpowers the fight response of a target, forcing them to retreat instantly), Biological Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Disease Manipulation (Liferot rapidly decays the target and exposes them to an incredibly powerful necrosis- at Psycho's level of psychic strength, this can deteriorate a target to nothing in seconds, and also induces infections in whatever wounds they have and causes uncontrollable vomiting), Power Absorption (Steal Vitality rips out certain abilities from a target- including their regeneration, senses, and speed; this places the target in a coma as the caster steals their consciousness as part of the power), Paralysis Inducement (Can emit a gigantic cloud of paralytic gas that incapacitates targets for at least one day; can also electrically induce paralysis with a touch), Incorporeality (Can Ghostwalk straight through solid objects), Absorption, Soul Manipulation (Can absorb the latent lifeforce of corpses to increase his own abilities and potency), Resurrection (He can raise a target to life by sacrificing a finger- the target returns with all bodily afflictions removed), Summoning (He can call upon undead minions to serve him, creating them from a corpse), Healing (Low-Mid, up to Mid Word of Healing boosts natural healing processes considerably, allowing the target to overcome traditionally lethal wounds; Regenerate can restore all appendages of a body, including the head, provided they were alive even briefly without it), Purification (Word of Immunity dispels most sicknesses from the body by boosting the immune system substantially), Statistics Amplification, Perception Manipulation (Can Focus the mind of a target and thus increasing their senses a great deal, as well as boosting their speed), Teleportation (Psycho can teleport moderate distances via Skipping), BFR (He can rapidly teleport a target to random locations, potentially trapping or incapacitating them), Water Manipulation (He can and has targeted large bodies of water to summon water to him, mostly used towards extinguishing flames), Electricity Manipulation (He is a Staticlord, and has many psycasts that grant him mastery over lightning), Magnetism Manipulation, Technology Manipulation (His electricity specifically produces large EMP effects to disable and destroy technology- this often allows him to instantly kill mechs), Homing Attack (Chain Bolt automatically strikes targets and cannot be dodged), Weather Manipulation (He can conjure large, violent storms on a whim, including a full-scale hurricane or flashstorm), Bodily Weaponry (Possesses an extremely advanced shocker jaw that can rip through enemies as well as a sword), Damage Reduction (Psycho naturally reduces all incoming damage by approximately half), Acid Manipulation, Breath Attack (Psycho possesses the psionic ability to spew acid from his mouth, and recently gained the ability to breathe fire as well), Temperature Manipulation (He can call down rays of flame from the sun, superheating a wide area to the point that even the most durable metals begin to melt away), Power Mimicry (Psycho can capture the skills of a corpse by speaking to it briefly, thus gaining all of their skills for his personal use for an extended period of time spanning months), Self-Destruction (Psycho can blow himself up violently, dealing major damage to enemies and damaging himself somewhat), Duplication (It is theoretically possible to have multiple Psycho-sleeves active at the same time, thus allowing for countless variations of Psycho)
All previous abilities plus Magic (While feigning his abilities as "magic" to the primitives, he has actually learned a great deal of actual, legitimate magic), Death Manipulation (He can create the essence of Death and use it as a weapon, firing it as a projectile or merely spreading it across the land as a fog; through this method, he is able to kill dozens, if not hundreds of enemies at once), Flight (Balxidor can fly great distances), Incorporeality (He can occasionally phase through solid surfaces for the purposes of travel, though he has not displayed the ability to avoid damage via this yet), Invisibility (He can render himself invisible), Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8, Psycho is a Lich and cannot be killed without the destruction of his phylactery, as well as his brain), Self-Sustenance (Types 1, 2, and 3), Extrasensory Perception (Psycho can perceive life energy and sources of magic as easily as seeing anything else), Curse Manipulation (Psycho can curse enemies to witness their own death, causing them to lose focus and the will to fight), Damage Boost (Those whom he has cursed take extra damage from his spells), Ice Manipulation (He wields a wand of ice to combat low-tier enemies with), Statistics Amplification (He can boost his own stats via magic, raising his mana pools, physical strength, and so on), Energy Projection, Danmaku (Psycho wields the staff Vision, which can fire enough bolts to cover the battlefield in a hail of shots, easily capable of forcing an army to retreat; however, it requires several seconds of charge-up time to use), Aura (As a Lich, Balxidor possesses an unsettling and eerie aura that can throw sane men into wailing fits of panic if spending too much time around him), Regeneration (Low-Mid, Vision heals Psycho over time, even getting rid of internal injuries very rapidly), Light Manipulation, Afterimage Creation (He wears gear made from the hide of a displacer beast, allowing him to create an afterimage of himself that makes him appear to be several feet from his actual position)
Attack Potency: At least Building level (Psycho is physically superior to the average Cataphract soldier, who are roughly on this level of power, and may be considered comparable to Feralisk Clutch Mothers), likely Large Building level (Although likely to lose on his own, Psycho can damage and kill Chthonians), Varies from Small Building level to at least Multi-City Block level+ via Psycasts (His psycasts vary from simple electric bolts about on this level of strength to psycasts even more powerful than Comiphorous' meteor swarm), Small Town level+ via Fire Beam (Summons a super-heated ray of flame from the sun itself), Small City level Environmental Damage (Psycho can conjure violent storms and extremely powerful hurricanes that affect entire regions of the map) | Large Building level (Deceptively, the most powerful of the warriors of Wratholme, and significantly more powerful than his younger self; easily capable of killing Chthonians in a single strike), up to Multi-City Block level via magic (His "magic" includes his old psycasts, as well as new spells approximately on par with them), Small City level Environmental Damage
Speed: Normal Human (Due to being ostensibly a Baseliner, Psycho possesses no significant enhancement to his speeds, and possesses a walk speed of about 6.9 m/s), Subsonic+ reactions (Capable of battling individuals on-par with Shmooply in terms of speed) | Superhuman (Balxidor can run at a pace of 17.1 m/s), Subsonic+ via flight (His flight speed is superior to practically any other individual in the verse, including Azontr, Shmooply, and Comiphor)
Lifting Strength: Class 25 (Every colonist can easily pick up and haul a Paraceratherium, which weighs over 15 metric tons) | Class 25
Striking Strength: At least Building level, likely Large Building level, Varies from Small Building level to at least Multi-City Block level+ via Psycasts, Small Town level+ via Fire Beam | Large Building level, up to Multi-City Block level via magic, Small Town level+ via Fire Beam
Durability: Large Building level (Psycho possesses extreme defense for his tier, making it so most weapons on his own level are largely ineffective against him- where others would sustain extreme wounds from basic spacer tech, Psycho can endure much more punishment) | Large Building level
Stamina: Above Average, Psycho, much like his peers, can continue to act at a reasonable standard despite exhaustion and extreme wounds (including lethal wounds such as amputation) | Infinite, Psycho has become well and truly undead, and can act forever without rest, sustenance, and without concern about his wounds
Range: Extended Melee, up to Tens of Meters via psycasts | Extended Melee, up to Hundreds of Meters via spells
Standard Equipment: Blightbearer, plasteel chainsword, prestige cataphract armor, tox pack | Adamantine noble sword, Vision, Wand of Ice, garb of the soulreaper, ring of haste, orb of souls, displacer beast boots
Intelligence: Above Average, considered to be a "weak professional" in terms of intellectual ability, making him capable of designing some advanced technological devices | Extraordinary Genius, Balxidor has committed centuries to study in solitude and is now one of the greatest mages in the solar system
Weaknesses: Psycho possesses a pessimistic outlook on life
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: