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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Javenplayz (Randomizer + Tower Heroes)

When life gives you lemons... squeeze them and let them know their place!.. and make lemonade I suppose...
~ Playz

I Know What I'm Doing Shut up.
~ Javen to Someone Behind Him Who Just Respawned


Javen_Playz or Playz is the main protagonist of Javen Playz Roblox.

Playz is based on the user's somewhat-same name. He plays Roblox, which is a big building with different portals leading to various games, but he really just mainly plays three games: Tower Heroes, Randomizer, and sometimes Robot 64. He usually likes sniping kids and hanging out with his tower heroes and his best friend Garret. He will sometimes save kids from being bullied as well.

One time there was a randomizer tournament, but after discovering a weird glitch where he can steal assets from any game, he puts his Tower Heroes team to his advantage and cheats, winning it, though he gets caught and banned from Roblox for 1 month.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 8-A, likely 5-B in base. 7-C, likely higher via becoming Juggernaut, 8-A with tower heroes summons, High 4-C with tower heroes summons at their peak/final level, High 4-C With 'all 64 ice creams' | 4-A, 4-A with tower heroes summons

Name: Playz (Commonly given Nickname), Javen_Playz, Javen, Javenplayz253, The Randomizer King (By the Randomizer's creators)

Key: Volume 1 | Volume 2

Origin: Fcc

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Classification: Roblox player, Randomizer Pro

Powers and Abilities:

All previous greatly enhanced plus:

  • Small Size (Type 0 6.5 feet long For Each Summon)
  • Duplication (Javen Can Summon Multiple Towers At Once)
  • Ice Cream Manipulation (For Beebo)
  • Flight (Flying with the use of technical devices For Beebo With His Jetpack, Knoddy's u fo, and Moon)
  • Power Bestowal (For Lemonade cat gives People Mana)
  • Body Control (For fracture Who Can Take Off His Arm)
  • Telekinesis (For Fracture Who Can Carry Crystals with his mind)
  • Energy Projection (For Fracture Who Can Make Laser Beams From Crystals)
  • Summoning (For Hayes and Oddport)
  • Danmaku (For Everyone (Except lemonade cat) Learned Pray And Spray from Javen)

Attack Potency: Multi City-Block Level (Destroyed An Airsoft Stadium which would be require this amount of tnt), likely Planet Level (is weaker than her mother who can Destroy a planet), Town Level Via Juggernaut (Can Harm His Friends Who Tanked This Explosion), Multi City-Block Level With Summons (Can Harm Tournament Contestants that can tank blows from their master), Large Star Level With Summons At Their Final Level (They Can Harm And Even Destroy The Sun), Large System (He Can Harm And Destroy The Sun) | Multi Solar-System (Superior to Dazzling who can make a realm with a starry sky, Shook the universe in his clash on his final clash with Npc), Multi Solar-System with tower heroes summons (His summons should be on par with him)

Speed: Supersonic (Can Dodge Ak47 Gun Shots That Should be comparable to their real world counterparts) | FTL (Traveled to Saturn in 2 minutes)

Lifting Strength: Class 50 (Lifted and Threw His Uncle's Semi-trailer Truck When He Didn't Have Gas) | Multi-Stellar (Can escape his mother's hug who lifted R136a1)

Striking Strength: Multi City-Block Level, likely Planet Level Town Level When He's An Juggernaut, Multi City-Block Level for Assists, Large Star Level when the Tower Heroes Summons are in their final form, Large Star Level with all 64 'ice creams' | Multi Solar-System, Multi Solar-System with tower heroes summons

Durability: Multi City-Block Level (Tanked His Own Attack), likely Planet Level, Town Level Via Juggernaut (Can Tank This Explosion) likely higher, Multi City-Block Level For Tower Heroes Summons (Comparable to Their Summoner), Large Star Level For Tower Heroes Summons (Tanked The Sun Ramming to them Though they got minor burns) Large Star Level With All 64 Ice Creams (Tanked The Sun Exploding on top of him after he threw the last ice cream on it) | Multi Solar-System (Can tank attacks from Dazzling who can make a starry sky), Multi Solar-System with tower heroes summons (His summons should be on par with him)

Stamina: Superhuman (Stood Still for many Months without moving after a Noob Defeated him, Ran a marathon without breaks) | Superhuman (Should be superior to his past self)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters With Weapons, 5 Meters with Mind Manipulation, Several Kilometers With Tower Heroes (In An Last ditch effort to stop knoddy from reaching to the exit Beebo threw Across One Last Ice cream and hit him before Knoddy reached the exit despite being in another city next door.) | Standard Melee Range, Stellar with abilities

Standard Equipment: Bob Mask, Bow-Tie.

Intelligence: At least Genius (Outsmarted Knoddy on multiple occasions, who solved the cure to cancer (Though He Kept it to himself), Hacked Knoddy's Ufo, Calculated the Right Team for Each Battle He Was Going to In Tower Heroes) | at least Genius (Should be smarter than before)

Standard Tactics: He'll Spawns In His Tower Hero Team First, Then Starts Attacking He'll Keep His Distance from the opponent, if The Opponent Gets The Upper hand on him he'll Use Cloak And Go Somewhere To Take An Breather before healing, If HIs Team Dies He'll Simply Respawn them, If His Opponent is Down He'll Barrage them with spindashes.

Weaknesses: His Tower Heroes team has an attack cool down of 5 seconds other than that none notable.


Notable Victories:

Cabinbatake (Stick Gang) Cabinbatake's Profile (SACS Infiltration Arc Cabinbatake was used. Javen had various weapons, location was the facility from Super Bomb Survival and starting distance was 20 meters. Speed was equalized.)

Notable Losses:

Akumo (Veneficaverse) Akumo's profile (First round of Crosstier tourney. JavenPlayz at High 4-C with all equipment vs Evolution of Will Akumo at 5-C)

Jeffrey the TikToker (Jeffrey Gets Banned From TikTok) Jeffrey's Profile (Part 3 Jeffrey and Base Javen were used. All optional equipment was allowed, location was a combination of the SBS Facility and Robloxia Fortus, and starting distance was 20 meters. Speed was equalized.)

Inconclusive Matches:

Cucumber Otter (FOG) Cucumber Otter’s Profile (Fog Key was used, Restricted to 7-C, speed was equalized)
