“ | You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me. I am God and there is none other than me. | „ |
~ Yahweh. |
“ | You are wrong, Samael! God of the Blind. | „ |
~ Pistis to Yahweh. |
“ | And who would thou be? | „ |
~ Yahweh to Pistis. |
“ | Who am I? It's an interesting question, one that I've been asked many times about myself through my many facets that you've imprisoned. Well then, I will tell you, I am the creator of the universe and the will of humanity, I am what was, what is and what is to come. I am that I am. I am faith, Pistis Sophia! | „ |
~ Pistis. |
“ | I can see... I can see through infinity and the boundless vastness of all the stars and constellations and I can see through all the secrets of the cosmos... Thou are my mother, and my creator. | „ |
~ Yahweh. |

“ | The Goddess Mother of All is the true creator of the Universe. She is perfection, the ineffable light, the creator and destroyer of worlds. It not only created but it is the creation. Unlike the white-bearded Anthropomorphic God created by people who sits on a golden throne, Zoe is part of the Ancestor of the Universe, being directly united with Him, being part of His body and one of His many facets and aspects. She is the infinite and endless light that encompasses creation, being beyond fragile concepts like being or not-being, she just is what she is. In the Beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was God, was with God, so it was in the beginning with God, and the world was made by her. But the world did not know her, but to all who did, she gave them the power to be called the Children of God. |
„ |
~ Camille Simon about Zoe and her nature. |
Pistis, also known as Zoe, the Goddess, Mother of Everything, Father of Creation, God, the Ein Soph, etc., is a cosmic and extradimensional entity that inhabits the original universe where the ineffable and perfect Aeons inhabit. Pistis is the daughter of Sophia and Theletos. Although Yahweh, the God of the Bible, is believed to be the creator of the universe, in reality, he is only its ruler and not Her creator, nor is he associated with the creation of humanity. On the other hand, Pistis was the one who created both the Multiverse and humans, creating a mathematical and technological system to make reality work. Pistis is an Aeon, an abstract entity of high technology and knowledge, that is part of the body of the True Creator of everything, who is nameless, unknown and ineffable, existing impersonally and above all, united to everything and everyone.
Human beings were created by her, being incorporeal and ineffable entities, like her and the same of her kind, possessing great power and knowledge, being the progenitor of Albion and Vala (two of the first humans to develop the Ego), her children. However, when humans began to worship the sun, moon and stars, entities were born from their thoughts, these being the mythological gods of many different religions. Specifically, the God of the Covenant, Yahweh, created physical bodies of flesh and blood and imprisoned human souls in three-dimensional and fragile bodies, being limited by the technological system created by Pistis, needing to eat, sleep, breathe and reproduce.
Over time, humans forgot about their true mother and creator, until she, in an attempt to guide her child to try to get out of the prison created by Yahweh and free themselves to the real world, they started to manifest sometimes to try to warn her children about the tyranny of the Biblical God about who was the true Creator of everything. Because of this, Pistis became known by many names and titles, such as Sophia, the apostle Paul, Nammu, Norea, Chokhmah and Superior Mother. During the 21st century, she manifested herself to Adrien and Camille as a white-haired woman named Horaia, whose beauty is so extraordinary that it was able to make Adrien blush just by looking at her curvy, attractive appearance.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 2-A | At least 2-A, likely far Higher
Name: Pistis, Zoe, Horaia, the Goddess, Mother of Everything, Nous, Father of Creation, God, the Logos, The Father, The Mother, Ein Soph, Sophia, Nammu, Apostle Paul, Norea, Chokhmah, Superior Mother, Implicit to have been the figure of Gautama Buddha | None. Known as Unknown Father, Monad, Ineffable Parent, The One and Absolute.
Origin: Throne of Heaven.
Gender: Genderless, manifests as a woman and as a man. | Inapplicable. Monad exists beyond concepts such as Father, Mother and Son, being external and beyond all at an unfathomably greater level than all creation and its concepts, however, it is sometimes referred to as He.
Age: Inapplicable.
Classification: Consort of Autogenes, The Author of The World, Emanation of Monad, The Nous | The One, Unmoved Mover.
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Light Manipulation, Creation (Created the entire Aleph Multiverse and other worlds beyond this one), Large Size (Type 9 in Her true form), Avatar Creation, Acausality (Type 2 and 4), Telepathy, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1 and 2), Immortality (Type 1, 2 and 9), Life Manipulation and Death Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Genius Intelligence, Transduality (Type 1), Non-Physical Interaction, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Soul Manipulation (Created the souls of human beings, with them being aspects of Her being), Reality Warping, Abstract Existence (Type 2), Causality Manipulation, Regeneration (High-Godly), Fate Manipulation, Flight, Probability Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Plot Manipulation (Pistis is mentioned as being the author and writer of the world, seeing her entire multiverse as fiction, as if it were a VR game, that is, a simulated world, but with a serious problem which is the fact that several "players" are trapped inside the simulation. Pistis is subtly guiding her children out of the simulation created by Yahweh, which she likens to a powerful virus), and possible 4th Wall Awareness (It is possible that Pistis may be aware of her own fictional existence to some extend, though it's not confirmed)
All previous powers and abilities on an unfathomably greater scale, as well as; Durability Negation, Void Manipulation (It's the primordial void of non-existence from which everything came and everything returns), Nonexistent Physiology (Type 2)
Attack Potency: Multiverse level+ (Pistis is the creator of the Aleph Multiverse, an infinitely large four-dimensional realm containing an infinity of parallel universes all being alternate probabilities of each other, as well as the creator of other parallel worlds beyond the Multiverse where humans inhabit. A fraction of her power made Lucifer reach an immeasurable level of power, surpassing the powers of even his Father, that is, God, by an infinite amount of times, being able to create his own Multiverse, called the Zayin Multiverse) | At least Multiverse level+, likely Far Higher (Monad is the supreme being of the Throne of Heaven, being the most primordial aspect of all existence, existing connected with everything and everyone, not being the Father of everything, but the Forefather of all things, existing beyond being a Father, a Mother or a Son, existing beyond masculine, feminine or androgyny, positive, negative and neutral, encompassing everything within, with nothing existing outside of himself. He needs nothing, for he lacks nothing. He is the endless eternity and primordial void from which everything originated, with Creation having sprouted within His own body, with deities like the Autogenes and Pistis being only fragmented aspects of His true being, existing within Him and for Him)
Speed: Omnipresent (Exists beyond the entire Multiverse created by her, with her world being only a minor manifestation of her being, being present on all levels of Creation) | Omnipresent (Monad is One-In-All and All-In-One, being the universal force that encompasses all of existence, embracing everything and everyone, looking at all its children from all sides, blissfully immersed in Itself and all for Itself, seeing Itself even through itself like a mirror reflecting)
Lifting Strength: Immeasurable | Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Multiversal+ Class | At least Multiversal+ Class, likely far Higher
Durability: Multiverse level+ | At least Multiverse level+, likely far Higher
Stamina: Borderless | Borderless
Range: Multiversal+ | At least Multiversal+, likely Far Higher
Standard Equipment: None notable.
Intelligence: Nigh-Omniscience (Even in her human state, she already has an qi calculated to be approximately one Googolplex, with Pistis stating that she is the author of the world, not an entity in it, and she can give herself the maximum amount of knowledge possible, as a Qi of 1 Googolplexianth - that is, 10 raised to a Goolgoplex, or 10^100^10^10 - possessing an almost infinite knowledge) | Immeasurable (Monad is described as a purely impersonal, silent and unknown force, not being sapient in any way and, at the same time, not lacking in logical reasoning. The correct thing would be to say that Monad does not have a mind, but IS the mind. So, Monad doesn't have a mind in the same way that a stone doesn't have a mind, it just doesn't qualify).
Weaknesses: None notable.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Aeon Physiology: An Aeon is a cosmic entity that belongs to a society of high technology and technological knowledge, who inhabit an ineffable realm of extradimensional technology that goes beyond anything ever created by man, with this world being called the Pleroma by Paul, one of the avatars of Zoe, being described as the "Real World", a pre-existing universe, where nothing is false or illusion, being everything and everyone part of a whole, with human beings existing as ineffable and incorporeal deities in this world before being imprisoned by Yahweh. In contrast, although the Aleph Multiverse and other worlds created by Zoe are positive and glorious, they from the point of view of an Aeon and Zoe herself are nothing more than fragile and false worlds, simulated worlds. The Aeons and the world they live in were created by the Monad, the ontological and impersonal force that rules and governs everything, with the Aeons being only small aspects of his unfathomable self, existing within Him.
- The True God: The One true God is a commonly used name for Yahweh, however, the Lord is only an infinitely inferior aspect of the true Creator of everything. Monad is the all in one and the one in all, it is the primordial source of all existence, as well as the primordial void from which everything came and to which everything will return. Monad is the true, original and primordial God and the primal source of the Collective Unconscious.
- Multiverse Aleph: The Aleph Multiverse is the first and main world created by Zoe, being an infinitely large realm containing infinite universes within itself. This World was created by Zoe approximately billions of years ago when she created an ultra-dense singularity containing all the fundamental aspects of creation, such as atoms of matter and anti-matter, each possessing a triune nature of positive, negative and neutral, triggering an explosion, which resulted in an expansion at speeds beyond light itself, breaking the void the void, giving life to a universe full of infinite probabilities, which resulted in more universes being born. In this Multiverse, it is where most of the events of Throne of Heaven take place, being also the home of humans, who lived in this world to enjoy the delights of the world, but ended up giving rise to the gods, with some creating their own universes to live in, like Yahweh who created Heaven, Kronos who created Olympus, Odin who created the Yggdrasil Tree and so on.
- Multiverse Zayin: The Zayin Multiverse is the Multiverse created by Lucifer very similar to the universe created by Pistis, being considered the New Jerusalem and the Kingdom of God promised to Christians after the Rapture. This realm is an infinite and limitless paradise.
- Multiverse Lamed: An unknown multiverse that is unknown to the entities of the Aleph multiverse, but was cited by Pistis.
- Multiverse Tav: The last Multiverse of the 23 major multiverses created by Pistis.
- Pleroma: The Pleroma, also known as the Real Life or the Real World, is the true world that exists beyond the physical and temporal limitations placed on humans by the pagan gods. The Pleroma is a multidimensional universe that totally transcends the multiverse created by Pistis, seeing it as a fiction, as well as other worlds created by Her. It is an infinitely large and highly technological world that is ruled by entities known as Aeons, who are revealed to be hyper-evolved humans who after a Googolplex of eons of evolution have reached the peak of their capacity as a civilization, with all of them now existing connected to their source, the Monad.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: