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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

Pico (Brawling Grounds)
Get ready to eat some lead!
~ Pico


Pico is one of the many playable Characters in the game “Brawling Grounds”.

Powers and Stats:[]

Tier: 9-B, Higher with Uzi

Name: Pico

Origin: Brawling Grounds

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Rapper, Fighter

Powers and Abilities:[]

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 4: Will Respawn after death), Weapon Mastery (Over Uzi and Mic), Expert Fighter, Sound Manipulation (By singing he can also produce background Music, like others), Regeneration (Low-Mid: Can use a bandage to regain health)

Attack Potency: Wall Level (Can harm other players who can harm Him[Statistics Values 1]), Higher With Uzi

Speed: Superhuman with Supersonic Attack Speeds (His Bullets travel at 343 m/s[Statistics Values 2])

Lifting Strength: Unknown

Striking Strength: Wall Level, Higher With Uzi

Durability: Wall Level (Can survive attacks from Other combatants)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Several Meters with his Uzi

Standard Equipment:

  • A Mic and Uzi: Wields an Uzi and Microphone for offensive options.

Intelligence: Average (Is an Exceptionally skilled marksman & fighter)

Weaknesses: None Notable


Victories: None Notable

Losses: None Notable

Inconclusive: None Notable


  1. 15 Kilojoules of TNT
  2. 343 m/s


Discussion threads involving Pico (Brawling Grounds)