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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles about Photo-Negative Mickey
Canon Creepypasta
FNaTI Original2020
Hey...wanna see my head come off?
~ Photo-Negative Mickey


Photo-Negative Mickey Mouse, also referred to as the "Photo-Negative Mickey Mouse Costume", is the main antagonist of the creepypasta short story Abandoned by Disney and its prequel A Few Suggestions. It is a grotesque mascot costume that resides and haunts an abandoned amusement park that the main protagonist crosses paths with while exploring this ghost town of an amusement park. He is also briefly mentioned in Corruptus and appeared in FNATI 2020 as a custom night exclusive antagonist.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-C

Name: Photo-Negative Mickey, Photo-Negative Mickey Mouse Costume, Mascot Photo-Negative Mickey

Origin: Abandoned by Disney (By Slimebeast)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown (Has possibly existed since the late 80s-90s)

Classification: Supernatural Mascot Costume, Corruptus entity

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Street level (Is seemingly capable of ripping off its own head which should be at this level of strength. Its likely that it killed an unknown amount of people, assumingely able to rip off bone and fingernails)

Speed: Unknown

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Capable of ripping off his own head, which is this strong)

Striking Strength: Street level (He is able to whack Frank's skull with a mallet)

Durability: Street level (Should at least be comparable to his own AP)

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range (Far higher with abilities)

Standard Equipment: a mallet

Intelligence: Above Average (He is capable of speech and is likely the one that wrote the messages around the abandoned amusement park. He is able to hide from the staff, being mostly unnoticed and know how to his abilities to his advantage. He also knows how to sabotage equipment.)

Weaknesses: None notable.


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:


Discussion threads involving Photo-Negative Mickey (Creepypasta)