“ | You beat up an older boy once and then his stupid friends wants to defend his honor and then the friends of those friends also come and it becomes annoying! do you think i wanted to beat up sixty boys? | „ |
~ Penelope to Julia |
Penelope Becker, also commonly referred to as "Furious golden locks", is a minor antagonist turned ally within Julia Lawson: On the case!. Despite merely being in third grade, Penelope had gained the reputation of being the most feared student within Marble Hills Elementary due to being prone to outbursts of anger and her sheer tenacity, as she holds a perfect fighting record of sixty wins against boys older than her. Penelope was briefly suspected by Julia to be behind the hamsternaping of Mr. Cuddles due to all clues pointing towards her. As such, the two girls agreed to a fair one on one brawl which would ultimately end with Julia pacifying her. They would later team up in order to solve the case and show forth her innocence.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Despite being rough around the edges, Penelope truely isn't a bad person, simply one who is overly emotional and due to the constant challenges she receives from boys who believe they can beat her, is prone to being annoyed easily. However, Penelope is shown to be caring as she was the most affected by the disappearance of Mr. Cuddles and was attempting to found clues in order to find who stole him.)
Name: Penelope Becker, Ferocious Golden Locks
Origin: Julia Lawson: On the case!
Gender: Female
Age: 8 years old
Classification: 3rd garder, Human
Weight: 37 Kilograms
Height: 1,30 Meters
Eye Color: pinkish
Hair Color: golden blonde
Status: Alive
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 9-C likely 9-B
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Adept in H2H combat (Despite her young age, Penelope has shown adept in close quater combat, having defeated numerous boy three grades above her even when ganging up on her. She also was capable of keeping up and would have surpassed Julia Lawson should the fight have continued), Social Influencing (Instigating Fear: Has the reputation of being the most feared student within Marble Hills Elementary, even scaring students larger and older than her)
Attack Potency: At least Street level (Penelope is capable of punching through a locker door. Easily sent a trash can flying with a kick and snapped a baseball bat in half. Fought on par with Julia Lawson who fought on par with Gladis who could throw a knife hard enough to embed it into a concrete wall ) likely Wall level (Penelope is considered stronger than Julia Lawson who is capable of harming those who can harm Cody Adams who can tank getting ram in by the rocket-powered scooter)
Durability: At least Street level likely Wall level
Striking Strength: At least Street Class likely Wall Class
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Penelope could easily snap a baseball bat in half)
Travel Speed: Average Human
Combat Speed: Subsonic (Penelope can keep up with Julia Lawson in combat who can ride her powered scooter which is equipped with a 900 cc motorcycle engine which can reach speeds of 220 mph)
Reaction Speed: Subsonic
Stamina: Above Average (Penelope can fight with Julia Lawson for prolonged periods of time)
Range: Standard Melee
Intelligence: Below Average (Penelope does not particularly stand out intelligence wise from her peers. However she has shown using her reputation in order to get the information she wants out of people.)
Standard Equipment[]
Nothing Notable
Standard Tactics: Penelope will physically beat up her opponent.
Weaknesses: Penelope is prone to outburst of anger
Battle Records[]
Notable Victories:
Opila Bird (Garten of Banban) Opila's profile (Both were 9-C and started 5 meters away. Speed was equalized)
Eyesaur (One Night at Flumpty's) Eyesaur's profile (Both were 9-C and started 5 meters away. Speed was equalized)
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: