Articles About Papyrus
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Fangame | UNDERSWAP: Thanatos • Papyrus Goes Too Far |
Comic | Dustbelief • Inverted Fate |
Animation | Weretoons • Glitchtale |
Other | Prunsel • Sixbones • Axetale |
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~ Papyrus to Sans |
Papyrus is main antagonist in Chapter 1 of UNDERSWAP: THANATOS. Drawn insane due to constant nightmares, Papyrus figures out his entire he's been stuck in a timeloop, and not just him, but the entire underground as well. Knowing The Human was the cause of it, tries to find ways to overpower them. Papyrus was running out of options, and ready to give up and leave the responsibility for his other self from another timeline, he gets an idea. Papyrus now having a different goal in mind, wants to be stronger than the human will ever be, making sure that the human will never have a single chance to win and to do that, he needs to do his own genocide route, becoming what he swore to destroy.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Name: Papyrus
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Skeleton monster, Mass murderer
Eye Color: White/Yellow/Green (Varies)
Status: Deceased, accidentally killed by Sans while attemting to kill him for EXP.
- Papyrus Encounter (Alive)
- Song That Plays After You Somehow Accidentally Impale Your Brother With Two Large Bones And Kill Him (Death)
- Prank Gone Wrong (Phantom)
- Slaughter In The Spotlight (Former resurrected duo theme with Sans before the new era)
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-A normally, higher with LOVE
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Inorganic Physiology (Type 1; Monsters' bodies, compared to human ones, do not have much physical matter because of them being made of magic to the same degree humans are made of water), Information Analysis (Via timeline reports, which allows Papyrus to see dangerous anomalies), Accelerated Development (Leveling; Physical Statistics. By killing monsters and gaining EXP and LOVE, papyrus can raise his ATK and DEF greatly), Summoning (Of bones, basketballs, and racecars), Preparation (Given time, Papyrus can hunt down and kill enough monsters to become stronger), SOUL Manipulation, Telekinesis, Gravity Manipulation (Via Blue Mode, which effectively adds 'weight' to the opponents soul), Magic, Danmaku, Bone Manipulation, Limited Precognition (Gets nightmares of dangerous events and anomalies that are going to happen in the future days before they happen), Perception Manipulation (Caused his body to become distorted, with the surrounding area to become corrupted), possibly Cosmic Awareness/Breaking the Fourth Wall (Implied by himself he's aware of his existence within a fictional video game), Resistance to Extreme Heat and Extreme Cold (Lives at Snowdin, where the snow is so cold that it does not melt from Hotland's heat, which is high enough to vaporize a styrofoam cup and water instantly. Should be the same as his brother, who can survive at Hotland with no issues)
Attack Potency: Small Building level normally (Without LV, was able to knock out The Human without them being able to retaliate, which should make him atleast this strong[Note 1]), higher with LOVE (can raise his ATK and DEF with EXP and LOVE)
Speed: Supersonic normally (Due to his stats not swapping with his brother, he should be comparable to his canonical variant who should be this fast[Note 2]), up to Hypersonic+ with LOVE (Can keep up with Sans in combat, who should be comparable to his canonical version for the same reasons before, who should be massively superior to Chara with the Sea Tea[Note 3])
Lifting Strength: Unknown, higher with LOVE
Striking Strength: Small Building level, higher with LOVE
Durability: Small Building level normally (Comparable to his AP, and should have roughly equal ATK and DEF stats), higher with LOVE (can raise his ATK and DEF with EXP and LOVE)[Note 4]
Stamina: Superhuman (With the little time he had, was capable of killing a large portion of Snowdin, and extensively fight against Sans without stopping)
Range: Tens of Meters with Bone Attacks, Multiversal with timeline reports (Was able to see a dangerous anomaly going on within timeline, which should supposedly be The Player, who only can be affected by Frisk at their absolute)
Standard Equipment: None notable
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (With what little information he had, was able to figure out he was living within a timeloop. Was able to read the human's facial expression with enough precision that he figured out the cause of it within a glance. Likely was the one who built the machine to report on timelines)
Weaknesses: Will slowly begin losing his mind and becoming more unhinged the more EXP and LOVE he gains, otherwise none notable.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Soul Manipulation: Blue Mode: Papyrus has the ability to turn his opponent's soul blue, a trait he shares with his brother. However, Papyrus seems to have less mastery over it, as he only seems to be able to ground his opponents and not control the direction of their movement or fling them around.
- Bone Attacks: Papyrus will send numerous bones at his opponent in varying patterns and speeds. He will also often throw in unique structures and blue bones, which can only be avoided by remaining perfectly still.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: