FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Articles About Sonic.exe
X-Verse Sonic.exe (Sonic LegacyLord Mortis)Broken_FaceXenophanes
Creepypasta Original (Sonic.exe 2)Remake
Friday Night Funkin’ Vs. Sonic.exeVs. Sonic.exe RebootVs. Rewrite
Roblox Games Pillar Chase 2The DisasterSAKTKIA51
Fanon MY5TCrimsonTorntBlood SagaDark SoulsOne More TimeSonic2.EXEThe Spirits of HellVs. Rainbow FriendsFreshy KanalSonic M.U.G.E.N
PillarXRender 3

PillarXIcon 3 I am GOD and you are NOTHING!
~ Death Quote.[1]

~ Death Quote when killed inside "His World".[1]

PillarXIcon 3 I AM GOD!
~ PCX when he catches a player in his "His World".[1]

PillarXIcon 3 Do you want to play with me?
~ PCX's intro.[1]

PillarXIcon 3 Yoouu're tooo slowww!
~ PCX using Final Act.[1]

~ When dying to PCX's shadow clone.[1]


PCX (formerly known as Sonic.EXE and Pillar X) is the sixteenth monster in Pillar Chase 2, he is a non-canonical version of the X-Verse character.

Like the rest of the monsters, PCX's objective is to kill all the survivors before time runs out in order to win.

PCX is two other worldly entities merged into one. They have taken the form of the Blue Blur/Sonic the Hedgehog, and use their abilities to lure unsuspecting victims to their demise. PCX is able to traverse to any games that include the Blue Blur in them at will, and can manipulate the game in any way they see fit. The reasons PCX does this is unknown, but it doesn't seem like it's twisted games will end anytime soon.[2]

PCX is an almost-identical copy of the original Sonic The Hedgehog, with his iconic white gloves, blue fur, and tan chest and arms. However, PCX sports a menacing grin filled with blunt, yellow teeth, as well as orange glowing pupils instead of regular eyes. Streaks of blood creep from his eyes, some of which splattering onto his chest. He also has slight whiskers. He has yellow shoes instead of Sonic's typical red ones, along with having no visible socks. He also wears inhibitor rings in similarity to Shadow.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: High 8-C

Name: PCX, "Sonic.EXE", "Pillar X"

Origin: Pillar Chase 2

Gender: Unknown to the entities, but PCX is Male (Referred to as "he")

Age: Unknown

Classification: Merged Interdimensional Entities,[2] "Anthropomorphic Hedgehog", Monster

Powers and Abilities:

Resistance to:

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Can damage survivors, who can survive MX's tackles[1][Statistics Values 1])

Speed: Peak Human (Superior to the survivors, who can keep up with MX[1][Statistics Values 2]), higher with Statistics Amplification

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Able to open the chest of his victims when killing them, which requires this amount of force. In his intro he shows the decapitated head of a survivor, so he should be able to rip heads off, which requires this amount of force[1][Statistics Values 3])

Striking Strength: Large Building level

Durability: Large Building level (Comparable to WYST, as the Doomfist Gauntlet's hit deals the same damage on WYST as it does on PCX[1][Statistics Values 1])

Stamina: Average. Up to Infinite with empowerment

Range: Standard Melee Range, far higher with Extrasensory Perception (Can detect survivors all over the map[1]), even far higher with Teleportation (He teleports to "his world", which is described as "another world" in relation to Earth. Although the exact distance is unknown)

Standard Equipment: None notable

  • Optional Equipment: A large wooden stake

Intelligence: Average

Weaknesses: None notable

Notable Attacks/Techniques:
  • Final Act: PCX When one survivor remains, the survivor and PCXwill automatically be taken to PCX's world. If the survivor wants to escape, they will have to escape by traversing through obstacles to reach the giant red ring at the end of the course. While in PCX's world, both the survivor and PCX will be much faster. PCX will be able to float very fast without draining stamina, but PCX will spawn further back, giving time for the victim to escape. If the survivor manages to escape PCX's world, they will be sent back to the map they were on and not take any damage. If PCX makes contact with the player, he will instantly killing them
  • Punch: PCX swipes his hands at his victim damaging them.
  • Found You: PCX will enter an invisibility state where all players are highlighted and PCX is able to fly up and down. Once PCX chooses to end the invisibility they will swipe forward, attempting to catch the player, if PCX catches the player, he does damage and causes PCX to point and laugh as the player gets up from the floor, giving them time to run away.
  • You can't run: PCX will break his inhibitor rings off his wrists and ankles as he begins to fly forward in the direction your camera is facing, speeding up as the ability goes on. If PCX catches a survivor, PCX will knock them over for 25 DMG and shout "I AM GOD!" before lunging at them, After swiping, PCX will laugh at the victim, giving them time to run away if needed. This also causes an illusion of himself to appear on the player's screen.
  • Jump: PCX will jump into the air. This is a spindash jump with a pretty substantial vertical height, along with keeping directional momentum. If this jump attacks hits a survivor, it damages them and regenerates quite a bit of stamina.


Notable Matchups[]





Statistics Values[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Scales to 3.188705640726577 Tons of TNT
  2. Upscales from 10.6666666667 m/s
  3. Scales to 1993.8919 kgf