FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki


Thiago, or as he was known as, James, was a 12 year old kid that ended up in an animatronic suit with a system similar to the Springlocks, killing him. As his death happened on a school, they hid the evidence, removing his corpse from the animatronic, and using it on a new school. However, at the time, James had possessed it.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 9-B

Name: Orville Elephant, Thiago, James

Origin: Death Elephant

Gender: Genderless, refered to as male

Age: 13 years old for the animatronic, 25 years old for Thiago

Classification: Possessed animatronic

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Minor Technology Manipulation (manipulated cameras in order to not be seen), Natural Weaponry (teeth), Stealth Mastery (wasn't heard even when extremely close to the guards), Immortality (Type 2 and 7), Soul Manipulation (Can feed on souls to become stronger, has switched souls of two people accidentally), Minor Reality Warping (Made camera's footages slowed down. Slowed down time, making 2 seconds feel like 5 minutes), Time Manipulation via Reality Warping, Genius Intelligence, Reactive Evolution and Adaptation (Adapted to resist large amounts of electricity), Resistance to Electricity Manipulation (Adapted to resist large amounts of electricity that were said to be stronger than lightning)

Attack Potency: At least Wall Level (Crushed a human head, which is this powerful. Has this Kinetic Energy)

Speed: Superhuman (Is this fast)

Lifting Strength: At least Peak Human (Crushing a skull makes it this strong), likely far higher

Striking Strength: At least Wall Level (Crushed a human head, which is this powerful. Has this Kinetic Energy)

Durability: At least Wall Level (Should be the same as his Striking Strength)

Stamina: Superhuman (is a robot)

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: Magic Wand

Intelligence: Genius (created a whole animatronic band when 12. Able to manipulate cameras in order to appear as if he did not move at all)

Standard Tactics: Thiago shows highly psychopatic behavior to almost all humans he sees. After having his school burn down, he was seen by 16 year olds standing by the school, and after they try to see his endoskeleton, Thiago kills and mutilates every single one of them. His total kill count, including not seen deaths, is said to be 162. However, he mostly kills people who do things to him first. He starts any interaction with human trying to pretend he isn't alive, only moving when he realizes he won't normally be noticed, or when he receives any type of interaction..

Weaknesses: None notable


  • Crushed a human head so strongly it became a blob of blood and meat
  • Stabbed a throat easily just with his wand
  • Broke through a security door


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
