“ | I'm a cop. My brother's a killer. One that my department has been chasing for years. And although he's a monster, he's the last family I have left, and I won't let him go to prison. I have him use his knowledge on serial killers to help us track down other criminals and in exchange I help get him victims. Don't worry, we don't kill innocent people. Only some of the monsters that we catch. My department often wonders why the criminals we chase down turn up dead. Only I know why | „ |
~ James' monologue |
“ | I can see more clearly than I ever have. Every day, it felt like I was barely alive, but not quite dead. That I was a walking husk of meat that could barely function. Constantly weighed down by the trauma of my past. But now, I feel more alive than ever. I feel so damn good. Better than I think I ever have been | „ |
~ James talking to his therapist |
James Fox is the brother of Ben Fox. After having an incredibly traumatic childhood due to both of his parents being abusive, James would end up having severe unresolved trauma from the experience. After the death of both of his parents, he would end up represing the memories and try to ignore the memories and deep rooted feelings he had from the experience. After going into college for Criminology and becoming a detective, he would use his highly intelligent mind, great abstract thinking and attention to detail to solve various difficult cases, even those that had gone cold.
After figuring out that his brother was a notorious serial killer, instead of turning him in, he decided to protect the last family that he had and even use his brothers knowledge as a killer and his uncanny intelligence to help him catch highly intelligent criminals, and in exchange he would channel his brothers murderous urges into killing some of the criminals that they find rather than innocent people.
After a long while of doing this, Ben would notice the effects the unresolved childhood trauma had on his brother, and decided to try and help him out by slowly getting James to help in the murders, slowly turning James into his own serial killer known as "The Bloody Pig."
Powers And Stats[]
Tier: 9-C
Name: James Fox, Officer Fox, Detective Fox, The Bloody Pig (Serial Killer Name)
Origin: Blood Pact
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Classification: Human, Detective, Police Officer, Serial Killer
Powers And Abilities:
- Peak Human Physical Characteristics
- Likely Genius Intelligence
- Enhanced Senses & Information Analysis (Is noted as an amazing detective due to his eye for small details, being able to see slight patterns and disturbances that other people can't see, allowing him to gather even the tiniest bit of detail about who a killer is and their psychology, allowing him to create accurate recounts of a crime and figure out who the criminal is from that. Claims to be a supertaster)
- Martial Arts (Police Officers get hand-to-hand combat training. Has faught hand-to-hand with highly skilled hitmen, 2 FBI agents at once, and former military. Can fight with gangs of criminals with experience in street fights)
- Weapon Mastery (Is trained with his gun and baton)
- Pressure Points (His brother taught him various pressure points such as the throat and liver, as well as a grapple that causes immense pain to peoples shoulders and back)
- Social Influencing (Reputation; As a cop, he holds a lot of power and can get people to give him information about a case just by showing his badge. Is respected as a highly skilled detective. Deception; Can often lie his way out of difficult situations, such as convincing people that he isn't a killer despite them having evidence linking him to multiple murders and often lies his way out of all accusations made against him. Decieved Daniel into thinking that he wasn't the Madison Headhunter and nearly the entire police department that he was working on an entirely seperate case down at the river to clear his name. Charisma; Seduced a drug dealers wife into snitching on her husband. Can often get people to accidentally confess things to him simply through his charm. Was a hostage negotiator for a period of time)
- Stealth Mastery (Can sneak prisoners out of their jail cells despite the heavy monitoring from security cameras and guards. Frequently sneaks up on criminals without getting spotted)
- Vehicular Mastery (Can often outdrive other skilled drivers. Police officers are trained to be good at driving)
- Retrocognition (Can recreate crime scenes in his mind with immense accuracy, being able to tell what happened down to the smallest details and make perfect simulations, allowing him to catch even the most careful of killers, such as his own brother)
- Electricity Manipulation & Paralysis Inducement (Via Taser)
- Status Effect Inducement (Via Pepper Spray & Tear Gas)
- Sleep Manipulation (Via Chloroform)
- Poison Manipulation (Has access to morphine shots and lethal injections. The RM8 Syringes can be poisonous if too much is injected)
- Paralysis Inducement (Via the RM8 drug, he can paralyze people while keeping them alive. He can administer this drug through force feeding them a pill or through an injection)
- Preparation (Often prepares kills with his brother long ahead of time)
- Minor Light Manipulation (Via Flashlight)
- Resistance to Airborne Gasses (Via Gasmask)
Attack Potency: Street level (Has easily overpowered and knocked out physically fit killers and criminals. Could fight with a group of drug dealers solo and break one of their ribs with a punch. Overpowered "The Mall Hunter", who kills his victims by physically beating them to death with his punches. Has faught with and overpowered his fellow police officers such as Daniel Gordan & Francis Deakon, the latter of which being former military. Comparable to his brother, who can easily decapitate people and slice them in half. Faught with FBI agents and hitmen. Can easily kick open doors and dent peoples skulls by headbutting them)
Speed: Peak Human (Can chase down and outrun criminals. Can fight with small groups of people and keep pace with them. Has been able to disarm trained hitmen from close ranges, attack before others can react, keep up with criminals that can outrun cops, and is comparable to his brother, who could dodge strikes from MMA fighters, who can typically punch at around 25 - 30 mph), Subsonic Travel Speed with Police Car, Transonic Attack Speed with Glock Pistol
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Can easily gut people. Can throw around and overpower other serial killers such as "Mr Smile", who breaks his victims necks to kill them. Faught with trained hitmen, who are capable of breaking peoples necks casually. Comparable to his brother who can easily lift several dead bodies at once and rip their organs out)
Striking Strength: Street level
Durability: Street level (Can withstand strikes from those comparable to him. Can tank being thrown through a window and having his head hit with a piece of wood hard enough to fragment the wood. Walked away from a violent car accident without any major injuries)
Stamina: Peak Human, Possibly Superhuman (Can still preform well in very physically demanding jobs while running on less than an hour of sleep and almost no food. Could fight while having a broken hand and a severe back injury. Even after being shot 4 times, he could still fight with a highly skilled hitman, and still go into work the next day without going to a hospital. Can chase people down for several miles even on a bad leg and should be somewhat comparable to his brother)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Extended Melee Range with Syringes & Baton, Several Meters via Taser & Pepper Spray, Tens of Meters with Tear Gas, Hundreds of Meters with Pistol
- Glock Pistol: James' service pistol. He always keeps it on his hip just in case
- Baton: Often times carries around a police baton
- Pepper Spray
- Taser
- Chloroform: Often keeps a hidden bottle of chloroform & a rag on him to knock out serial killers of interest
- Flashlight
Optional Equipment:
- Police Car
- Knives
- Tear Gas: Stolen spheres of tear gas that can irritate peoples eyes and make it difficult for them to breath
- Morphine Shots: Syringes filled with toxic levels of morphine that he can inject into people to kill them
- Lethal Injections: Stolen vials of poisonous syringes used to inject death row inmates that can kill people very quickly
- RM8 Pill & Injections: Pills and syringes of RM8 that can paralyze people while still keeping them awake. Although the syringe is fast acting, it does have a risk of killing a person too much is injected at once or not doing anything if too little is injected. The pill is slower acting, typically taking several minutes, but will paralyze people without killing them
- Gas Mask: A stolen gas mask that can protect from various airborne gasses, such as knockout gas, poisonous gas, and tear gas
Intelligence: At least Gifted, likely Genius
Although not as intelligent as his brother, James has shown great intelligence feats that make him one of the smartest characters in the entire series. Due to his incredible detective abilities, eye for detail, and ability to perfectly create and replay events in his mind, he can perfectly reconstruct highly complicated murder & crime scenes with perfect accuracy, and tell details such as what weapon was even what type of shoe a killer was wearing. With this ability, he has been able to catch the most intelligent and careful killers on the planet that even the FBI & CIA are unable to find, such as the "Cloaked Creep" and "7 Taken Kids" cases, both which were crimes executed by highly intelligent and calculating men who made sure to not leave any specks of evidence against them. He was even able to use this to catch his own brother, who went uncaught for over a decade and was considered "a virtually impossible case all of the worlds minds combined couldn't figure out." After getting his brother to assist in finding criminals, he became known as the greatest detective & cop in the entire state, catching dozens of criminals that were considered impossible to catch for decades. He also solved several cases that went cold for dozens of years, though most of this was due to his brother. He could figure out that Daniel Gordan was onto him and came up with a plan to throw him off of his tail, as well as evade capture from his own police force for an extended period of time. After becoming his own serial killer, he went unnoticed for several weeks due to police believing that his killings weren't all from 1 person, with them only figuring it out after James started writing notes to them. Was able to figure out that there was a copycat of The Madison Headhunter simply by the way the persons neck was cut and the amount of ash in their mouth, something even his brother wasn't able to see until James pointed it out. He's also a highly skilled manipulator and is very good at stealth and stealing
- Has a bachlors in Criminology, giving him great knowledge in crime statistics, the psychology of killers, and how criminals opperate
- Has a high amount of knowledge on how blood splatter works, being able to tell the difference in blood splatter with different types of blades, requiring him to have some knowledge in forensics and even physics to understand how blood flow & the shape of the blade impacts how the blood splatters
- Was taught by his brother how to properly preform injections, human anatomy, and general medicine, getting him to the knowledge of a highly trained doctor in a short amount of time, which would require him to know a large amount of biology & chemistry
- Has a deep understanding of psychology, especially the psychology of serial killers and criminals, and uses his knowledge to frequently predict and outsmart them
- All of his kills are highly planned out and prepared, with James having every detail of the kill, from how the blood will spray to what part of the body will be stabbed, all planned long before even kidnapping the person
After figuring out that Daniel suspected him of being the Madison Headhunter, James was able to come up with a multi-layered plan to convince Daniel otherwise without killing him or framing someone else. He knew Daniel suspected him due to his own psychology matching the built profile for the Madison Headhunter and due to seeing James at a river a Madison Headhunters victim was found at later that day. Due to this, James made an alibi for being at the river, changing police reports and even editing video cameras and making fake text chats to make others believe that he was there to investigate an entirely different crime that happened at the river. He then slowly changed the behavioral analysis of the Madison Headhunter, convincing people that the previous analysis of the Madison Headhunter's psyche was false, and coming up with a new psychological analysis of the killer that still worked with how his killings were done, but were inacurate and made Daniel believe that James no longer fit the psychological profile of the killer. This, plus further manipulation of Daniel was able to get Daniel off of his tail and believe that he was wrong about James being a suspect. He did this all without Daniel ever realizing that James knew he was a suspect and without getting the attention of his brother.
- Was able to seduce a drug dealers wife into giving personal information about him all in a single conversation
- After his DNA was found at a crime scene, he was able to lie to the FBI agents that interviewed him about why he was there, claiming that it was due to him investigating a drug deal, and was able to get out with almost no suspicion on him
- Overtime managed to manipulate Daniel into believing that he wasn't a suspect for the Madison Headhunter
- Has manipulated others into thinking that The Bloody Pig killer wasn't at all tied to the Madison Headhunter, despite evidence of clear links
- Has been able to trick people with false deductions that make cracking the Madison Headhunter & The Bloody Pig cases harder with others still believing that these pourposfully false deductions were accurate
Standard Tactics: Typically, if he plans on killing someone for either his own kill ritual or his brother's kill ritual, he'll knock them out with Chloroform or paralyze them before bringing them back to the pre-planned kill area. But if he is unable to preform that, he is willing to kill/incap the person with his gun or with another one of his instruments such as his taser, pepper spray, tear gas, or if he's in a dire situation & doesn't have his gun, he'll use a morphine shot or lethal injection. If barehanded, he'll resort to his skill and pressure points to take someone down
- Kill Ritual: When given the chance, James will set up his kill ritual. In this ritual, his victim is paralyzed but kept consious as he guts them with a knife, removes their organs, and fills the cavity with pigs blood before stitching them back up and burying them in a random area. Although he enjoys the kill ritual, he will sometimes break it, experimenting with different ways to kill
Weaknesses: Reminding him of his father or mother can cause him to have a panic attack. Earlier in the series, he was hesitant to kill people, even in self-defense. However, as the series went on, he slowly got more comfortable with killing and even became his own recognised serial killer
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: