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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Indispensable time in infinite space, this is the beauty of existence.


Odin is one of the main council leaders and possibly the most influential in the faction of Valhalla. He is considered a good friend of Archimedes and asssisted in the project creating Altaire, of which he would eventually become a mentor and advisor to.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: High 6-A

Name: Odin

Origin: Azure Core

Age: 42 Years Old Physically, 100,000 years old mentally and chronologically

Classification: Human, Eternal Mind, Temporal Immortal

Gender: Male

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8), Regeneration (Up to High-Godly) (If he ever were to die, then he would be replaced with another version of himself from further along or earlier in the timeline. Temporal energy is capable of regenerating and healing even wounds to things like the Core), Enhanced Senses and Extrasensory Perception (Capable of seeing the Aesir, can sense gravitational distortions and the fluctuations to reality), Non-Physical Interaction (Capable of damaging Aesirs and avatars of Ymir with his attacks, his gravity is capable of affecting conceptual structures), Cosmic Awareness (Can sense gravitational distortions and even sense different timelines and universes), Limited Acausality (Type 3: His mind is connected to every version of himself across space and time, even stretching across higher vibratory space), Instinctive Action (Capable of acting and fighting on pure instinct), Gravity Manipulation (Via Binding Force), Vibration Manipulation, BFR (Vibrations created are capable of throwing targets into other universes and time periods), Space-Time Manipulation (Type 1), Teleportation (Teleports by folding space and time on a controlled, localized level), Pressure Manipulation (Capable of inducing pressure so great that it can compress portions of existence into nothing), Black Hole Manipulation, Void Manipulation, and Existence Erasure (Capable of creating black holes with voids of nonexistence as event horizons which can erase beings on fundamental levels), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation, Order Manipulation (Type 3) (Uses Temporal Energy which is the fundamental aspect of destroyed timelines which represented their law and order on a conceptual level that were once attached to the Yggdrasil Metastructure), Creation (Temporal energy can be used to create objects and even new timelines out of thin air), Reality Warping (Temporal energy can be used to alter the fabric of reality), Retrocognition and Precognition (Wielders of temporal energy are capable of seeing the past and future), Power Nullification and Resistance Negation (As Temporal energy is a fundamental aspect of destroyed timelines, their effects on reality are absolute, bypassing or nullifying defenses unless others can wield it), Forcefield Creation (Could create a forcefield of temporal energy), passive BFR (Large quantities of temporal energy is enough to create anomalies in space-time which can throw beings into parallel realities, the past, the future, etc), Durability Negation, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), Information Manipulation (Type 2), and Law Manipulation (As Temporal energy is a fundamental aspect of destroyed timelines, those who wield it are capable of damaging a being's Core, as fundamental meets fundamental), Radiation Manipulation (Temporal energy naturally leaks both a physical and metaphysical radiation that is harmful to all life that didn't belong from its destroyed reality)

Resistance to Fear Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Illusion Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Types 2 and 3), and Corruption (Types 1, 2 and 3) (Unaffected by the presence of the Draugr and Haugbui. Was capable of looking into the huldra's eyes, despite it being capable of sanity of biological and abstract beings with her gaze and corrupt the space around her), Poison Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Deconstruction, and Quantum Manipulation (Was unaffected by the Eitr, which corrodes on a quantum level and erase spiritual constructs), Paralysis Inducement (Could still move around in the presence of Akash, whose presence paralyzed the movement of the sapce-time continuum), Death Manipulation (Could survive The Norns and their singing, which can bring death to concepts and the Cores of beings), Petrification (Could touch the huldra without any lasting effects), Blood Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, and Biological Manipulation (The bite of a draugr was unable to turn him into a zombie), Radiation Manipulation (Has grown a resistance to the radiation of temporal energy), Energy Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, and limited Fate Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1), Law Manipulation, and Order Manipulation (Type 3), Reality Warping, Retrocognition and Precognition, Power Nullification and Resistance Negation, BFR, Durability Negation, Mind Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Information Manipulation (Type 2) (Those who have been exposed to enough Temporal energy can grow a resistance to it, though this resistance can be overcome by greater amounts of Temporal energy)

Attack Potency: Multi-Continent Level (Is far more powerful than his previous incarnations in his previous timelines, who were capable of vaporizing the Earth's oceans [829 Petatons])

Speed: Massively FTL, possibly Immeasurable (Comparable to Altaire during the Shadow of Ouroboros and would've likely been able to tag her in Overdrive)

Lifting Strength: Stellar (Was capable of throwing around Altaire and overpower her in strength)

Durability: Multi-Continent Level

Stamina: Superhuman, possibly Limitless. Gathers energy from his previous incarnations of already destroyed and deceased timelines, allowing him a functionally limitless amount of energy.

Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Meters with Gravity Manipulation and Multiversal+ with BFR (Large quantities of Temporal Energy is capable of throwing beings into the higher vibratory space and into the infinite different universes)

Standard Equipment:

  • The Golden Apple: An apple forged out of gold from a previous era of time, allowing Odin access to the powers and experience of his previous incarnations in previous eras of time. This immense and powerful golden artifact is bound to his complete existence, allowing no other to wield such.

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius, possibly Nigh-Omniscient (Has the combined knowledge of his previous incarnations across previous timelines and universes before the current one. Wields knowledge of Valhalla across countless previous worlds)

Weaknesses: Although he has developed a resistance to Temporal Energy, greater amounts are lethal and could possibly kill him almost instantly. The knowledge of his previous incarnations and existences can be blurred and conflict with the knowledge of his current self.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Gravity Wallpaper

Note: I do not own this art, all rights go to their respective owners.

Binding Force: Gained after a strain of temporal energy was infused into his body, Odin is capable of manipulating one of the four fundamental forces in the universe, Gravity. In fact, under the context of the cosmology of Azure Core, it allows him to specifically wield gravitons, a quantum mechanical particle that carries gravitational force. As Gravity itself is the curvature of space-time, this allows Odin access to his previous incarnations across time and space due to how fundamentally altered the current reality is.
