Nikolas Volkov is the main protagonist of the Cyberpunk Webnovel, Brain Rot. He is an academy drop-out who becomes a Net Courier, and joins a group known as The Pony Express after accidently helping them out on an especially dangerous mission.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C, At most 9-B with Stinger X9
Name: Nikolas Volkov
Origin: Brain Rot
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Classification: Net Courier, Scout, Scrapper
Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Cyborgization (Has an implant in his brain), Regeneration (Low-Mid, Auto Repair can heal broken bones within a day, and bullet wounds if the bullet is removed within a minute.) Biological Manipulation via Auto Repair (Auto Repair can grow new soft biological material on a large scale, but cannot regrow bones) Statistics Amplification via Step function (Nikolas' Step function allows him to propel himself forwards at super speed), Stealth Mastery and Power Nullification via Shade function (Nikolas' Shade function works a cloaking device, that hides his presence, both digital and physical, meaning that most tracking technology can't find him.), Martial Arts (Is an above average street fighter, and has built a fighting style around his abilities), Acrobatics (Nikolas can run up walls and avoid projectiles mid-air without losing much momentum), Weapon Mastery (Nikolas is a skilled marksman with his X9 Stinger handgun and Neothorn Knife), Electricity Manipulation with X9 Stinger (The X9 Stinger fires electric blasts), Paralysis Inducement with X9 Stinger (The gun's blasts temporarily stun the target), Vehicular Mastery (Nikolas is a talented driver), Resistance to Hacking (Due to using older implants that are run off Bio electricity, Nikolas is not connected to the net and can't be hacked externally) and Power Nullification (Internal implants run off of bio electricity, and are not affected by EMP)
Attack Potency: Street Level (Left a half inch deep dent in a steel forearm with a punch, fought with Caesar, who can crater concrete walls and bend steel poles with his strikes), At most Wall Level with the X9 Stinger (On it's highest setting, It's electric blasts carry 850,000 volts each and can char human skin. The lowest setting's shots carry 100,00 volts.)
Speed: Unknown with at least Supersonic Reflexes (Can react to and shoot down rounds from an ARC-18, which have a muzzle velocity of 800 m/s)
Lifting Strength: Average Human
Striking Strength: Street Level
Durability: Street Level (Took a beating from Caesar, who can crater stone walls, and bend steel poles with his attacks. Survived a three story fall with minor injuries.)
Stamina: Above Average (Can sprint for close to ten minutes before having to catch his breath)
Range: Standard melee range, Tens of meters with the X9 Stinger (95 meters)
Standard Equipment: His implants, X9 Stinger and Neothorn Knife
Intelligence: Above Average (While he was never exceptional in school, Nikolas has displayed quick thinking and successful on the fly planning in high octane situations)
Standard Tactics: Fully depends on range. If he's close to an opponent, he often opens with a series of punches and kicks, followed by a close range shot with the X9, which, if the stun the target, he will attack them physically again. When not close to his opponent, if he has the chance to, he will use Shade to turn invisible and sneak attack with shots from his gun, followed by ramming into the opponent with Step. If he can't sneak attack them, he opens with attacks from the X9, followed by a ramming attack if his opponent is stunned or preoccupied dodging his shots.
Weaknesses: The Shade function doesn't work at high speeds, and higher grade cyberware can see through it. Step can only be used four times in a row before having to cool down. Over usage of his cyberware can lead to brain damage. Auto Repair cannot regrow bones, and over usage of the enhancement lead to it shutting down temporarily.