“ | Justice and power are not the same thing. Power without justice is corrupt and cruel, and justice without power is feeble and useless. And because nobody, no mortal person, can be trusted to wield both at the same time, no one should rule at all! | „ |
~ Nick explaining his beliefs |
Nick was the son of Damian Alister, a well known thief. After his father was hung for his crimes, Nick, having always had a affinity for magic, became an apprentice to a powerful, but cruel mage. After proving to be an unworthy successor to the mage, Nick was kicked out and left to fend for himself. While on the streets, he was approached by a Paladin, who offered him a place to stay in return for joining the Holy Order. Nick accepted, and joined the Holy Order.
Unfortunately, a great increase in monster attacks and a war with the Heretical City of Gamaro, the Holy Order soon collapsed under it's own weight and ceased to exist. Once again, Nick was left alone, with no one to follow and nothing to do. That is until he met a man named Arawan, who recognized the symbol on his shirt, and would hire the boy as a bodyguard.
After travelling with Arawan for a time, Nick would come to be one of Arawan's trusted agents, and be sent on a mission to recruit people to Arawan's cause, that being anarchy, and the resulting usurping of the various kings of the world.
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: 9-C physically, 9-B with Magic Bullet and Necromancy and Lesser Summoning, 9-A with Arawan's Arm and The Fiend
Name: Nick Alister
Origin: Dark Priest
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Classification: Human, Sorcerer's Apprentice (Formerly), Squire (Formerly), Acolyte of Arawan
Powers and Abilities: Peak Human Physical Characteristics (Nick is in excellent physical condition, is noted to be much stronger than the average person) Enhanced Senses (Despite only having a few days worth of training as a Paladin, Nick is perceptive enough to hear muffled footsteps clearly from several yards away), Magic, Danmaku via Magic Bullet and Arawan's Arm, Summoning via Call Lesser Monster and Call Fiend (Can summon and control several lesser monsters, Can summon a Fiend), Necromancy via Call Lesser Beyond (Can raise lesser undead creatures), Forcefield Creation with Barrier (Can create a magic based semi-circle shaped shield), Statistics Amplification with Arawan's Arm (Temporarily empowers one of Nick's arms to provide enhanced power and speed) Limited Weapon Mastery (Though his training is limited, Nick has shown skill with a Quarter Pike, Sword and Dagger), Limited Social Influencing, possibly Mind Manipulation and Empathic Manipulation (Can effectively convince others to join him, even those who hate him), Resistance to Mind Manipulation and Empathic Manipulation (His conviction is such that even low level mind and emotion altering spells are entirely ineffective against him.)
Attack Potency: Street Level physically (Noted to be extraordinarily strong for someone of his age, strong enough to punch all the way through a person's skull (1,677J), as well as crush a person's skull (3,000J) when going all out), Wall Level with Magic Bullet, Necromancy and Lesser Summoning (Smashed down a door, though it required several bullets, Lesser Undead and Monsters are powerful enough to break grave stones and kill Copper Adventurers), Small Building Level with Arawan's Arm and The Fiend (Arawan's Arm can blow up a large room and incinerate several people, and The Fiend can easily destroy a tree)
Speed: Athletic Human travel speed with Supersonic Combat, Attack speed and Reactions (Can react to Magic Bullet, which as is as fast as a cannon ball, which on average travel at 449.5 m/s, can avoid Sonic Arrow, which travels at the speed of sound, consistently reacts to rounds from Flintlock pistols and rifles.), Likely Supersonic+ for the Fiend and Arawan's Arm (The Fiend is significantly faster than Nick, and called Magic Bullet "slow". Arawan's Arm can tag The Fiend)
Lifting Strength: Above Average Human (Was a baggage carrier for the Holy Order, travelled several miles carrying a full set of Greater Plate Armor and survival equipment)
Striking Strength: Street Level, Small Building Level with Arawan's Arm
Durability: Street Level, likely Wall Level (Can survive hits from a Steel Adventurer, took hits from Paladin foot soldiers, who can easily break down doors), At least Wall level with Barrier (Blocked several volleys from Magic Bullet and Sonic Arrow, was severely damaged by a glancing blow from The Fiend)
Stamina: High
Range: Standard melee range, Extended melee range with Quarter Pike and Short Sword, Tens of Meters with Magic Bullet, Dagger and Arawan's Arm
- Quarter Pike: A short spear that's exactly one fourth the size of a pike
- Dagger: A dagger that can be used for close combat or as a projectile
- Short Sword: A short blade used for combat
- Survival Equipment
Intelligence: Above Average (Considered to be a capable mage)
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Magic Bullet: The most basic offensive spell around. Can be cast mentally, verbally or physically. Create several fist sized bullets made from energy which are fired at Supersonic speeds. Can be cast as long as Nick has mana.
- Barrier: The most basic defense spell. Can be cast mentally, verbally or physically. Creates a durable round shield around the user's body, dependent on which limb was used to cast it. Can be cast as long as Nick as mana
- Call Lesser Monster: A basic summoning spell that calls up a random monster based on the terrain. has a chance to summon multiple. Can be only be cast verbally and physically. Can be cast four times per day.
- Call Lesser Beyond: The most basic Necromancy spell. Either raises a battle ready corpse from the earth, or directly summons one from elsewhere, at the cost of a little bit more mana. Must be cast physically and verbally. Can be cast five times per day.
- Call Fiend: Summons a Fiend to the mortal plane. Nick is not powerful enough to control the Fiend, though he can provide suggestions for it. Must be cast verbally. Can be cast once per day.
- Arawan's Arm: A temporary blessing from Arawan which is activated at the cost of a quantity of blood. Lasts for five minutes. Vastly increases the attack power and speed of whatever spells is cast using it, as well as increasing Nick's striking strength and combat speed. Can be used twice per day.
Weaknesses: On his own, Nick is a painfully average mage. Can only use all but two of his spells a limited amount of times per day. His training was incomplete, meaning that while he's a capable fighter, he can be overwhelmed easily by a more trained fighter. Lacks healing or recovery options.
- Notable Victories:
- Notable Losses:
- Inconclusive Battles: