“ | My end goal is to learn the source of Stand power, I want to find out what it is that makes us different to others, if it can be manipulated or induced. I want to learn if Stands can be used to advance our technology, to bring humanity to a new age of prosperity through Stand power, these things that can bend the laws of physics and do what we thought was impossible, their potential is immeasurable. | „ |
~ Nicholas |
~ DSMN's Stand Cry |
“ | It doesn't matter anymore: what you say or do, we can simply remove. Your power, your influence, your existence, even your Stand ability: they are all useless. Like the countless people you've completely unmade by abusing your authority, you now face someone that can unmake everything you know: from the smallest bacteria to the world you stand upon. What you believe is irrelevant. Whatever fact or concept we do not like, we can push away: this is propulsion at it's logical peak, This...is Requiem. And you...are dust. | „ |
“ | I am exactly what you needed, in these circumstances, Had you been in dire need of something entirely different? I would've accommodated. But, now, this is what I am. I am what I am: I am your Stand, yet something more. A temporary being, yet in my own way, immortal, But, our time here is almost at an end. I would like to discuss this more with you, Nicholas, but you must understand, the Arrow must never again be called unless you are found in as dire a circumstance as you were today. | „ |
~ Don't Stop Me Now Requiem |
Nicholas White is one of the Stand Users appearing in Paradise City, a scientist, dispatched at the request of the US government to investigate the occurrence of Stand Users in Woodstock, initially meeting with the group in library, expounding to Stephanie his opinions on Stands and their potential, he soon gets involved with the operations of the Chicago Outfit, dispatching a thug alongside the rest of the group, he begins his journey with them to uncover the secrets behind the Stand Users working for the organization and involved in the drug trade.
Nicholas has black hair going down to his neck that is dyed white at the tips, he is of above average height and decently good looking, he is slightly, but not overly, muscular, he wears a white lab coat that has been cut up at the bottom, leaving multiple strips that wave around in the wind, these strips have white arrows on them, the coat becomes black towards the bottom, his pants are black at the top and become white towards the bottom and has white shoes.
Don't Stop Me Now is a humanoid stand, it appears slightly muscular, it is metallic in appearance, with black arrows pointing downward on its arms and legs, it has blue, triangular eyes and a metallic mask covering its mouth and nose, its fists are covered with metallic gauntlets and its feet have something akin to boots, its chest is covered by a metallic plate and has a black lightning bolt pointing upwards surrounded by 4 arrows on it.
Calculating, intelligent, decisive and at times dramatic, Nicholas White wishes to learn all he can about Stands and their nature, his goal is to utilize Stand Power to bring prosperity to humanity, for this, he analyzes every Stand he encounters, detailing their abilities and anything he can learn about them. Though to the outside observer it might seem that Nicholas has a tendency to rush into things, in truth he carefully plans his actions, utilizing his power to the best of his ability whenever he can. Unlike some others, Nicholas does not go out of his way to hide the existence of his Stand, he uses its power readily, using it for transport or utility, not only combat. He is extremely focused on his research, when not in dangerous situations he focuses on solely that. Despite his temperament and focus on research, he does still care for his allies, though he rarely shows it, he considered them his friends and regrets the mistakes that lead to some of their deaths immensely.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Neutral Good
Name: Nicholas White
Origin: Paradise City
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Classification: Human, Stand User, Scientist
Likes: Research, traveling, the RV Crusaders, Stands
Dislikes: People who use their Stands for evil or criminal purposes
Eye Color: Light blue
Hair Color: Black
Hobbies: Research, traveling
Values: Knowledge
Marital Status: In a relationship (With Stephanie Beauregard)
Status: Alive
Affiliation: RV Crusaders, CIA
Combat Statistics[]
Tier: 10-A, 8-C with Don't Stop Me Now, At least 8-A with Launching | 10-A, At least 8-C physically with Don't Stop Me Now Requiem, At least 5-B with News of the World, possibly higher
Powers and Abilities:
Genius Intelligence, Extrasensory Perception (Capable of seeing ghosts and souls among some other supernatural forces that are normally otherwise invisible), Aura, and Summoning (Of his Stand), Don't Stop Me Now has Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Non-Corporeal (Stands are the incorporeal manifestations of one's vital energy, and can only be harmed by other Stands), Non-Physical Interaction (Stands can interact with ghosts and other Stands), Invisibility (Stands can only be seen by other Stands and Stand Users), Selective Intangibility, Vector Manipulation (Don't Stop Me Now's ability allows it to "launch" itself, Nicholas, or anything either of them make contact with), Flight (Nicholas can launch himself in any direction to fly, or launch himself with equal force to gravity to levitate), BFR (Don't Stop Me Now can launch others vast distances by imparting momentum into them, including to the upper atmosphere and space), Air Manipulation (Can launch the air around himself as projectiles of various shapes, or launch a large amount of air to clear an area of oxygen), Limited Earth Manipulation (Can launch parts of the ground away from himself, effectively allowing him to move freely underground), Limited Matter Manipulation and Heat Manipulation (Don't Stop Me Now can launch a stream of superheated particles by accelerating them to immense speeds as its ultimate move, though this requires immense concentration to achieve), Statistics Amplification (Can amplify its speed by launching itself and Nicholas, can amplify its strength by launching its punches)
All previous abilities in addition to Power Nullification (Requiem nullified the Stand ability of Never There), Causality Manipulation (Requiem stated that it could erase the influence the boss had had on others), Conceptual Manipulation (Requiem's power allows it to push away any idea or concept it wishes), Matter Manipulation (Requiem tore apart the elementary particles constituting Henry's body), Physics Manipulation (The nature of its power was compared to a literal Big Rip)
Attack Potency: Athlete level, Building level+ with Don't Stop Me Now (Can damage opponents that can take hits from Shoot to Thrill), At least Multi-City Block level with Launching (Sent a building into the exosphere) | Athlete level, At least Building level+ physically with Don't Stop Me Now Requiem (Should be superior to its previous state), At least Planet level with News of the World (Requiem stated it could destroy the world with its power), possibly higher (Requiem's power was compared to a Big Rip)
Speed: Athlete level with Massively FTL Reaction Speed (Can react to attacks from other Stands as well as his own movement), Massively FTL combat and movement speed with Don't Stop Me Now (As an extraordinarily fast Stand, it should be far superior to Shoot to Thrill), higher with Launching (Launching can increase both his own and his Stand's speed greatly) | Infinite with Don't Stop Me Now Requiem
Lifting Strength: Athelete level, Class 50 with Don't Stop Me Now (Picked up a large tanker truck), At least Class M with Launching (Lifted and launched an apartment building)
Striking Strength: Athlete Class, Building Class+ with Don't Stop Me Now | Athlete Class, At least Building Class+ with Don't Stop Me Now Requiem
Durability: Building level+, Building level+ with Don't Stop Me Now | Building level+, At least Building level+ with Don't Stop Me Now Requiem
Stamina: High
Range: Standard melee range, 3 meters with Don't Stop Me Now, higher with Launching | At least planetary with Don't Stop Me Now Requiem
Standard Equipment: His notebook, detailing the Stands he's encountered so far, a Requiem Stand Arrow
Intelligence: Genius (A brilliant scientist and skilled tactician, highly knowledgeable on Stands and their natures and types, able to quickly discern their abilities in battle and adapt his own as necessary, his knowledge on the topic caused the US government to contact him directly to seek his expertise in Stands)
Weaknesses: Any damage dealt to Don't Stop Me Now is reflected onto Nicholas, must touch objects to launch them.
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
- Don't Stop Me Now: is a humanoid stand, it appears slightly muscular, it is metallic in appearance, with black arrows pointing downward on its arms and legs, it has blue, triangular eyes and a metallic mask covering its mouth and nose, its fists are covered with metallic gauntlets and its feet have something akin to boots, its chest is covered by a metallic plate and has a black lightning bolt pointing upwards surrounded by 4 arrows on it.
- Launching: Don't Stop Me Now possesses the ability of Launching, this allows it to launch anything the Stand or Nicholas makes contact with, as well as to launch itself and Nicholas. Nicholas can determine the direction of the thing he launches, as well as its speed and the distance it will retain its momentum for. It can be used to launch objects as projectiles, launch himself to avoid attacks, launch the air around himself to create invisible projectiles, launch others away upon touching them, launch them towards the ground to restrain them, or launch objects away from his body to dig through the earth or freely traverse underwater.
- Don't Stop Me Now Requiem: Requiem's previously triangle eyes are replaced with an eerily life-like mix of feline and reptile. It's mask covers its entire face now, the eyes being the only thing shining through. It's metallic sheen is dulled, but the brightness of it's color has been turned up. It's body is overall bigger, but far more slender, almost super-model thin, it's armor plates more like thickened skin flaps of metal now, having taken on a cobalt blue. The arrows in it's arms and legs are now spread like a tree, one center branch dividing into many more. On its chest there is a circle diving into eight arrows, a white lightning bolt in the middle. Unlike Don't Stop Me Now, Requiem possesses its own personality and identity, acting as a separate being rather than an extension of Nicholas like its previous form was.
- News of the World: Don't Stop Me Now Requiem possesses the ability to push away any idea or concept, Don't Stop Me Now's original ability of propulsion taken to a new height and its absolute peak, with this ability, Requiem can nullify the abilities of others, erase their influence and their existence, by pushing away any concept it desires.
Key: Don't Stop Me Now | Don't Stop Me Now Requiem
Notable Victories:
Akira Kogure (JJBA Fanon) Akira's Profile
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: