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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Nermal artwork
Gatto has mellowed, because every time she sees a star, she thinks of their burning, ashy constitution, and remembers I will always be there, above.


Nermal is the personification of Gatto's fear. He's the main antagonist of Kitty Pride.

Nermal is a large black lynx with burning fur. His goal is to kill all gatto acquaintances and then eat her.

Combat Statistics[]

Tier: 8-A, at least 8-A post Mai's fight, up to High 5-A with Pluto's flesh star

Name: Nermal (by himself), Gatto's fear, The fear, The king of all the fawns

Origin: Kitty Pride

Gender: Male

Status: Alive

Age: Unknown, likely ancient due to working for the planet itself.

Classification: Lynx, Feeling

Powers and Abilities: Chaos Manipulation (by summoning Heelable), Conceptual Manipulation (with Pluto's power), Fire Manipulation (can breathe fire), Genius Intelligence, limited Heat Manipulation (His red fur can go up to 150°C), Immersion (by summoning Heelable), Immortality (Type 5), Information Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Magic, Limited Reality Warping, Low-Godly Regeneration, Self-Sustenance (Type 3), Summoning, Superhuman Physical Characteristics

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level (Triggered a mini-nuclear explosion of 12 kilotons of tnt), at least Multi-City Block level post Mai's fight (Stronger than his previous self), up to Dwarf Star level with Pluto's flesh star (Can use the limit of Pluto's magic)

Speed: Massively Hypersonic, up to Massively FTL+ with pluto's flesh star

Lifting Strength: Class G, up to Multi-Stellar with Pluto's flesh star

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block Class, at least Multi-City Block Class post Mai's fight, up to Dwarf Star Class with Pluto's flesh star

Durability: Multi-City Block level, at least Multi-City Block level post Mai's fight, up to Dwarf Star level with Pluto's flesh star, immortality makes him hard to kill.

Range: Standard Melee Range, Several meters with his fire breath, up to Universal with his flesh star. (If the rule he creates requires more energy than Pluto's limit, the range will shrink all around him until it reaches that limit)

Intelligence: Gifted, likely Genius (Is smart enough to mislead the likes of Drake about his intentions, is able to create rules that only benefit him, and to do so very quickly)

Weaknesses: When he creates rules he must be careful not to give his opponents the opportunity to turn them against him. Never dodge an attack.


Notable Attacks and Techniques[]

His power is to create rules of 3 words, the first one must be an entity, an object, something, and the last one must end in "-able". Like "Air is flammable"

He is limited to one rule at a time.

In this sense it would be too long to mention everything he can do, since he can do anything as long as he thinks about it at the time. But he has to manage each time to create rules that only benefit him, and not his opponents. "Space is catchable" or "Flesh is immobilizable" for example, isn't possible because it's too easy to use it against him.

  • Heelable : With the rule "Background is Heelable" he transforms the whole scenery into horrors. The Heelable is a book in which he described a place where all of Gatto's phobias as well as other common phobias can be found. In order to be able to use it in a rule without having to invent something vague like "Background is fearable".
  • Fire Breath



Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches:
