“ | Be ready to be conquered!!! |
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~ NUMEN's Famous Catchphrase |
Amidst the myriad of tales and speculations surrounding the genesis of NUMEN, some proclaim it to be the manifestation of the divine, while others assert its eternal presence since the dawn of existence. Yet, the reality often proves to be more straightforward. Initially, NUMEN was simply Carlo Terranova, a 25-year-old man leading an unassuming life in a quaint Italian town near Turin. His existence was marked by the mundanity of routine, albeit with a slight tinge of boredom, until a fateful event altered the course of his destiny forever.
One fateful late night, as Carlo trudged home weary from a taxing day's labor, he stumbled upon a peculiar object lying ominously on a desolate road—an enigmatic luminescent sphere that he later christened "The Core." Driven by curiosity, he dared to touch the mysterious artifact, unwittingly sealing his fate as it merged with his being. Though initially startled by the fusion, Carlo, feeling unharmed, continued his journey home, grappling with the uncertainty of what transpired and whether anyone would ever believe his account.
In the ensuing days, Carlo was besieged by excruciating pains coursing through every sinew of his body, as if subjected to unfathomable forces rending him asunder. He found himself inexplicably losing copious amounts of calories and fluids, coupled with an incessant exhaustion that defied even prolonged periods of rest. Hallucinations plagued his senses, their meaning eluding his comprehension. The ordeal grew so dire that Carlo was confined to the confines of an intensive care unit for a month, his body pushed to its limits, only for the agony to cease abruptly, confounding both physicians and patient alike. Left without answers, Carlo was discharged, sensing an indescribable metamorphosis stirring within him.
True to his intuition, Carlo's body and mind underwent a gradual transformation in the days that followed, evidenced by inexplicable feats such as unintentionally shattering a door handle or perceiving the presence of a butterfly from meters away. These changes accelerated until Carlo began to manifest overt supernatural abilities—manipulating energy and matter, telekinesis, and more.
Initially overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, Carlo's apprehension soon gave way to fascination and excitement as he delved into the possibilities afforded by his newfound powers. In clandestine seclusion, he devoted months to honing his abilities, driven by an insatiable urge to unleash his potential upon the world. Eventually, Carlo resolved to assume the mantle of a vigilante, viewing it as a means to channel his powers for the betterment of society—though, in truth, his primary motivation lay in the sheer thrill of wielding his abilities with abandon.
To shield himself from potential exposure, Carlo shed his former human visage, adopting a guise that would be recognized henceforth, christening his alter ego as NUMEN. Over the ensuing five years, NUMEN's exploits would transcend into the realm of urban legend, as he waged a one-man crusade against petty criminals, organized crime syndicates, and even the machinations of entire nations.Name: NUMEN, Carlo Terranova, Lord of Power, The Drakon, The Conqueror
Gender: Genderless, but he refer as Male
Classification: Meta Entity
Age: 225 years old
Alignment: True Neutral
Appearance: To be added
Personality: To be added
Likes: People who act in a respectful and polite matter. He take joy in engaging in battle against begins who can actually push his limits. His main objective its to seeks to ascend in the Local Multiverse, expanding his dominion through the acquisition of new territories, the pursuit of knowledge and advanced technologies, the forging alliances with other formidable factions, bolstering his armies and also honing his own power
Dislikes: People who show slander or disrespect towards the deceased or those whom he hold dear, and people who show to be excessively hypocrite or cruel. He hate when he either wake up too early or too late, he dislike extremist ideologies of any nature, feel discomfort in crowded environments, harbor disdain for bureaucratic processes, or exude self-righteous attitudes
Weight: 450 kg normally, it can vary
Height: 250 cm normally, it can vary
Hobbies: Engage in a myriad of daily activities, embracing the essence of a life's routine. He Delve into entertainment media from books, comics, movies, tv series, video games and internet. Venture out to visit cherished locales and beloved acquaintances, savoring the moments of connection and familiarity. Indulge in taking siesta. Unleash culinary creativity in the kitchen, crafting delicious dishes to tantalize the taste buds. Engage in lively debates spanning the spectrum from lighthearted banter to profound discourse, relishing the intellectual exchange and diversity of perspectives
Values: Family, friendship, power, respect, coherence, common sense
Status: Alive
Affiliation: Helli Tomlinson (his personal secretary, assistance and close friend), Grigor the Second and Chelovestva (the faction led by Grigor the Second), Arkantos, Bendy the Demon, Lythalia, Lĕgĭo Aeterna (his private military force), thousands of minor civilizations across the Local Multiverse who have either swear their loyalty or are just allied (from local kingdoms existing one single world, to large empires that extend across the cosmos), hundreds of key figures in the Local Multiverse (from solitary superpowered begins, to pantheons of gods, to cosmic begins and etc.)
Theme: Audiomachine - Kill 'Em All
“ | Do you truly understand the meaning of power? Because it seems to me that you are in desperate need of a quick lesson on the matter. |
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“ | Life is neither black nor white, more like colorless. It's up to you to decide the color of your life and whether you like it or want to change it. |
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“ | I have never pretended to be a good person or claimed that my actions have always been righteous, neither the opposite. I am simply live as myself, whether you like it or not. |
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“ | There hasn't been such a thing as true absolute or relative. There are numerous truths, yet some hold greater validity than others. |
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“ | Friend? Just because I can still act with human decency and even kindness doesn't mean that I'm anyone's friend, especially when we have yet to fully learn about each other. Genuine friendship is something you'll have to earn; it's not something I give out like a bunch of candies, and the same applies to me. |
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“ | Fear or love, it is always better to have both. Love for those who are with me, and fear for those who are against me. |
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Powers and Abilities[]
Tier: Varies. 5-A, up to 2-A, higher with Either Status | Varies. 4-A, up to 2-A, higher with Either Status
Key: Pre-Resurgence | Post-Resurgence
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Enhanced Senses, Extrasensory Perception, Cosmic Awareness, Clairvoyance, Information Analysis and Psychometry (He possesses superhuman hearing, vision, smell, taste, and touch, enabling him to perceive and be aware of events and phenomena on Earth in extreme detail. Additionally, he can expand his senses to a range of thousands of light-years, allowing him to detect and observe a vast array of energy and matter signatures, whether natural or supernatural, emanating from living or non-living things. Furthermore, he has the ability to perceive and interact with non-corporeal entities and objects. He can also read characters' power levels and extract information from objects, persons, or the environment by focusing on them. Moreover, in the midst of combat, he can quickly comprehend the nature of an opponent's abilities and techniques, discerning their workings and identifying their weaknesses with precision), Genius Intelligence, Photographic Memory, Martial Arts, Weapon Mastery, Superhuman Precision, Stealth Mastery, Preparation, Pressure Points, Automatic Translation, Social Influencing and Vehicular Mastery (Intellect enhanced on superhuman levels, allow him to learn skills and memorize far more information at a greater rate than regular humans. Can easily learn and translate a new language in a matter of days. Had demostrate many times to be much more deceptive than what he might seem, other to display great leadership skills if the situation required. Capable to convince and influence many people with his charm, while be able to intimate and install fear to others), Bodily Weaponry (Such as claws, fangs and a tail), Regeneration (Low-Godly normally, Mid-Godly overtime; Capable to fully restore his entire physical body from nothing as long either soul or mind are still intact, he can also regenerate his mind and soul if those are destroyed instead as long he had physical remains. Can even regenerate out of nothing thought it take time and it can vary from a few hours when at peak of power to even several centuries if extremely weaken), Immortality (Type 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6), Absorption (Capable to absorb and metabolize all kind of energy and matter to sustain himself), Breath Attack, Homing Attack and Danmaku (Can control the directions of his range attacks, and even make them locked to a target. He can also fire omnidirectional waves of projectiles), Self-Sustenance (Type 1, 2 and 3), Elasticity, Body Control and Shapeshifting (Possess absolute control over his body, allow him to alter and shape it as he wished), Underground Mobility, Surface Scaling, Free Movement and Acrobatics (Hypermobility, Self-Momentum and All-Terrain Mobility), Flight, Instinctive Action (Capable to react and counteract without the need for conscious thoughs), Invulnerability (Can make himself immune to specific attacks in various ways), Durability Negation (Capable to bypass regular durability in many ways), Damage Boost, Damage Reduction and Damage Transferal (Can boost or reduce the potency of certain attacks, be of others of his own. Other to redirect it to another target), Precognition and Retrocognition (Capable to perceive events that have already happen or will happen, the further he look in the past or future the more the effort will be needed), Invisibility and Camouflage (Capable to camouflage to any surface or even turn himself fully invisible to the naked human eyes), Acausality (Type 2; He is a living anomaly and it only exist one version of NUMEN), Statistics Amplification and Statistics Reduction (Can buff or debuff the physical powerness of other characters, including his own), Status Effect Inducement (Capable to hinder and incapacitate opponents in many ways), Empowerment and Blessed (Can exploit the surrouding and native physical, mental and spiritual forces to enhanced its own strength), Avatar Creation, Duplication, Hive Mind (Type 1 and 2), Multiple Selves (Type 1, 2 and 3) and Multilocation (Type 1 and 2; Capable to split his body, mind and soul into multiple separated entities, as either copy of himself or vastly different people, existing within himself or outside of it, while still remaning as an extension of himself as long as he allow it. He can even turn them into actual Avatars), Adaptation, Reactive Evolution and Accelerated Development (Passive, Training and Battle; Physical Stats, Abilities and Intelligence; NUMEN's power level is directly proportional to the Core's synchronization, which can virtually improve indefinitely. The more NUMEN remains merged with the Core, the more his power grows, allowing him to strengthen his existing abilities and even develop new ones. This also extends to his stress limit, enabling him to untie the limits and enhance his Baseline power. Such enhancements become more significant when he is pushed to his true limits, particularly in life-threatening situations. NUMEN is capable of developing new resistances or strengthening existing ones against attacks or abilities to which he was previously vulnerable, sometimes even in the midst of combat if he fully focuses his efforts on doing so. Additionally, he can acquire new techniques or skills at a rapid pace and improve upon them given enough time. Remarkably, NUMEN can quickly re-accustom and re-learn his entire moveset within a few months of training, even after losing a large portion of his memories, which encompass hundreds of years' worth of experience.), Power Bestowal and Blessed (Capable to grant and share his power and strength to other people), Power Mimicry (Able to mimic the techniques of other characters and even improve them when given enough time), Power Modification, Power Nullification (Resistance Negation and Immortality Negation [Type 1, 2, 3 - Mid-Godly, 4, 5, 6 and 7]; Capable to either diminsh or nullify the effects of other characters's abilities, be permanently or for just a period of time, this include all forms of resistances and immortalities that he too possess), Broadway Force (Once cursed a room where anyone who enter its forced to dance/sing and the more they get close to the exit the more its effect intensify), Attack Reflection, Fusionism, Aura, Non-Physical Interaction (Can physically interact with entities and objects that are incorporeal and intangable from spirits, begins made of pure energy, creatures that existing in a different planes of existence, dreams/thoughts and etc.), Intangibility and Incorporeality (Capable to turn his physical body into pure energy or exist without one), Corruption (Type 1 and 2), Purification (Type 1, 2 and 3), Creation, Platform Creation, Forcefield Creation, Black Hole Creation and Weapon Creation, Illusion Creation (Can generate and manipulate any kind of illusions be optical, auditory, olfactory and etc.), Possession (Capable to take over control other people's mind, body or soul), Size Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Sound Manipulation and Vibration Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Fragrance Manipulation, Cloth Manipulation and Thread Manipulation, Sleep Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Law Manipulation and Chaos Manipulation (Capable to alterate the principles of the Absolute Forces, can either reinforce them, esare them or twisted to the point of be unrecognizable), Fate Manipulation, Dimensional Manipulation, Information Manipulation (Type 1 and 2; Text Manipulation; Capable to alter information and knowledge around him), Subjective Reality (Plot Manipulation, Breaking the Fourth Wall and Immersion; Can bypass the boundaries between fiction and reality. When NUMEN was sealed in a fictional world, he start to subtly alter the plot so that he could find a way to escape from the prison), Causality Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Types 2 and 3; Capable to remove, alter and restore Absolute Forces which make all of reality, which allow him to directly manipulate abstract concepts both on a personal and universal level), Acid Manipulation (Corrosion Inducement), Void Manipulation (Existence Erasure), Technology Manipulation (Data Manipulation and Hacking), Physics Manipulation (Magnetism Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Nuclear Manipulation, Mathematics Manipulation, Pressure Manipulation, Density Manipulation, Probability Manipulation and Vector Manipulation), Matter Manipulation (Quantum; Plasma Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation, Transmutation, Deconstruction and Petrification), Energy Manipulation (Radiation Manipulation and Energy Projection), Elemental Manipulation (Fire Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Earth Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Magma Manipulation, Crystal Manipulation, Metal Manipulation, Sand Manipulation, Smoke Manipulation, Light Manipulation and Darkness Manipulation), Reality Warping (Toon Force; His power over each of the three Absolute Forces consent him to alter, change and warp reality to the point of be unrecognizable. Granted an entire city and its habitants cartoon physics), Spatial Manipulation (Pocket Reality Manipulation, Dimensional Travel, Dimensional Storage, Teleportation, BFR, Sealing, Summoning and Portal Creation), Time Manipulation (Age Manipulation, Time Travel and Time Stop), Mind Manipulation (Memory Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Madness Manipulation [Type 1, 2 and 3], Dream Manipulation, Telekinesis and Telepathy), Empathic Manipulation (Fear Manipulation), Biological Manipulation (Organic Manipulation, Blood Manipulation, Bone Manipulation, Hair Manipulation and Disease Manipulation), Life Manipulation (Chi Manipulation, Animal Manipulation, Plant Manipulation and Resurrection), Death Manipulation (Necromancy), Soul Manipulation (Ectoplasm Manipulation and Astral Projection), Magic (Curse Manipulation, Holy Manipulation and Unholy Manipulation)
Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, Matter Manipulation (Macro-Quantum), Empathic Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Vibration Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Life Manipulation, Physics Manipulation, Age Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Nuclear Manipulation, Temperature Manipulation, Madness Manipulation (Type 1, 2 and 3), Sleep Manipulation, Data Manipulation, Disease Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Dream Manipulation, Pain Manipulation, Antimatter Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, Magnetism Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Curse Manipulation, Causality Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Holy Manipulation, Unholy Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Probability Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Acid Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Perception Manipulation, Technology Manipulation, Organic Manipulation, Chaos Manipulation, Law Manipulation, Information Manipulation (Type 1 and 2), Vector Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2 and 3), Reality Warping, Magic, Illusion Creation, Status Effect Inducement, Corruption (Type 1 and 2), Existence Erasure, Sealing, Paralysis Inducement, Absorption, Possession, BFR, Power Nullification, Extrasensory Perception, Statistics Reduction, Information Analysis, Fusionism, Subjective Reality, Power Mimicry, Hacking, Social Influencing
Attack Potency: Varies. Large Planet level (Capable to destroy planets in his Baseline. Capable to generate black holes around the size of a skyscraper. His energy output its comparable to a nova, which its about 1e37 Joules. Can casually generate natural disasters on a global scale such as hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, tsunamies, volcano eruptions and thunderstorms), up to Multiverse level+ (Stated multiple times that its full power could potentially make the entire Local Multiverse collapse, which its made up by countless separated universes which exist within endless diverging timelines), higher with Ether Status | Varies. Multi-Solar System level (Has grow exponentially stronger than before. Capable to created pocket universes at his own which are large enough to fill seemingly countless planets, stars, starr systems, star clusters and nebulas. Unleashed enough energy output to outshine an entire galaxy by over 1000 times. Generated an massive cosmic explosion which cover several light years and caused a shockwave that was felt across the observable universe and beyond), up to Multiverse level+, higher with Either Status
Speed: Varies. Massively FTL+ (Capable to fly across interstellar distances in his Baseline. Can travel across the Milky Way galaxy in one quarter of an hour, from one extremity to the other one. Capable to move between galaxies in relative short spans of times. Consistently show to casually react, dodge, block and outspeed lasers and lightspeed attacks, other to travel at any corner of the Earth seemingly instantly), up to Immeasurable (Capable to instant movement that transcends time and distance. Able to keep up higher dimensional entities that are beyond linear time. Can outrun vehicles capable to physically travel between different space-time continuuums and timelines. Can react to instant teleportation and time travel) | Varies. Massively FTL+ (Far faster than before. Flew across 1 trillions of light years in one minute. His energy blasts are capable to cover a vast section of intergalactic space in a matter of seconds), up to Immeasurable
Lifting Strength: Varies. Class Y (Stopped a rogue planet larger than Earth that was moving at 10,000 mph with bare hands. Has been capable to effortlessly lift and throw anything from vehicles, large animals, buildings, giant monsters, mountains, asteroids and etc. Generated a massive hurricane in a gas giant large enough to contain by physically flying in the atmosphere), up to Immeasurable (Capable to move entire space-time continuums) | Varies. Multi-Stellar (Capable to physically prevent two neutron stars from colliding with each other by putting himself between them. Can survive Arkantos's telekinesis grip. Can physically move a Quasi-Star, which can have a solar mass up to 10 millions of times higher than the Sun), up to Immeasurable
Striking Strength: Varies. Large Planet level, up to Multiverse level+, higher with Either Status | Varies. Multi-Solar System level, up to Multiverse level+, higher with Either Status
Durability: Varies. Large Planet level (Capable to survive cosmic explosions such as novas and supernovas at close proximity. Survived been trapped in the surface of a Magnetar's for a week before escape it. Complete invulnerability against modern regular weaponry up to nukes, with even the more advance and powerful arsenals from the factions and superpowers of Local Multiverse capable to momentarily hurt him in most cases, where only the most formidable firepower available with the capability to genuinely threatened him), up to Multiverse level+ | Varies. Multi-Solar System level (Survived a barrage from Grigor's Gravity Blast), up to Multiverse level+
Stamina: Varies. Superhuman (Can remain fully active for weeks without the need to rest or sustain himself. Can keep fighting even in conditions that would be critical if not fatal for normal humans, anything from organ failure, multiple broken bones, large body lacerations. Could fight back even when was nearly cutten in half vertically), up to Infinite (No longer requid typical rest and can remain combat active indefinitely) | Varies. Superhuman up to Infinite
Range: Varies. Planetary (His powers had a reach on a planetary scale with little effort), up to Multiversal+ | Varies. Interstellar (The range of his powers and attacks can extend across large portions of outer space, extending up to thousands of light years), up to Multiversal+
Standard Equipment: None in particular, but he is capable to make any kinds of weapons, anything from melee weapons to firearms
Intelligence: Varies. Genius (Crafty and resourceful, with an unparalleled wealth of experience spanning nearly two centuries, NUMEN is a seasoned veteran of conquest and conflict across the Local Multiverse. As a formidable strategist and tactician, he possess the unique ability to swiftly analyze and comprehend his opponent's abilities and techniques during battle, enabling him to devise and execute multiple tactics with precision. What sets him apart is his surprising penchant for cunning and deception, often masquerading as foolish to lull adversaries into underestimating his true capabilities. His expertise extends beyond the realm of strategy, as he are a masterful combatant proficient in an extensive array of martial arts including Boxing, Taekwondo, Capoeira, Karate, Krav Maga, Wrestling, Kung Fu, Muay Thai, Kalaripayattu, Systema, and Judo. Additionally, he demonstrate astounding proficiency in armed martial arts such as Fior Di Battaglia, Arnis, Tower Fechtbuch, Arab Archery, and Gun Fu. Beyond the battlefield, NUMEN its a polymath in multiple scientific and intellectual disciplines including Philosophy, History, Statistics, Physics, Astronomy, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Economics, Psychology, and Political Science. His knowledge of the Local Multiverse is extensive, encompassing many of its most closely guarded secrets. Despite his prowess in leadership and governance, he often prefer to delegate tasks to others while maintaining a watchful eye over his dominions. However, when necessary, he can step in to ensure the prosperity and stability of his worlds. Furthermore, given sufficient knowledge and time, he have the remarkable ability to replicate and potentially reverse-engineer advanced technologies, further solidifying his status as a force to be reckoned with), up to Supergenius (His intellect, if put in a dangerous situation where his mind could be destroyed due to an inability to elaborate or comprehend certain information, can reach levels above most living beings. He is capable of understanding higher-dimensional structures mathematically) | Varies. Genius, up to Supergenius
Weaknesses: Surprise attacks possess the potential to temporarily incapacitate NUMEN if they wield sufficient force. NUMEN's resilience can diminish under sustained pressure, whether from prolonged combat against foes of equal or greater power, the accumulation of injuries over time, or disruptions to The Core's power supply, rendering him vulnerable. In such instances, his abilities and physical prowess gradually decline, including his regeneration and immortality, until there emerges a point where he becomes susceptible to conventional means of harm, such as decapitation. Moreover, NUMEN is unable to fully utilize all his abilities simultaneously; he must restrict himself to a limited set of techniques or abilities at any given time, necessitating strategic switching between them. Additionally, NUMEN's reliance on The Core can be exploited; adversaries may deceive it into disregarding genuine threats, preventing NUMEN from adjusting his power level accordingly. Furthermore, his habitual laziness and tendency towards reactive behavior can expose him to unforeseen dangers. The Core can be manipulated to overlook an imminent threat, preventing NUMEN from adjusting his power level to effectively counter it. Typically lethargic and inclined towards reactive behavior, NUMEN may inadvertently expose himself to danger. The Ether Status remains active until the life-or-death situation subsides or his opponent is defeated, but once disabled, it requires a 24-hour period to reactivate. NUMEN's Full Power imposes immense stress on the user, affecting them physically, mentally, and spiritually, as his body struggles to manage such a high level of energy all at once. This strain is intentionally mitigated by the Limiters, designed to prevent the user from accessing his full potential too easily. Consequently, NUMEN must exercise extreme caution during combat, as unleashing his power recklessly could result in unintentional harm to others or even to himself. He will lose his Nigh-Omiscience when returning to his Baseline, forgetting any knowledge he had acquired at that point
Standard Tactics: His power level is constantly restricted by The Limiter, a special mechanism of The Core that inhibits NUMEN from using his power to its full extent of strength. Instead, only a fraction of it is accessible, which he refers to as Baseline. This can change only when NUMEN starts to fight characters that exceed his Baseline, when facing a life-or-death situation that his Baseline's level of power cannot prevent, or by using his Ether Status. Because of these limitations, NUMEN ended up improving his fighting skills in general, learning how to fully utilize and control his powers at their full potential, and creating his own moveset of techniques/abilities specifically for use during combat. This was done in order to survive and triumph in the extremely competitive nature of the Local Multiverse and its players, unironically becoming a far more fearsome and deadly fighter
The Core, Techniques and Feats[]
The Core is a mysterious device of unknown origin, shrouded in the mists of time and existing within its own isolated plane of reality. This separation renders it utterly inaccessible through conventional means, making direct interaction an impossibility. Within its enigmatic structure lies an immense concentration of pure Ether, a primordial energy that has already reached a state of critical mass. By all known laws of physics and metaphysics, such a state should have triggered a cataclysmic implosion, birthing a new Big Bang. Yet, inexplicably, the Core remains stable, defying the fundamental principles of the universe.
This extraordinary artifact became the key to NUMEN’s ascension. In a fateful and enigmatic event, the Core merged with NUMEN, binding its unfathomable energies to his very being. Through this union, NUMEN was imbued with unparalleled control over the Absolute Forces—the primordial and universal constants that govern reality itself. This newfound power elevated him beyond mortal comprehension, making him a force of nature and an arbiter of existence itself.
The Core's true purpose and the reasons for its stability remain unknown, a puzzle that may never be solved. However, its impact on NUMEN has altered the fabric of reality, cementing the Core's legacy as a relic of unimaginable significance—and potential peril.
Absolute Forces are the fundamental phenomena and forces that shape the flow and essence of reality in all its metaphysical and supernatural aspects within the Local Multiverse. They embody the underlying principles governing existence and are intricately tied to the very fabric of the multiverse. These forces serve as the primary sources of superpowers and extraordinary abilities for characters, manifesting through various means such as unique physiology, sophisticated magical or power systems, and advanced technology.
To better understand their scope and influence, Absolute Forces are principally categorized into three distinct groups, each representing a fundamental aspect of their nature and interaction with reality:
Physical Forces: Forces encompass all phenomena of natural and scientific origin such as Physics, Chemistry, Fundamental Forces, Quantum Physics and General Relativity.
Mental Forces: Forces encompass all phenomena of psychical and cognitive origin such as Mind, Willpower, Emotions, Dreams and Imagination.
Spiritual Forces: Forces encompass all phenomena of mystical and mythical origin such as Soul, Life Force, Magic, Holy Power and Unholy Power.Dragon's Gasp - A blast of green-purple flames from NUMEN's mouth, capable of burning, melting, vaporizing, and even atomizing anything it touches. These flames can be fired in various forms, such as a single blast, beams of fire, or a single fireball. He can fire one or summon dozens of flames at the same time. These flames can also be altered to possess a concussive force, capable of pushing and physically destroying targets or exploding upon impact. He can shoot flames into the air to make them fall like artillery or unleash them on the ground to create waves that spread across the surface. Additionally, he can coat himself (usually his hands) with these flames to enhance his physical attacks.
Ray Burst - A miniaturized star that immediately collapses on itself under its gravity, generating a powerful gamma-ray burst that NUMEN can direct to a specific target. While lacking the destructive power of the Dragon's Gasp, it compensates by having greater damage output due to the energy being focused on a smaller area. It can be used at both close and long range (similar to a sniper rifle). Additionally, NUMEN can change the direction of the ray to either hit multiple targets or the same one, though with less damage than before.
Mind Screw - Described as the equivalent of a "mental flashbang," NUMEN unleashes a blast of psionic energy from his eyes. If it hits someone, it can momentarily alter and disrupt the brain in many ways, such as causing an inability to process information, think clearly, or form coherent thoughts. It can also interfere with the brain's interpretation of sensory input, making the target perceive sensations in bizarre ways—for example, smelling through their eyes, hearing through their mouth, or tasting by using their Ki Sense. The duration and severity of the effects depend on how much effort NUMEN puts into the attack, how long he sustains it, and how many targets he is affecting.
Gauss Strike - NUMEN generates a large amount of electromagnetic energy, which he infuses into objects, turning them into extremely fast projectiles via magnetic induction, similar to real-life Gauss guns. This ability can be applied to anything from mere pebbles to massive structures, granting them highly destructive capacities. It can also be applied to the user's body, allowing them to accelerate and execute powerful charge attacks.
Kugelblitz - NUMEN bends and stretches a small portion of space-time at a single point to create a singularity made of pure energy (instead of matter like typical black holes). He uses this singularity to eradicate everything within its range by absorbing it into the singularity, which then explodes via Hawking radiation, causing further destruction to the area.
Ether Status - NUMEN's ultimate trump card, which can be activated by metabolizing large quantity of raw Ether. This permit to instantly increase his power beyond what normally he its capable, regardless of the Limiter, allow him to potentially change the course of a losing battle. However due of the limited amount of Either he can utilize he can't use it constantly and need to use it with caution.
Wonderland - It creation a pocket reality where NUMEN had absolute control over it's environment and laws, where he can freely leave or enter as it please which can be used to trap opponents. The downside is that NUMEN need to constantly power to be maintain it, as otherwise it would disappear,
The Shredder - It separate part of his physical body and projected it in the Astral Plane, which allow him to directly interact with objects that exist in that plane of existence, such as spirits, souls and ghosts. This can be used to directly attack the target on a spiritual level, inflicting non-physical damage that it cannot recover in conventional ways.
Oblivion - A massive wave of a perfect vacuum that consumes and disintegrates everything it touches into its elemental form.
Mystic Disruption - Allow the user to bend and even twist the rules and laws of the native Magic within a certain AoE, making difficult if not impossible for any Magic users to perform their spells.- Quickly rise as a prominent and important figure in the Local Multiverse in less than a century (even before deciding to take the path of conquest), shaking the status quo of the Local Multiverse that has been intact for hundreds of thousands of years, forging a relatively small yet formidable multi-dimensional empire (its the equivalent of the Prussia), made by hundreds of universes and populated by many more civilizations/nations under his banner.
- Fought all kinds of dangerous and terrifing enemies in his career as a conqueror ranging from gods, demons, superpowered martial artists, super soldiers, cosmic beings, aliens, robots, ghosts, extra-dimensional entities, mythical creatures, psychics, magicians and etc.
- Founding the The Lĕgĭo, his own personal paramilitary force and turn it intro one of the most deadliest military forces in the Local Multiverse.
- Fought and defeat the dragon Avantador, one of the most ancient dragons in the Local Multiverse, taking the title of Drakon.
- Creator of the Know-Negator, a serum made by special bio-nanomachines capable to inhibits the victim's knowledge and skills that suprass the average human. It was created to deal with characters that rely on their intelligence, knowledge and skills. The only way to neutralize it is to take an apposite vaccine for eliminate the serum.