“ | I don't wanna hurt you, but if you keep getting in my way, you'll leave me no other choice. | „ |
~ Oliver's first encounter with Julia Lawson |
“ | I can see the fear in your eyes, you know you stand no chance, i'm the case you can't resolve, accept it and turn back or else | „ |
~ Oliver threatening Julia |
“ | heh, i geuss i was wrong about you afterall...congratulations junior detective, i accept defeat, no matter how bitter it may be... | „ |
~ Oliver being defeated by Julia |
The Mystery Teen later on revealed to be Oliver Worell son of Herman Worell, is a major and recuring antagonist within Julia Lawson: On the case!. He is a 15 years old adolescent who is pressured by his father to ruin Marble Hills Elementary's reputation by any means possible so that parents would instead move their children to his private school. He is heavily implied to be the source of every case Julia Lawson worked on either by providing the villain with an item like he did with Gladis and the Mind Control pills or simply manipulating them into doing his dirty work like he did with James Evans. Ultimately, Oliver would be bested once and for all by Julia in their final comfortation.
Personal Statistics[]
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Oliver is under constant pressure from his father to destroy the reputation of Marble Hills Elementary, in which Oliver gives items to the villan of the week such as Gladis who wanted to mind control kids into being nice to her) turns Chaotic Good (After being defeated by Julia, Oliver came to understand just how little his father cared about his safety and even valued his wealth over it. As such, Oliver stole a motorcycle in order to pursue his father alongside Julia as he attempted to run away.)
Name: Oliver Worell
Origin: Julia Lawson: On the case!
Age: 15 years old
Classification: Human
Weight: 65 kilograms
Height: 1.70 Meters
Eye Color: Pale green
Hair Color: Blond
Status: Alive
Powers and Stats[]
Tier: At least 9-C likely 9-B
Powers and Abilities:
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Vehicular Mastery (Capable of skillfully driving a motorcycle in a high speed chase against his father), Martial Arts (Has been trained in Taekwondo and is a red and black strip belt. Performed a judo throw on a police officer despite being handcuffed), Pressure Points (Knowledgeable of pressure points shown when he knocked out Julia and Cody by pressing their neck), Stealth Mastery (Can skillfully hide away from Julia and Cody along with being able to attack them without being seen. Sneaked his way into Marble Hills Elementary without triggering the security system or alerting the night guard.), Social Influencing (is highly manipulative, being capable of talking people into doing his dirty work for him. Most notably seen with James Evans), Hacking (Could hack into Julia's phone in order to send hurtful message to cody while impersonating her)
Smoke Manipulation (Has shown access to dusty bombs, which are smokes bombs made out of crushed up chalks), Enhanced Senses (His gas mask allows him to see in the dark), Sound Manipulation (His gas mask naturally distort his voice), Technology Manipulation (With a handcrafted EMP bomb, he is able of shutting of lights and temporarily disable phones)
alt)Attack Potency: At least Street level (Oliver stomped both Julia Lawson and Cody Adams while holding back in their first encounter. the former of which was capable of keeping up with Penelope Becker who can easily punch through a locker door, send a trash can flying with a kick and even snap a baseball bat in half alongside fighting on par with Gladis who could throw a knife hard enough to embed it into a concrete wall ) likely Wall level (Oliver can harm Cody Adams who can tank getting ram in by the powered scooter)
Durability: At least Street level likely Wall level
Striking Strength: At least Street Class likely Wall Class
Lifting Strength: Class 1 (Oliver could fairly easily overpower Julia who can wrestle with Penelope Becker who could easily snap a baseball bat in half)
Travel Speed: Average Human
Combat Speed: Subsonic (Oliver can keep up in combat with Julia Lawson who can ride her powered scooter which is equipped with a 900 cc motorcycle engine which can reach speeds of 220 mph)
Reaction Speed: Subsonic
Stamina: Above Average (Oliver is trained in martial arts and is consider far more athletic than Julia Lawson)
Range: Standard Melee, Tens of meters with handcrafted EMP bombs (Oliver's handcrafted EMP bombs can travel 20 meters)
Intelligence: Genius (Oliver has often outsmarted Julia Lawson with her bitterly admitting that he is smarter than her. altough he was ultimately defeated by her)
Standard Equipment[]
Dusty Bombs: Small white balls resembling smoke bombs created by Kiera, they are made out of crushed up chalks and are used like regular smoke bombs.
Gas Mask: A gas mask created by Kiera which hides Oliver's true identity. It allows him to see in the dark while also distorting his voice.
Handcrafted EMP bomb: A handcrafted EMP bomb created by kiera, while it is much weaker than it's real counterpart, it can still be used to shut off lights.
Standard Tactics: Oliver prefers to get things done as fast and quietly as possible, He'd sneak behind his opponent and press their neck in order to knock them out. If possible, he'll use his handcrafted EMP bomb to shut of the light in order to amplify his stealth
Weaknesses: Oliver would never go as far as to actually kill someone along with being unable to go all out on children
Battle Records[]
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matches: