FC/OC VS Battles Wiki

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FC/OC VS Battles Wiki
Together forever, forever... We will never be apart.
~ Monika to Girlfriend


Monika, alongside her friends Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri, are the opponent characters in the mod Forever - 17bucks Fan Song and face off against Girlfriend in the song Forever. The mod was created by AjtheFunky as a tribute to both DDLC and 17Bucks and is considered a One-Shot due having a singular song.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: 10-B physically, 9-A with Reality Warping, Higher

Name: Monika

Origin: Forever - 17bucks Fan Song

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, likely the same age as her canon counterpart

Classification: Human

Powers and Abilities:

Biological Manipulation, Reality Warping, Fire Manipulation (Can disintegrate several club members at once, can remove Natsuki's face and Yuri's eyebrows), Social Influencing (Made Yuri's eyes expand, possibly making her interested in Girlfriend the same way she became obsessive over MC in her origin game)

Attack Potency: Human level physically (Shows no combative feats during her song), Small Building Level with Reality Warping (Can disintegrate Sayori in a flash), Higher (Same as before but for both Yuri and Natsuki at once)

Speed: Athletic Human (Can preforms poses with ease), Subsonic (Able to keep up with Girlfriends singing)

Lifting Strength: Average Human (Can hold her Mic without any signs of stress)

Striking Strength: Human level physically, Small Building Level with Reality Warping, Higher

Durability: Human level, likely Higher (Is perfectly fine after Sayori, Yuri and Natsuki get disintegrated right next to her)

Stamina: Athletic (Can preform a song whilst erasing other characters)

Range: Standard Melee Range (Has arms and a Mic), Several Meters with Reality Warping

Standard Equipment: Mic, potentially Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri.

Intelligence: Average (Able to sing English with ease)

Weaknesses: She will erase other members despite within the context of the mod having no reason to, unbothered when her likely friends die.

Note: The other members disappearance within Forever should be counted as disintegration due to the bright flash that happens before all of them, likely being heat.


Notable Matchups[]



